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VL. No. 27.
Big Mass Meeting of Silver Employees at Standard Oval to night, February 7th, at o clock.
Interesting declarations by Inniss and Stoute.
16 men are In connection with Nothing Plus Minus Carnival Celebration.
Leavos Minus Sir. After months of discus. Says There is No Truth Whatever Seventy Five Dollar Men to Get The first of a series of dances in connection with the West Indations privation starvation and sions, investigatios, recommen dian Carnival Culebration will take all the other tions resaltant from in This Report 00 Raise place on Thursday night 12th inst, at thRd Cross Hol di Red Tape policy, the Gods that It has been brought to my notice that there is a The following notice of an increase in Silver Em donia, when it popular Jazz be have condescended to look rumour afloat that resolutions have been passed in down in pity on the silver ployees ratings appeared in the Star and Herald of the tickets for this are players as omkeys as we are the loca of our Brotherhood to promote a race tiot wilair the 3rd inst: going rapidly and in order not wheels and improved or commit acts of violence during the Carnival season Effective February 1, the pay of Employees on the commiss this waye time, those of the purchawat St. Hanipa wayed Silver Roll will be increased above the rates in effect for anot yet procured tickets the number daya mango on account of the meagre increase al pay allowed sin should do so at will other necessities ver.
provide our on January 31st, as follows: The Committee is doing every with which we There is no truth whatever in this report and Hourly rates, subsistence and non subsistence, thing in its power make this selves. by granting us the usual dance interaction success to Two Cent per hour increase of members of the Brotherhood are especially warned cents.
und from what has been forme contenere in care se rendre le tout to be careful in their action during the coming holiit promises to the small mercies and that means that Monthly rates, subsistence and non subsistence suappy start of a brilliant Carni wao we an eteru od debt of grati: day season, and continue to be sober, while we em tude to those who recommend dollars.
Vati. Come and get started right and to those who gave it. Strange ploy all reasonable and honorable methods to better Per diem rates, subsistence and non subsistence for a gleeful Carnival. ly enough, however, and simulate our conditions.
15 cents.
NICHOLAS CARTER neous with this generous increase JAPANESE TRAINING and by way of maintaining the General Chairma Where the addition of five dollars to a monthly SHIP HERE.
happy equilibrium between what rate would increase the wage beyond the maximum we get and what we are supposed to give back (for do not the par THE COCKTAIL ROUTE TQ CUBA of 75 at present established, no increase may be as The Japanese Cruiser, Yaku. sons tell us: Freely ye have reof February Increases for these rates have been mo which has been lately conceived, freely give the Cominis. The London Times of Decem exact proportion to the facilities recommended, and the Governor has requested that verted into a Training ship for saries come to the rescue with a ber 15th publishes the following available for the consumption of the Japanese Navy arrived at the Two Cent increase in the price of the Executive Order on Employments be so amended port of Balloa on Wednesday Rice, from 10 to 12conde price of from its New York correspon stimulating portions, are devising all kinds of attractions for the as to permit employment of aliens at a maximum of morning the 4th inst, on a visit One Cent increase on Condensed. New York, Dec. 13. TheCuck: 26. 000 and the many thousands a to the Republic of Panaina damp 960 a year.
whom they hope the the Panama Canal.
Evaporated Milk, three of the description which is coming Horseracing will be one of the ness of the climate will mo carries a complement MR. LLOYD GEORGE ON LABOUR 741 including officers you notice? And God alone that island from the United lear of this winter attrac arriving at at Balboa the knows what next. Lordie, States by thirsty business men tion, and efforts are being made Jucers and crew were granted lordio, if it wouldn take all Wall and others with a few days to to legalise, roulette and other The following article from the those of the railway directorscame over to the city Street to beat the brokers we spare from the daily round and games of chance, so that it may Review of Reviews should To deal with any grievances of of Panama each day, where they have in this Panana Canal and common task, Cuba, of course, is be possible to establish a full mke very interesting read: Abour has good reason to feel relocerned with waces and ing and purchasing various arthama Railroad business. have The State Department is the the railwaymen, whether they enjoyed themselves in sightsee Panama wet.
But lay on, ye gods, we Of course, the drys will atdating the past month, and there water, there will be a supreme Arrangements were made to sofliachingly. mbut watch your that 86. 000 Americans have ap out for the unhappy wets and the courage to bear our burdens authority for the announcementtempt to block the Southern way satistiid with its achievements working hours or with any other ticles. signs that all tireats of ai warm we fin the newbers, tive of take the officers and midship selves and remess ber there are the plied to pass ports to enable them already appeals are being made Pin action are to be deferred the railway come cules, and the Gatun Locks and the enlisted back of a cainel, and then. winter season in Cuba. For their ment and other bodies to take whom be general the will to of move ile the Prime Minister con nes to smile so benningly up other five trarle unirmists. Should man as far as Miraflores Locks. good night.
Miversion the islanders, who are action. But Cuba is only three this board of ten fail to agree Various social entertainments Yra etc. on the leaders of Tiade Unionis on any disputed point, there will were got up for entertaining aware of the fact that the holiday days from New York City, and SILVER ROLL makers willingness to spend is in its lure will be irresistible.
he o the buen conducting personally with of twelve members, composed of officers; the most noted being GRANT AT THE Porras Administration a acomplished with the asistance of Get railway men. The railway four general managers, four rail Gala Ball at the Union Clui CHEMICAL HALL Success eral de la Guardia, that honest, fearleer; ike was eventually settled by a way. uen, and four representatives given by the Japanese Consui in domitable Secretary of the Treasury, pulonged heat to beart talk. public; and of these latter, and Mrs. Inay to night at 30 of the One is to be a Grant, the popular drug of sotne mn.
and Me. Ruan the Fiscal Agent, an ween Mr. Nr gist recently at the Montezuma During the past week Dr. Belisario American citizen.
