
listed on Saturdass by dat Box 74, Panesa RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year 82. 40 Six Months 20 Thro Ono is one of neeiled at at present, do iem, who the writer given broad a 1h of PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1921 Editorialettes Keep a Cool Head.
THE WORKMAN HEAD OFFICE: 56 W, 135th STREET All Over: Negro Fellom: am agun asking you to keep New York City, The carnival is all over, a cool lead in all our undert Rates for Advertisement on applicaand everybody has had a ing: We are not thediye win WALHOND, at the office Central av tion. Correspondence on all matters Freight and paasenger servie: between American, good time for the four days we should be mad hea lor quo and corner of Shoes, Panama, of publid interest invited West Indian, Canadian, Cen ral and South from Saturday to Tuesday, should we in Wenkent in car All copy for publication must lo American ports.
Since then things have been togetliwr and stick togeth rus ranks, but we should rather get writus on one side of paper only, and rather quiet in the city ex never before.
e accompanied by the one of ter, not necessarily for publica For further particulars apply to the Agents cept the inrush of United Trost your leaders and put in si as a mark of good faith. GRAHAM LAWRENCE States sailors who swarmed plicit concilian ini tiene we do not undertake to return Box 604, Anen, Cor. 7h St. Battle Alier, in yesterday evening and member, that Contidenre beys Godtience and Sucos rejected correspondence.
House Na 44, Calle de Nw. P271 made things lively during We are standing on the plate Panama City RP.
011, RP. the latter part of the day. form of Equity and Ju tied do not intend to move one incir The Liberty of the Press is the paadium of our righis Jules The President of the Caryntil we obtain our desired air.
nival, and the Chairmen of Yours as ever SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1920 among the other people working for the United States the various committees workEDUARDO MORALES Government whose pay checks not only show a golden ed hard with the co operation of the junta and sub comSilver Employees Misrepresented Again lustre but also impart a dia mondinu radiance.
Talking about the proprietry of organized labor, Pres. mittees to make the occasion Remarks on Nav Message ident Wilson says this: If there is not a right on the part successful, and they have Among all the falsities, among all the prejudices, of the working man, to organize, then there ought not to be come out with exceptional credit.
Sir Would you mint grinting me among all the misrepresentations that have been pitted a right on the part of capital to organize. It is the organi against the Silver employees of the Panama Canal and the zation that makes capital strong, and it is not fair, from The public should feel a rome space in your valuable columns to Panama Railroad, none has been so stigmatizing, none so mis the legal point of view, or any other point of view to sense of gratitude to the per say a few words to my fellow. men, by leading, and none so malicious as the statement that the Sil: prevent the rest of men dealing with capital from get. sous connected with the area de colicht erre and she made an den ver employees are satisfied with their present rating and that ting strength with organization, that only organization rangements of the carnival drew my attention in the issue of the program for baving effected 14h ultimo the unrest is being stirred up by a few strike agitators. brings.
The plan to break up unionism among the colored peo and jollification.
such a round of amusement The people are not, and cannot be, satisfied with the new In regards to cooperation mentinand in the 1, 000, 000. scheme; to my mind it rating, neither are the leaders of the United Brotherhood ple here has already been discovered and exposed. The vita importance to us on strike agitators.
people are told that there is no logical connection between whole; it appears, noch scheme, if The colored people, known officially as the Silver the United Brotherhood of Railroad Employees in ntercolonial Match: well matured, will certainly help our people materially, financially, and scially it Employees are citizens of various nations. There are, the United States and the West Indians on the Isthmus.
To morrow the second inter will tenehus many lessons, which are among them, Panamanians, British and French West In Listen to that! If there is no logical connection be colonial match will take place very mech dians; and not a few Europeans, of different nationalities, tween members of the Brotherhood in the States and when Jamaica will defend her am taking this medium of enorurgare also on the Silver roll. The claims for increased wages those from the West Indies, there is not only logical, prestige against Grenada in a ing every Negrown the Isihmus, who can made by all of these people; collectively, are neither but forceful connection between each one and the other game that will test the cricket which is knocking of the door, vad be up itembrace the imaginary nor specious. They feel the pressure of the low sixteen thousand Silver workers here whose interests are talent of these two islands as and doing; and not let the opportunities wages at present received and the high cost of living which one and the same, and whose sentiments against the out represented in this coyutry. Wip by, and when taking stock of the lost they have to face with such meagre incomes as they pos rages imposed upon them are in the strictest unison.
