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Brotherhood Men Object to Misleading Epithet SUBMIT RATIONAL FIGURES SUCCESSFUL TO GOVERNOR HARDING CARNIVAL PATTI BROWN PANAMA CANAL EXECUTIVE IN RECITAL WRITES PEREMPTORY NOTE along with request ARTICLE COST 100 75 28 she ably Float Credit to West In At the Variedades Theatre dian Committee.
Draws Large crowd Ask For Considerate Hearing and In Answer to Appeal of United Decent Treatment The most successful participa The Variedades Thentre was Brotherhood tion in this year carnival was packed to its holding capacity on The following article from the pen of the General Chairman of taken by the West Indians in Tharsday night with one of the Panama when a beautiful float largest crowds ever seen in this The statement setting forth (July October and January the United Brotherhood sets forth a rational and convincing ap: representing an uld Spanish wal us town play house. The cause what we consider the minimun respectively.
peal to the public of the Republic of Panama, and the Canadian leon was designed and construca few days before that madin bie a silver ett ployee to live in de ment enclosed in your letter, for this was the announcernent a amount of food, necessary to ena. Referring to the copy of agreeand on en Mr. Wilkins dorsement of all honest minded people. The tabulated expendi West Indi:n and well known con Anita Patti Brown the world cenry, which appears in another you are advised that will not en tures for a single working man was submitted to Governor Harding, tractor of thus city, mid dexorutSreatest colored singer, and her column of this in sues and which ter into an agreement, written or who turned down the request for better wages :ed by the builder with the assist. su play Company assnei uted also appeared in the Star Her otherwise, of We do not know what idea was in the mind of the writer who ance of the members of the West With Miss Henriettt Vinton aid of the 19th inst, was prese pay or conditions of employment employees Divis.
greatest colored ed to the Governorth the ques: Phese matters can be fixed only concerning rates of declared some of the officers of the B. WE to be Indian Carnival Committee.
Bucutionist would give a high ma Canal strike agitators. neither do we know just what pictre these The float was a handsome class recital, for an increase in wages of seven by administrative order, subject two words have conveyed to the mind of the public. To some per Long before the hour for com cents (7 ets) an hour. We here to change by the same authority.
sbevist, Red, sons, the word agitator is synonymous with W. Bol: credit the indefatigable con and Anarchist. while with, and among us, mem mittee who labores tard in the mencing the theatre was filled with submit for your careful conthe per and it was with great difficulty sideratioir the Governor reply: Respectfully, bers of the United Brotherhood, no such meaning is given the solicitation of tunds (Sgd. CHESTER HARDING, word. We are agitators according to the interpretation placed pose most of which came from that late arrivals found sitting Balboa Heights, upon the word by President Woodrow Wilson when he unequivee the merchants and other proni accom. notation.
Governor, To say that the recital wasi a February 20, 1920.
atly upheld the right to agitate in a lawful and orderly fashion, and went persons in this city.
You will note that we have further stated that just as long as there are grievances to be ad At the last moment, it was dis: hare success is truly portraying William Stoute, covered that the committe had Brown scored by a long way all it lightly and that Madam Patti justed, just so long will agitation survive been extraordinarily reasonable GEO. HENLIN, inasmuch as we did not include We are neither strike agitators nor mischief makers; we not received suliiciunt lands for that was expected of Her is but Bax 692, in our monthly statement such szek We present conditions as they really are. With God and the the full execution of all their faintly corroborating the number Ancon, itens as below stated; we. con tavourable opinions express: Sirs: inize our sufferings If our cause is just, both God and the public their pockets and supplied the ed of this class colored will support us. God already knows that we are in the right. It necessary amounts.
