
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Demerara INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Tobago are approached.
premium; med the mum rescue, and tal output of Panama Furniture Company We at of at the Barbados ply and to Inone c) Ordinance 1914. txins is tie accident wird of ces and weights at whihh. Sn rnando Hospita rec u should be sold through utvering slowly.
ne colony The Sugar Question Flour Situation BeThe irony of fate that hasil comes Threatening.
ready overtakels of the Owned By sister colonies with regard to their supar supyl, sem tile Lecal Government Prices It is a pity that traffle. Spec. threatening Trinida, Juiging THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Stop Imports.
illly motor cars is stopped by what is transpiring just niw MIrvine Bay owing to the river with respect to the sale of sukar Head Office, 55, Wall Street, here having no bridge. One is in some of the retail shops. What With yesterday privat cable obliged to come all the way rounds tho justification for such action quotations for flour, says the Daily to Scarboro then down Milford on tle part of the shop epers dhronicle of the 6th instant, im Main road. We are sure if the one is at a loss to understand, and Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 were faced with the fact whers of Mt. Irvine (now St. we are sure it will come as sur that allindents must be cancelled, Marie. Messrs. Gordon Co. prist to the public to know, that loss suffered under the are they would be some of the retail he shopkeepers Government schedule willing to give free of cost the in the city, absolutely refuse to that the portion of lihe land necessary to sell more than. of sugar to an Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Government tixed the maximum nake a proper road. It will also individual purchaser at a time.
price of flour at 16. 25 per bag benefit their property as well as Naturally this DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL works a very great When Canadian Exchange was the general public.
inconvenience to hous holders ruling around and per cent who usually stuck their suplies DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD when, however, ex The Grafton E«tate which is nection, it is also learnt that the from the retail shops. In this con dange rose to 11 and 12 per cent, now for sale is the last of the factories for some time have been increases were being record properties owned here by the paying particlar od in the prices of flour, David sons of England. They own: attention to Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches rather than the reverse, repre fed properties all uver the island manufacture of cture of in uscovado sugar, this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
sentations were made to His in years gone by. Capt. Davidson which has been commanding a bxcellency and he agreed to re at one time 10 our pre good price in the market. If Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
dace the import duty on four sent Governor, is a relative of the this is responsible for the dearht by 50 cents per bag, rather than Davidson family and was very of better grades of sugar in the distarb the Government maxi desirous of settling down at Graflocal market, is it not possible INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Exchange forth with, as ton.
for the authorities to come to the whough to moek His Excellency and direct that of the to wtempt to amateur economics The dry weather is on us and there must of any sugar factory.
be a promptly rise to 24 while to day with it comes the disease of the manufactured of the grade usuala given percentage It is temporarily at 16 per cent mason, viz. dysentery, etc. One The exchange alone has swallow THE IN THE WEST ed what relief was sought to be of the riot prisoners had to hely consumed locally. If the or USITNESS is sent to the District Hospital sute dinary muscovado sugar given, while the real grievance it fetching a good price in the ou.
INDIES self bias woi sened, in that yester ering from the malady.
side markets, all well but the almost exclusive, manu.
well and good; day cable quotations shɔws an WHAT IS REAL INDEPENDENCE advance in the ci prices on We are pleased to know that facture of the grade should not be 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA The Demerara Argosy in an editorial 20 per bag over what it was a orders have been received here allowed to the detriment of other on the in the West Indies fortnight ago.
trom Trinidal by merchants for grades with which local consu Next Door to Cecilia Theatre comes to the following conclusion:birse quotations, which ar native made hats. San mers are accustom to supply are due to the action of the Can Fernando merchant first started their needs.
think this is a As with the German, 60 with the adian Wheat Board advancing the to order 100 of these native bats, miter which the Food Con mitte American: there must be a change of prices of 25 per sack import we wish the industry continued should inquieinto, il Trinidad is Headquarters for hert before we can expect to see a ars are faced with the landed success.
irot to rank among those colonies change of result, and that change of cost around 18 which are now langisting in the bag: and it is 18 per heart must be a general condition of the evident that the situation threatOn Monday evening 20th ir throes of an adverse sugar sitHigh Class Furniture Americans at home, otherwise no matter oned will either have to be restant, a Parishioners ineeting was ution.
what temporary good the Commission lieved by the Government seek weld by the Anglicans. Mr. may do, the Virgin Islands will ever lie authorities ing All New Goods Sold at from the Coinbin Blache Wilson, in the chair merey surprising series of Court to import flour and sell Mr. Wilson is the Registrar of accidents as the years go by. change at a loss, or adopt to the more the Church of England in this Reasonable Terms. of heart must gunrd against the recurrational course of allowing sup Diocese. He spoke in high praise rences of the wicked symptoms of the demand play of the active Bishop: The re present. The United States must get their healthy part. With a low sort which was read by Mr.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US back to the spirit of her Constitution, Attention was called by Mr.
ta rift rate profiteering is an im Bigart, the Secretary was a good and back to the spirit of her first lo.
possible feat.
been use we have a me and showed that good work Skeete at Wednesday when buying Furniture.
depen dence Day The Independence which means independence to draw was. of of my of in sell markets. Top Election of officers for the year mittee to the following paragraph Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock apon alone, and Bres out of the way to deny 1920 took place.
which surest way to stop in the Stan KISSTSESTRESZEREZZE EETGERESGEGEER BE JURE the same privilege to another, is not in exploiting of of labor on the tour dard newspaper of recent date: dependence according to the meanin is to secure sure and prompt It is currently Quite a new export trade has rumoured that contoined in the dictionary of Dernocraonble or com in unication begun. Messrs. Hope Co. are section has just ocurred at the an extraordinary case of resurThe Independence which lover its between this colony, Barbado: buying Sorrel (dried) in large General Hospital which, if true own soul unto deoth, but dearly loves and Trinidad; and thereafter quantities to be shipped to Agnent is well worth making a note of.
the souls of other Independence, also, keep the import duty down and believes in the greater Indepen maximuin. Arbitrary price limit: will be understand that a drink! It is said that a over there from its woman was op dence among all deserving proples, that rated irrespective of the cost of an at our sorrel at the Hospital and apbien.
