
Canal Lone Potes evening. th FELT HATS.
Rovai which was here 80 OKO movement.
We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortCS H. Lowe, Bro. Mie Derinolt, o. and Dr. WILLIAMS age tion American Bazaar we have an sooooooo THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1920 PAGE FIVE The Light of Colon NOTICE.
Instals Officers.
CANAL ZONE DISTRIT CATUN The half yearly installation of the Light of Colon dx No 11. Loyal Order of Ancient Merties Of and AfriBIO. of and of Stok can Communities League place at the Fiower of the Isth: Shepherds Ashton Unity To night.
mus Lodge Hall on Wednesday Friendly Society the 14th, inst when there were several brothers and The Gran Branch of the Selin All Lodges of the Orier are ters, from the Sister Lodges, hereby notified that the Star in provints in the Earl Robert and the Geor the Eastle 27. 1, AU (FS night Saturday 7t, 88 The Installation Ceremony was pended on Oct. last, for violation by courtesy of the late Liit wrformed by Bro. B. Forris of the District Laws has been is expected that Dr. Milof Installing Master; assisted by re orgonized by the same DisM Bro. Cummings PC Strict. and in accordance with Gen.
will be in attendant and well for of said lodge and Sister eral Rule 23, the following are this unit Burrowes. PP. Kas the nunes of those who have and this interested in this worldwide a Grand Conductor and Grand been suspended, by the Canal Conductress.
Zone District, in a session held The Officers who were install on January 31st, 1920: ty will be at the meeting derita ed for the term commencing Bro. Bike has been sus tions and songs will be given, siz January 1st, to June 31st, are as pended for 12 vears: A Shepthis opportunity of bringing in two follows. Bro. Bloomfield, PC berd for vis; Neal for the community the scope and as of and SKWC Sis. Cartes, years. this Association, the aspirations of which warned against PD: Bro. Gayle. Ve. Sin adinitti mean within the pre Hariahil the bistory of these Neil Nei of F: re elected) Bociucts ut our Lodge from this We have handelves A Davy, SK, redate.
tion to snap the bands that brinus, in electd Sis. Tomlinson.
Signed: economic slavery, in an educational sense, and LK of re elected) CHRYS FORSYTH, and we are resolving under God, to work Bro. Wallace, FS: Sis.
out our own estintes aliing our own lines.
Provincial Chief Shepherds always looking forward and working toJohnson. of Bro RodP. and KT. re elected) HENDERSON, wards the time, when we shall forin part Bro.
Pre elected of a mighty throne in pilgrimage to the Dist. Corresponding Sec y a ment is fresh and all sizes are Bro. reelect Johnson land of our fa hers ed) Sis. James, of Comelert: 14 21. There are many who may think this is tected. Bro. Lawrence, IS but a dream, fit to be relegated to the obtainable. Barret, of re elected)
realms of poetic fancy, but to those who are studiously reading the signs of the Shaw, of re elected (M CH. EDIN. Les in which we live, it is but an outAfter the installation of On Browth of the spirit of the ne au ar cers, Bro. Desport, WC, a PHYSICIAN SURGEON marked by the desire of a down trodden Bailey were then passed to set it claims by seli determina through the various offices, and by the request of the Officers and Has removed temporarily to the The strength of this localis in its Members the Honor of PC: Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, Tank and tile and we are justly proud of were conferred upon them for the good work they had donedur.
FOLKS RIVER our women; they are a lover of strength to the Branch, and we are a king the ing their terms PANAMA COLON at this time to throw the weight of their At the closing of the Ceremony All cases fully Examined influence in the balance for the procura the newly installed officers were tion of a strong public opinion in favour addressed by Sisters Bur of this grund avement We know that rowes and Gooden, Knights. Miss LAING Itight to make but we and Brother Walcott, K; are not deened: we have to find foes with encouraging words. The HAIR DRESSER with, and foes wi. hout, but it has ever Meeting was then brought to a nu in all lands and through all ages, close, and the members, marched Scalp treatment and Hair ich is the teachink of history, the pro to the Banqueting roon, and did frelson Chrom Christian sind justice to the good things provid straightening a Speciality stive opposition from its inception in Woolroom ed for them the lays when Camel beopards bounded OSXSSXss: For promoting the growth of the in the tavian Altheatre, until there Big Time at Isthmian Park Hair and beautifying yourself so callednightment and culture, visit There is el element that seems to Well, well, its one more week and then GOOD WILL On Saturday night next the The Parlors chied to bwhvid cinerete signs we will ask one another have you put of a forward movement, and so out of your Masquerade dress or ponts, if not business lives through its 14th inst there will be a big time Cinsedness and lean old boy you will be outside the door customers. And its greatest at the Isthmian Park at Upper HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE chase try to block the way of or wrick lookink in on the 14th night; our Secre Calidonia asset is their good will.
