
PAGE FIVE THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1920 Canal Zone Notes sako Atlantic Side News they FELT HATS.
21 run.
of the Dix We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
ciated by the audience. ery much approAmerican Bazaar cipates giving WAS when BICYCLE oscio Soxoxo NOTICE.
The Sports and Excelsior met on the LA BOCA Camp Bierd Oval on Sunday last, the CANAL ZONE DISTRICT 5th inst, in keen contest. The Ex celsior won the loss and elected to bat, Loyal Order of Ancient There will be piese dance at LA and totalled sonre of 53 runs to which Shepherds Ashton Unity Beca Clubhouse on Monday. February the Sports responded with 54 runs.
23rd, Martin popular Band will play second ioning was played by the Friendly Society frm 12:00 no to midnight All are in Excelsior in which mustered 69 vited to come and have a good time rune, after which the Sports went in and made 24 runs for wickets junt at the hereby notified that the Star in All Lodges of the Orler ara Isig Ball game at La Boca Diamond, call of time. The game was therefore the East Lodge No. 2793.
February at 30 Sharp, decided on the first inuing which declared which was susAviator Ja Boca The Silver City the Sports winners by the narrow margin pended on Oct. last, for violation Bind will be in Attendance. Try not to District Laws, has been Liss this game.
re organized by the same The West Indian Carnival committee trict. and in accordance with Gen. Grand Carnival Dance cause of with Mr. Lawrence as chairman, eral Rule 23, the following are the AB Clubhouse on Tuesday sored a unique success in the float which the names of those who have night. February, 17th. This dance was took part in the queen procession of been suspended, by the Canal under the auspices of the Band and Tuesday las Zone Distriel, in a session held was a regular sucess.
The flort was rendered very attractive on January 3ist, 1920: by a typical tropical enery, the haudi Bro. Blake has been sus.
work of Mr. Headley, famous sign pended for 12 years; ShepMiss Vinton Davie, Vice President a printer and artist of Colou, to whom herd for years; Neal for UNIA, paid a visit to La Bous much credit is due.
Tuesday, 17b.
years. You are warned against Seven lille maidens, Mies Huffstead, ad unitting them within the preRumuer, Anthony, Dickson, and Lindo, cincts of your Lodge, from this Ash Wedneed y services were beld all niwly and fittingly attired, occupied date.
susual at Bt. Peters Church at 6:80.
the font and represented the West Io. Signed: 47. 80p. These service were conduetdies to great advantage.
ed by the Reetor Rev. Muloare CHRYS FORSYTH, The Committee gave a grand ball in were well attended, the new concrete building at the corner Provincial Chief Shepherds.
of 8th and Bolivar streets on Tuesday BENDERSON, Anniversary service kill be beld at Dighat which closed the carnival events of Dist. Corresponding Seo y, the Wesleyan chureh, La Boon on Sunday, the season. 14 21.
32. special whildren servies p. Madame Anita Patti Brown, the world PARAISO fumous colored Prima Donna, made her Star of Eden Lodge No 42.
first appearance on Saturday night last, the Ilth inst. at the Cristobal Silver of and of Pic nic and Tennis tournament Clubhouse, and was Tbr Paraiso Tennis dub will pull The Officers and members of the above At the close of the program, which named Lodge will please bear in mind, ef. Monio and Tennis tersament, na was indeed select one. a very beauti that your next meeting will be on Satur8. turday from to 30 2, all are Invited. The contestants are Mo fal bouquet was presented her by Mr. day night 28th inst, at 7:30 at No.
Grath and Walker vs Secretary Mulla Parker, Caral Zone Schoolmaster, 73 Calidonia Road. Members are notified on behalf of the audience in token of to be on time as there will be plenty of and Bullen (2) Secretary Waller де aud Dr. Williams Soeretarine Colline their appreciation buisness to handle on that same evening and Bugleson. 3) Seeretary Neely and PANAMA COLON In reply, Madame Potti stated among Members of the Sister Lodges are also in other things, that it afforded her much vited.
Mr. Du Saire ve Secretaries Collias and pleasure to be able to travel around and Waller use her talent on behalf of her people; Youn fraternally, The Paraiso fans will have a good and she hoped that others of her nou Brown, chance to witress some real lognia play might be inspired by her.
ing as the majority of the countants It is stated that Madame Patti antiare experiened players the musie loving public of Silver Employees the Atlantic end the opportunity of her EMPIRE ing her again in the bear future, wut Association final atragements wih regarde to time Empire very lively Satur and place have not yet been made.
