
PAGE SOVEN JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES repateile Young Men, Boys and Girls Come and have a look at the assortment.
444 VALUE City Bible Agency OPEN FORUM ised in Berlin Atlantie and he various VA WHO WON THE WAR?
WANTED Mr. Balfour Part WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS Tendon January 3, 19 to prepare themelo bill imprtant positions in the BLACK STAR LINR Ine, and other Neto enterprises in wh. eb duestion and Last night conversation turned a aby are essential hering one of the life El tre old controversy ROBERT LINDSAY, Wbow the war Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz veteran diplo Apartment Upstairs RAIS present answered very Box No. 1044 Ancon, CZ FOR Mr Arthur Bal. holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, willing for Tour and resolute in his option moderate consideration to anyone who may be desirous of taking as stolar as duy one seoul the Fleruentary or High School Course sidh plavedadesive part, that Sutjecte taught. Arithmustie. Algebra. Prartial and Theoretical was the modest, easy going AJB Geometry Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and MODERATE PRICES.
Awlw Beve he reasons He declared Composition. Business forms, letters, ete. other subjects taught as demand that those wou really are were per may ari terly aware that it was Mr. Balfour a FREE practice on octave ergen for students with pre knowledge nrivaled inuence and incomparable www.
diplomacy that really brought the Unit Hours. 00 to 10. 00 Call or writo.
ed tales of Americn into the war at the eru moral And from the sponom EDUARDO VALENCIA poret of view Aseries men only just in time to save the situation Months before the arristide ww dreamt NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Santa Ana Plaza Next Hote Metropoe of Mr. Bonar publely thered that but for America interposition the te apei postion of the Allies a July July 1917, would have been disastrous. The real importance of Mr. Balfour mieof the sion to the United States was fully realGREAT It was the official Clerman reeognition of what dided on AT LITTLE COST the famous British stateeman voyage The City Bible Agency begs to Continued from Pages) aerons at that date tbst e used them to concentrate ich form call the attention of Christian Timely Warning idable efforts on preventing his arrival, Is there anyone who would knowingly workers and Bible readers to the It will be remne bered that the vessel Tehree to receive the breat value for bis fact that we call supply them ory speat? Those who with the former translations of Hir. Permit me space in your widely for many days held up in Glasgowy which Mr. Balfour mide his journey DeWitt Pille with other remedies are Bibles compared and revised, eirculated paper to bring before the enemy submes.
not only rejecting the best value for selt pronouncing editions Negro publie, a matter of patnount view, thetelor, which is one of real Aceording to this their money but are actually plothing Also Sunday School Teachers standard concordance of the Bible Bible importanee, which needs some eraknowledge authority the true an agrimet their own bealth.
HO tion Bibles, Lodge Pulit, and family We are all aware of the fact that wes Waris swer to the question Who won the Do you fuel trol, worn out and de Bibies. We handled Bibles of are not a rich people, and for sustenance Mr. Balfour.
wered? Do you suffer from nervous various societies, especially the must week employment. Through thi disorders, dizziness, headache, sideache and all kinds of pains, morordo bindersity Press, real financin embarrassment many of our Prices on Shoes, Hosiery, sebu very girls women aud discomforts in We also handle all other kinds their homes to face and battle with the Etc.
sous other paris of the body, such of religious books in addition to hardships of obtaining anhbest live roine, bladder, etc. Have you irritawon of the bladder, burning sen Bibles.
litond Shoe prices have not reached sation, weak and lame back, See us for prices and terms Here on the Istmus, we Street crom the limit, and lower prices on irregularity of urine, with bad are curioned by circum tres which here may not be expected The Corset of the Century.
AUNS 3 (atairs) iftakin to heart, wouldnt to vote to its pears, ording SOLDAT PANAMA BY color, sediments, etc. 109 Ally of thes: symptoms orally the white biti iston Rul Sho. Tal La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Piaza; Kus sing, not them to Kidney and Bladder trou ition an the heat of Centr. Avenue. birls and matelake mulis in the blem Ferrier, SOLD AT COLON BY DeWITT PILLS, the UNIVERAgent wie seching Hs for lower espectively Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long SAL PROOF CURE, will not fail to prices on un Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
wear were discouraged at the ure you. Sturtintu day. Just think LEE CHONG Co. So e Agents ent Annual meeting in New of the toward Health, Strength, Dr. WILLIAMS thons in perent and is a final rk of the National Wholesal Happiness and Long Life at wuch Toort are introduced to the Mailand Dry Gols Association HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE small cash value (M CH. EDIN. serull jobs in this way we find It is said that shoe pries will 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Sold in two mixes at all first clas Panama, PHYSICIAN SURGEON II Pan Ithin Rare of you down when there is more Colon, RP Beware of imitations, some deal.