Elsewhere we publish the per opportunities then have to regret.
sess, and they have got together by sheer force of circum Unionism is unionism, and if one platform breaks sonel of the teams. Both islands in there are lots of people wheat The writer of the message wentions stance to bid for a decent stardard of living.
through others will be erected, but whatever happens, the are well represented, and public with the we fe But this standard of living, as conceived by the mem colored people have already learnt that the most desirable opinion is now fairly divided be claims are taught to believe such by the bers of the United Brotherhood in which nearly the entire thing, at present, is the unification of energy for the tween them. Patriotism runs Ministers of Churches. think Cat if writer had Silver force is enrolled, is reckoned in terms of respectabili promotion of economic and industrial rights among high and a fine spirit of heathful the way it would be the only the team ty as civilized and intelligent people. There is no accept them, and the language of the late Ex President Roosevelt emulation has been created the fault of the Minister only, but the it is not ance of the semi slavery that many desire to, and would, on this point is most apropos. Hear what he says: among the fans of the two con individunts themselves, or their parents; impose upon them because of facts of nationality, acciden If were a factory employee, a working man on the testing teams. The game will for if they were better educated, they tal disadvantages and domestic circumstances. The people railroads or a wage earner of any sort, would undoubtedly commence tomorrow and con would be able to see for themselves. are prepared to accept only that standard which will create join the union of my trade, If disapproved of its tinue through Monday, Washing others are doing, and then our race would conditions of morality, cleanliness, and honesty that are policy would join in order to fight that policy; if ton Birthday, which is a public be more progresive were dishonest would join in holiday. It is expected tnat befitting to all decent people of whatever nationality, color the union leaders preaching the near sity or creed.
order to put them out. believe in the union and be great crowds will gather on both same which am also doing in the vicinieducation every week, the With an altogether too limited pay check none of the lieve that all men who are benefited by the union are mor days on the Isthmian Park ty around where reside, trying to res above mentioned conditions can be maintained among the ally bound to help to the extent of their power in the com where the match will be played. what could be done to alleviate the air. The world is getting Silver employees; they cannot be honest, moral nor cleanly mon interests advanced by the union Now, what will The Barbados. Jamaica match daily, and as Negre, think it water which was so keenly contested to advance conjointly with other Races, when they find that the requirements for these are entirely the local army of disruptors say to this?
beyond their reach, and if it be said that the present rating Prejudiced and unfair persons should give up misre on this same oval last year and we will have to put down the spirit of is sufficient to maintain that standard among the Silver presenting and sjudging the leaders of colored labor which resulted in victory for the subshness, and the indination to kick employees it follows that the idea of decency of the Silver here. The men appointed io represent and direct the af. Jamaica eleven is still fresh in down the plank behind us after reading over safe on the other side.
employees, is nct only very far below that of other people, fairs of the Brotherhood are gentlemen who know how to the memory of West Indians who am not educated, but the little but not very far above that of the cattle and horses which value and safe guard their reputation and integrity. They were recen leveres of Great Bri have, am willing to help the les fortuntike an occasional bath, need no clothes, feed on grass and are not of the class that will fleece and flay their breth tain Gentlemen game. onesfor believe them herbs and work like machines whenever they are needed for ren, but are men of sincere attitude engaged with their are a lot of Moses, Aarons, Samsons and fellowmen in the economic fight which is going on all over Panama Star Athletic Club is a start, and to make them feel that of History, All many others of service.
they need In another column of this issue we publish an article the world, and in which in no country, except herë, does we are in sympathy with them, and will from the pen of the newly elected general Chairman of any body, King or President, Governor or Sheriff, Capital. To Undertake Hlke Across Isth help them. even through a small payment the United Brotherhood in which he submits to the gener. ist or Politician, seek to intercept the liberty and right of may be exacted to defray expenses. foel sure that they will appreciate the al public a tabulated statement of the requirements of a any class or section of the people in presenting their grievIt is the intention of Messrs. offer and willingly step to the front as workingman and his family. This statement has already ances to the public or their employers. In this connection Eric Evans. Connor, bravo men.
appeared in one of our local periodicals and has created Ex President Taft has this to say. The right of the Williams Сen. Endestach an Began to your generosity and sympathy, in nid considerable amount of comment. Most persons have sug; workers to organize in trade unions and to bargain collect ter, Hines, and Nathan Bryan gested that the minimum wage is altogether too low, and ively through cho en representatives is recognized and af, of the Panama Star Athletic of no noble a oxuse; let us get together to hike across the Isthmus and form an Educational Commitico, to there is no reasonable man who would venture to assert firmed. This right shall not be denied, abridged or interin an endcavour to break the give lessons in the list of each Negro that it is too high, and some are wondering what the fered with by the employers in any manner whatsoever. present record of nine hours and Organization on the colored people in the States would think of such an insig With the opinions of three of America greatest Pres. Leave the RR. Station in Pana They nificant minimum as this.
