
Due a corro Set. Had of public interestinu Aitor national PO Box 74. Panama RP ard RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION mund the name ter that nicari for publica Monts Three tinderen One rondenen KID Liberty of the Press is the paadium corpose Ltd.
DM: Griffith, Chaplain.
15 Lodge Function THE WORKMAN very impressive cermony was performed on Saturday night, January 24, at the Flower of the Isthmus Lodge mom, 69 street, Colon, the offers of the Solomon Lodge, No 11. of the Independent and Order of Solish Mechanics, Friendly Society, were installed in their various Offices. Tie brothers and visitors havaid ti els of the oppor witness the cerely were at for the trouble in Own and Manage Two Up to Date Groceries in Ar the usual forniti st.
din Oranice Panama, and to Establish a Chain of Stores on the purport of the brand turned over the procesi SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1920 Isthmus to Sell the Right Goods at the Right Prices. the Grand Lid whchi Wis tk follow Education and Wist Indians WEST 00.
James Hirv, Installing Ma EVA Alman, Grand Tyker; Duncan, GDM: it The elocutionary competition held a month ago in the Jhnson. SD: Livingstone town of Cristobal at the colored clubhouse was an indicaBaird, D. Blackett.
GS: W. Cirke, Treas.
tion that there is among the better class of West Indians Capitalized at 10, 000 RC. Russell, in. G: EH in this country a high literary taste which longs for exBrim, Chaplain; and Kippression and encouragement The difficulty, up to the Registered under the Commercial Laws of Panama No. 13, on January 13, 1920 pines. Leader present, is that such encouragement is denied by the eduAlter making the usual alarm cated men and women from these islands who seem forced MAIN STORE: 114 Central Ave.
BRANCH STORE: 22 Central Ave. and announcement the Grand to live in social seclusion, on account of the lack of appreLUI entered and took its posi ciation usually exhibited by those whose past environtion and installed the following ments offered fewer opportunities for mental culture and This Corporation is backed by the full support of the people, and brothers to bear the blessings or sorrow which the term of Jan.
literary development than others more fortunate.
those who have not joined this rank are wasting valuable time uary to Jure might bave in store While several of the contestants at the elocutionary for them Font, WM;W Holder, Brennan SDS regatta at the Silver at Cristobal were individuals with appreciable ambition and ability, it must be confessed OUT AND MAIL IT Lishley, D; Oscac Lurie, re el cted) Beckles that neither the highest genius of the Atlantic nor that of Asst. cy: Daniel. Treasu the Pacific was represented at the meet. Lost in the HEST INDIAN TRADING Co. Ltd.
er. re elected) Harper. Tyler: Alleyne, In. Guard; and Alle hubbub of noisy auto advertisement are men and women Box Ancon, of rare literary taste and talent who, fearful of misrepre.
At the conclusion of the cere.
sentation, keep themselves in the back ground of Isthmian Gentlemen: many the brothers repurei to popularity rather than risk their literary prestige on cheap hereby subscribe for. shares of the stock at the baquet room and did justice publicity to the tine repast provided and Those who are familiar with facts and circumstances 00 per share, and forwarci herewith as payment indulged in the usual exchange ot congratulations until eriv deplore the reticence of our best men and women whose morning The singing of the aggregation would constitute a cotorie of intelligence unDoxology brought this very time ΛΑΜΕ function to a clos surpassed in any other country. Here we have men and women from Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad, British Guiana, ADDRESS St. Lucia and the other West Indian islands whose refineInstallation of Officers.
ment and culture, if exercised, would make a different advertisement of West Indian education than that which has No one can buy less than shares or more than 1, 000 On Friday night, January at the Eurek Ledgeroo. Broul been placarded before the public through the sporadic efway, Colon, of P, the Officers forts of willing but weak aspirants to literary fame.
of the Lal Porverancie No. 10103. GUO. of OPS.
