p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1920 BROTHERHOOD NEWS Happenings of the Various Locals The Purple Mask Ode.
GAS STOVES 00 and up wn We?
اله Convenience meetings and we also hell our Bock; sharp President sounded Very never WO EASY TIME PAYMENTS without both. We our come to the me we are waak. So tatber YOUR SERVICE Cricket PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL The Gittens League PANAMA COLON The Committee will meet at Dr. Gittea office, Central Avenue, on Salute TO NIGHT, SATURDAY 31st CONTINUING THE COMING WEEK Liberty Lodge No. 2512. Victory Lodge 2509.
daw night, Feb 7th, to arrange for presenting the eup to the winner. Each The Secret Peril The great Universal serial The new Lodge Hall of the elab reuested to send a represent AND RED TANK, CANAL ZONE. Vietory Lodge, Paraiso Canal ative to the meeting.
Zone; wiil be dedicated on Sun.
Clean Street day February 1st at p.
The Spalding League meeting of the above named regular dedicatory service SUNDAY, FEB. 1st lodge was called to order by will be performed, including meeting of the Spalding Cricket President Clarke at 45 on Sacred Song, Solos and ad Committee will be held immediately after Carlyle Blackwood and Evelyn. FEATURING. Monday, January 28th. 1920. dresses.
the Gitten Cricket Committee adCreely in After the singing the opening All members and friends are jourus. Each club desirous of compet Grace Cunard and Francis Ford the Lord blessings were cordially invited to attend this ing for the Spalding Cup is requested Hook or Crook Nincolod hr Charlain Gmelay. service. There will be silver to forward to Box No. 209, Colon, The minutes of the last meet collection.
list of its members not Inter that 15. Episodes. 15 STARTING MONDAY, By Request ing were read and passed by the Members are hereby reminded Wednesday, February 4th, and to send a house. number of correspond. that the sick and borial fund will representative to the meeting at which The Midnight Man the veteran Sam Merritt will preside.
was then read by Secre be in full operation from January and continuing Two Episodes Each tary Taylor, and after each one ist subscription cards will le SOUTE, Three Episodes per Night night until finished was clearly explained by the ready at our next regular meet.
President, was disposed of as inx, which will be held in the Secretary Treasurer.
esco seemed best by the house.
President Clarke then rose and ruary 2nd. Members who ha new Lodge Hall on Monday Fel.
All members of the Grenada Cricket in his usual impressive manner, not made an amiable and encourag corne across with their dues to yet paid are kindly asked to Club are requerted to attend a meeting on Tuesday night, February 3rd, at the ing address that kept all eyes the fund, so as to insure the residence of Mr. Ivan Grace, No. 50.
strained on him during the 30 benefit you should have in case North Avenue. Business of great ito miputes which he spoke. He be of sickness or death.
portance will be discussed, so members sought each brother to stick Members who are in arrears are asked to be punctual in attendance to in and allow no simplicity to aru also remiated that after six stand between him and his ledge. months their Dames will be may lead him out of the dropped from the books and will Mr. Holder XI Defeats Mr.
right path.
be considered non members.
Cain X1 in Match Played Seeretary Taylor also made a Therefore in order to rwap the on Behalf of Carnival rousing address, and among his reward which will surely come words were, to you through the Brotherhood, endare if not to the end, at least Walker and De Sousa play Fail, there is no web word asf for a while.
brilliantly. Look nobly on the goal is near. Thomas and Burton bowl There were also other speakers magnificently.
Aurora Lodge No. 25 whose encouraging remarks acid ed to make the meeting a suclast Sunlay, at the Isthmian Park, cess. Our local at present is There wis regular meetins the Kate that was announced to le certainly bright, but we need the of the Aurora Ludge No. 2302 01 played between two teams capteiner! by co operation of all our members. Monday 26. inst. precisely at Holder and Cain two of the foremost you at Backly your raptains in Pumuma came off before the gavel, calling farly lorge gathering of lovers of the To Meet Your quarterly dues in time. We are the meeting to orde to order and all prekood. zinoAlany wagers were made not fond of the ola sent enjoyed a Better late than noveda please evening on this match, as there is always keen Our next meting will be held SOLD ON want and rivalry whrterer these two captains the second Monday night in Feb.
meet. Holder won the toss and sent as nothing your dues now good can be done ruary, and as there will be most Thomas and Barton to meet the attack We want to be tars of great importance, all of Julian and Barnett. With only one strong enough run un, Cain took Burton off John, and we will not be for the fight. Or ancial members are eagerly be able to bath to battle for quested to attend.