In reply to your letter of the line fuel oil 280 remaineth our duty to establish before the public the justice of our Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis 17th inst. beg to advise you The figure cut by this tioal in Amusement 50 cause. In so doing, we shall consider the wage question only.
the procession was gratifying also demonstrated in forceful that my attitude toward the rates Transportation The Governor of the Panama Canal in his Notice of February and encouraghes, and loud actions the fame that has pres of pay and ecnditions of employ. Reading Matter 00 Church dues 14th, addressed to silver employees, states: It has been the con pressions of aj preciation were eded her as the world greatest ment of our silver employees te skant endeavor of the Canal Government to maintain for its em heard from all sides of the streets colord elocutionist, and her in mains as stated in my notice is Lodge does Haircut. 60 ployees a decent standard of living. We greatly appreciate this through which the procession terpretation of Paul Dunbar sned the 14th inst.
Ice 20 attitude on the part of the Government, and beg to submit for the passed.
Production Encouragement.
which In accordance with the policy Hospital bill displayed the careful consideration of the public, the minimum of what we con 00 The young jadies who occupied shyness and coquetry of the rates of pay will be investigated adopted, the cost of living and fish the page that our very for his substantial increase in wages is places de inicial de representera Povenitive damsel wooing her in March. Yune, September and a decent standard of. which, if 11. 10 ciused by our needs, and not by our desires. Trinidad, Barbados, was perfection itself.
December, and when adjustments The only thing left for us to do Minimum Clotning, etc. for an Employee for One Year. wurd Islands group and British tra Dream by Miss Davis was tain a proper balance they will distinguishes a free man trom a Winward islands group, the Lee The recitation Cleopa. are found to be necessary to main. is to exerc se that right, which Conmissary Prices in Effect February 16, 1920 Guiana, were the Misses Paillips, also a Master piece of elocution be made, effective on April slave Be men.
Byke, and fully bears out the des gow, Cuvethuer anu Lopez, and claration that she alsonis can Serge suit, black 25. 00 ea. 25. 00 their appearance was like the artist in her own class along the Further Visits of Atlantic Japanese Cruiser Sails. Tweed suit.
25 00. 25 00 personification of beauty as their line; on a whole the recital was Pants, khaki. 70 pr.
Fleet 16, 20 rich dresses and spangling head highly applauded and greatly Shoes, working. 50.
The Japanese Cruiser Yaknmo bands told up in faultless uni. appreciated.
250 Shoes, dress.
15. 00 formity. The Company gave a Recital The squadron of 16 destroyers one of the three Japanese train. Shirts, dress. 60 ea.
10. 40 14. 40 80 at the La Boca Ciabhouse last with the flagship Rochester and ing ships for midshipmen of the The committee should be con Shirts, working SR.
gratulated for the great measure evening, which we understand flotilla augships Blackhawk and Japanese Naval Academy lett the Dixie which arrives at Cristobal port of Balboa, on the loth inst, TIN 12 V. s 48 17. 76 of success which attended their was another big succes, on February 11 from Guantana for San Dingo after spending six 130 18 Socks 24 pr. 82 efforts on behalf of the whole Overalls West Indian Colony in answer to Madam Patti at Varieda mo, cleared for Kingston on Feb. days in these waters.
roary 16. The battleships Arit During their Hats, working the invitation to participate in des Monday Night. zona, Nevada, Oklahoma and and men who came ashore were Hats, dress 00 the annual Mardigrus of the Pennsylvania, comprising Divis. exemplary in their behaviour publie.
By special request Madam ion 7, arrived at Cristobal on and never manifested the merest 12 Collars The members of the committee Patti and her Sing play Com February 19 from Barbados, and siga to cause anxiety or uneasi. Belts, working were Dr. Carrington, Presi pany associated with Miss Vir the battleships Delaware, Flori. nese. 35. Belt, dress 85 We understand that the officers dent, Dr. Fyfe. Messrs ton Davis will give another re da, North Dakota and Utah comSuspenders. 52 pr. Walrond, M. Wilkinson, Joital at the Variedades Theatre, prising Division due to ar and men were provided with all Garters.
facilities. Boyke and Grace.
