
interesting News from the West Indian Islands Grenada INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Owned By THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits ar 99, 000, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD Through its Agencies in the Inborior and its Foralige Branches this Imattitution Offers Mbrooptional Demking Falkies.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ASCENT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM to to une pust see a efficiency on Panama Furniture Company 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre TERRE and bugun be Attink edkensing history of Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
fare of its people. am not permitted to diselise his naine, but may say that he has offered to place 7, 000 at the disposal of the Government to to aid in the sary expenditure entailed in erecting a new hospital as soo AS the work is sanctioned and buns Public munificence is rare in Dominica; and so far as know.
this is the greatest benefaction in its history, and on better plan for the good of the people could be conceived than providing for their proper care. in poverty and sickIs it too much to hope that some of our many wealthy pag.
nates, who cannot, we are sure.
even one, hall of their in cones, will come forward sim larly to show interest gratitude, to the Colony in, which they have amassed cm their for Lunes. Surely there are several 2011 means of spending a tithe of this wealth for the benefit, at least of some of the people of Trinidad?
Here is an opportunity for the display of the public spirit of philanthropy.
spend 10 ner rancheon for free. Memory of abre young Re lasses, and 70 per fallen of this church who malo and 10 punten een for audie The suprema sacri males For the Advanconent ein warbados Landmark.
Eduontion The Governor of Barbados has appointed the warraned five It has boor Kated that as NPMONDANTA wens gentlemen as. Cumieinners to a mark of increasing interest in MLA. SOOTWTY. enquires (1) Whether protiveering the higher edation of our child is being earried us in that island ren by private offort a scheme Under the above bendlines the and (9) if no, what measures shoud he set about to establish Port of Spain Gazette coments should be taken te deal with it:an endowment fund. This could Shus on the success of Borba Hd ward Brath waite 8kvele, Moe.
easily be done it churches anite dos institution :in the attempt. By making an John Rodman Bavell, la It gous without saying the IS. S. Frederik appeal to different persons here Barbadians are essentially proud Alfred Chapana Collymore, Bwho own well afford help in doing of their insui nunions, and probably E, and lowed Shepherd something for the promotion of in instance is love morejo Bailey, Mr. Oharles Parker the rising contration, sum of fed Dann in the case of what out. Bowen, is secretary to the cu say 2, 000 could be collecbed and standing land mark in the island mission.
invested With the interest, as history the Barbados Mutual rual Scholarships open to boys Lile Assurance Suciel. Mor Killed in Aotion in France and girls could be offered by the en existence of four soore your Pre Vieter Barnes, 31 goneral fand will help in supporting the Secondary Samindobonoured lace in the part 15. Bestalion County School of Grenada. It is a fact cunstanot have to combined to Own) September 20h life of the colony o don Regiment (Prince of Major Slinger Scholar the old on of 1917.
ship has do a much good for our betraying any of the trail was Pie, Adrian Rev Tudor. ago boys. the churches are pre peculiar te old ago, scenes to have 20 years, sue Davilion County of (Arvisto they now have an opportunity of ing the vigour associated with Rifleb) May 196 1910.
demonstrating low in uch more youth. In their New Year angood they are able to do in pronouncement published elsewhere Died In Egypt moting education in Grenada in this issue, the Society in Phe. Harold Payne WI There should be no hardship in the happy position of being able Regiment. July 26th 1917.
getting donations of from Laeir names livove for overwouple of the colony who profess dented success from a business 2100 from the majority of the vo record the fact that the year was marked with unpreco more. Advocate)
to be anxious to higher view standard of view point. She statistics for 1919 on the part showing that over million dol. The Representative Team.
our inhabitants. Men here lars worth of new business was are prepared to do nothing vol. written that period. The the date of the arival of the Trini It is now three weeks short of antarily. There has been so much wilding of this phenomenal and team to battle against our re.
Indole noe in the past that we have begun to forget our obliga. noticed the sto je to presentatives, and, we are afraid growth, is grantying wione. The new year has opened in Barbados, and in that the form being displayed by wiWeat any prospechs pent of our temperamente. Vores where the Society slides en does not come up to our botter of So far activities of what it should bave been launched, the name. should do something, however, same note of natisfaction is being perhaps we are better off on this as names and repr and 80, wall, and in the respecto do the operation of thy successful occasion than at any time in the it will sounded. The epocial feature of for the something belp in concern, lies in the fact 16 18 but we are later colonial cricketi.
Such fund established, the younger generation. With Lowoed by the powollenwers (2) Tarilton. Ince and Browne ahvat six scholarships, for boys for she benefit of the policyhold with Messrs, Mason Kidney, and send in form. Messrs Austin. Challenge managed by the and for girls, aun be offered an ere. With this as a guiding prin: Gilks, would be strone walla. We appoal to wae leaders ciple public confidence in the con contingent to encounter under of the Churches here to give the duct of the Society affairs, is at any conditions, and when there matter their earnest consideranca once assured an achievement of ren aton.
remain Doctors Huson, and which any business concern may Pilgrim or well be proud. The directorate up all back upon, we shall High Cost of Living Cause on the high water mark onuecess besluite satein borter these certain: are of of Unrest of an institution which, like good ties must go into form and show at the nets from to morrow onward It is understood that at the in. wine, seems to improve with age. that they can be depended upon.