Wine and indeer HD good was the bowling and Green Gelding of Caio side that when the to the meetings, bring your Journal Agent sixth wicket went down, only thirty runs Panama Gas Co. AT Colon Gas Co. dues, don get discouraged don were on the tins. Betting was now worry over spilled milk, but try high as it looked like a walk over to prevent more from spilling.
y Cai Cain side. De Sousa wus now sent CATHEDRAL PLAZA 93 BOLIVAR ST.
Come with us. We need you the 23rd, inst. The Anen out to stop the rot. This man is a good We are working for your benefit Lodge 2515 held its third regular bowler and a fair bat, but of late he has meeting.
not been sooring. Holder, his skipper, Tel. 798 dark and gloomy, we are endeav. The meeting opened as usual, In Tel. 364.
on sending him to the bat, said, Now, ouring to clear the fog away, and the line of business we had quite if you do at wake runs today, am Now.
bring brighter days for our a few, but owing to the scanty going to put you to keep wickets.
selves and our dear ones.
Cone attendance the most it is known that there is across with your does end enjoy could not ba lealt wich further important un dre. ds as much as keeping wickets, of We and others are working hard hence members who are inancial to say that in few weeks having been injured there already. Whe. RESULT OF ELOCUTION ther of no this influenced bit do his for your benetit, but if you will will be entitled to sick benefits of luvellest, it is a fuet that never never before always keep on the background, which we hope that. Continued from Page 7)
Pas De Sousa played such a perfect inevery 01)
you can never know the progress will make thaneelves the satne tine exhibiting banquet ball, making the specch of bill of the fight och a variety of trokes: One of his life to the dedication of the hero of his We urge on all members to attend ol We are working and waiting the meetings when pos Brokes lorty six, bit far out of the heart. when he touched the blood of Patience is virtus. And if we to get acquainted with the busipossible so as grounds. is one of the biggest hits seca ench and everyone present, and ending link together in the name of ness transacted. Please reinemlately. Walker innings was a grand which, gracefully exited receiving the enLiberty Lodge No. 2512, we must ber. Our next meeting will be on.
display in bis vigorous style Three Much writed. Then was win.
the 2nd of February 1919 at 80 times be hit hit the ball out out announced Miss Lillian Taitt, the Inst MOSS. San Miguel Hal. Come in goodthe ground, and yet all the time he com all the time he combut not least, with Curfew Curfew Must Not lly numbers and do not forget Tonight.
Journal Agents.
bined sound defence with his vigorous Ring young Indy was un your work cards.
trokes. It is true be gave a chanos, usually heralded when announced, and IRVING, but on the whole his play was beautiful as she FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE tiful. she appeared, was greatly applauded, Isthmus of Panama Heltre XI was all out for 154 ans. Då her graceful entranco, aud polite bow, Financial Secretary.
Nearly every man on Cain side had were evident of trouble in the air. The Lodge No. 251 try at the ball in order to dislodge De first word was uttered and the silenee that La Boca vs. at the Sousa and Walker whose partnership ensued and her deliberate andi nterpreative CAUCA Isthmian Park To morrow.
yielded 75 ruos style, were gradually making a way for her The regular meeting of the will leave CRISTOBAL, GA. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on above Ledew tate place on LaRnes has been poing rather When Cain XI came to bat, it was frotatbu back to the very front, and JANUARY 31st, for Monday, February 2nd, comme strong of late; defenting such veteran theugbt that at least they would make a when the final bow was made, the house drow of it. He went out Darby and roared with appia uso.
Buenaventura, Esmeraldos, Bahio, Mantor and Guayaquil being at 30 in. precisely. tous les Podro Miguel and Brituanis.
The Chairman then announred the Members are requested to ob. They declare that under the leadership Garvey tn Ince Thomas and Burton into serve punctuality and the entire of their able Captain Morrite it will be whose hands the attack had beon entrusi. retirement of the judges and the Rev.
ineiubership should attend, slanety matter for them to put it over ed by ilolder, and rarely have we seen Cooper, Mis Henrietta Vinton Davis. SALVADOR kiner bit of bowling than. shut these and Mr. Manning the three judges both tha and the Surrey matters of vital inportance will be discussed.
before the 1919 eup season closes. Will two veterans performed. As if by as appointed, were escorted to the will los vc CRISTOBAL and BALBOA on FEBRUARY 14th, for they e able 15 D. AUGIER Sunday? Go and se for vurselves, ko good their heast both fought for a good letigth meat hall during which time, the second mugement, med lowed the off theory with every part of the musical programan wo meorted Punta Arenas. Fomito, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajut a, JOURNAL AGEN few not wait to be told about it.
San Jose de Guatemala, and Champerico.
now and again an occasional bronk to and Mr. Smith, accompanied new and either worried or but the The batsman.
solo enlilled rendered F!
might charm the site of thoa and IT for judgeinant, that you would possiful manner, which was CHILE has given him the gift of Oratory that his cadorse the judurment of the Drysdale fell to one of Tesch eudience.
