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Mass Meeting For Repatriation on expressed maica Colon.
atid and awaiting use a rest they did places time out to put an al was almost of the In the оur So apt to LARGE NUMBER OF BLACK STAR IS NOT THE HAPPENINGS OF STRIKE LINE STEAMER WEST INDIAN THE UNEMPLOYED MEN Held Up at Cuba by Big An Arch Enemy to His SINCE OUR LAST ISSUE Dock Strike Own Progress?
March to British Legation Seeking MT. Bilawrence, agent for The history of the West Indian Walk Out Called Off But Strikers the Black Sar Line at Colon, Négro on the Isthmus of Panama Repatriation to Their Homes has been advised by cable that is full of instance of his buse Remain Firm owing to the dock strike at Haloils, his prevent stishness, Since our last issue matters On Thursday the 4th itst a strike as he was fully aware of vana, Cuba, the SS. Yarmouth, his low mindness and of Two condition, however, were Pri rumber of men fled to the difficulties to he encountered of the Black Star Line being the the British Leation requesting in a fight against so powerful hed and will cond with the strike troka pat ap by the strikeren most serious turn. Shortly after tatives, viz; thittad warrants for in see the Britist Minister, who government as the United States, not arrive at Colon on koripressively a trek on Saturday the real the arrest of creain of the lead an jenis ar La Bica, the first treners be withdrawn and that all they claimed had requested thm At a meeting of the West Indian time.
to call there at that morning Committee held the first Mon Our reulers will undortedly Die during the past we 10 sutler were thrown out of the strikers be taken back on he strong Aside British Minister was ly deprecated the strike sugges services very shortly, and will be ver settlements of the Cana! ani a handful of buhelors left in wages. pending the results of Wheatley is expected to be in tion of the strikers from the si were not more than fonr families convenience or reduction in their present Mr. B. Hutchcon Lion and Vice Consul engord of the that the only solution for the pre put on a months service vera Banos e inmediat ocupat oldest siiver city on the Zone, mediation. Toe case was put up the opinion wen where they put the infor sent deplorable condition was an New York, Havana, Cuba, Ja sign of those saine quarters by it was to the Goveraer by the British other West Indians The rush Most Pitiful Sight mation that they wit wanted appeal to the British Governme it Minister whose report furnished to repatriate This steamer is said to be made by these latter to take pos.
the surplus iead The reply was at one given discontented labourers so as to very much larger than the Fre. Session ur ta huumes would need to see the people ejueted from the information that wel one to think that they were until would be the houses which in many ins Governor Harding had Refused that circular had been circu. avoid the impending crisis. The derick Dougins, and is lated to that effect resolution was una001ped with all modern conve. then homeless and stances they had ccupied for the grant the reservations asked the passed Mr Hutcheon then requested adopted by Hences for an up to date passen Follow countrymen would lidays sucklings were thrown into made matters worse and then time when their last six years. Women with ton in for in the two conditions. This to sve one of the circulars a copy mittee, but very much to the dis ger boat.
thrown out on the streets. To the open air at a moment no there came a serious deadlock.
was quickly procured and hinded appointment of the Committee, tice and all was confusion and The British Minister, in order to Indian the Vice Consul which reads as we strike came on before any FRIENDLY SOCIETIES not expression: excitement.
About mid day news follows:arrangements for transmitting time to cool. Indeed, we even give the came from Cristobal to the el make his position clear, made the following statement:Brotherhood Strikers And the resolution to the British Hald Meetings to Halp don believe the dogs even waste fect that the work of ejectment Government could be carried Sympathisers.
Sufferers ed out the rooms, and so eager seen Shad commenced there, the same Communique from British We have all seen the disadvan.
were they to tind shelter that scenes being witnessed there as Legation Regarding The strike was, any how, a thes even stepped over the de at La Boca. The activities of fages which we have suffered in moral protest against the derrt to Sereral meetings of montre senya ated belongings of the form the utility gangs resulted in a Strike the past and are still suffering ble unendurable conditions un.
