
Victory Lodge 2509 On Sunday February 2nd a dedicatory service was performed at he newly assigned Hall of the Victory Lodge, at Paraiso Ar 40 the service was opened by singing the Hymn Onward Christian Soldiers followed by prayer.
President P, Grant then arnounced the object of the meeting and proceeded with an address which was the first item on the program. He gave lengthy discourse on the aims of the Brotherhood, and the things that can be achieved by keeping together as one man. He complimented the ladies present for the part they had played in the history of Victory Lodge and exhorted them to stand by the side of their husbands, sons, and sweethearts, until they had gained the success which will ultimately come. At the close of the President address he in troduced the Rev. Nightengale assisted by Bro.
Fuller, as Chairman.
The Rev. gentleinan in his usual eloquent style delivered an ad dress which kept the audience og edge for several minutes, he also appealed to the ladies to help their husbands in the moral fight as they are the ones who would get the benefit of the reward. At the close of the chairman ad dress which was heartily applauded, the Master of ceremon ies, Bro. Bonus, was called on to perform the dedication ser vice which with the aid of the Chaplain, which was ably conducted Conductor and Warden of Vic: tory Lodge. This service was certainly instructive to many who witnessed who had never seen Hication service, hai The chair was then taken y Bro. Fuster, who proceeded with the remainder of the program which consisted of Anthems, duets, salos and addresses.
Special mention must be inade of Bro. Headly, of Empire Lodge who was the only brother that responded to the invitation. His address was well received by audience, and the must be congratulated on having member within its ranks with the spirit of Bro Headley.
The musical part of the prowas well will not permit to mention each rendition, but suffice it to say, each piece was excellently ren dered The Chairman capped the proceedings of the evening with a well delivered address, after GG was brought to a close.
The Size of the Package for the Money is QUANTITY younger folk shot especially the and Empire Lodge The Standard Among Ist! mian Smokers for a Generation.
gram rendered, space a Xoo service)
a eg e duly they Panama Banking Company that inade Royal Primrose Lodge No. mier Union No. 10110; 1870. Cargil After the dip, slide your right leg for United States for segregation of concentration of Negroes in DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS 10106 from Fidelity No. 10107. These ward and your partner passes behind you. the Nations Negro Population beria.
two Lodges like the Royal Prim. Then you turn on your left heel, take two was ad vncated before the judici Returns To His Old Stand rose work in malintely under the steps forward, turn half right and repeat are activemittel condaryo boy crepe NEW LINE OF STEAMERS FOR On Saturday evening the 24th Committee of Management. Eng. be dip, but this time sne places her foot sentatives of the Negro race.
the ISLANDS ulto, the Regal Primrose Lodge other representatives were Bro between yours. By this time you have ii adden St. Louis, o. wld The General Public and friends of Dr. Edwards are asked to take No. 10106, 0 added two powns from King George negotiated about four yards. Repeat ad committee, a State should be e links to her chain by initia. Palman from Lilly of Para infinitum.
tablished along the Rio Grande Jamalca to be Headquarter notice that he has renoved from The house was crowded ico; Morane from Green Budd, River on Territory ceded by Mex.
No: 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old will visiting brothers from the Drakne from Star of the lach: The West India Committee Circu. Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, ico and the State of Texas and ter lodges in Panama.
Negro Separation mus Bowen, G. of that is should be inhabited and lar of Dec. 11th, 1919 is respon Opposite the Masonic Temple, The initition ceremony was Lily of Paraiso. Brien of adıninistered entirely by Negroes sible for the following. and is prepared to treat all diseas.
ably and solu inny and Washington, Jan. 15. tab under the general protection of The Société Générale des Trans and children, as he has spe es, list but by no ans le ist sister lis ment of separate State the United States. Rev. Jones of ports Maritimes a Vapour intends cialized in these subjects during especially those of women nsisted by IS. Pouinger, Brown of Premier Union in de a un ler the protectorate of the Philadelphia advaread a plait for BN HE Ral Bichner peu Payal Primrose responded IG Paraiso Lidge.
tilling speech. Bro. Buchneto inaugurate a service between his recent stay in Now York.
for mediately after the oflict rş spoke for ti e absent and departr San Francisco and the Mediterra.
xud to serve the ensuing term wonen. Bro. Stephens, the nean, vid the Panama Canal, with The Mutual Life and Wie install in their newly installed G. then wound thi Det Bro Up up a port of call in the West Indies, Maxxisted by Bloser thorking the different speaks probably St. Pierre, Martinique, Benefit Society Puttinger and Bro. spoke of the the lady terms has Comte de Fayolle, a director of A wn: PNF The cere such rapid progress for so skort the line, in an interview poblishd in a winster a times as who thanking all the (BRANDON BANK)
min was ed in San Francisco recently, said Was the bific visitors for their kind a «sistance.
Membere of this grnity are that there was a trade possibility Ine officers installed to serve The singing of the Doxology for the Pacific Coast with the hereby remi ided of thirassessteren are: Bres. brought the function to a close SECURITY West Indies. He continued: Atment dues on the death of Stevens Ccil King, G; at the wee hours of the inorning.
SERVICE the present time your suga Charles Morrisou, the time thit. Clarke, Bft. S; comes from the Hawaiian Island: for which payudent terminated Wv. Clerk, Trr: Anderson, and your beet fields; but the pre on 10th January, 1920.
COLON than; Le HERE HOW TO DANCE THE sent supply, is not equal to de All assessments are payable to Lanty, NG;J SCISSORS STEP mand. and the West Indies wil DeSousa, Secretary Treasuradviat; E Garrick, Our large Resources and well known be the next source of supply. You ar, at the Ideal Pharmacy, Iron Raven Buchner PNF, May Shake Shimmy for will also be able to draw directly Gate, Calidonia Cuatro, where UTO. MNG UL bert conservative Management afford unspice New Parisian Creation.
and odest Indies for spice che office is now located.
Wareham La To nanuel Red LS: 107 NEW YORK, Jan. 151h. The questioned security for every dollar indirectly by rail. We plan to es Dr. OGILVIE VG od Garrier Warden.
tablish headquarters at Kingston.
After the ceremonia the Inrge shimmy is siunting, unt to ecstatic measures deposited with this bank.
Jamaica, and maintain an inter IS NOW DOCATED AT Island fleet of snall vessels of noi eronaut bretters and sisters of wt, but in fear that it is doomed to Wetter wars to Buquet be easitt by the esissors step just. inuver 12 It. draught, which wil (157 Central Avenue, corner comb the West Indies for this did pabostihe kaburate in vluced in Paris hy way of Madrid.
trade but these vessels are yet te Street.
sprut that there awaiting To execute the seisors you grasp the Several taste, re given our pintar bboth funds, holding your General Banking Business Transacted be built, and will not be ready for year. Still, we are ready imme HOURS: to 11. 30 km.
and wou. Bra Pullager arms eru sed in front of you. Then being diately to call at the largest to 30 tu.
was last ma for the occa on the left, you place your right leg, ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON 30 to 30 siou. The Ting representa slightly bent, in front of you so that Sundays: to 11 a.
tive toistetth officers and your foot will be between youş partner sident.
Viee President.
Treasurer members of the Royal Primrose fret. Having achieved that position, you Lodge vix, Bru. ou from Pre doth dip. The Workman Appointments can be arranged: 1mwerly 18.
Anderson on the tr ports.


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