
batoresting News from the best indian islands Trinidad DATION BANKING CORPORATION Owned By THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street, Capital, Surplus, Und vided Profits Over 9, 800, 000. 00 The 701 acres in Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD The Genc al Petro wwah pin leum Company of sound. beruhtina Trinidad, Limited from the Followin eek invita die Fage or Keshalts ir to the pull to subscribe exception of Dewhurst none of sistance rendered her ble sue apital for the Trialdad consoli Me team are combed two hours later dated OnifaldsLimited, says of baxmen and there 18 An inget was doni Sialist of December 20, every likelihood of the crickes Year Diy at the Hospital or Me 1919 there BAB appeared this being at all times bierzy, and, let Briges. Coroner, and a Wok prosperelauve to an 18 hope baring the horlous July post morlew examation wwne of 200, 000) l sharos at par un orain of the game interest was made by Dr. Johnson, Company promoted ing. May the best of luck attend who attributed death to essava under the same auspices then and lot in us see in the first poisoning capital 2800, 000 in shares intercoloniai makh. since the The jury returned a verdict of CH rights of over fateful wa August 1914. dhe dawn accidental death by eu seara Dis Trinidad are acord, the origi of a new series of these matches ing.
malendoars roeiving therefore! whose healthy rivalry in the payable in cash рия, did so much to bring these while termediary vendor islands together and cause thein Railway Staff Restless myndicate in to be allotted the wo understand each other berter 100. 000 sha of the Company understand that the sile not offered for public subscripcial latach leaves the Lighthouse The Railway State of the Oil has tipat been pro. Jay at 30 pm. and no doubt a engineering department and oth duced and increed. the pros. Loodabering of sports will rare beginning to show rist pects are purely suppositio: be there to wish Tour Boys lessness, and whether the room.
godspeed and good luck. mendations, whatever their ki DROWNING FATALITY qual eventually be of the Service Fire at Belmont Valley Commission ar ging in include rare said tale of drowning them. These mennessing was and ittle Harbour Road.
dissatisfaction at the mil Masters Yesterday by the ris now owing paid the Gantan Torthago яг CTTAGE BHRNT PLAT, Mikado, in which one is although not willing to strike, are not onlikely to do so, if some James of Canan Villag. To Early on Sunday morning last, consideration is not extender to obetar known as Hind the people of Belmont Rid the them in the near future TH tems, mts watery rare.
Vall y Road in particular, were railway is a public util and The story runs thus suo rudely awakened from their the Government cannot terv Mikado left Port of Spain at sumbers by the unearthly lily lock on Tuesday for Shories of the Sirnybe they ignore the demands of their Motor Res which were when ring into th salar Tahi 23 min the WAV. live high up the short time and by the as on the run in that must be rection and things were quite but the lin. On the house that there a running high. This which was reoped in Hamsi intended to be WAS about to belich Jane was was on that all the lets to Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Demerara Panama Furniture Company American Bank for George town 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre SITE RIQIT.
with the Saunal Headquar for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
The means of the Ware in by a recent arrival from ci Bank New York las stablished thit Its sin inn a firelo there that it is the intention of the bank to the in is to Barbados and branch the Brity with Sub In. of Stre Wa WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock to this thesion fost site Getit.
Tor the Odin WILS Thaler alia Chorrillo Drug Store Sir Leslie Probyn Sane Comment on the Salary Question Swaking on the question of the stars of civil servants bien fore the islature the Governor of Jamaia said recently, The Government hold the view that the employee should receive payment suffi cient to supply him with clothing housins, and in addig tion with a surplus out of which to make provision for sieks and recreation. But again ask all in this colony to remember the prime danger of two hurried action, and forcing the price Let us reach our port, but let us use care so that our boat does not capsize.
food, blaze 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Just received a full stock of SILVER CHAIN GOODS Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES For every form of disease Barbados TOILET ARTICES, Etc.
