
tha progress of how tany a our race to prethelvas to fill important positions in the BLASTAR Is there anyone who would knowingly LINE, and other Negr enterprises in which education and refuse to receive the best value for his cary spent Time who statute ROBERT LINDSAY, DeWitt Pills with other remedies are not only rejecting the best value for Residence Calle Domingo Diaz their money but actually plotting for Apartment lpstairs Box 104. neon. ainst their own health Do you feel tired, worn out and de er the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE willing for is Young Tvien, Boys and Giris disorders, dizziness, headache, El High School Cours sideache, and all kinds of pains, Siljett tight. Arithmetin, Ngebr. Practical and Theoretical aches and discomforts in various MODERATE PRICES Con Elements of French and Latin English including Granmar and forms other parts of the body, such as Beform letters, etc other subjects tight as demand xons, bladder, etc Have you irritation of the bladder, burning senCome and have a look at the assortment.
Ecurs: 00 to 10. 00 Call or write sation, weak and lame baek.
irregularity of urine, with had color, sediments, etc. TOTTEITETI Any of these symptoms are generally EDUARDO VALENCIA the trail to kidney and Bladder trou NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET bles.
De WITT PILLS, the UNIVERSanta Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole SAL PROOF CURE, will not fait to cure Start in to day. Just the reward Health, Strength, Happiness and Long Life at sucla stall cash value.
Sold in two sizes at all first class drus Solution to the Isthstore. Beware of immitations some dealers are handing out. EC DeWITT mian Problem.
Co. Ltd. London, Bottle with Blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on (By SILVER EMPLOYEE.
THE CITY PHARMACY, 130 Central Avenue, Panama. Continued. Exclusive Agents on the Republic and Canal Zone. chlevements of Past Six a: before the war. Although What are we going to do to solve this Months makes Her Cred London exchange has fallen to problem? The question could be solved a record low level in the last on the Canal Zone, but as pointed out o berwise, which is beld for local pur.
pores, this amount alone would be suffeitor Instead of Debtor year, the way the situation is in the first part of the article, existing shaping itself indicates that the rules and regulation denius us the right fecent to open one store, or to make a good start on the developement of lands, NOW BUYS FOR CASH pound sterling will make a very or privelegos to solve them, therefore the substantial, if not full, recovery only thing we can do would be to take and would also prove to be a great incenbefore the end of 1920. 8 tive in encouraging members and others the subject up with the Pananninn Has Practically wiped out But while to launch out in the scheme, Government. whom we are sure is will Huge Trade Balance As an example of what we are capable Great Britain has been satisfacing to have their country developed tory the rest of Europe has gone and secure enough lands to start business of doing. Take the various Liberty Against Her in backward. In Austria the pop on a substantial basis.
The Corset of the Century. Loan drives bere on the Isthmus, see lation is starving; Germany has The Star and Herald has on several ocof us forced to rced to take as much SOLD AT PANAMA BY AND STILL EXPANDING done little toward getting back casions emphasized th necessity for rondo ms we possibly could, even at a sacrifice to normal because outside help which will connect the interior with the La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, not only because it was considered a safe Central Avenue.
investment, but because we thought we on an adequate scale still is is capital and if the Government of this The following cable despatch withheld; Russia troubles ale little Republic would make a start in this SOLD AT COLON BY were doing a duty to humanity and we dated London, January 1, reler as bad as, if not worse than ever direct the first solution to the problem did this without solicitation. If then we Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long rmy to Great Britain tinancial because of the injection of polican loan our money to help the cause of would be solved ww status, appeared in a recent is. tical measures like the blockade Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
Le not wait until roads are made a race who are willing to keep us down sue of the Jamaica Gleaner: to the level of animals, how much more LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents into an economic situation that or until come capitalist come abend of us, Although the tinancial year just was bad enough without further but rather let his birt down to business, should we contribute a small amount HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE wards the advancement of ourselves auch de no parallel can be cited without passed has been one for which nee.
alpen gotistions with the Govern taking the first stand met some kind of a runtract 131. 10 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
going back more than twelve towards rehabilitating her do signed up, whereby operations can be Colon, R, Panama, The Black Star Line Stearnship (Cormonth gives indications of being moralized tinancial position by safely started poration has become reality, how are Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, even more remarkable.
deciding to levy an additional tax Tis of no use pondering over our prewe on the Isthmus going to support it?
Phone 895, The one stupendous financial of 50 per cent. Italy is reduced to sent deplorable condition without doing Are we going to buy a few shares and sit and economic achievement is that the depths of poverty, but the something to solve the many problems and Catamatzan a back and let others reap the bulk of the by the full use of her merchant profits? Or are we going to develop our marine in the last six months ple will not be permitted to which confronta us on the Canal Zone, starve like the Austrians.
farms and industries, so that each time due to the high cost of living, and the Great Britian has transformed ship of the Black Star Line drops her anherself from debtor to a a credi New States Are Chaotic starvation wages which we are compelled chor in the city of Colon we will have to accept through the absolute Govern.
bor nation. Not only has she large cargo of supplies ready for her to ceased increasing her borrowing the peace treaties are in a chaotic limits.
All the new States created by ment control of everything within their take abroad and show our brothers and but she is supplying her for Infants sisters on the othor side, what the Co Some may say if conditions on the own wants on a cash basis and is condition, because no plans have operative Society on the Isthmus of financing a a considerable part of been worked out for restoring Zone do not suit you, try somewhere else.
