
Canal Zone Notes ATODZANIE тоа FELT HATS.
hy with was one, We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
test are as follows: RED TANK Barrett, Burkett.
in to the voice American Bazaar of Old Chi of all the the Rallen на ме esiske Much credit for the THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 81, 1920 PAGE FIVE Star of the South Encamp Concert Rally at ment Council No. of and of Gatun LA BOCA Chlidren Sewing Class The Star of the South Encamp The Gatun Bruna nithe ment Council No. was formed Negro limprovement Ass eintion The children sewing class in connee in 1916 composing of the three and African an nanities bague tin with the Ladies Life Problem Club Lodges of the Order in Pinama, held a big Concert Rally on of Be was opened on Wednes.
One of them however dropped Sunday afternoon, Jan. loca, at day, 25th inst. For some weeks this and the elaks was not held, Vreation given to the other two continued uotil the Lodge Hall.
some little diferences separated There W13 record erwis children, svina expired work is gain in thern; which cept them apart for attendance and seating accomo to full swing, children are taken from as year and a half; but at the close dation could not be provided for 12 years old. They are tonight beginners of 1919, they were happily united all gathered as concrete evidence rewing, cutting, and fitting, knitting. ee, again. So that the Council now is of their interest in, ant sympa on Wednesd ys, at pm in a healthy condition with a large thy amount of membership, consist the world wide inove The Wesleyan Church Sunday School ink of Mt. Carmel, mi conseguent. The concert begin var of Beste busypating relations ise of Dutaron inagatne and the area of t1201 alguns set for an anniversary to of and of On Friday Among the visitors froin the representative take place on the 22nd of Eebruary.
dates from Mt. Carmel Lodge No Mr. and Mrs. Morales, me evening the 23rd inst, ten candi. Winds city were De Ridway, There will be a big baseball game at 37. were solemnly raised to the Arosemena, and Mr. Sar La Bors on Sunday, February 1, at 130 sublime degree of Sir and Lidy zaant; also Mr. Smith the wellpm. La Bocs will wert the Chicago Knights of the Order. The cere known musician, boys for the first time since the opening mony was performed by Bro.
of the Baseball League. Much rivalry Brisseli assisted by Bro.
Special features of the even exist between these two teams and Garrick, C: with ing were the speach of Dr. Rad Intge crowd is expected. The Silver City Bro. Addison, Sir Knight way and Recitations by dis.
band will le present. Come early and as Conductor and Sis. Garrick Morales, and her little daughter, Rseat. Game starts at 30 Evans, Lady Knights Conduc who gave a recitation in Spanish tress.
entitled Her earthly paradise.
The Officers installed were Dr. Rałws opened his speech RED TANK Bros Brissett, C; Geo. with Biblical quotation Lowe, C; 8. Lawson, K; Watendan, what of the night?
Silver Clubhouse Activities. a T; Nernon, Chap; Jos. and impressive speech marked The Red Tank billiard team jour.
Hayuen, Can Wm. Cure, Benrar by intense feeling and burning nerd over to the last Saturday evening McLean, Bubler, Hotl, Guard: eloquence which we take to be to try conclusion with the Champs of Joe James, Guard; Garrick, tho evidence of deep and abid.
that end, in a 200 points carrom con ing love for the cause he has The men representing the teams Associates.
elected to serve, he spoke of Sis. Watte, D; Taylor, of F; reward that has not been forththe Past Service of the Race, of GATUN Durant Eur. 1: Anderson, of coming and in the hopes of Harper, Fia, of T; E, which if History truly Seustlebury, of L; Roberts, Gunter, Salmon. chico)
Bro. Brissett received the Cy. Ethiopia shall stretch forth of Prophe Red Tank was defeated after a very interesting game by 49 points. Gatun Williams, Knight, Bailey and Princes shall come of her made the lead with Harper not missing and Garrick the It would not be a mis statement COLON que, until Barrett turned in a well PANAMA ceremonies being over all to say that in the minds of many played for 16, which brought the game repaired to the banquet hall and Kathered thore cain came a vision of man, mas, regretting, however, that his partook of the of the many vians that a natiou making great trek break came so early otherwise things were prepared for them. After like Israel out of the land which several toasts were given, jo might have turned the other way.
the 10, the Gatun Star, could not lied his first bewg that of the Presi Bondypt, out of the House dont of Panama by Bro. eliminering in the distance and The season light is iray out, is he was held down while, and cathe third in the team. Bar.
Buchner which drunken with honours. Bro. the rising sun with our loins was we are turning our faces towards rrt was the leading man on his tenen, Lindsay that of the Order girt for the march to the land of had be been more strengthened be would have worked havoc for the Gatun boys.