Conce will leava CRISTOBAL A. and BALBOA at Noon, MONDAY, ne might plead his entire bolto the her judes that ar. Foreira Fisadi fest trieky enes. He went across to cut the by the entire as big ay appreciated with a rantae ni 89, Miss Lillian of justice. Audo have to empireen posentat boll flust was pitched outside the wickets cobert 10. 10 when ile julgte reThe Elecutionary part of the progrem Itth FERRUARY, 1900, for the result was that the ball, moving with tired, and the close proximity of the dif.
ment those who look part in this Coatest Mr. Parieor third in for their appareat coascientiousness.
Guayaquil, Paita, Eten. Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Mollendo, 79 and Mr. Reid fourth with lightning like rapidity, broke back and per contage of 75, and that each perdeon howed his off wicket, ere he could ferent elocutionists appeared to be of such Arica, Iquique, Antoingusta, Chalaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso. According to this parents, sous to be congratulatst.
taking 100 as the mark of perlection.
Leak bis duek. Burton and Thomas, riteness that they were 45 minutes in Miss Davis, was duly applauded at Mr. Ferreira stands 9, Miss the close of her very impressive and indeed were truly unplayable. and dis detiding the four winners.
It is human nature to have diyereity Lillian Teitt, 85 per cent: Mr. El instructiye announcement, for which mixed Can XI for 68 runs.
Parker 78 per cent and Mr. each and everyone was highly satisof opinion and before the snuouncement For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at Reid 15 per cent.
fied. For Tolder XI Walker made 45 De by the judges, ever yune had his or her in the study 6t Elocation, ono Toe Olyrapie Athlette Classe Suusa 31 and Alleyne 11. Cain took a winner At 1085 the judges returned to must take into consideration that the this opportunity of extending their CRISTOBAL voice, penera! deportmans tapon the warmest sentitate, Dust to the judges wickets for 30 and John for 42.
For sive their verdict, and the audience hadi Mies Vinton platform the audien, in this contest fou ile cutesyes CARS XI, be wes only the man to rechibo pleasure of hear net be considered. One must ditropitended with their presence, or lastrudouble figures 11 Burton took wickets Davis et spesker for the evening. Will or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, entiate elocution from draina because mantali end voeal artists for th tr tind graceful complacence and must atfor 20 and and Thomas for 10.
all actors wa atdongsiderata u having sex eractiveness, she entered the platform likewise elocutionis are not supposedlso exoteaty to the calo.
La Boca Duteats Britannic aud in paying her best respeuts, made PANAMA to be alors lu tie study of gesture one and all so sonchinglynh one cuado no better ab to Bice pecial Secretary of the disa On Slaidard Oval, last Sunday, Bri he following remstics: adviee of Shakesppar in the play Ver Clubhouss, Mr. Vho or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sun agents: THE ROYAL WIL STEAM PACHET Paan taunire not only went down to alter be Mr. Chairman. Ladies and Gentle Hamlet when he says that you did what so ttttttttt wyt suis the new the word nismo ah of for tilne la Baca XI, but also quitted nen; The grent task how been relegated and the word with tae on Dos 10 the di disgust. Batting first waku mengesahres out this ou 13 ai the lawas the must let the the gates the many un lortzkin it has as cham 12. Nedrick line of the other indges should have bean times. think that tastes such as these fut art of Elocutiong and if they will con words not na ile 77 runs. Goddard 20, Connel sud should have much preferred the wakeis for 14 runs and Goddard a for spokesman, wil bough they seem to how will be helpful to any community. It tinue to study and to improve themselves, ending it before you finish, tar carry standarde nad that it will fore and the La Boca replied with 86 runs for wiek: ahat, being the stranger it would be enhances the taste for classics, apd am there is always togm at the toplone in forward after you have finished evəryone will he was to sto ets, Alleyne 22, Holder 15, Nedrick and better for me to be spokesinan, wish, very delighted.
helping hand in any die ein.
Goddard 11 not out. Holford took bow ver, to compliment all who took part wickets for 18 runs Hill for 19 and in the program. It a very beautiful Pierre for 11, and yet we think all these and edifying program Personally am show very ardent and conscientious study Oratory, Music and Drama. This is one and expression, both facial and voeal, will be to hand in th eo pinapath All who took part in the program ly gifted along the lines of Elocation, into consideration the doporument wok, and though much has to bs first, enuciation next, gesture next done to them, yet it is hope that they fielded properly had citizens of Colon, along the Elocutionery) hope that they will not drop the beauti bas givša him the gift of Music that he person as they came up before you beduly announced in those corama NON 333 MA banget wishes SYA ete oma Haugesund kere is nothing thie financial hings, and at Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
o couraging applause he the judge it.


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