The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, Panaman is doing normal trade, and most of the This may be somewhat true, but bow It Europe besides.
collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly will therefore be wie to take this frontiers between them have been must we get there? remember sometime matter up as soon as possible, as we can trade balance against closed. They are so closely inter ago there was a tendency among quite Great Britain at the end of 1918 related that the closing of the few employees of the Canal Zone Gov.
cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
never command the respect due us was 800, 000, 000, but by double frontiers has paralyzed trade, ernment to migrate Real Hygienic Feeder unless we get on an independent and other fields where her exports and increasing the causing an over supply of som. the opportunity was offered to carnal productive basis, utilizing our best energy invisible income from shipping articles in one small area while living wage, and every conceivable ohta Complete 90c. silver for the good of our people, and also takand banking she has reduced this the territory immediately adja cie was pilseed in their was, until the ing care of all surplus material between Panana and Colon.
current balance against her at all. cnt is crippled for want of those means and desires were both exhausted, Transportation was actually denied is, This feat becomes all the more The solvency of Great Britain and the cost bns also interna ed to such an Paris to Build an 18 Acre remarkable when it is noted that FOUNDED IN 1881 Hall.
all the other belligerents in the is one of the tirst considerations extent that leaving the Isthmus has been in trying to establish the proba come an impossibility The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
war on both sides except the ble future course of European tin se we can neither leave individually Smee United States and Japan have anchal development. Englishmen or collectively, let is turn our heads to MANUEL ESPINOSA West Indian exchange conPetrograded.
notoriouslyam Central Avenue, 33 tains a Paris despatch which self contident: wards the Government who shelters us Further Expansion Indi they always have been, but never when we are no longer required on the Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
states that Paris is to have what cated.
the newspapers declare to be the before was this contidence so Canal Zone, whose hospitals and other ma ked. Britain position in the haritable institutions ure open freely to greatest ball in the world. The The coming year undoubtedly world for at least another genere. us and wur families, the Government who bill authorizing demobilization will see still more emarktion or two and that is all that has shown the real spirit of Democracy.
provided that an exhibition paable expansion of trade conse one need bother about now will not Demokracy) to all who come with Pace be constructed for agriculquent on improvement in her be comfortable, despitent une aplin their borders, whether white, colored tural and horse shows, the state position because the army is de parent upheavals that seem to be or blach.
paying two thirds of the cost and mobilized and ships are as free disturbing the United Kingdom the city one third. The plans proLet us, fellowmen, form ourselves into for commercial use practically and the British Empire.
vide for a hall 427 feet long, 345 one Co operative Society which will include No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama. feet wide and 162 feet high. The every West Indian au Panamanian building will cover about eighteen Isthmus ISTHMIAN COLORED NOTICE.
of Panama, let us poola little of our resources toget er, say from The Shop of Personal Service and a half acres.
BASE BALL LEAGUE five dollars up, and with the cooperation of the majority, quite a handsome DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Wanted to know the preamount can be raised to develop the sent address of Charles Results of Last Sunday Games lands which we hope to obtain to erect Returns To His Old Stand Carter (more popularly known factories, industrial schools and other en as Evan Carter) a Barbadian, At Colon: Athletico 13. Giants rprises which will be necessary 15 The General Public and friends Red Sox 10, Olympics Patron is the special function of age 29 years. Very important dovelop.
of Dr. Edwards are asked to take vstter can be taken Brooklyn 9, Star Edward Moore) Alleyne, notice that he has removed from 242 establishment.
cally without any extra effort, At La Boca:Chicago 12. La Boca No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old Bocas del Toro At Panama: Avaitors 9, St. Louis th various lodges of the United Bath ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, hood between Panama and Colon, where Opposite Where They Play Tomorrow two thirds of the male employees of the the Masonic Temple, Rep of Panama.
and is prepared to treat all diseasAt Panama: Black Star vs. Chi has any desire for co operation they will Zone can be reached, and if the members es, especially those of women ALLMAN cago, p. Olympics vs. boost the matter and bring it to success.
WANTED and children, as he has spe.
Dr. GONNELL Aviators, 10 a.
cialized in these subjects during LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR At Colon; La Boca vs. Giants, 10 The Brotherhood has brought us toSURGEON DENTIST his recent stay in New York.
The public to know that Red Sox vs. Brooklyn, other organization has heretofore been in a more concrete form than any first class Between 10th and 11th Sts.
10 a. St. Louis vs Athle: able to du, mud we sivuld he DYEING, CLEANING AND and be found at 175 Bottle Alley. Colon, tico, p Union the opportunities which the HOW THEY STAND Central Avenue has given us. We should not only keep PRESSING MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Tailor and Outfitter Clubs W LPct. courselves financial with this Grand Lodge is carefully and expeditiously Opposite Station and wait they can ar LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY at the Aviators 1000 ranged to better our condition, but should Panama Hats Dealer in School Books, Latest English and American Fashions. Chicago 750 formulate schemes which will help to al 3 1. 666 leviate our present condition, and pave and Stationery.
Athletico 2 Also Cleaning ressing Black Star. 666 the way for a brighter and bappier future 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, and TRIMNED to Order 2. 500 for ourselves and our children No. 11 Street, Panama Your Patronage Solicited Cor. 16 St. West, Panama. 500 The power to do this line with the ALSOBrooklyn 333 members of the RS Call phone 218 chains from Central Ave.
Prices Moderate 81. Louis 250 the Lothmw, they have between them, GREEN and WILSON, MILLINERY OF SMAKING Boca 1 250 tool sure, no low than 10, 000(ten thonP. Address: 0 MY MOTTO PUNCTUALITY Giante 000 inddellan) on the banks and La Bocal Rex 895, Ancon, C, Eclipse Feeding Bottle abroad a The trade her Central Drug Store articles.
The Woman Exchange on the of the DRESSMAKERS To develop a personal Mode for.
gether نه Wm. Lawrence great 4 Red Sox Anglo American Tailoring CLEANED BLOCKED Olympics 1


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