Bro. Brissett the Governor of Promise.
the Canal Zone Bro. Addison should be given to the Mr. Morales spoke on the which was vocifor. Back to Africa movement management of the Gatun Our Ploured, as also Mother ously and also ay in which the game was conducted the joy folks of the little diteh. Opening Ode From Greenlands ley RED CROSS NOTES. deal with the ethical and spiris Brown, who was loudly cheered spirits her listings in which we land, meaning Africa, by sis. a movement that expresses the The Red Tank boys boarded the 11. 50 Mountain.
tual. speakers on pro, train for home and was much deRemarks Monday night the 23rd of Jan this occasion did justice to them at the close. Bro. Hinson then live when nations and people lighted with the trip, thanking the Gatun are fighting for sell determ wory was observed to be one of the selves and to the audience. Mr followed with Etheopie when right to live their folks for the kind treatment given them, Recitation, Mrs. Laurie.
best meeting of the West Indian Reynolds in his usual masterly Boon Caprick the toast master own lives in their own style carried The Red Tank boys, though defeated, Anthem wound up his the Branch Canal Zone Chapter Am. along are willing to take on any of the Instrumental Solo. Miss Smellie. erican National Red Cross ever with him as he pointed out man The singing of the Doxology right to achieve their own aspi.
rations and ideals directed Vocal Solo lors corso hold since the opening oil orahad which defectan ahad the way in the earlinge vetem ne elightful and by their own Recitation, The Black Fatherland, Mrs. The Vice Pres. Mrs. Alice Hillier which these comight be remedied the reset nou o tine moeninge interesting function to a close at race conciousness oaly GAMBOA our and in the course of a tiery Handley, inade as to the future develope in connection with Misspeech. speech such as Voltaire or Rousseau would have of the society in soliciting Slons.
Mise lice Hay was entertained by Solo and Chorus, The Messorev. chais: enterprises to assist in made, a speech expressing the Central America District financing Mr Williams Mr Bicards fol.
agony, and reproach of a the work of the Red Cross. The lowed and kept the audience spell Me and Mrs Killingbeck at their sexophone Solos, rales.
Grand Lodge No. sufering for centuries from ophome on Wednesday the 20th prior to VicePresident gave a very illes bound by their helpful and prac pression and her leaving the Isthmus for the good Song. pray for my dreams to come talk on the much on its Mr Brown was worth while list 10. of and of for the days that are to be, when of the tical remarks. The flute solo by upon his fellowmento wroug he called old Miss Hay along with Cross dwelling prepare friends motored out to Gatbox frot Ila without saying thrat each and every essentiality in community ening to, one is really aston we shall get back to the Father the City arriving at 45 they one roseived an ovation from the crowd celerring to destituto cases ished to hear the sweet music Lodges of the above Order: land and taste of its palm and Hayed until 12 o clock.
and as time was short anchore which was handled daily by the Red Cross, that can come from a flute when There is a case pending in the Camal asked for; the enjoyable evening came and the required necessity to manipulated by such skilful The following apMuch praise is due to the Exe. fi lots of comment. The parties con day is over night is drawing nigh.
Bishor, gave very instructive came 30. minor followers of James Ben med menn to have justice even if it on Saturday night, Path instant, the mornarkos aing the principles of the everybody feeling that a proteget the expelled member of st: lag of this tine entertainment, takes them to the court of appeal in society evening.
emphasized the New Orleans. But why should ther La Boca Whist players, under the cap. visability of living up to the prin. Don forget the Consecration being partially different in nature of the recitations by Master Ed.
Jude Lodge Lodge No the and we compliment highly ali above Order, and their offences Special trentioa nuse be made who to the worry while the Hon. Judge Hanan is taincy of Woodroffe, jokrneyed over ciples of the Red Cross. He in Meeting to be held on Wedness was discovered by the ExecuMr. and Mrs. Argentin celebrated This club crossed cards with a picked them to took after one another in led as members.
on themselves as the Ghost while the evil seltishness was and advised some new triends will be enrol 23rd instant, has thereby declar Betonley: hBoth these Juniora theit oh wedding Anniversary Saturdny toata from the various whist clube around sickness night the 20th at their residente, bote this vicini y and certainly the learnt Harris gave a stirring address and in health, Mr. A.
ed each oftender suspended for are doing themselves credit and The was beautifully de time was by visiting He years stigmatizing the are also a credit to the Associa He said that although he corated team to go away taking the lacing constitution of the Grand Ladze.
Among the the and More Killingbeck e. Ward. Champions pre ved loch hard make himself exemplified with Dr. OGILVIE names of the Mr.
Among the local artists who who started to follow the said contributed pieces were, Mrs.