Led to have died under the only is ibe Independence which le of the ticle are archaic, tyrannical and quour Bounce is very pala maesthetic adininistered to her.
II Drepared Light of the World.
The American po ineffectual.
till le as prepared here. Preserves Shes ple have strayed very far from the 46 STREET, PANAMA.
also made from it. As She was removed to the shepherding influences of the inition of their fathers, the plant grows easily there will tuary as dend, and her relatives Price of Bread in. who They bavo jined tlic company of raving nuocatie price at present paid is 1s. tu for the funeral. It is said that in Just received a full stock of European wolves in theep clothing Demerara 1s. per lb.
llie church bell was set atolling This is the disposition of the flock froin The cofin and hearse duly SILVER CHAIN GOODS the pure breed of the Pilgrim Father!
Maximum Price to be ed at the Hospital to carry Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES away the corpse, and when the Removed The Workman mortuary was entered lo! and For every form of disease behold! there was the woman GOVERNOR REPLY TO BAKETS sitting up, and, if not wellany rate on a fair way to reco TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. WILKINSON Following the fixing of the The Provisions Depot.
very price of bicad by His Excellencs The Chairman replied that this San Fernando first Ground was a fond thing vainly inven CONTRACTOR BUILDER Sir Wilfred Collet, says the Daily Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Arosy of the 17th instant: thi Provisions depot is likely to be bakers of the city held a meeting aunehed on Monday morning, purely imaginative idea which (Laughter. It was a Satisfaction Guaranteed.
First Class Workmanship at the office of Major Alexan bruary 16th, when the depo sprung out of the mind of some Plans and Specifications Free Salvation Ariny.
its tire FLOWERS, Proprietor.
ere it was resolved that a pe 30 to speak. There was great wake who wanted to display his kreat powers of inventing stories oli Box 36, Panama City Telephone 519 5th Street West House 90 need of having such an institu, the sea serpent type.
tition Box 411, Panama, requesting that the price of brend be fixed at 12 cents instead make things very easy for vegeof 10 cents per pound and the able food cultivators having pro BIG FLEET FOR THE FOR SALE the cent loaf be one and a quait visions to sell to dispose of er ounces instead of one and a without loss of time for ready PACIFIC OCEAN.
hill ounces.
cash at Depot. Families espe.
HIS EXCELLENCY ially and the public generally Must be sold at once one will tind it convenient to obtain will be Recommended by Lord REPLY Cornish Organ in very good provisions. The Depot Jellicoe, says Washington Under date 15th instant Mr. to be located in the Old Rum Despatch.
condition. Call at House 18, Ball Greene, First Assistant Rouse on Hospital bill, as San 28th November Street SanColonial Secretary, replied Fernandians call it.
New York. The New York Even 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Miguel. upstairs) or write Major Alexander Tam directed to acknowledge Leap of Deportaton.
ing Sun publishes the following despatch today under a Washington date 10. R. Box 1032. Anreceipt of your letter of the 81. Joseph Simmons, 18 years oll, line The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment inst and its enclosure in regard and Prompt Attention. formidable British fleet in the it will au ace o jumping to the price fixed for scale od straight to the other side of Jor Pacific and Indian Oceans will be re bread, and in reply to say that dan Valle, some minutes after commended by Viscount Jellicoe when Give us an early call and inspect our stock of Miss LAING the incrsase in Canada of the 12 noon on Friday. While up a he returns to England and reports on cost of flour will necessitate the coconut tree at Hardbargin, bis tour of naval investigation of the Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediHAIR DRESSER removal by the Governor of the maximum prices of flour and bread but that when His Excel insville, picking nuts, a British Dominions, according to authori Jack Spaniard attacked this feet will be recominonded to tative information here to day.
ON cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc. Scalp treatment and Hair lency fixed the price of bread him so viciously that in order to straightening a Speciality he was able to buy bread at that escape from being blindel and consist of eight biti leships of the latest price and he could not see any matters by leaping from the tree light, 49 cotrayers and about 40 subdintiguid be coin pounded type, right nodern battle enuisers, 10 We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction good reason why other people in sheer desperation.
For promoting the growth of the should not.
When marines it is sad.
Hair and beautifying yourself picked up, one of his thigh bones The expenso of construction and Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon His Excellency the Gorernor was fructured, a rib broken, a maintenance of the proposed feet would visit has revoked as froun Monday next wriss was sprained, a shoulder b; borna in part by the Brit sh DominBROWN McALMON The Parlors the proclaination of the 2nd innt. badly bruised, and his lips and ins concerned and the acceptane of the under the Foodstuff (Regulation face were terribly swollen. Now plan is at their discretion.
HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE Corner 20th Street to stop any possible appeared wireless cy.
Chorrillo Drug Store tre avre immortal were arriv Trinidad ted.
baptism of of the be sent to round The Chemical Hall con,


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