
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands emman Jamaica Grenada INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION many other In passing, Demerara LON that the Panama Furniture Company out (and be in the know is supposed to surprised no question about it the present rates of exchange are having prejudicial eifect on American goods and large orders usually Montego Bay Hapwith business houses in RETURNED SOLDIERS ted, States have been with held.
penings LEAVING Owned By During the past couple of weeks Several returned soldiers, tak Water Shortage is still several letters have appeared Ling advantage of the opportuniTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Creating Inconvenience the Press with regard to the ties afforded them of travelling prices of milk and sugar. With with the gratuities they received Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Montego Bay, Jan. 16. The reward to condensed milk. may last week, have taken their de point water shortage here is still ler has liked the price for this parture for larger tields. Most of this them are proceedling to Cuba and creating some inconvenience and has been the source for criticisin article. and whilst it has come to other places where Americans Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00. that of the water supply committee competition will, in due course, where they can earn sufficient einploy West Indian labour and This shortage of water seems it to go down again in no longer accepted as an annual money to make themselves happrice occurrence, but the manage py in life. Those who have pre Official Depository of the Republic of Panama went is being blamed for con ceded them have have sent back word word tinuing what some consider a have also observed a lett writ of the splendid opening abroad DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL short sighted policy. It is held teu by Mr. James Boyd in wbich and they are going to try thir Wat with an ever increasing de he states that the Food Controller lot on the other side. Not only. mand for water, coupled with has fixed the price of white albion retu DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD the system not being in the best at a shilling have inade enquir. young men propose leaving the We of condition, some provision ies and find that the Food Con colony in the coming year.
some should have been made to cope Park takes the view that white bood of the colony is being grad troller has tixed no price. Mr. can only regret that the man Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches With any eventuality.
While it is well known that to albion is really a luxury and that ually depicted; but when it is this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
lay down a new set of pipes from there was no necessity to fix the remembered that Grenada is unRetirement would entail excessive price; but it must be said for him able to help the achieve their Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
expenditure, prominent citizens that had be not fixed the price at purpose in life, we must be satishere have made public their opin which brown albion is to be sold, tied to see them go from their INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM ion that certain improvements the public would have been paying dear home. We cannot even could be made at nominal cost, a great deal more for the article sound lany hope for the future and thus rid the community of and so they must go and we may lose them forever.
the dangers accompanying a water shortage it may be mentioned His Excellency the Governor into compete whose total net winthe scheme proposed by Mr.
formed us yesterday afternoon Browne and nings exceed 200, neither can adopted by the St.
that he had just received a teleJames Parocbial Board for auggram from the Secretary of State two year olds run at this meet.
menting the Brandon Hill supply Education in Demerara ing.
for the Colonies approving of the y pumping from the creek, is payment of gratuities for our ex 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PARAMA The Cricket Tournament sell under consideration recent resolution of the THE VALUE OF AGRICULTURE soldiers, and that payment will be made at the Treasury on Tuesday The next event of importance, Bjard bas been forwarded to His His Excellency the Governor and Wednesday next.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre which is engaging the attention xcellency the Governor asking of Demerara recently on the oc of sportsmen, is the forthcoming tory a grant of 1, 200 1, 200 to carry casion of Queen College Speech Early Closing of Stores visit of the team of cricketers the project. In the meantine Day concluded his address with Headquarters for from Trinidad during next several suggestions are being the following eulogistic tribute We are pleased to learn that month. In conversation with a made, and one by an American to the ancient profession of Agri. the clerks of the Mercantile resident is worthy of publicity culture:Houses in the Market Square wil High Class Furniture future of the colony de to day present a joint petition gather This gentleman, it would ap The was somewhat to hear pear is somewhat opposed to pended perhaps more on the pu. addreseed to the Attorneys and it) that there is a sort of cold pumping the creek into the Bran pils of Queen College that any. Managers of the respective tirms All New Goods Sold at water enthusiasm among some don Hill reservoir; he considers thing else and in saying this he praying: cricketers here oyer the tournathe laying down of additional was not referring to those pu. That the merchants of St.
Reasonable Terms. ment, and further, it would not pipes to such a distance as the pils who had won Guiana Schol George fall into line with the.
be in the least surprising if Barreservoir overlooking the arships as Guiana Scholars be Trinidad merchants and open bados go under to the team from unnecessary. He thought it came lawyers and doctors. There their stores at a. instead of WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US the Land of the Huunming Bird.
common reasoning to conclude was no nobler profession than 30 as at present.
that there being no water in the that of a doctor but they could (2. And that the stores be when buying Furniture.
pipes due to there being no pres are there would be no difticul. doctore from elsewhere, they closed at o clock promptly High Cost of Living alse get lawyers from else. every afternoon, except on the Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock have been making some comw in pumping the creek water where but it was difficult to get over of Christmas Day and New in the main pipes parisons in the prices of commodirectly thus of man to carry Year and the Saturday preceding dities in Barbados with those in an on the real work of the colony Easter Day.
candon that awer ex: The Trinidad; and find that in many entail. He further stated that Agriculture was an extremely re of closing a o clock on Satur.
instances Barbados takes the cake so far as the high cost of part of the days for the the present shortage of water son who had the necessary know. sed with as far as the volume of teresting occupation to the per year can conveniently be dispenis concerned. To cite a few the town as visitors who would be inclined ledge and intelligence. It car business is concerned.