As an artist, Madame Patti ranks high All claims for reimbursement day nizbt, the 14th instant, the children of the eolored school in a in the opinion of those who heard her at must be made not later than June 30, 1920. If your receipt is lost, fue display of dialogues, recitations and the Silver clubhouse, and it is expected send your name registered num. TIPPING INTELLIGENCE Ronge, at the Red Cross concert for Ju that a crowded house awaits her next aper, and name of your collector to nior Membership of the Canal Zone pearance.
Chapter of the Red Crow Society, West William Stoute, Box No. 209, Colon, Portuguese Government Indian Branch, entertained the public.
Teachers Reed Robert and Bridgett were Ship Through the Canal Revised Travel Regulations MARTIN Toepasible for this TIRES, TUBES, LAMPS, BELLS, President, ment aid every item on a very lengthy The steamship Goa, owned by Canal Record contains the following The current issue of the Panama program was rendered through their So and painstaking effuria.
the Portuguese Government and and Repair parts WANTED Stationary enginoperated by the Transportes official Cireular which should be of in.
well were the different pieces recited, eer. Must understand care of Maritimes de Estado, passed terest to our many readers that there al solutely remained po loopho e for discrimination; and the attempt NOW IN STOCK Dirough the Canal on February Balboa Heights, January 30, 1920 pumps and boilers. Apply in on her way from New York to own handwriting to Box No. 52, specialize any one piece is indeed a To all concerned. The following cir Panama P, Valparaiso by way of Mollendo cular, which was issued on July 19, 1919, vion of the rules of merit, Reasonable Prices.
and Callao. She was carrying is still in effect and must be complied Teber Myers too, of the Red Tank 000 tons of general cargo in WANTED. Stationary enghae ored school as chairman, contributed tramp service.
with: eer. Must understand care of groadly to the success of the function by REVISED TRAVEL REGULATIONS pumps and boilers. Apply in his tanaging ability coupled with the own handwriting to Box No. 80. Effective at once, travel regulations Colon enthusiasm of the audience.
Training Ship for the City Really, to of Phlladelphia.
contained in my circular, Information and pass without saying a word on the beha viour of the jeople, maintained through Instructions, and amendments thereto, Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
WANTED. Man for office them out, would le robbing of The United States Navy tug regarding entry, into and departure from work with knowledge of book the part which helped to make the whole thing a PONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, Sonoma arrived from San Franche Caual Zone, of November 1, 1918, ex keeping. Must be experienced, success. The Negro is beginning to realize cisco on February on her way cepting as applied to hostile aliens, are Apply in own handwriting to the virtues there are in co operation, the to Philadelphia, towing the Anna.
Box No 80, Colon polis, a Hostile aliens shall procure special ship without power: 11 The Grand Old Hall with a sitting lighted to listen to the tnlanted lady. Picnic on Standard Oval. classed as a gunboat. to be used permits to depart by application at the very enjoyable social evening was dna ity of over five hundred, was crowdArrangements are complete for the training ship for the merchant Citizens of the United States and the city or Philadelphia as a police stations at Balboa or Cristobal.
by Notice ed to its utmost, and the behaviour ent on Sunday fast at the residence Picnic on the Standard Oval tihe 23rd marine. The lug and tow under other persons owing allegiance to the was everything that could be expected. Rr. and Mrs. Donald Earle on High inst. Washington Birthday Holiday Par nta, guardians and well wishers, in: Mreet. The orcision was the baptism Owing to our hard task maaster Mr. Weut some minor repairs at Cris. United States, including etsployees of the The Representatives of The terested in the intellectunt advancement St their little boy. Quite number of Toil and the exacting nature of Mr: tobal and cleared on February Punaina Catul and Panama Railroad, of the children, turned out en masse oriends from Colon came over and joined Living. and the Isthmian holidays so few traveling between the continental United Spalding Challenge Cap League, and see for themcelves whut istrith their muy friends and acquain and far between, there is very little time Ships for West Coast Ser States and the Canal Zoue, or between who have just entered for compe the insular whist; none is wus disuppointed.
warres of this section in making the for indulgence on the green, away from possessions of the United Sition, are requested to send to vice.
As already stated, tbpre was no dis. tfunction a pleasant one, the Hustle and Bustle of the City, and States and the Canal Zone, shall not be the Secretary of said League the er mination, where game of cricket took place on our the confines of the home Hence when The following is quoted from required to bear pasaporte, indentity names of their Umpires by the the 20th instant. Please give speBuy anything favourably on home around on Sunday lust, when a the opportunity ofors itself to breathe the Digest of Reconstruction News cards. or permite.
any one piece, you would have to Co belligerents and neutrals may cial attention to this notice.
sy orgonized tsam known as as Pick fresh air and lie and roll on the grass, issued by the Council of National something on everyone of the one hun. wick under the captaincy of Husband advantage should be taken of it for the Defense. Junvary 22, 1920. make the same journeys on passports S, MERRITT, dred President.
cand este pe piroca mola which the aim to be vet dhe se forgolong Pation preservation. Shouliba Standard Oval undere Slaipios Board will place leveren een beter bort del richia co program consisted.
