
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1920, PAGE THREE Fsiseseise S5835 socio SS SS SS SS SS Sexo FEMALE MEDICAL PRACT TIONER TAKES CHARGE OF DISTRICT KING BEE The Government Gazelle of 20 Jan uary. of Paramaribo, Dutch Guiana, thilde Nassy ws medical officer of the nounces the appointment of Miss Me Seventh district which extends from pleco stion Pepperpot to. Petit Chatillon the right bank of the Surinam Rive and from plantation Tout lui fait to a caribo on the left bank of said rive, olding plantation Vreden surg on the Pra River and the adja ent grounde During the month of December Mi Na sy acted as medical officer of Vrede riksdory. Her present appointmeut unique in the history of the colony, de being the first lady practitioner to placed in charge of a medical distries.
Har ability is well knoon, and we again wish her a long and successdal career the medical profesio.
CIGARETTES: DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
They are Best Always DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Returns To His Old Stand the The General Public and friende of Dr. Edwards are asked to take notice that he has removed from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to His Old Stand. No. 182, Bolivar Street, Opposite the Masonic Templo, and is prepared to treat all diseas es, especially those of women and children, as he has spe cialized in these subjects during his recent stay in New York.
ING BE SOODSE OKOD: soooxoc850 Sexo Want to know the present ad dress or whereabouts of James Spooner a Barbadian, and Gregory. Jimican, both shoomakers by trade. PISHER Prov. Chiriqi, David, 0! of SANS ENTRAL NOTICE.
Extra Mild GARETTES Wanted to know the present address of Charles A.
Carter (more popularly known as Evan Carter) a Barbadian, age 29 years. Very important Edward Moore) Alleyne, Bocas del Toro Rep of Panama Sold Everywhere WHY?
Advertise SasexcockSS IN THE The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice Workman sooooooooo Sesso cos 90x200 SIT PAYS. The Open Forum. power many think.
IS Panama Banking Company Benefit Society our own control, and not at the mercy thinking processes, there is not a Dr. LOWE of any capricious or uncertain external secret about them; in fact, they are so plain that everyone can understand them. The only thing to do is to have L, Edin.
All agree that there la but one Prinela mental house cleaning, and to Wm. Lawrence We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed in this column ple or Consciousness pervading the en this every day, and keep the house 139 CENTRAL AVENUE the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents tiro Universe, occupying all space, and clean. Mental, moral and physical PANAMA CITY Tailor and Outfitter being essentially the same in kind. cleanlines are absolutely indispensible every point of its presence. It is om if we are to make progress of any kind.
nipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Office Hours: 30 a.
Dealer in School Boots All thoughts and things are within We may not wear the hero grown, and Stationery.
bilities manifest in the world without itself. It is all in all. The ability of Or fill the hero pave; KNOW THYSELF p. p.
Life is no unfoldment, not acc etion as an individual to think is his ability to But truth shall place our name among No. 11 Street, Panam That is to say it is a act on the universal and bring it into The bravest of the brave. Box 798 Office 844 (Continued. growth or accumulation by external ad manifestation Thought is the vibre chains from Central Ave.
Phones: tory force formed by converting the BAUGH Ancon, Residence 1002 Words may become mental places dition.
that will live forever. In them we find static mind into dynamic mind. Every Address: We are related to the world without thought in therefore cause and every the history of the past as well as the by the objective mind of which the bia condition an effect: for this reason it is Box 895, Ancon, hope of the future.
the organ, and cerebro spinal system absolutely casential that every person They are the vessels in which thought of nerves puts us in conscious communi control bis own thought, so as to bring The Mutual Life and is carried, and are therefore living mes cation with every part of the body. torth only desirable conditions.
sengers from which many human and This system of nervos responds to every superhuman activity is born.
sensation of light, hent, odour, sound and The Universal mind is the life princi taste. When this mind thinks correctly, ple of every atom which is in no eriet(BRANDON BANK)
All possession is based on conscienti when it understands the truth, when the cove; all are continually striving to Members of this society in tering conscientioumnes. Mind is crea. tem to the body are constructive and ecking to carry out the purpose for All loco is the result of a scat thoughts went through the nervous sya nifcst more life, all are intelligent, all are hereby reminded of their assete SECURITY ment dues on the death of. and all which they The law harmonious. these sensations are please, attraction is bringing to us Charles Morrisou, the time experiences in the life are the resalt ant, we build SERVICE vitality not the for which payment terminated our habitual or predominant mental at constructive forces into our body; but things we should like, or the things. on 10th January, 1920.
titude. This is true because wo must we should not forget the fact that it is wish for, or things someone else has; but ANAMA IPOUNDBD 1868)
COLON All assessments are payable to be before we can do, and we can through this same organ that all distress, it bringe to us our own. the things DeSousa, Secretary Treasur do only to the extent of what we sickness, limitation, and every form of which we have created by our thought er, at the Ideal Pharmacy, Iron are, and what we are depends upon discord and inbarmony is admitted to processo, whether consciously or incon Our large Resources and well known what we think. We cannot express our lives. When a man bus ome into tiously.
Gate, Calidonia Cuatro, where the office is now located.
puwers which we do not possess, and the thorough realisation or understandconservative Management afford unthink that the only way to secure posing of For instance, it any of us were build casion of power is to become conscious will without the slightest difficulty be would be in regards to the plans; hov ve phrase Know Thyself, he ing home for ourselves, how careful we questioned security for every dollar Dr. OGILVIE of power, and we can never hocome con able to read the Great Secret of Lite should study every detail; how we should deposited with this bank.
IB NOW LOCATED AT Brious of power until we learn that all But now come the question, power is from within watch the material and select only the 157 Central Avenue, corner What is the Great Sscret of Life? best of everything; and yet how careless In the world within is to be found lo The Great Secret of Life in the unified we are when it comes to building our Street.
finito wisdom, Power and Supply of all equalization of the conscious minds and mental home, which is infinitely more that is necessary, waiting for unfold sub conscious minde or the co working important than any physical home, as HOURS: to 11. 30 ment, development and expression, If of the cerebro spinal and the Bolar everything wheb can possibly enter into to 30 we find wisdom in the world withio, we plexus.
our lives, depends upon the charaebep 30 to 30 pza.
of the material which enter into the ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON shall bave the understanding to discern 1, BRANDON Sundays: tofii the marvelous possibilities which aru As every man is absolutely his own construction of our mental home.
Vice President.
Treasurer latent in this world within, and we shall free age nay, it is very clearly under There are psychologioul frete; there Appointments can be arranged!
be given the power to make these pooltood that our future is entirely under is ne theory or guon work about where Te ephone 876 of General Banking Business Transacted


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