
Canal Zone Notes FELT HATS.
tors We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
hard in his ap: day.
shell to the Creque.
Display Brilliant FootLA BOCA CANAL ZONE DISTRICT works on Monday Evening Loyal Order of Ancient Carnival Dance at La Boca The Standard football team Clubhouse.
defeated the Fox football team Shepherds Ashton Unity.
at the Standard Oval last Mon Friendly Society The tention of the publie is directed day evening by the score of to the Carnival Dane, which will be goal to 0, following is a line up beld at The la Bien Clubhouse on Tues.
of the Standard team. Ben hereby notified that the Star in All Lodges of the Order are day. Heb. 17th. 1920 pm Motley, center forward. Wiles the East Lodge No. 2793, 0.
Carnival Dew Prix to the best at tired Lady and Gentleman apparing in inner left, Forde outer left Jeff inner right and Sydney out pended on Oct. last, for violation U (F which was susCrnival costume Come and tip right these are the five heroes yer to the that played in the forward line re orgonized by the same Dis of the District Laws, has been tune of the Latest Pulka Quadrilles. The Capt: Forde center half. Viſtrictand in accordance with GenAerobatie Step, Double Leap, Whirling John right half, Clark left half Dip, and The Partner Toes the field back were Drayton eral Rule 23, the following are Ladies USC and Wells who made brilliant the names of those who have Gents stop at every opportunity, suspended, by the Canal THE SILVER CITY JAZZ BAND will Chrichlow, the goal keeper who on January 31st, 1920: Zone District, in a session beld deliver the good in ito majestic style stopped every ball shot to him game started at 15 the Bro. Blake has been us RED TANK captain of the Standard won the pended for 12 years; ShepThe Red Tank Literary Society wet toss and decided to defend the herd for 3; Neal for in the clubhouse on Thursday night, 5th lower goal. Mr. Jacob the referee years. Yule warned against The attendance of members was blew the whistle and the Fox admitting them within the premediocre and visitors fair.
boys kicked off, the game then cincts of your Lodge, from this started in full The evening program was an enjoy.
swing and both date.
teains started work: 10 Signed: able one, consisting of a recitation by Mesars. Williams and Myers, musieminutes after the gam game started CHRYS FORSYTH, Dr. Lowe the popular phy.
al relection on the violin and clarinst Provincial Chief Shepherds by Mesers Bourgeois and Thomas, songs sician of this town put pearance then the boys started HENDERSON, by Mr. Donara and Mrs Williams The Scrap Ba ket proved a very to rough matters up in as much Dist. Corresponding See pleasant diversion All the subjects to say the Doctor is here what 14 21.
selected created interest and included, do we care. Just before half time the Standard boys scored Picked Team to Play SunDuty, which fell to Mrs. Thomas.
Organization, by Mr. Manning, the first goal the spectators Future of the Negro Race, by Mr. Mitthen started to shout from every corner and the boys Musie, by Mr. Myers quickly scored another. Merrit (Capt. Drysdale, who is President for the Walker, Thomas, Barton, Clarity, by Mrs. Donawa Charaeter, by Mrs. Mauring Standard team started to cheer Goddard, Weatherhead, War, by Mrs. Blauehard up his boys and the whistle blew Best, Barrow, Blackman, Plants by Dr Williams for half time, minutes inter. Archer, Pierre.
Taberty, by Mr.
mission was given at the end of Dr McD Milliard will pre The president commented on the various which the referee blew the whis eree sent the cup.
impromptu spreches bused on the subtle again and the boys returned jeets selected, which were to readily and PANAMA COLON to the field of battle then Motley intelligeatly handled kicked off passed the ball to CARNIVAL DANCE Reference was a pain made to the very Wiles who in return passed it to Forde and down the wing brilliant addrewe delivered by Mr.