stance of the Government of the There are youngsters like Skin various islands of the West rom Gift to the Barbados House them out, the reliables must give ner who are showing up, to shut dire con instructions from the Secretary of State for the Of Assembly. evidence of their return to old employers of labour form. Globe)
have been advised that the cause of unrest in these parts is be prietor of Kendal plantation, St.
is he Mr. Fellowes, the pro.
lieved to be the low standard of John, Barbados, has presented has indicated that the standard the House of Assembly with two pre war basis and for that pur with, former Governors of Barof living should be raised to the une old engravings of Lord Com bermere and Sir George Beck.
pose it has been suggested to tm. bados. They were both military Generous Beneto. It now certain that should the men of distinction. These en gravings will be hung in the factor in Dominica Brésent basis be continued re lobby of the House of Assembly.
course will be had to legislation.
have already taken steps to se sembly with a Mace.
In Demerara, the Government who presented the House of As. 7, 000 pounds Offered ToBuilding New Hospital cure the position of their serYants. In Trinidad Commis Death of Mr. Lash. In a most interesting report on sion has been appointed to conthe. Roseau Hospital, His Honsider the whole watter of wages Mr. James Millat Lash, late our Dr. Alfred Nicholls.
as affecting all classes of workers Governor of Glendairy Prison Senior Medical Officer in the community.
departed this life on the aft land arting Administrator of noon of the 14th ulto, at his Dominica has the following to say, residence Croydon, Hastings. respecting the climate of that Mr. Lash was born in 1853 uthe number of cases of disease Er gland and was educated at the in disme dhe schools of the respiratory system is al Peckha Der he was ap. ways low in the island hospital Emigrants Leaving forCuba pointed Schoolmaster of Kirk returns. During the year only)
The fourth batch of Emigrants dale prison, Liverpool. and ten eight cases were admitted to the for Cuba is expected to leave these years later, Gailer of Grenada, wards with two deaths, and but shores during the early part of Superintendent of Prisons. In as out patients. The two fatal two cases were under treatment this month by the Dutch Schoon: 1894 he came over to Barbados cases were neglected ones of er Aide which is now on dock gent amounts to 100 men many of 31st 1919 when he tired. His Dominica and undergoing repairs. The contin as Governicht beleadairy prisun, pneumonia followinx influenza post he unt marine whom are returned soldiers. wife predeceased biin during his atmosphere explain the infrethe purity of its Another vessel is expected here tenure of oftice at Grenada. quency of respiratory troubles, about next week to take over the (Advocate)
and deprive them in most instan fifty batch.
ces of their severity when they Resume Trade with Hayt Unvelling and Dedication comes in at the end of the year When the cool season The Royal Mail Steam. Packet of War Memorial Tablet. coughs and colds may be Company are re establishing comA Service of a very impres are hardly ever severe and the observed but these cases of coryza munication with Hati, which has character was held been interrupted since 1889. when James Street Wesleyan Church remedies or leave them to disap at people treat them with native their transatlantic steargers ceas at p. mn. on the 14th ulto. pear spontaneously. The island ed to call at Jacmel en route from when His Excellency the Gov. is an ideal place for the residence Barbados to Jamaica. The new Service, the Circular says, Tablet erected to the memory ernor unveiled a war Memorial is orial of persons with weak lungs, inaugurated by the Ram Spof Victor Barnes, Adrian Tudor of the present hospital Referring to the unsuitability and the ing last month for the principal shipped at that Church, and who Happily, am able to announce and for a new he says: Haitian ports.
made the supreme sacrifice in that the solution of this serious the great war.
Prices for Coming Crop The Tablet, which is a hand perly equipped bospital for question of an adequate and proThe prices being offered at the sone one, bears the following in Roseau has been brought near by present time for the coming cropscription: the splendid munificence of a are 50 for crystals and centri To the Glory of God gentleman who is greatly interfugals, 75 cents per gallon and Aud to perpetuate the ested in Dominica and the well and WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Cins, acting Colonies. era Dominica Chorrillo Drug Store Tobago 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Tobago Coming to Her Own.
Just received a full stock of SILVER CHAIN GOODS Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES For overy form of disease General Hospital to be Established at Scarborough TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
Barbados and Middle Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Satisfaction (iuaranteed. FLOWERS, Proprietor. Box 36, Panama City Telephone 519 General SPECIALLY EQUIPPED SUR GEON FOR OPERATIONS TO BE IN CHARGE We are as please to announce as we are sure our Tobago friends will be pleased to learn that it currently rumoured, on good authority that it has been decid.
ed in place of the present District Hospital on the footing to establish of the Colonial Hospital (Port of Spain) or the San Fernando Hos.
pital. In consequence the DMO, will be relieved of hispital worl save when desired to consult: tion ete. This splendid move brings Tobago into front line as Was her first, and must greatly assist in the steady advance of the island ward. of liteitse it must be expected that to be additions will have to be effected to make the new institution what it is intended to be. We congratulate the Government on this important decision and also the good, patient Tobago folk for their forbearance as it once more proves the fact that all things come to those who wait.
right from The Chemical Hall 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA bi the site, several changpital is The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment and Prompt Attention.
sive Give us an early call and inspect our stock of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction was WILKINSON CONTRACTOR BUILDER Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon BROWN MCALMON Proprietors.
Fint Class Workmanship Plans and Specifications Free 15th Street West House 90 Box 411, Panama,


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