
servants Dast paid MULLER Trinidad The Chemical Hall intention to St. Vincent tions.
a the firm Grenada PAGE SIX TO WORKVAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY, 31, 1920 Interesting News From the Dover, Xt Church. This mean thrt at an early date there should DR. GLARENGE JEDWARDS (Continued from page be competition in the telegrapb Returns To His old Stand line in Barbados years ago one of those gentlein wrote to an elective member of To Check Profitering Pe General Poble and friends the Court on the question of his of Dr. Nwards are asked to take salary. As Governor, he was the 17th instant and passed The Legislativo Cweit wet on antica that he he. lemoved from supposed to know the emolu through all its stages the Bill No. 111 Bolivar Street, to His Old ments Government servants got, from the other Chamber constiTHE HOME OF Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street Opposite the Masonic Temple with regard to the clergy. Spaie encuiring pead the probleering he was in that position Special Cominission ud is prepared to treat eti disa of those gentlemen receivederilin Barbados The resolutions as, especially those of Walker emoluments in excess of what passed by the House were coneur.
and children, as he has ape cialized in these subjets during was provided by the Goveromoreted in and the Council adjoarned.
be seen that his recent stay in New York.
of England Clergy from the returns submitted received amounts Another Burning Shlp.
training of reereits, the remaiuin addition to the salaries Carlisle Bay seems to be fust High and Low Cut vided for them. If they were becoming notorious for the pro ing 20 German prisoners of war having been transferred to the Government could receive emoluments without the sanction unknown for the previous forts in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet opper Camp. The soldiers in question are expected momently of the Governor years until within the past two from the and the Pocket of All. 10 feet ve understand that the new Star Onicer, Major Walde returns, one of them got 100 or three months. For the and the other 450. It was right seven days great efforts were for their congregations to give Co. the local agents, to extinright being made by Messrs Laurie formed at the War Ochce) ex (from what he was in: theid. For instance, the Rev. peeled weet them here on his guish a fre in hold of the Haydoek Wilson was 1, 920 Hydrapes while the Water Arrival week or so ago. The per the sent provided 1, 440, the Rev. ing all assistance they can.
Gazelle is unable to learn the name of the Regiment supplying Jemmott received 1, 680 the inen, er where they are CONIwhile the Government Sole Agent provided ng from The Shipping Trade opulation of the colony was more Messrs Da Costa Co. in an 37 CENTRAL AVENUE prosperous and that more money nouncing their decision to close PANAMA Trinidad Barbados Cricket was being spent, the congregra down their Grocery Department Match.
Lions vugtit to be able to increase at the end of the year, gave as their contributions to give addi their reason for so doing their There was a meeting of the tional payments intention to enter the shipping Barbados Cricket Cominittee held Tue wotion was lost on a ma trade on a larger scale than they a on the 22nd instant when it was jority vote.
had formerly done. That in.
decided to write Mr. Altale ut tention is still being carried Trinidad expressing the willing out, as a proof of their further ness of the Barbados Commit. es make that depart to receive the team uext month or de in. New Sailors Home.
It been in February 118 possible, they have secured 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA cared to take in another acheter the services of Mr.
ground at Kensington and to enof Messrs. Hauscheli It is gratifying to note that the The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment close the whole with a wall, woris The Colony Plight whose vast experience in that appeal by Major Bennett (Salva and Prompt Attention.
upon which is to begin at once. line is a guarantee of the best tion Army) for funds to assist in The appeal for public subscrip service.
the building of a new Sailors although far from reaching Critica! Situation Over Home is still receiving a fair Give us an early cail and inspect our stock of the figure aimed at is is showing suSugar and Oil. The New year as usual brought measure of support. Up to date tisfactory Brogress, and iwo live us changes; business, as well as subscribers being Friend L2, 000 have been donated, latest Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi members of the Committee have other changes. Messrs DaCosta The St. Vincent Sentry of the sportingly guaranteed the funds cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
Cos grocory concern passed 50:00, Mrs. Rapsey 25, the for carrying on the work at Kun 2nd instant says: The situation out with the Old Year, and in its Trinidad Import and Export Co.
sington till subscriptions prowith respect to sugar has be place will blossom and bloom a 10. 00, Dr.
mised have come to hand. At the Secombe 85. 00 Mr. It would pear ship chandler business which Harding 00 the West We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction same meeting the Hon.
that stocks bave fallen in an although always amongst the India Oil Co. 35. 00, Mrs.
