
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 1920 LA MASCOTA Trinidad Legislation to Check Lizard Springs are so favo that an The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes mine.
devel ces ation rice wait for his were a YOULIK manol nielen his vietoms. Two View dhe Soll be hon New Discovery Dr. Freecl Strengthening Compound OR THE NEW YEAR Dominica Yeart, and your frien ist with you Por meu take erre your store to share Rood fellow Dub property row Interesting News from the Trininad Central Oilfields German is Accused Limited (Continued from page fof Seven Murders. Referring to the oilfields at Trinidad, BWL, the West India Conmittee Circular says: Berlin (et Berlin has just hon The results obtained at Tabı stirred by the raptore of the prize quite and the information re derer of the prevat erimne wave. The Cruse Achievements of Frits Sehumann furnih have THE HOME OF material for an old fashioned dime nove here For some time persons bed bern Profiteering.
cided on a substantial increase in di appearing in a the ital of the Con. pa.
mysterious way around capital Spandau, chiefly in a forest with small an intensive effort way now lake is it to the west of the city. About An Extraordinary meeting of be be made to develop these areas.
ten days ago a lor ster was attacked there the Legislative Council of Trini and exhaustively to examine grosad shot fatally. He was able bowever, logically the further xwnsive to send a case of shot after his murderdad was convened on the 24th areas over which the Company. which took offeet; and be ww still December last for the special has rights. To this and the High and Low Cut able to report that feet to persons who purpose of introdueing and pass shareholders on November found in ang through all its stages an Or approved a resolution increasing The shot proved the undeier of Frits jinanue to Check Protiteering in 1, 350, 000 by the creation of the capital of the Company to in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet Sehas. Several days later be called upon a physician is Spindau to have bis that colony. Commenting on the 000. 000 shares of each.
measure, the Port of Spain Gazelle the Pocket of AU woude dressed, trying to palun of upes his story about having been hurt in na says: Trinidadian, born and grown explosion. The doctor saw that the man had been wounded by rather small shots Bill of the sort should have up. who, while employed in Colon, swen brought forward by the and desirous to help the Einpire And informed the police, who called for Government in the early days of by enlisting as a soldier (as there MULLER the patient. he Great War, when unserupu was no opportunity to set to Tri Schumse has now to answer for dous trades throughout the colony mo nidad to do so) proceded to Ja.
murder filteon attempts to murder, sin Tunik advantage of other people maica and joined the Astarlle for robbery, wine wave thefa. Europe did his Sole Agent bit.
Sve esses of ama and eleve topes off the blood of the Empire that that In Egypt he was transferred ber of which he has already confessthe battalion which mostly repre ped 37 CENTRAL AVENUE kipta mitt that he was being so unselfishly PANAMA momenta sen teatterinidad at the Oy At cave in the woods near the lake, where he an ut who rallied their country of hostilities he 18 sent back to often spent nights, apparat INNE call. Late as this measure un Trinidad along with his fellow doubtedly is in being brought in countrymen soldiers. tie never betrothed a youth who was fond of ink no force to curb the cruel monster went to tight for any special against whom it is aimed. it will reward, but now that Trinidad ing bis guitar and going with his snietbe gladly welcomed by the Suldier w by the Suldiers are receiving gratuity not be denied that at present the hart to the woods to enjoy Blure a la Omar Khayyam, setting up his true people who, although peace has of appreciatłou le tinds it very waterworks department is being been restored to the to the world, are hard and we agree with him run at a loss through the enor the edge of the lake. The bedies of the stil! being ing unmercifully crushed that he should be excluded. We wous cost of fuel. Water is a com couple were found buried, one in the the of the other in the sund hard by by high prices. We do not know think as a genuine, loyal Trini modity which is sold; and while what is the feeling of the unoffi dadian, he is entitled to the 21s, we should absolutely deprecate change)
Cal members of the Council to and we think His Excellency the the idea of its being sold to rate IMPORTANT wards the Bill and the impera. Governor will ap. ree witia us in payers at a profit certainly think it ought Fove necessity for its introduction thus thinking.
loss which nece is an in atbis juncture; but as the rex Considered the best blood and Recent Trinidad papers tell of tice to the star part of SLR end usually and the Government to pro serious un est in Tiinidad and et Civzette.