If the recent contest did anything worth while it was were installed in their various to show the public that the mere memorization and repitiEditorialettes tion of a poetic classic is not elocution, no more than a stances, carry articles at pric rooms, and the calaboose is places, es which are convenient but their retreat. On the whole, The following brothers composbanging, meaninglessly, on a piano key board would be an not admissible to silver em they are the happiest ginks ed the administration: iBel fon, Wilson, G: interpretation of Mozart or Mendlesohn. The race horse ployees since they are not al on terra firma, and the way Woods, re elected. RW.
rapidity of some of the contestar was a ridiculous display Business Corporations: lowed to trade at the gold they can draw out the coin Grant, Asst. Sec. Hazelwood, of elementary recitation, in some instances, almost too bad All intelligent people every commissaries. If a regular beats anything obtainable by treasurer: Pierre, PNG tor description. Especially was this so in the case of the where are coming to realize, system of corporation were organized labor. They are Millington, Chaplain; Panama visitors whose miserable showing behind the foot. and put their future hopes in to be inaugurated the advan like the lilies which neither area Wardech James uson lights brought the Pacific terminal in for a sound wallop the prospects of business cor tages to be gained would be toil nor spin, but for all that John Hope, Fletcher RSNG Chore, SNG.
ping from the Atlantic critics.
porations. In the past, com almost incalculable.
they are the greatest nuis 1G; and de Souz4, But the whole incident has turned the attention of all munities were satisfisd to buy ances around town.
The ceremony was ably perthinking West Indians onto a question which no section of from a few big dealers whose Professional Tramps: formed by Bro. E, Best, F; and Deputy District Master, as the people, however seclusive in the past, can now afford articles had to be taken on Sudden Death of Jack sisted by Bro. Allman, to ignore. It has been a challenge to self assertion and in any ground, and at any price Pa ama is fast becoming Campbell NF. tellectual energy. No longer can tho: e whose ability and charged. This is no longer the hot bed of professional At the conclusion the brothers culture qualify them for racial representation remain silent necessary where corporations tramping, and bumming. The We regret to record the death were refreshed with the good repaired to the banquet room and and permit ihemselves to be misrepresented by others have sprung up to aid the lure of the tropics seems to of John Campbell. familjarly things provided.
whose zeal is greater than their knowledge. No longer may people in obtaining what they holding most of these fellows kn »wn a nong his friends as Jacky it be considered discreet for the artistes of our race to want at reasonable prices. here, and as jobs are not so wnich sed event occurret in the BENEFIT SOCIETY hermitize in the shell of indifference; or for the beautiful Here, the colored people are plentiful now a days, they early hours of Monday last at his flowers of the race to blush unseen and waste their sweet placed at an awful disadvan take recourse to the business residence in upper Calidonia Road.
Attention is called to the ad ness in the desert air.
tage in the matter of general of tramping. The parks are Jack was last employed at the vertisement of the Mutual Life It is not really known whether Colon or Panama or marketing. They have to take their workshops and the sideThe American Hotel on Central Ave. and Benefit Society which ai.
either of the Zone towns possesses the best talent, and what they can get in te co walks their homes.
in this nothing but a real contest (not a contention) can settle the lored commissaries. The gold green bowers at Bella Vista night last in apparently the best piper. This Society which has their dressing of health as was testified to by been operating for over 20 years question. But, as it is not likely that many of the better ele. commissaries, in several in beach are all his co workers at the hotel. has done good and useful work ment of the West Indian public might like to demonstrate On reaching hope he went to bed during its existence and is still in a competition, the most that may be expected is that all ly those in Colon, ought to be dumped into a yam patch as usual, but a few hours before silently fulfilling its obligations the appreciation or an anxious public whose thirst for liter than Pot masquerade in a position for which they are not in rangemelde iones soulie, Medited on the Moon Phase mey o bardoton knowledge, or potato field dawn Monday he was observed Mr. Win. De Sousa, proprietor aid ary enjoyment is beyond all conception.
