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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1920 oooooooooooooooooosos Oos PACIFIC THEATRE To night To morrow The Last Three Episodes of the Monumental Universal Serial Phil For Short. Mystery King Featuring Evelyn Greely demoralised the onpressors. Helpless Wɔmən an Chile Might is prevailing now. Free dom his ted from the Canal Zone dren Ejected bot Justice will conquer breause God is on our side. One teala Fray morning the 27th inst.
davand bush tea for our children saw the devastators still at the must cease jobs, ejeeting helpless winn STOUTE in children from the rental for which had been pul General Chairman.
long in Ulte deducted Pity felt for Poor People. husban. is anifatliers Wonen from the land warned cash of Great pity and sympathy were lately from accouchement was felt for the poor people who were Iriven out of their houses and being driven from their home ill their bel linnatta because they refused to be yolkemut id ex sed to put into a condition to work for wage on which they found it absolutel turned away from the horrible By witnesse from Pin impossible to exist, scene and many short tigre to Women with young children think thit suel inbumul mets were ordered out of their homes could be committed on the order and their belongings dumped of a high representative of the outside, and the doors nailed up most humane nation on earth.
against them.
One woman Mrs. Cave who holding young children in their Late last evening mothers was turned out gave premature and it is stated that her condition wayside with their belongings birth owing to the excitement arts and others clinging amound them were noen standing by the is serious. She is being sheltered and cared for by humane and seek refuge in the city of Parama waiting for an oprertanity spmpathetic friends in Panama House owners in Panama who had been previously consulted Similar Conditions on the at once placed over 2, 000 empty Line.
rooms at the disposal of these refugees from the Canal Zone News from along the lines dis.
and so gr? Was their sympathy cl sed it similar condition of al for the people that they agr el fairs.
to allow the in to occupy the quarters free during the strike and At each section fans were pay for them when they return thrown out ant subjecto to work similar tratament New Programs Every Night the Coming Week. ద Strike on (anal Zone Coninued from la el door, and we have thing to fea Don Break the Ranks! Keep a Solid Front!
Il we lose this cause we will forever be kept down in indus.
trial serfdom Il we fail erery thing is lost. We have been denied our rights in the past, and we do not mean to suffer any longer. We want what is our Other people are getting theirs Why can we? We inust have a square deal, Thats all we are worrying about, Now let us continue the good belavior which has marked the movement all yesterday. Let us have no disorder. no noise, no il violence, STOUTE, General Chairman The behaviour of the strikers Vednesday as on the previous day was all that could be desired.
Those of the strikers who lived in rented quarters of the Panama Canal expressed them selves as waiting patiently for the dawn of Thursday morning, the day Governor Harding de creed for the ejection of all en ployees from Government rent ed quarters, and many opinions were expressed as to whether Governor Harding would really put out the Silver employees froin houses for which they had paid rent in advances Bit when on Thursday morn ing ther win stilstand inglimmin their determination to keep out ing was the though their la decreijction and solutions and pic Dedinta 1 Sose:cosesc The Fuel Without a Fault GAS Chairman Stoute Makes Statement USE IT And Help Cut the High Cost of Living COLON LOYAL Pefrain from Vicinco tak this Panama Gas Co. Colon Gas Co.
Tel. 798 Te. 364.
and Punan low and bill wirelt One Printed and circulated TO DAY IS THE CRISIS!
KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR 128 Bulvar St. between 8th and 9th Colon ting Mne. Ant. Iti richied prin conna whom tot tirection.
Tends. M. ROBERTS, MBC the intrinstitute China Zone Royal Mail Steam Packet Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE surve law cities opportunity to have solis inftrin wil mi the cities. This will sativ inconvenience and suny perlu embarrass the Panama Lo hunirelt store ment which has given in such the site in that ampie protection. In order to have the wints and more!
avoid any such anläsatar Sport of it the you must Stati Putin. Keep of the sidewalkss. Dit Stoute, general Channin crowd and impede the trafico the puble; and above all, da Eleventh Hour Plews fr drink alcohole liqueur Colon.
mmber that if you by a Citi your opponent will call it it tur pedo.
Calls Governor Landlord jedis many es ķtting Pay no attention to the which wlongings in diy cular of Hebruary 215h, in which dunaged. bait also tbe Landlord threatened wrthru. Clone burse and ejet juu Our as deal wis Sven runt WWAL yers are already on the job in during the day requesting he really nothing would hulp vur striratu beh sau thousands of workers who paraded the town in search of much as the wistenin from Cristobal Dicks escorted by policemen also have coin mited no than that of requesting their em workers. One min along Broadployer to come to a reasonable way who got away and went to agreement with them. If it work, cute back protected by were true that our services are it Zone policemen to remove his not necessary for the operation wife and belongings Zoue of the Panama Canal, we would quarters, but his wife pulled her have been off the payrolls long trunk away and sat on it, telling long ago. The threats in the him he car o alone. The same circular show clearly the necessi. thing was repeated in other parts ty of our having a working agree of the tourn ment.
But despite all these injustices and atrocities, the strikers Arrest wili not AyectCause continue to be firm and resolute; My dear comrades, do not be and so the situation continues unchanged.
surprised if am throu in to jail on a false charge, supported AND THE STRIKE CON by the testimony of negro traiTINUES crime Secretary of War Bikes to the Silver Employees Coman tee: The Unit States is big a Nation to a small people.
The Governor of the Panama Camising to demostrat day that Mr Baker did not know Wat he was kills but, but the Canal Gvernment isów powerful a Guvern. ent not to oppruss lulf starved women and under fed children, by throw ing them out in the structs this morning Brethren. Sther in der ence between this hot and in torpedong of the visita Germans? Is there any duti ence between this act and the firing on hospital ships by Germans during the war?
Ministers of religion, and all other Christians, watch the pow.
er of Might and Force against Justice and Poverty and decide whether German autocracy has not something to learn.
TELLOW WORKERS BE BRAVE As soon as you are illegally ejected and thrown in the streets take your furniture and come in to Panama, The Home of the Free and the Land of the Brave.
Come to Panama, the Saviour of the oppressed, and the Protector of the distressed We have suthcient 100ms to accommodate you Be orderly. Have no trouble with the great army sent to dislodge you. It is the first time in American history that American troops have been employed to show women that might means right.
Fortunately this force is employed on the Canal Zone alone.
Leave as the Israelites left Egypt, and come from the house of bon.
dage and the Pharoahs.
Hospital employees continue to nurse the sick and attend to their wants, Scavengers continue to keep. Colon and Panama clean.
Remember the health of the people must be protected.
Continue the faith you now have in your leaders and they will fight for you. Let your con duct be as exemplary to day and in the future, as it bas been in the past two days. Our order has ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN GUATEMALA will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd MARCH. 1920. for Guayaquil, Pita, Eten. Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco, Lomas, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chanaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso MANAVIA will leave CRISTOBAL AM; will leave BALBOA. Noon, on WEDNESDAY, 3rd MARCH, 1920, for Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia. Manta and Guayaquil VICTORIA will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on MONDAY, 8th MARCH, 1920, for Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso MEXICO will leave CRISTOBAL, TUESDAY, 9th MARCH, 1919, for Newport News and Liverpool.
ADVERTISE in the For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at CRISTOBAL or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA WORKMAN Wassrs. ISAAC BRAXOON 3333, 14 Sub Agon s: THE ROYAL MAIL TEAM PACKET Co. Panana, IT PAYS


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