Nerve tonic in the World With apologies to El Hits cler wwe against such a hapjen ng, a natin Tobago where one man Hilar.
by directing that the oficial ele was lilled and seven wounded inent shall have no election bui H, Calcutta was sent to To.
Is highly recommended by press and public for that of votink solialy for the pass bugs, and the warship carried Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and Starve, and you starve alone, ang of the Ordinance the ringleaders of the rioters to Objects and Reasons Trinidad most of whom were general depression of the whole system.
The appointment has been an But keep you away from their WI.
gwis! The labour question in nounced of Major blward French For Both Men and Women.
The object of this Bill is simi TrinNad seems to be growing in Beecher as an Unofficial Member Drink. theres Prowd to touto Yar to that of the Profiteering danger. The situation is very del of the Legislative Council; this is Sole distributors for Central and South America But want, and they pass by Act lately passed to England, and icate.
in place of Me Morris Fletcher, While hushed is the Hello atly is intended to provide machinery resigned. Major Beecher is a PANAMA DRUG STORE for controlling the prices of ar Sudden Death long resident hera, and owns Which Bobody can deny.
ticles in common use by the in the heights of Mahthic, and so to proti On Christmas Eve moroing aut. Whilst we cour atalate the Muller Building so to put a stop to proti Leod, then you re pal and vering. Its operation will cease about o clock, James Abbott, gentleman upon the appointment. true sport. On the 31st December, 1920, un a baker and owner of a small par. we must also express the bope CALIDONIA. Friend, huk you while they bra loss otherwise determined by the luur at No. 11 Queen Street, died that he will endeavour to do his Legislative Council. By that almost suddenly, while prepar best in the interest of the band But full in bred and you fall indeed, time it is boped that legislation ing dough for making caker, of his option, and talk it his To drink alope of sorrow.
of the kind will no longer be ne bread, etc.
duty always to rise equal to the Dance, and be free, and take merry, cessary.
From what we are able to gat! Dusition, and not as one whers Men, women, you sutumun at will; The price of food is at present er, Abbott. a one time employe before vim have done who voted They Matter you coax you, to hurt tixed by the Goverror, acting or Messrs. Luscion Co. severed against the taxpayers interest op the advice of the Food Com connectious with the tirin to do because they thought it best to witwe under the authority of the business of his own, and from act the part of uwis in the hands Royal Orders of Council and the what we were told, was making of the Governmeat machinery.
True friends can we known my brothers; Delence of the Colony Regula satisfactory progress. As was They walk not the selsh WA tions, but no machinery exists his daily custow to prepare his There lius dever been a time Obarrio Building. No. Calidonia Road You ll fial them in those who are for controlling the price of comowa dough, be left his home int when oranges have commanded wodities and articles of daily use about am wuch high priory locally as dar As your joys in any day.
other than food, for which the bis shop and bekon work. Soweing the last few weeks, and it is LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR purchaser has now practically to time afterwards the heighbour pay whatever is asked. next door heard something Tall be hoped tivat our lane wiers WATCH REPAIRING and knowing that he was there will not be slow in putting as Section. gives the Governor and thought nothing of it.
power by Proclamation to fix the clock when the parlour ind is the tine suitable now that the bere many trees as they have suitable At six Dr. OGILVIE ux lands plant them. Especiasly.
ximum price at which such ar came to take up her work, shu Butunic Garueri WE KNOW HOW TRIAL WILL CONVINCE IS SOW LOCATED AT ticles may be sold and it is in. found him seaud in a chuir as orders for buddes plants that tended that in exercising such thouoh usleep. She shouk hiw. will bear such a short space of Welding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
157 Central Avenue, corner powers the Governor shall be ad vised and assisted by persons and not bearing bio answer or Lime 28 KiStreet.
three years. Purmerly having a knowledge of the sub harm that he was dead. His rel ind until recently, oranges of the CAMPBELL ject, as in fixing the price of food lives and neighbours rushed com non variety could be be got at Watchmaker and Jeweller HOURS: KL 11. 30 he is guided by the Food Commit the scene but life was already any time when Season for Phone 1053.