Friendly SoWave of Ejectments In order prater degree. Must we as der which the silver employees cieties in Panama Were held dur er occupants in entering them which had then continue to suffer these were labouring. The strike being in the week, for the purpose or without even a shudder from the which swept over Red Tank, to the deadlock tortures. No: a thousand that a similar fate might Gatun, Gamboa and Paraiso con arisen between the Punana Cana is to march to the British Connor Hardi. Possible for Gov ferers from the strike awaiting them in the near tinuing all day Sunday and oc authorities and the silver em.
No. All that is lett for us to do on, although it is known that it granting assistance to the sur thought future, Great God, how low cupying all Monday when every ployees now on strike, and Eulate Office to surrender the the period that the men were have these people ut o clock this cople fallen. They silver settlement on the Zune view of the large number We understand of the Ame ic Ime ic in nation out.
that spokesman, dignity at remind ils of the story ni ternoon, select a how our conditions, and ask for Stoute unconditionally Mrone meetings it was unaninous wolves which urly agreed that each society would thousepped to deve was completely cleared of its in of British subjects involved, His habitants. ruthless eject fourteen Britannie Majesty Minister, on points, one of thelr nun ber each time ments it is reported that some his own initiative, approached Teatriation. The Canal Authorities cilinol successfully operate the sympathy was enlisted in vots substantial sum toward that the hunter whom they were the people lost valuable split og of Farding on the more pieces Governor ca sul without us and something righteous cause to ameliorate the the upkeep of the sufferers and that chasing turned round and shot of furniture which that it has been effected.
were Racial hu 26 with a view to will have to be done. Pass this one of them.
in the Is it any wonder into fragments when they were wheet round, act as men and be king man condition hood prevented any self respect. Offer of 271, 500 for Big so little above the lower ani. The sending away of the people me careful consideration to any and the dignity of man that members of other racebeine second floor of some buildings. vailed upon to return to work inna are hurled to the ground from the ascertaining whether, erent of the strikers being presilent.
ing West Indian from adopting upon us us being Mr. Hutcheon then told the any other course than extending Bout from London just a the Governor would mals? Is it any wonder that they from the varios towns made men that on reading the circular their sympathy and be united in all seem to em to think hat even the them all look like it was plain to be seen that the the cause.
ofticially made Harry Williams, London Theat ittle good British Legation knew nothing Doserted Villages little we are getting is too goce rical Man Makos Bid for us? If every other est in from which every sign of human cerning the mea grievances.
by His Majesty Legation on of their presence there that The strike has failed, and Mr.
dian was of our disposition, life bad vanished. When the demorning. but it the men had William Stoute, and his support ap any grievance they should selecters and those who have suffered London, Jan. 25. Harry Wil those houses would stand empty population had been completed proval of Governor Harding, subcommilles from among then have our sympathy. We would liams, London theatrical produ those who suffered in trying to and the Pacific ends waited to ject to the following conditions the British Minister They have done asked the United Prior to trans, better their condition and pro see what woulb be the next move. had been tilled would not displace sure lie would give them a hear their best, but they hnd to accept it to Suck Karns an ofter of vide for the future of their fami. Sunday morning alter an all the present incumbent but might the inevitable. After all they share of a fight with Georges gro and all that sort of stuff, sentatives of the United Brother 162. 000 for Jack Dempsey lies. about the New. night session of the Colon repre obtain other employment.
The men at once acted upon (2) That the time within which exer the advice of Mr. Hutcheon and rights, and we eneo man Carpentier to be held in London New or old, he will never reach food it was voted thnt the Brit the men should return to work extend quickly dispersed.
servedly our sympathy to unrelate this ye the status of even the lowest of ish and the French Ministers without reduction of pay would In connection with this, a band Now the importance for which Williams offers a. purse of the other races either in this offer of mediation be accepted. not be extended beyond their bill signed by Wynter was this meeting was called: he was 271, 500 for the fight, and if it is world or in the world to come. This showed, on the part of the first usual hour of reporting af circulated late Thursday after informed that yesterday, a de not satisfactory be askin, Kearns otficers and leaders, ter mid day, February 27th.