The Secretary of the Cristobal Manning on the Function of Literary both of them went. Wiles im Silver Clubhouse begs to anSueirty. It was decided that each mediately centered the ball back nounce that a Carnival dance wit!
member be given a copy of the inspiring to Motley, who returned it to take place at that institution en Wiles and both kept the ball busy Monday, 16th inst.
nurees There was a lively discussion on how until the third goal was scored richt in the face of their oppo tu improve the literary standard of the gorrem each week, and general suggesnents eren and the boys went on Notice tions were given to the program comunit Soos keeping things busy until the tee who were urgeutly requested to renew and goal was scored, the referee then blew the whistle and de The Representatives of The their interest and activities for the im pruvement of the society. It was agreed Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howell, a clared the game all over and the Spalding Challenge Cup League.
that the next meeting program will in bouncing baby boy on Sunday night last.
GOOD WILL spectators shouted from every who have just entered for compe elude Mother and babe are doing nicely whilst corner that the Foxes were detition, are requested to send to Prowe Selection to be read by Mrs. Cafford is receiving congratulations and business lives through its feated the Secretary of said League the Manping poetry by Mrs. Donawa, handling around cigars to his many customers. And its greatest names of their Umpires by the asset is their good will.
Paper by Dr. Williams, and Mr Man friends and co workers of the Lock DeISTHMIAN LEAGUE OF the 20th instant. Please give spe cial attention to this notice.
nie Our service has always partment at this district.
BRITISH WEST INDIANS merobersbip committee was also measured up to this standS. MÈRRITT, formel. It is quite evident that every ard and brings forth volunOur popular school teacher, Mr Paraiso Red Tank District President.
member is trying to increase the memtary expression of friend bership and extend the interest of the Webster, received the sorrowful news of ship and confidence arr operation which had to be performed Members of the above named Come in and see our New Society. Next moet ng will be held on NOTICE DID IT on his wife, Mrs. Alberta Webster, at Thursday night, 12th inst. when a most Ancon Hospital on Thursday morning, Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold League are asked to be present cial invitation is extended to everyth 12th inst. Reports from the Ho piEVER ers. Better than pins.
at the next regular meeting (Febe who can make it possible to attend.
ruary 18th. as matters of great! Members of Victory Lodge áre tal yesterday, say her condition is im STPIKE FULLER importance will be dealt with, re hereby informed that a limited proving. Au join in wishing her GATUN You pur supply of Gold buttons has come speedy reeov ry of JEWELER the organiza. to hand, and they can obtain 122 CENTRAL AVENUE.
tion. Delinquent members are theirs by calling on the Secreta a special concession ry. The price is 75 cents Well, well, it looks as if Gatun Lecture on Egypt Panama.
has been granted the League is really out of the season cup fixtures FIELDS, Sec for a period of very interesting loeuroon Egypt this time, as two gatnes have already was delivered on Sunday night the 8th pla and not a lamb bad a knock, Please come across as quick as inst, at the Silver Clutbouro in this what have you done ye, Gatunito?
STERLING possible, and rem remember the ex traordinary weight that goes Miss LAING town, by Morgan, employee of the Swire the good Captains of all orieket FEMALE TONIC along with anything by the name Commissary, The lecture was very in games, HAIR DRESSER of British, for many may come, teresting and gripped the attention of the audience from the start to finish.
and many may go, but we go on straw hat was found on the track for ever.
Mr. Morgon dil Lis bit at the front Scalp treatment and Hak by our popular Duetor Myke, em during the late war.
Tonic and Alterative straightening a Speciality ployee of the Diepenkery at this town, rame ean le had by giving your name, AWARDED DIPLOMA.
On Saturday night last Mr. This hat fou while the 12. 30 Sterling Female Tonic contains in palatable and The many friends and well. For promoting the growth of the Cummings, delivered a very interrein was going towards Colon on WedHair and beautifying yourself wishers of Miss Daphne May acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, esting talk on his experiences in Ger Desday, 11th inat. Please call at the visit Bailey will be pleased to know Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, man East Africa, where he served as Dispensary and get samo.
etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re that she has received her Diplosoldier during the recent war. Mr.