Wright resigned the Chairinais activities occupied. less Stollmeyer 5, 00, Mr. John de significant quantity and the Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon hip and Mr. G Austio was holders of centrifugels are important place in the public Wilson 5, 00 and Mr. Charles elected to till the vacancy.
exacting the unprecedented re imagination. The increased busi. Nettinho 00. To carry out the BROWN McALMON tail price of ten pence per ib. ness of the port pointed the way scheme as planned, another 500 Proprietors.
whilst there is no common mus to the change which has taken is required. Who will come for Cuvido to be had. We under place.
ward and further assist stand that the only producer There will also be many busiwho is in the position at present ness developments, as far as we yesterday, as busy as could postal The Immigration Staff was to place some muscovado on the vad oma or two learn. There will be a new Foun: sible be, pussing the hundreds (From the West Indies)
Cario Country where there is Barnard, Proprietor of the dry in St. Michael Row, a kind who came to be given their reWe of godson of Plantations Ltd. patriation cards. Along with Several persons have tiendered fairly large area of cane rendy Ltd. be Co. making a will and testament, the will us their congratulations on our either for entok. Whilst we admit branch depot or enlargening for ensopeninheir following information: Father immigrants had to supply the iggestion about the covered that no ction present establishment; Messrs.
Market in St. George All of age; height; No.
them agree that it is a splendid should force an individual intol Blackwood Co will be deduliam ad year of arrival; estate; Varken of and philanthropy, we also ing their business. Mr.
idea and its adoption, no matter beleive thaji Mr. Barvard Obarrio Building, it was first advocated publicly by anproached be monia assist the from England about Sunday with Zied (or district) Pergunnah in Treasury in. McLarren being exp No. Calidonia Road expected here rupees and annas; gold coins deal to Grenada. It is even sucthe press, would mean a great community out of the present an engineer of soine ability, LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR dea situation inanufacturing ing and the British Union Oil Com station) and village. Up to (or country. Thannah (or police gested that the strong boiling relieve the situation pending reparand fitting shop somewhere deposit was just over 1, 000, but some will be opening. highest now uned for the Goveroment: WATCH REPAIRING sary and the Garage might be the coun mencement of the next modernised and when it might be possibie in St. Thomas parish.
there not a of WE KNOW HOW TRÉAL WILL CONVINCE Market Scheme as the Dire to supplement the colony out Some idea of the immense mait and we the other depositors teiet Board Office. Perhaps this latter ideu might present some put foon neighbouring Islands, which was handled by the Postal showed large sums, it is expected questhe Wedding and Engageinent Rings a Specialty.
diftieulty as the conversion of the tion of shortage, we might reler be guined from the fact that there ing away very large sum of premises into the District Brand Office would mein the provision also to the fact there is no edible were more than 27, 000 parcels money from Trinidad. CAMPBELL of a place in which to put the oll in the colony to day. We handled in 1919. Of course ordiunderstand that the Government nary letters were in the million, Hon. Goodman Watchmaker and Jeweller Dispensary and its store room.
Cotton Ginn ry is in the bes. and the registering and money Promotion.
Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door Session of a small quantity of order departments also did their The West Indian Sugate the Crude oil which if refined, can bit.
in the market in a few this colony spend the sum of 500 West Indians generally will or 600 pounds for the pure dàys. Is it not possible for The following gentlemen have learn with much pleasure of the some arrangement to be made been selected to practice for the promotion of the Hon Aubrey of getting the services of an exbetween both Factories, so that pert who can advise us on the forthcoming Tournament vs. Goodman, Attorney General of best methods to be adopted in the Electric Light Company Trinidad, by the Barbados Selec. the Strait Settlement to Chief could take over a portion of the tion Committee:Justiceship of the Federated imposing new taxes in ny. may crude oil and retine it to meet Malay States. Mr. Goodman will the Challenor urgent demand, pending Tarilton be remembered in Trinidad as Piistrim This man who will be able to ir enough to pay for at arrangement as the Moe the eldest of a brotherhood of vestigate matters thoroughly and Mason tenders invited are to be re. C. Hutson Kidney brilliant cricketers, who first ceived up to the 15th, January? M, Mayers set up the machinery for the saw the light of day in the ever Graves Gilkes proper imposition of Income and 0 Emptegek. Com British colony of Barbados, but other Taxes needed here. G. Austin Pilgrim whose prowess at the grand ca and Repair parts Roberts A. Clairmonte Sportsmen throughout the West game, bas endeared them to Suffering for Medical AtH. Ince Gilkes Indies and beyond, Browne tendance.
NOW IN STOCK Griffith Skinner European Troops. Hoad F Browne Preparations for ImReasonable Prices.
We bear it about that the mople LO, Wood P, in St. George e are su Tering from The Jamaica Gleaner which LT. Yearwood Abrams perial Troops.
want of a sufficiency of Medical is binally correctly informed on attendance. As a result, many military matters, gives it out that Arrangements have been made persons are dying who with a lit European troops are again to be for practice wickets at the Bay ManyChanges at St. James the timely help would have bun quartered in the West Indies and every afternoon, from 2nd Janusaved. The doctors are now rethat the headquarters for the ary next and the first practice CONSTABULARY DEPOT TO BE Cor. Strear and Ancon Ave.
commended for an increase in troepe will be al iarbados. Ourcot. match, at which every one is par.
TRANSFERRED TO FEMALE their allowances, but before su em goes further and states that ticularly asked to play, isarrang PONE 85 BOX 916, ANCON, a grant is the Civil PRISON.
the 2nd Suffolk Regiment wax ed to take place at the Bay on geon should initiaba en equiry already on is way, and that 430 Saturday, JA 30. Any of the The Port of Spain Gazette of re.
3rd, com into the medical officer of the Regiment would be station members who cannot play should cont date announces that Chree Colonel mencing sufficiency thr gironia partichiar vite ta of Sto George We have been he lighted to welcome back European soon as possible, sur wood as hundred and bifty regulars of His Lessons Givon Majesty Ariny are momently NOTICE.
mo a good many complaints of et trobutino Barracks in the expected and will be quartered Gayrisul are still occupied by American Japanese Circus at St. James Barracks. Room on the Clarinet, the leading but of civilian tenants, and we see nothi: a Band or doctor Want to know the present ad appears that the men are more when Wanted for a casa AN American Japanese circus has been made for the officer Band Instrument.
ing which would suggest to us that such a movement was really in is in Barbados. There are 25 mem commanding, the Commandant Orchestra furnished for all dress or whereabouts of James than busy and in the circumstarre kinds of engagements.
contemplation bers of the circus, and they are of the local forces having had to Spooner a Barbadian, and St. George is suffering gravely.
presenting eight ferocious give up a portion of his quarters Gregory, Jamaican, both shoe. This is no small mitter and br. NEILSON makers by trade.
New Telegraph Station, leopards under the charm of for the purpose. The Female Paterson should feel that he owes beautiful woman tamer. Two Prison which during the war was Clarinetist Republican Band. FISHER, a sacred daty to St. George Tenders are being invited for horses and a mule are among the employed for the internment of Phone 1958 Prov. Chirique, David, o, provide its people with all the the erection of a building for the actors. The acrobats and clowns German prisoners to be used as Ancon the Consi Dapot for the 17 St. West, House 37, Panama of medical aid required.
Western Telegraph Company at are said to be very good.
IN market Messrs. Simpson The Calidonia Jewelry Store name; of ship by yen Dispensary and the included in shte.
crop be placed in. will be able to manat mones BICYCLE TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, Barbados Challenor WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
neglect by nemaliny. ind It


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