Air and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. a club for the Ghost s, they played 85 the Red Cross that his heart had IS NOW LOCATED AT closely followed in in every nook James Green, Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Mr. and games before midnight and Ward Bennett in his Mirs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Whil champs came out with 38 to their epon Corner, thereby obtaining his 157 Central Avenue, corner same station: Bros. Irving, Frant, and the Choir of the As.
rain and Headley, Miss Ruth Lambert, and eventually, will in time reach the Mrs. George, Mrs. Bryan, Mrs.
liams, ete. Dancing was indulged in ents 27.
sympathy, at the same time exK Street.
horting the members to take inafter which light refreshments were McLean, Edwards, Cain; sociation, which rendered Anserved: Sis. Campbell, Ellis, thens and songs. We congra An Installation of Officers for the en. terest in the society and work suing period of St. Bernards Lodge took for the good of the of themselves. Mr Buchanan, White, Perch, tulate this local, and hope that The Railroad track men bere al took place on Saturday night Jan. 14h HOURS: to 11. 30 a. a.
on Layne, Campbell it will live up to its motto One members of the W. when the following were Installed the remarks of the two speakers Inst. 30 to 30 The Executive Board at its sit God, one aim, one destiny.
Sundays: to 11 a.
had a fresh luon on hopes when it was Joshua Maloney, James Weeka, thankir. them for the instructive hearned that the white Railroad or han Gerald Falle. Be they should serve as a lesson for appointments can be arranged. de fluidely rand will are no time Dr. LOWE ting on said date found where the St. Jude Lodge and simultane. Roll tary; Ex. declared her suspended in Lodge No. 2741, and that their foreman Lioniel London, Chaplain; those who heard. She also apTelephone 875.
was its President.
Dudley Russel, Inner Guard; Solomon pealed to the members of the in return to membership nor swell Clarke, Tyler; Brother Courtney Walcott vestigation Coinmittee to take the number of those comprising L, Bdin.
GATUN Grand Master installed the Officers, more interest in the work look the Grand Lodge of North AmeDr. GONNELL Bro. Maloney; granding after the people and reporting rica and 139 CENTRAL AVENUE of the Grand Lodge No.
their cases, reinarking that it 17 shall have been complied with.
PANAMA CITY Sunday evening Jan. 25th will go SURGEON DENTIST Members of that Lodge who office Hhurs: 300 ml down in history as another Red for erle Robinson, Employee of the needs sacrifice 10 accomplish good thing.
have been loyal to the Order are day for Gatunites wheat Caribe Division Gatun received the privileged to make application to p. 6 ranch of the and Id and most painful news on askerday and be found at 175 any other Lodge under the juriseu tertained a a large number of visioengat list, from Anoon Hospital that Missionary Meeting diction of the Grand Lodge for at the spacious lodge Fall in this town bia brother Jorimiah Robinson, had Central Avenue affliation. Box 798 Office 844 well got up program by Messrs breathed his last after being admitted Phone: PRINCE HARVEY. Anoon, The Missionary Meeting of the Opposite Station Residence 1002 Smellie and Grant was well only a few days after his shor short illness rendered and much credit is due to Mr. and death cam and taken to his his Panama Baptist Christian. EnJOS HOWARD CLARKE, Neverson for the able way in in many friends and Brother of the deavour Society came off on Wed Grand Secty.
which each item on the of the Isthmus Lodge; knowing nesday evening announced.
to be very strong and healiby, his thereto must have found a veritNOTICE handled.
Among those who gave imprengive remains was followed by FOR SALE addresses were Dr. Radway and itt, ber of friends and acquaintances and able Mecca from the turmoil Borne by enterand brother into the end bustle of the nathe there shed The Office of the Brotherhood Wanted to know the preE. Moralee both of Colon.
Motal mobile odebis made of Mr. Sadecer to leave a brother, to mours were aspiraty refyron edo note floor of Building located alone Cornish Corgan in vernice good Carter (more popularly known is now on second Must be sold at once one sent address of Charles his los It very gratifying to Smith, Mr. Aronemens and Min.
the interest which the young corner of 19 street and Central condition. Call at 18, as Evan Carter) a Barbadino, Smellie who assisted the musical part of folks are taking in this organise Arenne.
the program which was very lengthy ADVERTISE tion, and its bids fair to become Hours: p. m, to P.
28th Novembet Streal Sarage 29 years. Very important the premier ene for she educating Miguel. upstairs) or write Edward More) BENLIN dong the many item dardid and IN THE WORKMAN of our young men women in 10. R. Box 1082. An Bocas del Toro de following IT PAYS pnblic speaking an toples which Boneral Becretary Con Rep of Penang From the Chairman, Choir tems at home or abroad.
race the work true. Ming L, Miekle.
the and wine.
names is e ORT. for as Following are to 30 Boyoo assisted came as program whim Pride large num


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