
1 PACK SIY THE WORKMAN SATHROAY, FEBRUARY, 21. 20 was SMOD Uses Gout Hards to Restore Vigor Operation Enab. Mno BUC)in Faths Trinidad WE ACCOMPLISHED IN CAN DO MORE.
und Own and Manage Two Up to Date Groceries in Panama, and to Establish a Chain of Stores on the Isthmus to Sell the Right Goods at the Right Prices. lopp WOST INDIAN TRADING Co. Ltd.
thirt Capitalized at 10, 000 Interesting News From the ry, it was with difficulty that a Litt East Indian cuti be con (Continued from page vinner of the untru:htulness of the ruinou. Heard Why for an am Admin Jalien alid Merican head inan ber? Merican head mar (presumably Si Robert Borden. Premierof Canada) onne for payun cheque for buvum PRICE OF BEEF. Trinidad; Merican no wintil cvolie; all man have lo yo back It is understood that the Food to dia. It is not unlikely that Control Committee at a receita reward will be offered, with the meeting decided to authorise an abjart of discovering the agents increase in the price of beef. The at work.
rale wbich oxen are to be sold on the hoof will be be increased, partly at the demands of the Successful Trinidadian Venezuelan suppliers and partly on a plea of the high rate of ex telegram was received re charge between this colony and cently from England to the fact Venezuela; and as a result the that Mr. Errol Brien, lite retail price of beel will be ir. Assistant Clerk of the Peace, crased to 21 cents per pound. Arina, has passed bis final exarise ol cents on 18 or nearly 16 mination at the Bar Gray lun.
tier cent, at a stroke of the penie bome in February via New Yon is Mr. Brien intends returnin assuredly pretty thick for the enuiners to have to face. And át only serves to accentuate th Most Popular Appointcontention we have advanced We Are time and again, that a duty is cast ment on the Government to turn about and see what it may MR KNAGOS OUR NEW AS மங கshle to do in the direction of Ketting a neat supply elsewhere. SISTANT COLONIAL SECRETARY it may not be unworthy of note that the plea of the high rate o We are sure we voice general exchange is for all practical pur. appreciation in the announcement.
poses exa gerated and Control Coinmittee ought the Food that Mr. Harry Leslie. Knaggs to know has been app inted to till the it if they do not. It seems there. post of Assistent Colonial foro that when we are dealing Secretary. in succession to Mr with such a commodity as meal, Gordon, news of huu waring u mind the thients which fact was received a trust have been for year of days ago. This appointment levelled at us that we should be is certainly one of the most popu.
made sooner or later to our meat just whatever pay for lar, 90 far as Trinidad is con.
the sup cerned, for some time past for it pliers over there choose to charge is generally known that Mr.
us, the time has come when the Knagus is one of the Government should act. Why conscienteous of the most able and courteous oifi not the importation of meat iron cers in the local service. Mr some other place subsidised: Knatges joined the service in 1885 Even if it cost us no less, the les when 18 years of age, and from son, would be a wholesome one to the position of clerk at the Colo the beet raisers of Venezula.
nial Hospital has worked his way up to one of the most responsible Sad Incident in the Harbor join his very many friends in offices in the Colony. We beg to congratulating him on his wel!
SALLOS OF M. NEW ZEALAND veriled promotion, with the best DROWNED of RO wishes for his future career.
Registered under the Commercial Laws of Panama No. 13, on January 13, 1920 MAIN STORE: 114 Central Ave.
BRANCH STORE: 22 Central Ave.
This Corporation is backed by the full support of the people, and those who have not joined this rank are wasting valuable time Montgomery ved a couple CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT WEST INDLAN TRADING CO. Ltd.
Box. 11100, Gentlemen: herely subscribe for. shares of the site. 00) per share, and forwari jero with us on ADDRESS Wedding Bells No one can buy less than shares or more than 1, 000 St. Vincent Zealund The Calidonia Jewelry Store WA tio a.
trening requisitioned.
the beauties of the Volstend acl al But with nothing it to drink little after seven o clock yes terday evening sad incident took place near the St. Vincent Jetty when Regulation Petty Of NOTICE filoer Thorne oft New St. Vincent and Cotton met his death by drown.
ing. From what we have been Seed Oil.
Th. One of the Brotherhood Able to gather it wou would appear rom the Sentry we learn that is now sinted on the seed that James Adair, an able bodied died the Directors and Share wider floor of Building to and a the sua man of the said ship, was of the St. Vincent Electric Light corner 19 street ant Central having a sleep on one of the Company Limited, are to be con Anue barges drawn awn alongside the jetty gratulated on the installations of Hom. tom.