Among the nualacing never to be. battine City, and no easily Live vernment authorities within 60 daye management of merous items which on used the people first Pickwick put up the brilliant sobre ble, affords an ideal place for a picnio.
of the date of departury, without peren mita.
Rasp for breath, are the following: of 168 runs for eight wickets with The gates will be Chrown open at 10 sels to handle freight and passenCHESTER HARDING, Dr. LOWE. they York Lesp for Lite. Contentment, Adeclared their inning closed and sent will be indulged in to mention on few and cities of west crust, including Governor.
brave boy (dialogue) Limitations of in the Atlantic who fell like chaft will be Tug of War. Exk spoon Callao, Arica, Iquique, and ValL, Edin. sehen. races tween perpendiculars is 593 feet 139 CENTRAL AVENUE Bray, Ryming John, The Black Star 55 runs Worrell, taking wickets for Races, for men, women, and children, Line in fact, it must be here stated runs which PANAMA CITY that no effort was spared by the organised Club proves that this newly High Jump, Long Jump. Frog Leap, Polo Tug Dreadnaught Tran. 11 inches. Her beam is 68 feet out with challenge Leap, etc.
inch, and her draft in the fresh sits the Canal.
teacher to make this the most success to any team on the Isthmus, The masons and carpenters will com water of the Canal was 32 feet Office Hhurs: 30 a. p. m, ful entertainment ever staged on the We have much pleasure in announo, pete in a game of cricket, and they have Tho ug Dreadnaught of the inches, p. p.
western side of the Canal in recent ing to the many friends of Mr. Chryo arranged for a sumptous banquet after United States Navy The President Grant started passed through the Canal at 50 a. years.
through the Canal on February cleared Gatun Looks at has been promoted to the match, The chairman What will prove attractive, and which 9, towing target raſt No. 61 from reached Pedro Miguel at 10 Ancon, Box 798 10. 05 a.
closing remarka higher post; he is how employed by the Office 844 Phones: op unity for the attainment of success Army as Clerk of the Posi Exchange. will remind one of his West Indian school Norfolk to Sau Diego direct.
Residence 1002 in the Race, and the singing of the Star Mr. Forysth who s wel kuown in Pana days, is a game of Rounders or West Balboa at 09 and cleared Spangled Bpanner brought to close ma. Paraiso. Pedro Miguel and last but Indian Baseball. The girls are putting Passage of the President in transit through the Canal was immediately for sea. Her most enjoyable evening entertainment not least in the old construction days at up a lot of practice on the Oval every at 11. 55 Gorgona in the Machine Shope when he afternodin, and a mateh will be played be10 hours, 19 minutes, and ber Grant.
was employed by the District Quarter tween the Guachapali and Chorrillo total time in Canal waters 10 master at the latter place.
Teams, The United States Army trans hours, 56 minutes.
Tallor and Outfitter GATUN port President Grant arrived at BRITISH CONSULATE Swinge will be put up for young and 13 on the morning of February Suspension of Crossing at Dealer In School Books, old who like a little aeroplaning. Refresh 10 on the way from Hoboken to Madam Anita Patti Brown the well NOTICE.
menls stalls will be there to provide for Vladivostok by way of San Fran Pedro Miguel Locks.
and Stationery.
known singer who arrived from the Isle the wants of the inner man. If time allowa, cisco, Kobe, and Yukohama, carof Springs about a week ago took this On account of the overhaul of The British Consulate would foot ball match will be played, rying 3, 539 tons of cargo, con: Pedro Miguel Lock, individuals or No. 11 Street, Panemu Last but not least. band will dissisting of steel, copper, and pack trains will not be able to town by surprise on Tuesday night Feb be glad to receive any informaruary 17th inut, when she appeared in tion regarding John Samuel Gold course sweet music, and dancing will be supplies. chains from Central (Avo.
our spacious Club house, and sang and son, a native of Jamaica, who is indulged in all day.
The President Grant is a ship of cross the Canal at this point for recited an excellent program to a large stated to have been on the IsthAdmission Adults 25eta. Chila 18, 072 gross tons, registry mear period of about months. Crossnumber of our townsfolks who were de mus a few years ago. Address: ren 10ets, Jsureueut, and ber length beanu at the Paraiso pontoon bridge ings can be made at Miraflores Box 895, Ancon, C, ca for this succesful entertain energetic and WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
chairman Bvid. to beut and to and to rendition is is concerned newly The to the is.
Forsyth that Wm. Lawrence


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