examples: Condensed milk to secure cottages for themsen: was little in it. The colony depend the movement, and have not the sea ried on without intelligence there We are in full sympathy with cents a tin, cow milk cents pint, fresh beef 24 and 30 cents more suitable, added to the fact that ed mainly on agriculture and least doubt that the merchants a pound, mutton 30 cents 30 cents, sugar, of gathering rates for what was therefore when students on the which there is a scarcity, 11, 46 STREET, PANAMA.
tioners so be 14 and 15 cents pound, coal not obtained was iniquitous and scientific side left they would of wolle grand the prayer of the peticourse understand that they had their wonted policy of sympathy (Demerara) 10 and 11 shillings a This gentleman further repu not learnt. But they had got to for their employees. We also bag. There is no ready market Just received a full stock offor Trinidad coal, the objection diated the action of the municipal learn why it was necessary to get hope that this new arrangement body and other concerns here in a chemist to examine the soil and would begin with the new year being that it is rather light and SILVER CHAIN GOODS doesn retain the heat. Butter is that on matters requiring speci. to know what was the best time sold up to 41 a pound. There is alized assistance, such belp was to get in crops and what was the Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES a big demand for oranges, these not being sought, and even when best way to treat crops after they For every form of disease easily feteh 50 per hundred.
given freely, not being of local had been harvested.
He repeated that the colony speculator recently brought practical suggestions were dui med down. The Montego Bay depended upon Queen College turned to this colony from Trinidad sev. February Race Meeting water supply was bringing sufti Therefore he asked the boys and TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
eral barrels of this fruit and in two shakes the entire lot was cient returns to justify an expen everyone else who had the interest disposed of.
diture for pumping appliances of the College at heart to do The Barbados correspondent which could be laid aside until every thing that could be done for to the Port of Spain Gazette writ Give us a call and inspect our New Stock, there was sufficient rainfall. the prosperity of the institution. ing to that paper on local topics Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Labour Strike, member of the Parochial (Cheers. in Little Engiand says among Board, it is learnt, is endeavour other things:J. FLOWERS, Proreitor.
ing to get a committee of civil It appears from what have One of the chief topics of conto Demerara Telephone engineers consist of Mr. versation among lovers of the O, Box 36Pa, nama City.
Telephone 519.
been told, that the recent labour Foster, Mr. Rowlands, and Scarcity of kings is the approachStrikes in Trinidad, were much Mr. Morales of the Public Works ing Turf Club Race meeting, discussed in Barbados, and visDepartment. These gentlemen THE REASON EXPLAINED, carded for the 16th and 17th of itors here from the former colony will be asked to advise the Boards had the privilege are not infrequently interrogated Replying to a question put in of seeing a copy of the ofticial as to the step that should be takas to how the situation was handon to improve the water supply the Demerara Legislature, as to programme, at present in the led by the authorities. There is of the town the reason for the non installation hand of the printer. It is ន០១ hore of a strike by the of telephones as desired by ap drawn up programme, the events: Leton as the crop plicants. the Postmaster General fitte all told being sufficient shall be in full swing.
Influenza a savana as follows:refuthere are at the present timetries, which will be closed on to attract a large number of enA recent issue of the Cleaner Mrs. Brien, wife of the Govstates that the local Government 100 applications for telephones, 15un February. The most importreceived a cablegram that in which cannot be granted because ant event on the programme is 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA erunor of Barbados, has started a Baby Saving League. large fluenza is epidemic in Havana, the accommodation, afforded by what is peculiarly named The gathering assembled at Governthere being thousands of cases the Switchboard and Aerial CabInaugural Stakes. The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment ment house on Nov. 28th, last to les is fully utilized.
with a large death rate.
think should have been more ap An estimate The Quarantine Board held a launch the League. The large and Prompt Attention.
for ra new board propriately called The Realiza meeting and it was decided that with accommodation for 1, 000 sub. Gion Stakes from percentage of children who die at the point of an extremely early age was felt all vessels coming from Cuba will Give us an early call and inspect our stock of view that the Purse 550 has to be a sad reflection on the colony.
be detained with all on board for the Government and will be con been realized, am told, from the three days.
sidered during 1920. In the mear sale of six maiden thorough breds ure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mediapical Switching System hus DaCosta, premier sportsman in time, in formation about em Mechimported into Barbados by Mr.
cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
Notice Topics of the been written for by the Govern the these parts. An old turfite mont Electrical Engineer. tells that event fixed, Moment.
Organizer Carter begs to state debars Take a Light, We solicit your patronage and guarantee sa fofaction that the gold buttons of the Dezaerara top notcher, from enBrotherhood have arrived and Dr. JOHNSO cering. The meeting is confined Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon can be had at his office in 20th have good reason to believe SURGEON DENTIST to thoroughbreds whose cost at that the Government are consi Street Central Avenue. As original place of shipment or BROWN McALMON there is only a limited supply at dering proposal to grant a pre Phone 1003 Add purebase, did not exceed 500.
present, please secure yours at ference to English goods importProprietors.
is rule does not apply to creolo An early date at the regular ad here, netably cotton. There is Ancert ses. No horse will be allowed price e proper obviating the present method living is Chorrillo Drug Store Barbados a sport February The Chemical Hall on the but which me this as the great


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