
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 PAGE SEVEN Men and Boys Wanted JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and many, Miss Sunday was Day of Rejoicing at New Providence the deceasta and plantairs, and over It appears to that first the of foodstuffs reflected in past Result of Elocution Contest to prepare themselvas to fill important positions in hº BLACK STAR LINE, Ine, and other Negro enterprises in which e lucation and Thursday Night, Jan. 15th ability are essential SHOES ROBERT LINDSY, One of the most entrabayan nok of West Itin soil roinn was Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz Thursday, 13th insl. he day by the for Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1044, Aneon, Olympie Athletic Club, for the Elveution a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for Contest to pronounce the Best ocutionist on the Isthmus of Panama, which noiterste consideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of taking an Young Men, Boys and Girls Elementary or High School Course.
affair had it rounds of advertising Subjects taught. Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical All roads seemed to lead to the Club MODERATE PRICES House Geometry. Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and Thursday night for the purpose of ing the curiosity of sme, crafiaCusiness torms, letters, ele. other subjects taught as demand ing the confidence of others and convinemay arise.
Come and have a look at the assortment.
ink the doubts of and that judging Hours. 00 to 10. 00p. Call or write. froni every technical angle, Mr. So and Sois really the best elocutionist on the Isthmus. TIT. 111. BEREITETER. DO TE Long before the appointed bour, the EDUARDO VALENCIA Club House was the centre of attraction, NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET And soon the ball was filled with an Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole apreciative audience. The drawing for position was then updertaken by ballott resulting in Me Parker, 1st; Mrs. Gibson, 2nd; Mt Ferreira, kd. Walker, 4; Mr. Meka zie, 5th; Mr. 13. Rodon, 6th; Mt. Cyrik tive vegetables in every hond, which GREAT VALUE Morand 71: Reid, 8th, Mr.
made one think of a barn full of proluce Gnski, Jib; and Miss Lilian Taitt. It was indeed pleasant to see the lovely AT LITTLE COST 101h.
The Atlantic Orchestra opened witlu bundles of rice, henpe of some beautiful selections, after which vucca, and other produce lying around Is there anyone who would knowingly Miss Lillian Taitt, accompanied by Miss The service at 11 am was prysidledd refuse to receive the best value for his Hamlet, rendered in fine style Secretary of Public Works and Other 0fthe Rev. Gammen, better knowney spent?
Spring Song on the violin. Mr.
Those who substitute ficiais Among the visitors to the as the grand old man. while the after. DeWitt Pills with other remedies are Arthurs also played a beautiful solo on West Indian Colony the saxophone, accompanied by Mr, noon service was led by Professor Rey not only rejecting the best value for nolds, who made a werful appeal to his their money but are actually plotting Lawson, after which Miss Myrie sung, hearers. The pastor, Rev in a very sympathetic manner, With you in Eter Eternity accompanied by Mr.
Do you feel tired, worn out and de Sunday, January 25th, will go down bourne took the evening service which against their own health.
ich history of tho West Indian Cols began at 30 and was eloquent pressed? Do you suffer fron nervous Lawson bv New Providence as one of the in his discourse on the Harvest Thanks. disorders, dizziness, headache, The President of the Olympie Athleto Club, and chairman for the evening.
sideache, and all kinds of pains, greatest days its inhabitants have ver giving.
That New Providene is thriving aches won. It was day of and made a very appropriate and appreciative discomforts in in various do te sense, sad all who had the plens steadily needs not te toli ngrin. Just a forms other parts of the body, such as opening address, after which the contest and good fortune to be present and few years ago, Rev. Taorbourne and groins, bladder, etc. Have you irritawas proceeded with, at o clock.
to be the undoubted fact inke part in the proceedings, felt that bind of pioneers landed on the shores of tion of the bladder, burning santey had been amply repaid for the of the Gatun Lake to choose site for the sation, weak and lame back The Corset of the Century.
impressionsere the most effectul forts they had made to attend.
founding of a colony. Despite the ob irregularity of urine, with bad and lasting, and even though the first SOLD AT PANAMA BY The day wis the neension of the offi. stacles that stood in their way, the set color, sediments, etc. place in an elocution contest is shunned ciul visit of th Chief Executive of the grasp the importance to which it has at the trail to Kidney and Bladder troutlment has grywn elily, sud one will Any of these symptoms are generally La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, by many, Mr. Baker had the fortune in.
Irmable to the thriving and progressive grasp Central Avenue.
taking it as his choice and was eattet little colony on the eastern shores of the time, when it is told that an average of bles SOLD AT COLON BY upon by the chairman to render Spartaeus before the Gladiators.
