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SSS THEATRE BROTHERHOOD NEWS Happenings of the Various Locals Totabat Aurora Lodge No. 2533 Tollorrow Suvi Feb 22nd To a. MOSA L213) 23: 18 Fire Doctor and The Eu Pro The Woman In Reels 4PLAY THING!
Featuring Mildred Harris Anda Cood Program Each Show Night the Coming Week Victor Colins Lot No 252 NOTIC NEATS COMPACT Soid on Clectrical Wriors Electro ESTATE Easy 975 ecco Durabie SOVETS Eco 2515 Colon Cas Co.
OVERTSE INTERCES Brotierhood her object TAILOR Minimum Subsmuo, 0, for at Eye for One Month.
Royal Mail Steam Packei. Pacific Sieam Navigation Co.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE TAMAICA Girnd Christian Encampment No W Conven Buenaventura and Tumaco Wincontin Challenge main stii family at the standardi a Love forth; and which considered extravagant, Suppose we waiver en standardens tolerably EXIST a monthly expenditwe will be. 17. 11:anc counting it is having eight hours, and months having the S26) working days, we find that twentyen cent. 27 ont must be paid for a worker regularly FOR SALE the side of the Companies at NOTICE CRISTOBAL or to the Pacific Stear Navigation Company, In view of the end for in the unbiased public will tree that we just in our or to have this phase of ir grievanced stack and will undoubtedly give us its hearty port We musim like than a healthy man desires Blour Grand President, after ex.
Danisting will to adjust our grievances should declare il strike to be the of the organization, then as true will stant to use inevitable just as the porttient will still be amputation of his arm in order that his Tre may Sed STOUTE, General Chairman THE DILSTERY PACKET Co. Panama


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