Hem Thomas, and we noted other trade union and one are the time that this incident migh presentative of the co operative Standard Foot Ball Team with Messrs. Brown and McAl National Assembly and turned over the feel proud and which few countries in drugstore, has cast in his lot Porrustendered bis resignation to the day, a surplus of which she may well have important bearing solution working agreement with the Loses Maiden Match. mon at The Chemical Hall. reios of Government to Señor Ernesto the world can boast.
mature. The fact that he has con trade unions. There will also be as he is popularly known, is a Lefevre, Third Vice President of tinued the subsequent negotia local boards in every district, The grounds for a new Hospital which real oldtimer on the Isthmus, the Republic; and who at the time of Fox Foot Bull Team defeated naying arrived here in the early Dr. Porras ons with the railway nen him countititled on sinlar lines, to the Standard Foot Ball Team last days and has followed his profesoras resignation, was Secretary of is a long felt want in this city on a We have no of the surariseLloyd George crowd sympathy with party rounding of the Santo Tomas Hospito the railw el as a as druggist at the English Phar government. We are of, opinion, For pital, are being prepared and within started at 20. there is little doubt that he means iesire to move Whether his col decided to won the toss fully equipped hospital equal for many years at the Montezu what administer best, is best. 18 son as his present Un to side by it.
of the advanced countries in Europe jo ist major ly ceases to be leagues in the preseat Cabinet tricks to kick up, the Found acy, the Modern Pharmacy and forms of Government, let fools contend; the next two years, this country will bave But as journalists we are expected to and the United States of Americs. vice 10 hins. His offer to the off and had the game from ma, He is both pleasing and thi will approve of it is another ques. start to fini ues start to finish; the Standard boys courteous and is liked by all. We rive a clear impartial and definite remaymen kies far beyond the bow but if they do norte de cas had all chances to sore unore are certain that his presence at sume of the life and activities of this entre settlement has been selected at bhe Goverb ment. Mr. Je will break finally with tiler over use of their opportunities 80 the store will do much to increase tual, industrial, physical, social, moral ferred, and given the opportmnity to be, pe vinny evious offer mad seu Los a George souls than the Fox but made me this thriving and populars Drug community on alle opberes intelor de los elementum section community will Tou. as announces that the rugl these negotiations and appeal to Fox came off viotorious goal to the good service always given to and otherwise. As it is only by a faith come honest and industrious Citizens. on new Election which off on lic in.
public affairs, that the advancement, educational institutions of the country the Railway Executive, whos he would adopt the grater parting at 10 sharp. All lovers of RAILWAY ACCIDENT.
progress and natural growth of this com placed on progress ve basis The pow be identical with lof their programme.
this sport are welcome. Admitmunity will be nored by the other nations public service have been improv tance free.
of the world; and sach records take its though there is room for furthet im.
Late Trinidad papers just to in the history of the band record a railway accident GRAND CARNIVAL DANCE West Indian Red Cross Swedish Cruiser Fylgia in that colony on Boxing Day the past eight sen months in which Dr. Porras with Germany and the League of NaIt is unquestionable that during the provement, more o, in the judicial and departments. The peace treaty Benefit Dance 26th December last. But there wecuppied the Presidential chair, the Lions ratified, and lastly, a molérn and At the Clubhouse, La Boca, will The Swedish cruiser Fylgia ar were no casualties.
country has made a rapid stride towards fully equipped playEtound estáblished rived at the Atlantic port Cris be held a grand Carnival Dance progress. No man has ever occuppied the for the children of this city. These are The public is again reminded tobal yesterday morning She Restaurant Will Re open. exalted position as president and found sominendable achievements are which on Feb. 17th 1920, at o clock.
Prizes will be given to the Lady with the West fodinin Red Cross, over 500 tons and has a total of the Benefit dance in connection is said to have a displacement of the finances in such a deplorable state any goverument can feel proud, and Gentleman wearing the best which takes place on Wednesday parisonnel of 400 souls on board. Mangement. of the West Indian the Executive chair, and was able to ini.
We have been advised by the Panama was when Dr. Porras assumed Dr.
the lith, inst, in the hall at the The Flygia is said to carry 6 Red Gross to state that the Re. tinte successful reforms within the short third time the Peesident of this Repub Come and enjoy the new Fancy foot of of Calidonia Brio All inch and 12 inch güns. staurant, in connection with this time specified in this article; recuperating lie this being matter purely for the Polka Quadrille, The Acrobatic preparations are made and gala large number of the men organization, which had been the bankrupt condition the National citizens. We will await the result of the 8t Double leaps, Whirling Cip, time is anticipated for the small were granted shore leave and temporarily closed down, will be Treasury. and putting the financea on selection before making any further com an Partner Toss.
lad mission of 50 cents gold.
came over to Panama yesterday. re opened on Monday the 9th inst. sound and proper basis. This latter, was mont on the late administration Innymi 03 TX: ALTRO RE Threasuals) ཅd 930te Panams has to mptom of Mr. Lly own offer to the ke Captain Ford me to any boys of com place country, bir 14.


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