DEWITT PILLS, the UNIVERThis ger Gatu Like; as also the occa ion of the over nine railway curloads of Harvit festival serving in connection are shipped from this planach week. SAL PROOF CURE, will nt fail Lam Hing Co. Wang Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long tlenian whole soul seemed to have been The development of of the West Indian CoCo. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
Wil the New Providence Baptist Church, heed in his piece, and as a matter of of in the Rv. II. Thorburne is tony of New Providence las also been. cure you start in today. Just think of the reward Health, fact, a very warm pace was set for all to LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents in the present prosperity of the Strength, Happiness and Long follow with his conduet, interpretati The train from Piname to Colon Panama Raifrond station of Maute Lirio, Liene soch wareness an HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE and inflection, and was well done. The tar sold in two sizes at Hell first class drus sit a large number of visitors to the which from a practically descried way.
134 140 Bolivar Street next was Mrs. Gibson with Cavalier 62 Central Ave.
March to London and though the piece Mnte Linio station and there were also side station, has grown to become or stores Bwire finition Colon, R, Panama, was an intricate one. yet Mrs. Gibson wly oumber of friends from several the most important of the stations on the desiers se handing out. EC WITT Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, of the setions along the Canal Zone line of the railroad. Monte Lirio is the Co. Lul, London, Bottle with seemed to have possessed the ability of he boa e criting our passengers at the shipping point for New Providence, love siue seai. City Pharmacy printed on Rhone 895, pornying the dual part.
Next came Mr. A Ferreira. At the Baion had a regular harvest of their inhabitants bringing out wrappers There are a few se own, and it was a sight to see the launch cayucos Announcement of his name, the whole THE CITY PHARMACY; 130 Cen.
hall came down with applause as his con es nd cayucas plying to and from, with launches; but the lack of adequate tral Avenue, Mahamu.
fident head was seen making his way up ther precious burden of live freight, bo sportation is keenly foit.
The settlers Exclusive Agents on the Republic and the aisle to to render as he had never done tween Monte Lirio and New Providence, have formed a corporation, and are build. Cobal Zone which for the time was the Meces of the ing a boat, which will soon be ready for before Regulus before the Roman. Se Visitors launching still there nate. Not a sound was heard, not bats ef this type, as well as for for Infants whispering volce, as the gentleman bowed Arriving at the landing place at the boala er his head, and in his exit, from the platcolony, it was at once apparent that the ones, as the people of the settlement are settlers there were preparing for a grand somewhat handicapped for lack of adeThe design of this Feeder prevents sour food, could be seen trouble in the and consequently Tailor and Outfitter distant for collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly all event, and had used every menus at their quate transportation, and to follow. judging techni disposal to show their pride in tbeir coline as they could. Great as bas been have not done as much in the planting cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
cally. The house roared with long apon bis lony as well as to give their honoured The Real Hygienic Feeder was Miss Walker with There were the progress which is evidenced in the Dealer in School Books, royal welcome ross the main street of the lit life of the colony, it has not reached the and Stationery. The Charge of the Light Brigade This.
COmplete 90c. silver tle township, one of them bearing the limits of its possibilities and it is felt young lady seemed to have been in war, to have depicted in such a vivid manner inscription, Viva el Presidente de la Re sure that the inhabitants would gadly 600 determined English suidiers under pública. another with the design De welcome the advent of quicker and better No. 11 Street, Panama Internacional the leadership of a general who knew not chains from Central Ave.
al Presidente, transportation facilities.
and several others, fear nor death, and her all The soil in this district is highly suited intended to show et grand interpretation FOUNDED IN 1881 of the piece was very ereditable. Mr.
tliei appreciation of the visitors, and to for the growing of sugar cnne which will Address: Clan McKenzie then appeared with express their loyalty and goodwill.
be a wise step in this direction for the Bcx 895, Ancon, c, The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
future prosperity of this fertile spot, when The face upon the floor. Mr. McKenzie The President was unable to attend MANUEL ESPINOSA gave the very actual interpretation of an in person, but was represented by the some sort of sugar manufacturing plant Secretary of Public Works, Dou Manuel.
put into operation in the colony, it Central Avenue, 33 old drunken sot who sought the bar Quintero As His Excelleney repre Hosting a corporation or by some of the could either be done by the settlers ALLMAN Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama. and was at times very amusing. Hie actions and stage conduct was a te sentative, Don Manuel, was greatly im.
pressed with the progress of the district, large lundholdere nearby, taking up the LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Darkable, and he commanded the attenand with the vast possibilities which he project and buy the cone fro the Between 10th and 11th Sts.
