
Canal 220 Votes OS SCXXS 30000 Reproducción GATUN The District Qirler master lave very adol indon Thursday 25 inst 537. ill these old to the 04 trinn taken care of yo FELT HATS.
add they The trans finde of our well known sol trocher Wilster regret to learn of his out to the julknewing there were no children out for school, ther mother and there who take e re of the little ones utrike it show clear that the childred will have Lo strike Wong with thren. teach we are very For you bave turned out.
he old waying goes we not be here and there at the same time and the Barot dry has sa od toaly at this section but all over the Isthmus of J. Noverom, our well known President of the UNI received his decharge on Wednesday evening 26tb ind, Bol fur Beylest al duty but for the good wbich he had done; the various rumore is going around that he is the loader of the walk out in connection with the strike which is on foot to day is one which be is not guilty of in no respect; the higher low may think thus alx ut lån but we will say there sot another man on he free of the begro who is worth ture that nerve e wid. age pat em ployer who has been said job for over 10 year Brother Prewident let not your heart to troubled we will stay by your side and belp to cheer your fimily and self in the bard struggle. God is the giver of. 11 good and will not see you fall today you may be far away from us bui.
hearts and minds is yes with you each and every time you cast your eyes around rementar the good which you have done even for all claws s, uod if sito MAYO www your intention to leave us for Twitter land our prayers wil ku up for your fily and will; reumber those words whaterhou got there and in the im nay God bless you and let those who vay this aud that about you la Caled away into bitterness.
We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
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which ور ktelse Wasleyan Methodist Church Pins11 Morning Worslalo.
Do cabida als siguiente Rev. WIE: 730 10. Ey ging hujt por consideraria de subio With Rev. T Putker.
misal mismo tiempo para Cilon, 11m Moraing Worshi leida por las personas MLC KT; 7:30 Evening que no hayan jodido construir Wotelur. Rv. Evers, par de ser crecida, hube de Labos 11 am Mirin: Worship rotarse por su mucha demanda Rev FT. Parker: 30 pm Evening Dice si la hoja volante: Worship. Mir SK Wallis New Previdne, 11 raing Panameños!
Worship. Mr. Jina Paraiso, 11 Morning Whip Cuan doloroso nos es contem Mr. Arall: 7:30 Erning Warshi plar que mientras obreros istune Supplied nos ayudado por vigoroso nume ro de antillanos, nos sostenemos Holy Communion, Rev Li, 70. Morning Worship.
ET ificamente do por conseguir garantias bus das en la justicia, algunos obre ros nacionales están traicionera. Colon pst Church co. mente queriendo an ular nuestros lebrales Anniversary heroicos esfuerzos, yendo clan destinamente a ocupar nuestras misi The Colon Baptist Sunday vacantes por un salario muchisi school held their anniversary mo menor que el que debieran merecer en las actuales circuns services on Sunday last at tancias, en que el gobierno auto no auto when a tine program of crático de Balboa Heights trata other exercises was rendered by trata songs, recitations, and various de establecer sobre ellos y los de más obreros del Roll de Plata, church choir, to a very laret the scholars, assisted by the bárbara y perpetua esclavitud ceonómica Kathering The chairman for the occasſia Nunca antes pensamos que há was the Rev S, Witt, pastor of brían felones en esta beneméritat the church, who by his usuai en patria del valiente caudillo Tomás couraging remarks did justice to Herrera. Los hechos han proba the cause, while the children, as do que si los los hay, porque campa well as the older folk, triotas nuestros, seducidos themselves in a very creditable alpitted falsas promesas, han descido el and acceptable inanner. The ser clamor justo de los hoy al servicio de la zona del Ca Vice throughout was very inter nal, sin tener en consideración due in the following cases: Open esting, but special mention que su estadía en el puesto no inne será si no por el tiempo que dure ing address, by three boys: ali dness, an exercise by three la huelga De que nos sirve a nosotros tion by two girls, all of which ex girls, and Suppose, a recita ser campeones de los spiggo ties, si una buena porción de celled the expectation of the au ellos mismos al ir a trabajar de The pleasant entertainment muestran estar satisfechos con el bajo sueldo y con el despecti came to a close at 30 vismo chocante de los jefes inme.
Interesting Address at isetros aun no creemos que Coion, pamenos de honor traicionen nuestra causa, despues de escu Mr. Goodall. BA le considerar que el éxito de estar livered a very interesting ndy al chat significa la libertad cono dress on Sunday last, the 2nd mica de millares de menos mst. to the children of the Wesque en el futuro quiza trabajarán an Methodist Church, Colon de todos nosotros nostres He began by calling attention to tiempo atras venimos the fact that it was th first my siendo víctimas de las injusticias Sunday in Lont as well as Wasbdel elemento directivo del Canal mton birth day, and stated la lucha todos, hermanos. that there was some similarity compatriotas, pues el aumento between them.
Alter Kiving a brief outline of que exijimos es justo y satisfac orio life of Washington, the atención a la falsa prostemos the a de speaker emphasiz the fact that la prensal, pues creen de esa ma the keynote o Wiisitington nera llevar el descontento a nues character Wils luis unwillingness tras tiks y conseguir el derrum tu teliat lie be de nuestra formidable valla, Mr. Goodall also brought to compuesta por 17. 000 hombres the minds of the children the unidos y que están resueltos a means of Lent and added that triunfar Unidos el triunfo our Lord Jesus Christ like Washington, stat fought ra siempre Panameños del Roll de Plata DOV Aprobado STOUTE, American Bazaar Lange PANAMA COLON luche FiB0 90 Sosos STOUTE CALLED TO PANAMA que desde tice Had Codference at Balboa Heights Yesterday para todos BUSINESS MEN General Chairman Stoute was VI Yesterday fran to Panamit and Neva Col all the bed oficials of the Brotherhver Die Curing the day. The most in potevok placa mit the Chin li Get Alive to your interest Information to Shoemakers ADVERTISE ܙܐ ܓܓܢ. ܕܨܕ in THE WORKMAN weichiszond by every West Indian in Panama, Coca De Coczone.
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