Obrio Building No. Calidonia Road finding the arrival of the ships of the new Machinery for the HENLIN sunen to convey him along with manufacture of edible oils at their Generad Stary his other shipates on board. Factory in Kingstown. The o LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR The time for les from Messrs Craig proched and he was still in cap plant importer WATCH REPAIRING asleep Co. of Glasgow, is up to date his pal, the unfortunate Thome, and of the best class. enabling ALLMAN ont on the burge to wake him the Company to produce edible LADIES AND GENTS TAILON WE KNOW HOW After doing so he turned to re oils of the first Aving. Between 10th and 11th Sts. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE At turu ou the jetty and in doing so mi ly date th Marineny (laving missed his fooling and fall into ben put up by EC Dunn Bottle Alley. Colon, Welding and Engagement Rings a Specialty the water. The space between he Battle Hymn of Proh:the barge was quite limited era Esineer) will be at work and we and Thorne found himself buipless. hope to have the pleasure of re.
MEN SUITS MADE TO ORDER CAMPBELL After making desperate efforts s hi porting on the excellence of the LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY etorts he oil expressed and refined by the Watchinaker and Jeweller sank beneath the water and Co. It will be in the never rose again.
Phone 1053 order Cars Stop at the Door Anthorities were at once inform Order of things that St. Vincent, Latest English and American Fashions.
ed and Sergeant Bell and his World, will also be able through Also Cleaning Pressing producing the best Cotton in the assistants immediately sought to the enterprise of this Company The nut Riimistotel and lewer the body but up to time to place on the market Cutton Your Patronage Solicited Aletlin King Prices Moderate Out CRIME in mare. of fruitless. The services of diver the finest and purest quality. Joe were also MY MOTTO: PUNCTUALTY We learn that the deceased was rinking folk will find about 38 years old and had serv Miss LAING od twenty or more in the Navy.
HAIR DRESSER drink the other hand, Andre Koing to the three Disseminating Bad Seed Scalp treatstent and Hair Wanted to know the preACTION OF THE IMMIGRATION straightening a Speciality sent address of Charles Carter (more popularly known Considered the best blood and DEPARTMENT For promoting the growth of the ss Evan Carter) a Barbadian, Nerve tonic in the World.
The Po. of Spain Gazette of the Hair and beyutifying yourself age 29 years. Very important visit Edward Moore) Alleyne, 20th ult. Das that the Immi Is highly recommended by press, and public for gration Department is leaving no The Parlors Bocas del Toro Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous debility and slone, veturned to combat the Rep of Panama.
mischief sought to be done by HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE general depression of the whole system.
some villains, so far as East In. Corner 20th Street Let Pribition here, but dian peasant proprietors are con For Both Men and Women.
cerned. In order thwart the NOTICE Our enemies are failing list thinh designs of the propagandists.
Sole distributors for Central and South America are filled with fent 1, 000 placards in English and a when the far we not like number in Hindu are being General Assembly of Share TAKE NOTICE.
PANAMA DRUG STORE best they ket a bit printed, to be posted throughout holders fof Isthinian Under Me colony informing the East taking Co. Ltd. will be held on Indians that there is absolutely Sunday February 8th at 30 Pichard Linth in Wirt It is required that all perMuller Building no truth in the statement that m, at the Pacific Club, Central sons leaving the Isthmus CALIDONIA.
the Government intends to repa. Avenue and corner 19th street should have their eyes in Rich Profiter Must Die triate them as the colony is to be HENRY SPENCER, sold to the United States. On good condition, and free from last Secretary Geva Tracoma and all other objecSunday Messrs. Marriot and D) ceniber 12 Murray, of the Immig ation De tionable anomalies.
Polish net artment, mutored tlougti sev laformation to Shoemakers Lessons Given announc that liner To avoid all troubles, worNOTICE.
wiki sited the Eral parts of the island and held ries, and being turned down, an tha Clarins, en 192ding ih Puisi tunlerences with prominent Puss dits who have promised to do all The United Shoemakers Asso call and have your eyes and Instrume Want to know the present ad chance who was found in in. their power to contradict the ciation, 22nd Street Guachapali thoroughly examined at the Orchestra Servislied for all dress or whereabouts of James profiteering scheme mischievous reports. Mr. Raj. house No Panama City begs to office of kinds ein Summer a Barbadian, and Pinier Paderewis ex suptil nauth Was, yesterday, sent to notify that their meeting nights DR. BUCHANAN, Gregory, Jamaican both shoe to return to his Silver the Conva district for a similar are the first and last Monday NEILSON makers by trade.
purpose, and Mr. Marriott in night and third Thursday night Eyesight Specialist, ly and to abandon his own sends proceeding to Cumuto, each month, office. 182 Bolivar Street Clarinetist Republican Band. FISHER to his health, devoting himsel)
Sangre Grande and Manzanilla WHITTAKER.
COLON, of Ancon Phone 1053 Prov. Chirique, David, music for the same purpose. On Suu. Secretary (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING. 17 St. West House 37, Panama of He has not touchel piso since the war bugun New Discovery Dr. French Strengthening( ompound tory is here Our en marching!


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