Maids and Serubbers Since this is leaths and less demand for it PO Box 152 Phone 90 PO Box 585, Ancon, CZ the only way throngh which you may here and ere are handing out. C. DeWITT Droid and when Phone 895 co 11d. Lamion, Bottle with Has removed tomporarily to the obtain an honest livchond let strive to triks case and labor con it bine seal. City Pharmacy printed on Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, straight to ride was nected with shoes buckles down understand that and mosul anul and produces more purs.
wrippers FOLKS RIVER scrubbers, espulls tluse employed!
THE CITY PHARMACY, 130 Con It is further stated that while ral Avenue, Panama ite families, are open to various atro shoes now on sale were male Ex live Agents on the Republic and All cases fully Examined male elements, persistently cities which the employers. copecially the from lather costing 60 cents to Twrіtіаtе. 00 foot. the now being a serious and delicate made for Springs are from ma matter and kw that the overdost terials costing. cents to 2: 41 will criticise this letter, but husbands The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, foot wins higher cost for who have wives working as maidsete other materials and additional collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly to you: mothers who hav daughter working in the like me. wants to lab with less pairs cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
per man produced appeal to you: rhyhody havink anyone Real Hygienic Feeder Pries to Commissiry custom Modern Cabinet Makers to them or in my way interested. rs will. however, by kept down Complete 90c. silver working in this plure to you write to some extent due to the large this lettir. Litt for some sort of quantity of purchases made in NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CITY Protective Suciety to which euch ease May and June, 1919, from four of this nature or similar may be report of the largest suppliers. The PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, led in order that the offenders may be men shoes bought at that time FOUNDED IN 1881 brought to likt, thus making the con were for the most part medium Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood munity ser deernt and striving The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
grades, with 15, 000 worth of people to work in Spare no pains, no nigh grade numbers.
MNUEL ESPINOSA money in having the laws of America shoes have now been received Latest Designs, Cabinet making, etc.
adm nister juslice in the true sense of but the women shoes on the Central Avenue, 33 the world same order are not yet all here.
Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
Another point is this, do not put your Duplicate orders recently placed girl children along with these woite fami for the same grade of goods run lies for charity Let reason be your from to the pair higher guide, if the maids, who are employed In work shoes the stock is par STERLING receive such treatment, judge how much ticularly larve, there charity your poor child will reecive TONIC FEMALE Thanking you, Mr. Elitor and trust ble tine enough to last for a or a considera ing this will go home to the very souls It is in the better grade men s, last at year prices.
of my people.
Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not women s, and especially chil mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with am grateful to the shoes that the Tonic and Alterative advances are to be expected. NEGRO.
ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
In assuring higher prices on Incrǝase in Pay hosiery ery for this year, it is said Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and the two ply eighty acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, Dear Mr. Elitor a und may be cheap for a etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re The attached clippling taken from a pair summer stockings. De sults may be anticipated.
Trinidnd paper is sent you for publica creased production and intion in the hope that it will catch the creased manufacturing costs are eyes of the Canal Authorities, and let given as the reasons for the aathem see that all over the world, indivi. ticipated rise. Opinion seems to No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama.
Los Angeles, duals, Corporations and even Rovern be that no reduction will begin ments, are increasing the pay of their until Europe begins producing ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, employees and not trying to keep them enough for itself. Panama Canal in want and misery as the Conal Govern Record doing. The clipping reads thus GOOD WILL THE PAY OF THE CONSTABULARY We are glad to learn that Dr. JOHNSON CLEANED and BLOCKED Panama Hats WANTED Inst business lives through its presentation of the Hon.
The public to know that customers. And its greatest General of Constabulary, Col. SURGEON DENTIST the Government has ap: and TRIMMED to Order first class asset is their good will.
Our service has always proved of a general increase of pay of Phone 1003 Address ALSODYEING, CLEANING AND measured up to this standthe Os. and men of the Constabuard and brings forth volunlary also of certain arrangements for PRESSING Ancon, 852 MILLINERY DRESSMAKING tary expression of friend bettering the condition of the members ship and confidence.
of the Purse. It now only rests with HOUSE No. 965, La Boca is carefully and expeditiously at the Come in and see our New the Finance Committee to sanction the WILKINSON Slip Grip Soft Collar Hold necessary expenditure, us to bring the EVER acheme into early operation.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER ers. Better than pins.
Dr. GONNELL Thanking you for space, Mr. Editor, STRINE in your widely read and weful paper First Class Workmanship SURGEON DENTIST FULLER 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE which is doing so much to encourage the You Cor. 16 8t. West, Panama JEWELER silver employees and to intercede fer Plans and Specifications Fro.
and be found at 175 Call phone 218 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, their just cause 5th Street West am, Contral Avenue House 901 Panams, GREEN and WILSON, SILVER EMPLOYEE. Box 411, Panama, Opposite Station Proprietors.
It Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants it D, P, Leacock Co.
yal Central Drug Store These gioeing Don Confuse Price with Cost dren the greatest that with 60 yarn at 565 The Woman Exchange pair of DRESSMAKERS The Sterlin Laboratory, ment is Hon the May.
Anglo American Tailoring


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