trumu, to one shilling per kun Cars Stop at the Door extinct. The body was conveyed dred, according to size. Up to Sundays: 11 in For the purposes of this Section to the Hospital, where the post last year giraited oranges coud the Governor is authorised to mortem examination revealed ba 3s.
order the production of invoices, death to be from heart failure have beeu got at 3s. Der Appointments can be avant Teleshon 375.
accounts and documents where The Port of Spain Gazelle.
hundred and rape trust the the necessary information cannot These fex dis past bed e obtained otherwise, and Denal common oranges we selling to 61. per hundred, and City Bible Agency ties are imposed on persons fail Municipal War Bonuses.
ing to comply wil with such order or yrafted ones a prape knowingly giving wrong inforThe City Bible Agency begs to mation. In England similar power THE CITY COUNCIL FALLING INTO the crisista ovat TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, call the attention of Christian is given to the Board of Trade by LINE.
louk since been sold out.
workers and Bible readers to the Profiteeriag Act.
Common kinds of oranges are We understand that as a result the fact that we can supply them The. ly place By section it is made a suw of a recommendation by the Run that you thin le orages bras and Repair parts with the corner translations of anary conviction offence for any ance Commute vi tie City Coun now be had is. Sylviai, avu Bibles compared and revised, dealer to sell at an excessive price cil, it is likely that the officers NOW IN STOCK selt pronouncing editions and toe and the section detines what is the new year enjoy the same possibly, it will not be for bug standard concordance meant by excessive price. benfits as will their confreres in yale. Thus we beli ile planters Bible also Sunday School Teachplant, plant, plaut. Who Whenerer it is suspected that an the Government, in that they also Reasonable Prices.
er Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and tas knows?
Bibles. We handle Bibles of get per of Governor may require informacent on their fixed salaries.
various societies, especially the tion to be given documents We haye been unable to obtain NOTICE.
Oxford University Press.
to be produced for the purpose official confirmation of the report norocco binding.
of ascertaining the invoice price. but we have no doubt it is fairly The Otice of the Brotherhood We also handle all other kinds Under sections and where correct; for it would be indeed is now situated on the second of religious books in aduition to it is necessary for a Magistrate incredible that a semi official body floor of Building located at the Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
to ascertain the invoice price of like the City Council, of such im corner of 19 street and Central See us for prices au terms.
an article for the purpose of de portance and standing in the com Avenue.
PONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, 10. Street, termining whether the selling munity, could have seriously de Huars: p. to p.
House No. (upsta price is excessive or not, the onus cid. to stand aloof and refuse to cerving the invoice price on join with well nigh HENLIN ox 1079, Panam.
of proving the person charged.
self respecting employer and with Goneral Cretary Augustus Farrier, Lessons Given NOTICE.
Sain gives power to the the Government in this master Council, have already pointed out.
with the consent of the legisla if it cannot be donde FOR SALE.
the except by on the Clarinet, the leading WILKINSON Council to purchase and sell imposition of emergency taxation, Must be sold at once one Orchestra furnished for all dress or whereabouts of Ja nes Band Instrument, Band or Want to know the present ad commodities, In England ths the position must be bodly tacea; CONTRACTOR BUILDER power is given to local authorities and the taxation must be levied. Cornish Organ in very good kinds of engagements. Spooner a Barbadian, and hoped that the necessity for it being distinctly understood, of condition. Call at House 18, Gregory, Jamaican, both shoe First Class Workmanship making use of this section will course, that it will be removed 28th November Street San NEILSON makers by trade.
not arise. very Plans and Specifications Free FISHER Clarinetist Republican Band.
Section gives the Governor Striking point was made by van Miguel. upstairs) or write Phone 1053 power to delegate his powers to Reilly the other day when he 10. R. Box 1032. An Ancon Pos Prov. Chirique, David, 15th Street West Committees.
House 90 asserted what apparently could con, 17 St. West, House 37, Panama of P. Box 411, Panama, The Calidonia Jewelry Store vou and hoax you As soon as your lock is nil your woes.
and went. in KW). Sabe.
BICYCLE Truit at rery scarea tu mily and real WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.
ing. gh every other we have It is


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