idents on the side of organized labor and vindicating ma nt tive a. on Sunday the ones on the road to success educationally, Who, having the slightest regard for his moral reputa the rights of the unionists to energise for the recognition of 22nd, and report at the R. then and only then will we have full com tion would assert that twenty one cents an hour can keep such rights, we fail to see how any impartial and unbiased Station at Colon upon arrivai in op ration in all our enterprises, and by nil City, Freddie the Negro Race musl find its high cost of living? And then, what about his wife and interpret the attitude of the leaders of the Brotherhood as start the boys at the Station in RESPECT due it.
a nu HONOUR and people, to go about half naked, underfed, and half dirty? this government the claims of almost sixteen thousand or the different stations will cheek of your valuable space, but hope that more to may on this while Mr. subject, but will not tuko up much in to Do not their bodies need nourishment, and must they ganized workingmen on the Panama Canal.
A, Barhain of Colon dress less than they are accustomed to in their own homes? From the inception of the Brotherhood in this country in their arrival in Colon, my brethren will see the necesity and Can they be considered to be living more comfortably to the present day misrepresentation has dogged the steps sters a pleasant walie across and to which our Succes chiefly belong. We wish these plucky young come together on one Elutational line, here than in their homes when every other second they of every movement among the members whose internal safe arrival in the windy City. that are reminded of their color as if it is indistinguishable business has not always been free from betrayal and exthose we lo do iem.
from serfdom? har com posure. Yet, with every act of intrigue the members WEDDING BELLS Thanking you for your valuable space recently contributed publication appeared with should hold together in the confidence that victory will My Editor while remain the announcement that some of the Silver employees were come through perseverance, faith and determination. The On Saturday: Feby, 14th, pretty Yours, satisfied with the increase of two cents per hour, and future of the work is bright and promising, but constancy little wedding was celebrated in the Respectfully, knew nothing of the unrest among the members of the and common sense must predominate among the men. Baptist Church. The contracting parties United Brotherhood. But this was a direct untruth. They must not be fooled that they can achieve nothing were Mr. Thomas Mitchel and Mro.
Except for one or two instances, the members of the They must not allow themselves to be betrayed. They must time fixed, the bride entered the church Lecture at Red Cross Hall at the United Brotherhood were united as much then as they not fear to vindicate their rights. They must not think that leaning on the arm of Mr. Samuel Polare now; and while they waved no red flag, they showed they have no right to estimate the value of their labor. Iard by whom she was given in marriage Members of the West Indian no white feather, either. The Sweeping declaration They must not be forced into the old fashioned subservien ce She was beautifully arrayed in milk crepe, Branch of the Red Cross specialfailed even to attack their slightest notice, but because of their unprotesting forebears.
tastefully trimmed with silver leaves. ly, and the West Indian public they believe more in suasion than in swatting they The members of the Union must think, work and was similarly dressed. Most of the minded of the lecture to be given Her bridesmaid, Mrs. Gertrude Harris. Kenerally are asked to be rechose, for tne present, another course as the better way of act, and with a confidence that spells victory they shall sther guests were dresses of light Sky by Mrs. Bartlett staft represente having their grievances settled, if this way can appeal to pursue the goal of their energies with all success. Now is blue; Mr. Williams noted as beat tive from the National Head their employers.
the time to focus strength and regard the threats and qnarters in There seems to be rampant the idea that West Indian thunderous bluffs as impotent scare crows and blatant The Average Ship Through the West Indian Cross people on the Isthmus have no right to organize; that they stupidity. As long as the people remain law abiding and dall, Calidonia (Sunday)
DON Canal.
should not say exactly what they mean with regard to the well behaved, as long as they respect the legitimate manspeak first to the juvevalue of their labor; that they should be silent on the ques dates of authority, and as long as they resist the intrigues tion of collective bargaining; that they should be satis and seductious of inimical propaganda pothing known in local year, the average length of the Red Cross, and members as well During the Arst half of the current will lecture to all branches of the nile division and at o lock slie fied with other people estimate of the moral, intellectual çivilized law can hold them indictable before the bar of 1, 152 commercial ships making the trans as those interested in the organ.
and social standard for them, however, much below their justice or that of publịc opinion. Organized labor is the sit of the Canal wat 312 tret. The averization are requested to attend.
home life these elements of civilization may be placed by only logical reply to organized capital, and there is no age beam was 18 feet and the average their valuators. But if organization is a proper state of place in the world where it is a greater pre requisite than draftin salt water was about 21 feet.
labor, it is as much so among the West Indians as it is here.
average net tonnage was about 3, 368 and the average cargo 3, 683 tons The Workman.
mus, at Minimum will cours on the Isthmus After we he we have placed our less fortunate them on we will not have to complain of SAYER man.
at the to morrow Mrs. Bart lett The


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