High cost of Living alect the said to be laun hed with the men Mennin ORA Tourists The high prior living at the be the severith Day cat The romane dintits who was to take toets die moeite wat son ye erday. It was theists who intendit making Der Hon but of the til kreat deal more than what their winter tit fur ugh whethe walls wine with the present cost of building attracting som att James material No account can be would gain us much more patro unex climat was said to about iarnt as to the cause of this to make than wir iet present get, but leaves wile dinar as the. The children to mount their loss was seen en from downtown we have apparently not body corporal prompt In a purse in din coat when the said cont Brigaden under vached the stage of business evolution moves us 1924 which was handed over to on these ne esene, followed here soon after courage a good customer the authorities of the Central Brigade under is a rumour atoat that a big Stafi Sergeant Jones. Much American hotel corporation in The Trinidad Team Nr. orrell over his loss, as time for next year trade. Rusympathy is expressed in favour tends pecting a six hundred room structure in this Colony in the house for Barbados. burnt to the ground mor also has it that Pome.
roy of the Marine Hotel, was made an offer, by the said Com Referring to the team of piny for his business; but that cricketers which left Trinidad on the wily Pom answered, No.
the 1st inst to play a series of ting doing Come in and make matches at Barbadus, The Port o your own business, Spain Cazette comments Under Dead Body Discovery.
the captaincy Nurses want Salary InCOM dré Cipriani, with Mr. Wiles as his deputy, the Trinidad Crick creased.
The dead body of James. et Team leaven 10eur this native of Bermuda, was discover Barbados by Lewis, 15 years od said to be a M. afternoon the sided in the Inner Basin en Satur. Almsh use have approached the The nurses of the St. Michael will lack the experience of Major day morning. Lewis, who was a Parochial authorities for an inHarragin dweet its destiny on tireinanl aboard the Lady Hay, crease of salary. In the third the tield and be absence of Me was known to indulge excessively year of war they were given a Betancouit is a distinct loss in liquor and was in an intoxicat in per cent war bonus, but they to the bathing strengt, while his ed condition when last seen alive now tind this inadequate to meet brilliant work at coverpoint will in Bay Street about 30 a. m, on the increasing demands of the be greatly missed, yet the, team, Christmas Day. How he go into the as a whole, can be sately said to the Carenage no one seems to in be representative of Trinidad be in a position to say. His body ly They want a permanent cricket at the present moment when found was in such an ad raise. The nurses bere, as at are to the effect that, as is their to render it impossible to make a authorities can see their way to Advices to band from Barbidos vanced state of putrefaction as most institutions of the sort, are as not over liberally paid, and if the custom, the stout httle Eng. post mortem examination. Dr. assist them they should do so.
landers have taken the visit Johnson, however made an exter; They are quite deserving of some very seriously, and are going to nal examination which disclosed have a very powerful combination no fractures or marks of violence.
consideration in the field. It is hoped that our An inquest was held and an open men will be able get two or verdict returned.
taree days practice on the turi FOR SALE.
wickell before the matches com POISONED BY CASSAVA.
mence, so as to get ace to the changed conditions. On sad occurrence took place in Must be sold at once one paper, the side is distinctly strong Carrington village on Wednesday Cornish Organ in very good in batting. The captain Wres last when a child was poisoned de Gannes, St. Hill, Rogers, by Cassava. The facts are that condition. Call at House 18, Maingot and Small, being all Louise Williams, the mother of 28th November Street Sanfirst rate, batsmen while John, the deceased, bought some ens. Miguel. upstairs) or write Dewhursi, de Fague Kelshall and sava which she prepared for Arthur and Vivian Maingot can breakfast for herself and three to. R. Box 1032 Anall be depended on for a few. In children. As the onboara tasted con, Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. FLOWERS, Proprietor. Bor 36, Panama City Telephone 519 the Although the Rice Crop Very Promising The Argosy says the Phenomenal rice crop, the harvesting of which is almost arly conplete ras done more than any.
thing to give a stimulus to ng cultarists. The cry everywhere is for more Jand, and applications for homesteads, grazing tracts, and wood cutting grants are pouring in frou Upper Eist Coast farmers.
On the Mahaicony, Mah ica Abary Rivers would be settlers must go away to the upper reaches to get homesteads.
The total quantity of rice exported from Demerara from November 10 26th December, 1919 wis 27. 819 cwts. 34 lbs or about 15. 000 bags.
and atheir spending capaci: The Chemical Hall times on their 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment and Prompt Attention.
Give us an early call and inspect our stock of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc. The Workman Miss LAING HAIR DRESSER Scalp treatment and Halr straightening a Speciality customed We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon BROWN MCALMON Proprietors.
For promoting the growth of the Hair and beautifying yourself visit The Parlore HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE Corner 20th Street,


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