noon possible New Field for Laborers Willingness to End the Definite acceptance by the Isthmiat Park, a report of which tish Le purpose of of for the the champion end. As a Strike strikers of His Majesty Minie follows:requesting Hon. Percy guarantee of gwi faith le agro Mass Neeting at Isthmian of repatriation promised by with the Editor of Sporting Lite Bluefields, Nicaragua, where a distinguished diplomats, one for preden Bennett, to to arrange the terms of a forfeit of 10. 000 pounds sels sailed iron this port for and the following letter was ad. teris oor was not wade known dressed immediately to these two February 29 and was couwith reservations, Park, Governor Harding during the in London, new labor market in opened for det meget sted and the coller for namely trike; as the discharged silver skilful banana laborers. The the (1) That the time limit sbould Yesterday at about 10 a. a employees were willing to return Isthinus pas der ordinary labor is said to the French subjeets in be extended to the morning of mass meeting of discharge Canal their homes in West In Zone employees was held at the dies. He must assure ther, ed a short address, in which ha March 1st; and Mr. Babington Simons deliver be 00 gold per day, and that Box No, 209, Colon, 2) That all orders issued by Isthmian Park, kindly lent by that the proposal had some exhorted the discharged men to than they are in this Feb. 29, 1920.
the Governor for the arrest of Write or apply perso Minister, men connected with the strike he by He was not the strike leader ish Minister, in whatever neng nally to Mr. Louis Castillo for British Legation, should be withdrawn.
Mr. Wynter, who secured and was not in a position to ad ure that may be adopted. Mr general Information. The NicaPanama, These reservations were impirmission from Dr. Ricardo Al the management of the company, difdculties to be encountered. stand firm and back up the Brit. AVN there are far more whether they Company, Blue Hon. Sir: Inro, Secretary of Government to worke; het water en biculousehorn Wynter requested the discharged agua Banana mediately submitted to Goverin fields, Nicaragua nens Silver employees only to nomin nor Harding. Who however decliI respectfully beg to state that ned to accept to determine this. for ate the persons they wanted to Precisely at 10 o clock the themselves, as he was informed, represent them at the British Two More Jamaicans Lib gratitude the kind offer of it to be known that his original the silver employees accept with pavilion was densely packed, that a large number of em. Legution before the Minister while several hundred people ployees were irrevocably dis. Messrs. Wynter, Babington erated from the Costa s Minister to break the dead offer to the strikers holds good were on the ground in front of charged. In placing this re Simons, and Willian Dixon lock which has arisen between provided they return to work Rican Prison the building It is estimated quest before the British Minis were unacimously the Panama Canal oficials and the silver employees now on March 1st.
unconditionally Monday.
that over two thousand discharger, he would advise that they Mr. Wynter requested that those ed According to announcements strike.
Goverrnor Harding has given y and in a definite manner, and hold up their hands and the en mode to time week operananblic that You Excellency apprise surance chut strikers who have in this from Your humble servant requests His Majesty Minister the asng, stating that he would re takes this arduous job and objed in favor of repatriation. They wer the treatment and conduct or committee may submit its data in the Canal Zone will be reassigaMr. Wynter opened the meet. do not, after the Minister under tire crowd with enthusiasm vot: were always wall posted regard him of the date on which the been evicted from their quarters st order and strict attention tains the necessary results, strated by the Panamanian au West Indians because you have baviour; avoid the booze shops, the Unitedo Franco, in the unt receive, being in the hands of already been assigned or promisfor the good feelings demon him feel disgusted with the were farther exhorted to conti. Government of Costa Rica, for the careful and impartial con ed on resuming duty except in with thorities in granting permission Alinched to carry through your and let every man present be a fost imprisonment and maltreat such distinguished personages as ed to employees at work.
for this meeting, and would ask desires.
It was proposed over with as they had assembled to fd Affairs through the British the Pamaina police, and that no were said to be connected with French Charge Affaires.
that all applause be dispensed to approach the French Charge avoid any unpleasant trouble with ment of several Jamaicans who Minister and the The French Charge Affaire has been acting throughout in beg to remain, Hon. Sir, look after their personal inter Legation, as to whether the friction will occur which may the so called strike in the month concert with His Majesty ests in a matter which was a West Indian labor was needed mar the relationship between of December 1918. The article Your obedient servant, Minister in the interests of those stupendons crisis.
by the French Government as nama and the United States. The which appeared in these columns (Sgd. STOUTE, strikers who are inatives of the Personally he was against the they were willing to leave the meeting was brought to a close (Continned on Page General Chairman. Continued on Page give representations Officiall yeur.
of the gation for the to until Fei two the them.


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