
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1920 PAGE THREE Cias JOTTINGS KING BEE (From West Indian Committee Circular. The Royal Mail Steam Packat Company are re establishing direct steamship Commonnieation with Haiti, which has been in terrupted since 1899, when their transatlantie steamers ceased to call at Jaemel in route from Bar.
bados to Jamaica The new ser vice was inaugurated by the Conway, which lelt on don on November 12th for the principal Haitian perts.
The British Guiana Sugar Par tories, Limited, which owos and operates Plantation Wales, West Bank. Demerara River, bave per: cbased Plantations Houston and Hope, which for upwards. century were in the possession of the Howell Jones family, from wbich they passed a London The joint crops of the two estates average 3, 000 tons of sugar per annun, Plantation Houston is approached by a noble avenue of cabbage palms, which forms one of the reongnised sights for visitors to Georgetown firm in last The Name is the Assurance of QUALITY The Size of the Package for the Money is QUANTITY ly relutes Wise allegations Mr. David Gibson, a former long resident and much respected merchant and Town Councillor of Georgetown, now retired and living in England, writes in sup port of Mr. Luke Hill letter to protest against Dr. Wise se.
rious indictment of the sanitary condition of Georgetown. British Guisna, which Circular. Mr. Gibson emphaticalappeared Dr which he considers scale injury the fair name of the city and colony; especially at this time, when efforts are being made to carry out a comprehensive scheme of colonisation for British Guiana. Mr. Gibson enumerates at some length in his letter the many sanitary improvements effirst landed there in 1860. justify.
fected in Georgetown since he ing the frequently expressed opinion of more recent visitors that it is the finest and best kept city in the West Indies, Dr. LOWE L, Edin.
139 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY Office Hhurs: 30 a. p. p.
The Standard Among Isthmian Smokers for a Generation. Box 798 Ancon, Office 844 Phones: Residence 1002. The Open Forum. IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. uinins.
It is required that all persons leaving the Isthmus should have their eyes in are thinking and ready to move forward, High Prices in Silver ComThanking you, Mr. Editor, for space. Tracoma and all other objecgood condition, and free from to obtain the rights of which they have missarios.
been so long deprived; and want to say Yowakiaithfully.
that the patience of our people is about tionable anomalies. SILVER EMPLOYEE.
at breaking point.
To avoid all troubles, worSir. Please prmit me a small space in We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column Fellow Negro employees, how long are your widely read newspaper to publish La Boca, ries, and being turned down, the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Jan. 27th 1920 you going to accept the same old status call and have your eyes ebcap nigger workers? The time the following: thoroughly examined at the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
worn and backneyed ples of limited ap Yesterday afternoon a Silvar Employee British Consulate Notice office of propriation, which ouly affects one class who is the head of a large family at LA of workers, while the other class has all Buen, received his commissary book, and Anita Robinson, sister of Robert DR. BUCHANAN, Silver Empioyees Should government, placing before it in the good things that make life what it he rushed home to his wife with some; Clarke, and Eustsce Hall, both Eyesight Specialist, very clear and impressive manner the should be? Don you know that this who in turn went to the La Boca Commis: natives of Jamaica. are requesStri. e for Better Office. 182 Bolivar Streot, conditions of the silver employees. After wo has got to be done, and if it has got sary to get supplies for the ismily, ted to call at the British Lega COLON, of Condition.
six months of waiting, the result of their to be done in adaqua e sum of money This lady called for a lb. raekorice, tion at Panama infurisima, avasive and hu has got to come out from the richest and she wae ted by the salesman tu. ho Sir. would like to know from militing to great extent.
treasury in you know The dock laborers at Colon struck for that very little of the work fellow Nes employees what is their in the the balace of the day. When asked for tention in regard to the question of or better wages and shorter hours (right Balboa Shops is paid fork done in the had an order not to sell any more rice for the trea: what reason he becitatingly, said, th juut wages in ward for their home day the miss an all Isth. sury, and that the ships repaired are paid the price of that article was to be raised the services performed for the Panama Canal man strike is apopted.
Yet nothing for by the companies no matter what is next braurb of tbe nicest and realist Gov. Satisfactory the workers was awarded the cost, profit is made in the battling the price of the rice was raised next morning. It was true. For this mornto The United Brotbrood of Mainten It is knowa that there is likely to be cents per tb. higher than it was yesterfrom the year 1913, thio puentiva of scoot way, Eugployees and sent moet wees in one louet den er our dav; and the price of sever it other arti. BRANDON BANK)
higher Wagon Was been very cute one, Shop Luberers bas orgunized over 12, 900 does not meet our approval couldn our cles were also raised.
and thus been greatly accelerated during employees through its representatives leaders to up to Balboa Helghin had no of the silver employees has the past six years; no retardy has been the use of the spectfully, Now Me Elitor, it is an undoubted y, asy, the silver men cannot SECURITY found whereby over 16, 000 workably put before the Goveruor ad the agree to work for starvation wages any fact, as everyone knows, that the Silver SERVICE er can be treated as real human beings bighest wuthority on these peixin than longer? Our cause is at just us God in Emplove wace has not been incrassWage Boards und Committees invest the Secretary of War; nearly tirem aths lust; we have suffered too long and too od one eent for the past seven months; ANAMA COLON nd a liberated, with the result that were have elapsed, during which time an ex much. Look at what the Negroas in the ad yet the commissary supplies are ittances have been dwed out to these bustive and unnecessary investigation and the Britisha West Indies are raised higher and higher every week.
workers, liking them to inmates of some was onducted by an agent of the doing hey are striving waafully to And considering that the rice and Our large Resources and well known wentary institution (pour asylum) ernment long with representatives throw of the servile yoke. why cannot other articles which were raised at the fat er tan trong healthy workers with of the people, which, to most of the peo we?
coramissaries to day belong to the saina conservative Management afford unni ve faculties and stund aspiracions, de ple was another humiliating circumstane Let us not lose sight of the fact that stock which were being sold at TASOA.
Arving just day ply for a jest day es, in the meantime prices are souring we are weak and attempts will be made able (1) profit up to yesterday: if that is. questioned security for every dollar and the wiges remain the same with to intimidate and take advantage of us, not us. not profiteering, what uader the canopy 916 there was a strike among the wago luard still deliberating; yet import. but God is on the side of Right. Let us of heaven deposited with this bank.
In a is?
ampl. yees at the Pacific end. Following ant work is being carried oa with the Crows the Rabison and come to some definite decision in the endoavour to assert very easily satmped out in the United It seems to me that profiteering can be Srike, an exhaustive investigation of samenergy by half starved men.
onditions among the silver etuployees The sbove is a brief summary of what our God given rights to recognized man States, since it can just as easily be transkas instituted, and it was thought that would constitute many painful chapters hood.
ferred to the of the Feb. 4, 1920 ter this thorough inquiry made by the in the history of the Negro workers of Panama Canal and Panama Railroad NEGRO WORKER. oard, appointed, and the report of said the Paorus Canal. The Government of Company on the Canal Zone.
foard that conditions would have been the Panama Canal seem to forget that God does not reyenge but He avenges ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON and He who delivered Ist vel from Egypt mediod materially, but practically little this is a new era, that old systeme and BRANDON ADVERTISE methods are relegated to the serap beap, or no relief was after a period of 430 years, will deliver us President.
Vice President.
Treasurer The Silver Employees Association and that there are now few original agialso from this modern Egypt in His own came into existence, it petitioned the ſtators, but that the mass of the people IN THE WORKMAN time.
Panama Banking Company با رو با rebeen (POUNDED 1868)
le Hopki in General Banking Business Transacted given.


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