tion of his audience from the start to ERRENTERIAIS DERES finish, and his conclusion brought him saw in store for it; and told to the inha small farmers at so much per ton.
bitants that His Excelleney was indeed should place the colony of New Prov The establishment of such a project Bottle Alley. Colon, well earned applause. Mr. Rodon sorry that he could not make it practicwas then announced in The Burial able to be present with them, on this ocidence on records one of the londMENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER This good old veteran of the elocutionary platform walked up casion; but had expressed the hope that ins arricultural districts of the country vast possibilities down there, LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY the aisle with implicit confidence mid on some future occasion he ed the privilege of in their midst, and many of our people now ekeing out Latest English and American Fashions.
No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama. the throng of applause, and there could be seen in his eyes that amount of confiand taking part in their rejoicings. This menyre and miserable existenor in the dence that told him. Fear not. The on the settlers terminal cities of the Isthmus, might do quite The Shop of Personal Service an impression and their friends, and the message this fertile valley, where there is room well to turn their eyes to the region of Also Cleaning Pressing house was with him and his applause was received with ebeers.
Your Patronage Solicited lasted until his final entrance upon the platform. His of The Buriat of the perfetary in his capacity as head for thousands more; and which in reality depiction Prices Moderate Mareh of Dundee Public Works of is a veritable Among the many items of interest in country also promised the settlers of the To develop a personal Mode for commandingly beautiful voice in his excellent style, recited this would do all in his power to aid in the avenues, which bear respectively, the growing and prosperous colony, that be the story of this remarkable strip of fer MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY he tile is the making cut of three piece. At the conclusion, through the din future developement of their settlement; nxence of the men who have been fore.
of applause, he made his oxit.
and use his best efforts and influence to most in the founding, marturipead dev.
When Greek meets Greek it a wrestle NEED our establishment.
see that the road which had been begun for strength, but when Medalist meets ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, it a battle for discretion. As me time so would be carried to a sue elepinent of New Prosie Mr. Cyril Morand was announced, ko fal issue, so that the dwellers is at Porno Avenue, Talotáma fruitful came up the aisle, with a sailing couutespot of the Republic would be Thorbourne Avenu able to make conneetions with thp city nance and approving anner this old of of Colon at the Atlantie end tbe WANTED veteran and actor neath the deafening Notice We Always have in Hand a Comovation of so any who had chorea him Isthmus. He also spoke of the necesity Dr. JOHNSON the winner for the night, and from the for brying this rond connected with the plete line at Reliable Low Prices The public to know that SURGEON DENTIST military roads, and the road leading to first class very start of the piece, his whole self Organizer Carter to state neemed to have transformed the Santa Rita Mountain. This was good Phone 1003 Address news for the settlers, and the utterance Give Us a Call Before Going ElseAncon, 852 of the Secretary were again received with Brotherhood have arrived and give up hie lile for the vistory of his where. You are sure to be on Time PRESSING can be had at his office in 20th cry. When he concluded his piece, the Jond and hearty cloero.
If Your WATCH was Repaired by US is carefully and expeditiously there is only limited supply a on. Name Mr. Raid with Street Central Avende. As hou npain woot up with a grand ovu The Haryan Festival services at the at the Now Providence Baptist Church, of whicle Panama Hats Romomber We Make Wod.
present, please secure yours st Comapirnay. Mr. Rad. co the Rev. Thorboume is the peator, will attended. There was the CLEANED and BLOCKED were wollte en caely date at the regular basahin ang laro, se doo prios sala vine meh of which the crowd that and TRIMMED to Order Jewelry to Order admtale sould not be 107 A, CINTRAL AVENUE med te the little lor, ALSO FULLE ka logu Car. 16 SA West Pune ADVERTISE roma Vall phone 2100 olan handi away. The late WILLINERY BRESSMAKINI 122 CENTRAL AVENUE DEN and WILSON IN MURE WORKIA Corner and stro. Paname. RT demode with and a en de wereld HOUSE NO. 6, La Bone populos IT PAYO a passengers a Eclipse Feeding Bottle is room for other for larger Wm. Lawrence formi there CO plause next was Ruets a Central Drug Store Escuela bar room The Woman Exchange March of Dundee. This may be grant. There are il being made DRESSMAKERS and with big doen pas simply rand, territory each Patron is the special function of Medalist A WATCH Watches and Jewelry DYEING, CLEANING AND chore the old labou best of the most good ide veteran abonated to de ding Rings and other Anglo American Tailoringi os alled am


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