was at sought, but be tellectually qualified. Ex cobblers, ex masons and ex soldiers fore doctor Lowe, who Cuatro if the Secretary TreaThe character of the so called concerts and entertain never did make good pedagogues in the days when educa promptly responded to the call urer from whom all particulars ments usually given at places of public amusenient is gen tion was young, and in these times of general enlighten could reach his residence Jack in connection with the society, erally nothing more than mere cariacatures of literary and ment it is less possible that they could. Some of the bad passed to the great beyond. can be obtained.
musical art. In place of classical renditions on the piano teachers, and particularly those with a large number of on the rises quis where he nacure Jack was a popular figure most of our audiences howl for rag time, and jazz pupils, are creditable represertatives of the profession, sided for many years and where Evangelistic Services.
vamping. instead of real elocution or classic drama, cheap while others would make better shoe shines and bottle ven by his genial disposition he bad nonsensical effusions called speeches and addresses are dors than instructors.
The Panama Baptist Church made a host of friends among at Guachapali under the pastır.
thrown upon the audiences which, in many instances, exar y section of the community. ate of the Rev. Thorbourne hibit a greater taste for this sort of rubbish than for some educational and literary matters that has been enfranch There is a great necessity to suppress the looseness is stitied to be by the large winch followed his more was the scene of very interest thing sensible and helpful.
by customary toleration on the Isthmus. In these day. ams to the flerrera Ceme the week. These services are ing evangelistic services during Certainly, West Indians can appreciate much higher when all peoples are advertising then selves commercially, ul conday evening last.
very helpful and the large atten.
things than the almost interminable programmes of rot so intellectually and politically, the West Indian has as much dance, was, doubtless, grea ly generally catered out to them at concert halls and audi right as, and more need than, anyone else to present his benefitted thereby toriums, and the insistence in putting such poor stuff on the best before the public. If we, as a people, can do some CARNIVAL DANCE. Similar services will be con intellectual market is nothing less than an error of judge thing better than we have been doing in the past we may ment as to the taste and wishes of the best of our people. as well shut up shop and keep quiet as to expect that we coming oft at the La Boca Club the Rev Mr. Gammon, and other ducted the coming week. Oo Mon.
day night Commandant Morris grand Perhaps such poor material is vended as much on account will gain recognition by putting on the market stuff that house on the 12 February, Mar speakers each night. These ser of its being easily collected and dished up as on the fact is not only inferior but useless.
tin Band will be in attendance. vices are helpful and a wide in that the time required in preparation is almost neglible.
Come in Carnival tag and be sure vitation is extended to all.
Good programmes mean careful selection and thorough high schools for colored children. At present, our Another fact to be doplored is the absence of to have a good time.
Another of the usual united preparation. If the public is willing to wait for an intelli: boys and girls are sent off to Jamaica and Barba devotional meetings in connection Surprise Concert.
gent programme, the performers ought to spend enough dos to reecive advanced training at a not inconsider. Peter Church, La Boca was with time in perfecting and completing the preparation. It able figure, speaking financially, to their parents whose held on the evening of the 29th, take place at Gatun on the Grond Surprise Concert will doesn take a few days to select and arrange a refined and limited salaries and ineomes can scarcely bear the weight. quite number of the members 13th, of February 1920: High elevating programme. The rough and ready, hot bread, If we had one or two of these schools in each of the termi of the Brotherhood of St. An Street. Commencing at 6:30 prepare than it takes to print the tickets, but after the alive, and it would not be impossible to establish them upon Chaplain the Rev. Mulcare be In attendadce. Admission fit me quick arrangements do not require more time to nals they would receive sufficient patronage to keep them drew and the Daughters of the The Band of the Independent public has heard them it is left worse off than before. a basis that would bring higer education within easy reach prasided this meeting and quite free come one, come all, and see Some of the so called private school teachers, especial lof all.
ine was spent, the surprise in store for all.


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