Corner 20th Street There is going to be any structure, that is rexed along the tary and assistant are leaving nothing Our service has always at night picnic and dance that is lines of of progress This leads to the undone to give us the time of our lives measured up to this standanticipated to surpass all other Ihlusoplar Ols ervation, that often the there will be one of the best known hands ard and brings forth volun like events ever pulled off on the BING BANG.
worst carmies of a man are those of his intendance, and when we say let the grounds of this spacious tary expression of friend Park well ball go, its to be on how chold. In spite of this under to some going ship and contidence The Management is sparing no Black Moves First.
of which we are aware yet we not call names as you may get two dress to inake this function a Come in and see our New ID. LT are inspired with the spirit of ti per es instead of one Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold huge success full of enjoyment Prices of admission will appear in the cent for thrice is he armed who hath his for The well known and ers. Better than pins, Look out for the coming Big y are just, We go vinging on our way, bext issue of this widespread paper, STRIKE Our President, Vice President, Officers ad our song is a song of hope grand Course the latest dance hits to Boys of the Panama Minstrel FULLER maat fur before us in the hozy disa and Members of the Negro Improve satisfaction and enjoyment of the Company at the West Indian Red large crowd anticipated JEWELER ment Association of this district tendr tance, lies the land of promise And Cross Hall, Feb. 14th, 1920. The their kindest thanks Dr. Radwayir wien it is generally known that boys of this Company are well 102 CENTRAL AVENUE.
the esett etter which appeared in Pinam RP the price of Admission known throughout cents gold there sure going Famous Lau the City as Saturday night 31 ulta a large crowd M1 day issue of the Star and Herald Oficers and is be soine crowd at the Isth always hand but the real Giudice. whe turned out to witness a champion game where he gave our res id of Billiard which took place at our silver Mob: bate which will never before mian Park next Saturday Now they have decided to open STERLING un the Carnival with thrilling and Club use when our rooters and champin gotten; in attention to the bril The Back to Africa Move Stunts, some of the latest and stunts, Junior players lost to Paraiso clampics lant time Colon visitors enjoyed on the Real New Messrs. Burkett, McFarlane, and Me 25th ulto.
Kenzie proved too much for our hom best songs that will keep you by yet they strat deres am the We have much pleasure tnnounce out of the possible 200 points they The first Conference in con. Don forget that Gazey Eyes ihat Ms. Webster wife of our pur Tonic and Alterative 165 points with Alexander op score nection with the above move and Big Sua will be putting 69; followed by Fitzgerald 51. Fields the seluol teacher is a resident of this vicinity ment was held on Monday last, op enough bombardment that will lost one could only get toeter 48 as his It was quite a long time ago when our January 26, at o clock in the slop a German air craft going Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and opponents left hudfficult every tin e; or tadur Lad to train toind fro to his San Miguel Baptist Church in 1, 000 miles an hour.
Paraiso Burnett the e captain muude 72 cut residence at Monte Lirio all join in wel. acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, response to invitation sent out by Don Fail To Come and hear Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, 200 pola milionu iy his coming Mrs. Webster and trust soon to Mr. Pinnock. There were pre these boys as they will put a liveetc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re partners with a tie of 62 each; a seci nu hear her in the literary cirelest Gatun.
sent the following Ministers and ly spirit in you to go through the sults may be anticipated. Evers, 4 days Carnival. Follow the boys so as to make up time Laymen: game took place so Pame Damen Parker, Anderson and Odle, while they rally and as Gatun rooters wanted Johnson Employee of the com Messrs Wilson, Mitchell and crowds from all parts of the City bringing thing done for the good of the of their anxiety Morrison, Sergeant Major Wright Doors open at 30. sharp placed three of the crack players. in missary and known as dad around this he persons of Messrs. Harper, Scanile district made a brilliant hit at the Lodge Los Angeles, Salvation Army.