12 Handkerchiefs The same popular price si. or; consisting of the Columbia Pro visiting points of interest in the Comb.
50c. and 25c. will be charged and metheus, Solace, Proteus, Bra Canal Zone, by that Govero inent. Bond hair. 80 it is felt sure that taking the zos, and Bridge will arrive indi. Also that several notable recep1 Razor 2225 25 Invitation! numerous expressions of satividually. The Brazos and Proteus tions were given the officers and 57 faction and appreciation of atasi have already arrived and are at midshipmen: Brushes, tooth is also stated that the other 12 Toothpaste Thursday nights recital, there anchor in Cristobal harbor 800 Admiral Wilson, comman two training ships of the Japang Towels, ordinary Back to Africa Movement is sure going to be another bumper house der in chief of the Atlantie teet, ese Navy are on cruises to Great 13 Soaps, Lifebuoy is on board the battleship Penn Britain and France.
board Polish, shoe 14 ea Special Prayer Meeting to be held at sylveoma mand of the 7th Division. Carter gives way to Stoute and exercising in inedi Pillowslips. 85 40 the Church, 21st Street Gunchi Unveiling of Charter: command Sheets.
pali Rev. Anderson. All ministers Rear Admiral Britteia Blanket and Layinen are cordially invited to all for the T. Branch at Edward Eberle is in command Tbe unveiling of the Charter his chief of staff. Rear Admiral General Chairman Nicholas Table cloths ad this Prayer Meeting. It is hoped Gamboa will take place on Sun of the 5th Division on the flagship Carter. will formally relinquish Brooms 36 that shortly after this meeting, plans for Mops, complete 36 the working of this Móv meat will be day 22nd inst. Miss Davis will Utah. Rear Admiral Edward his position as head of the Pana1 Bucket. 40 placed before the public, seeking the co be present to unveil the charter, simpson, coi manding the train ma Canal R. Syetem DiOooking utensils 00 operaria of all. February 23rd, Monday Henry, Morales son board the Coiumbia. Canal vision of the R. to William Stoute on night at 7:30 Rev. Anderson and many other co workers of Record.
12) 200. 16yrly Caurch, 21st street Guachapali.
the organization will be present Monday night, the 23rd inst, at all other brauches are requested the office of the Bratherhood, 16 68 mly to send two representauves by Quarantine Against Incorner of Central Ave. and 19th the noon train.
Brome Returns, fluenza.
Meun bers of the Joint ProtecTO ALL CONCERNED: tive Board, residing in Panama and La Boca, are requested to Sad Accident at Gatun ed Cartar right arın and badly Brome, well known con beg to notify the members of The following Circular issued from the be present.
lacer ted Phillip head. Both tractor and builder of this city, the United Brotherhood of Main office at Balboa Heights is published for were taken to the Colon Hospi begs to notify his patrons that tenance of Way Employees and general information: Isthmian League of In Cyril Carter and Phillips, tal where Carter arm was am will again settle down he has returned to Panama and Railway Shop Laborers, and the to general public, that have re of the Canal Zone and the cities of Colon The Quarantine Rules and Regulations diags.
roza uel West faian Soldiers putated by Drs. Bassett and business. For the past few signed my position as General and Panama, are hereby extended to The general moatbly of. mees at the Emergen. Ook. Both of the men were years Broine has been in Culom. Chairman, effective the 15th inst, include influensa and other similar dis parken gebore. com or they meeting all the Damer wel with sud a new einployees, the probable bia, where he was employed am, however, still occupying eases as maritime quarantinable dis convened in the Wesleyan Suhairmora Meil ebulering through a cause of the accident. Al with a mining firm operating on the position of Organizar ul the cases, and the Chief Quarantior Offioer is tonight beg blog 18 8: Au mom II witmachi No One Gatun wish thenu a speedy re the San Juan River in the Cloco Brotherhood.
authorised to promulgate rulea 16 the ex lere are urged to be present, there are 0: te leaves of land dam crush. c)very, District.
NICHOLAS CARTER. elusion of such diseases.
ery important matters to be des with 16 50 50 450 25 suit 2 Pajamas 1778 40.
900 10 ea. 20 50. Ties.
as 80 00 264 60 28 re. 36 44 40. 18.
10 12 ea.
140. 80 20. 07.
31 31 23.
45. Braun, shoe. 93 85 44 08 cake. 56. 00 10 65 00 40.
56 40 25. 68.
08 40.


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