The Parlors Carmingo briefly outlined his journey Mie Luna Meikle, a prominent mem.
sults may be anticipated.
ma from the Creoline Hair College of Indianapolis. Having HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE fron England to Palestine, Asia and devoted her The Sterling Laboratory, time faithfully to Corner 20th Street British East Africa, and the difficulties bir of the of Colon, was the study of, and completed the (hoou atered during the route. His ad plesent visitor of this town on Monday die was listened to very attentively.
morning, oth inst. calling on many of Los Angeles, course prescribed by this Col.
her old time frieude and members of lege, she is hereby adjudged a Gatun Branch. She returned on tl proficient and competent person The Gatun folks are determined not 35 traio, having enjoyed the pleasant to treat and care for the hair Tailor and Outfitter to be outdone by any other town on he big wind and cool brones, and scalp, and is now associated Canal Zone, or even during the CarniD, P, Leacock Co. with her sister, Madame Iris val, as note: the Grand Mosquerade Bailey of the Scientific Beauty Dealer in School Books, Dance, which is scheduled to take place New Attorney is Admitted ar or, Foivar 3rd streets, and Stationery.
in the Silver Clubhouse to night the to Courts.
Modern Cabinet Makers Coon, to practice along the vari first night of the Carnival. Admission ous lines of Beauty Culture, and to this unique dance is 50. for are now both meeting with un No. 11 Street, Panama Mr. Arthur Bellamy. Atgentlewen. Ladies free.
parallelled success. chains from Central Ave torney at Law NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CITY graduate of They are Sole Agents on the Howard University, Washington It does appeat us if the champion C, has been admitted to prac.
PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, Isthmus for the wonderful Cero Address: line and Celestial hair and skin games of whist which used to take place tice, in the Capal Zone Courts.
Box 895, Ancon, C, are all finished, anyway Mayers and After graduating from the Law Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood Hamblin, held their own in a friendly School five years ago, Dr. Bellagame on Tuesday night, against Hall my practised his profession in and Ward when the latter pair were Washington aod Chicago, Latest Designs Cabinet making, etc.
defeated by six to one. Then again on To this gentlenean we extend Wednesday night Mayers with Carew our congatulations, and bespeak defeated Anderson and Thomas to for him a brilliant career.
HEAD OFFICE: 56 W, 135th STREET the suid tune Hall and Ward.
NOTICE Information to Shoemakers New York City, Congratulations are extended to Mr.
NOTICE Freight and paasenger service between American, The United Shoemakers AŞ80and Mrs A. Mayer on receipt of the General Assembly of Share, ciation, 22nd Street Guacha pali West Indian, Canadian, Central and South happy news that their daughter Ambro Mrs. Candelario Scott begs to holders of the Isthmian Under house No Panama City begs to American ports.
mine hoe been sraduated a qualified infrom her many friends and taking Co. Ltd. will be held. notity that their meeting nights pure from the College for Nur in well wishers that she has re Sanday February 8th at 80 Chicago, United States, and received her gained her certificate of mid at the Pacific Club, Central are the arst and last Monday For further particulars apply to the Agents night and third Thursday night diploma on Yeb. 10th certificated wifery and sick nurse, and la Avenge and corner 19th street.
each month, GRAHAM LAWRENCE BUT The many friend of this young again practicing srid profession.
HENRY BPENCER, Box 604 Ancon, Cor. 7th St. Bottle Alley, aure join in congratulations aod with sidence opposite Morgan R. WHITTAKER.
House No. 14, Calle de Nov. Phono Corp. 271, her own her som prole Secretary.
Secretary Panama City, RP.
Solon, de pose and objects advised that a three months.
WA. Lawrence ܕܪܪܨ ܝܢ


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