Sergeant Scarlett of the Show starts at p. m, come early garmy. After the sing secure a seat.
bury, and Harrison but these again proved Hall on Jany 25th ulto when he delivered of a brief ex too slight for the crack Parsise players a touching address he went away back in and champs as they walked through them the olden days and out lived the cause planatory remarks by Mr. Pin of good learning obedience, and various without any miscueing, happy are we to other good things for the uplifting of the nock, praeyr was offered by Rev. Canal Clubhouses No LongParker, The Harper beld his own with top score e movement was outму lined by Mr. Pinnock.
followed by Harrison and Scantlebury race.
er Connected With Sorre viny stars who are known to be on very important and vital points could not get a emeli around wie sites Modern Cabinet Makers were brought forward All too maoy bad holes were left for FALASQUERADE sent promised their support.
For the information of the pubjust as Fields in the Juniors gainera Before bringing the the Movement lic, it is announced that the Panawill say come again Paraiso dont forget Don forget the grand was.
NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CITY to the notice and co operation of ma Canal clubhouses are no longthe sumptous time enjoyed.
the Public it was decided that a er connected to in any way with querade Dance which will be giv PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, special Prayer Meeting be held the The clubhouses are en by the Red Tank Social Club at the Red Tank Club house on laying our desires and plans be. now entirely under the jurisdic All eyes will be lifted for the unveilit Saturday night the 14th inst.
Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood fore Almighty God. All Minis tion of the Panama Canal, operate of New Providence Charter on the 22nd ters and Laymen are invited to ed for the welfare of the employattend this Prayer Meeting which ees of The Panama Canal and inst, also bear in mind the plan which Latest Designs In Cabinet making, etc.
will take place on February Panama Railroad this Organization have on hand that a Company started in the SouccessfullutDacced Exam. Monday) the 23rd; at 30 The hospitality of the club be called will in the United Methodist Church, houses is extended to the public the Gatun Ination. A. Movement this boat will leave (Rev. Anderson) 21st. street, with the exception that dutiable NOTICE Information to Shoemakers Guachapali.
when required by notifying our Preaident supplies sold therein can only be or Vice President when requested at the sold to those in the service of the We are indeed pleased to an.
United States Government.
bour 30 a. and will return in nounce that Messrs Babbington NOTICE.
time so as to make the last train for Simons, Obediente and The United Shoemakers AssoSeperate clubhouses are providA General Assembly of Share members of the Colon Branch? who may Hipolito Verhelst of Panama and holders of the Isthmian Under ciation, 22nd Street Guachapali. Organizer Carter begs to state ed for white and colored emplog some over, remember see the above Victor Kippings of Colon have taking Co. Ltd. will be held on house No Panama City begs to that the gold buttons of the ees. Canal Record.
naged Officers and set full information successfully passed the examina. Bunday February 8th at 30 notify that their meeting nights Brotherhood have arrived and so that everyone will be guided in the tion of the Panama National at the Pacific Club, Central are the first and last Monday can be had at his office in 20th right way; it is expected all Gatun will Board of Pharmacy, beld recent Avenue and corner 19th street.
night and third Thursday nigh Street Central Avenue. As each month, there is only a limited supply at be going over for the 22nd inst. when ly, and have been granted licenses HENRY SPENCER, ADVERTISE New Providence will be ablone with to practice Pharmacy in the Ro present, please secure yours at WHITTAKER.
Secretary nearly date at the regular visitors of the public of Panama Secretary price.
IN THE WORKMAN to sheer pains to is only polls Up exciting FEMALE TONIC score of the see some The Sterling Laboratory, they and a hymn, and Elcock Co.
preo motor boat service will near future which na pod


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