
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH, 6, 1920, Huntfshed on Saturdays by HN The Central Vtion Correspondener on all matters and Street, tanama of public interest invited copy for patient PO Box 74 Pandi RP written only and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION convince Second. Hand Furniture Bought and Sold BEST PRICES Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture Mattresses Springs of all kinds made to order tion of Three في روی 15 うた was the and se our free of SHIRTS exael by y of coton raw hours. It LO 15 On The Labor Problem THE WORKMAN The Bulletin of the National City Bank for January, compenting on the labor situation that is causing upheaval all over Rates for Advertisement on applicathe world. The Labor Problem is how to the laborer at the fundamentu thing is 01 protaction.
It is a tu tile tory to improve th the Nesbyr money With ру of everything Het correspondene is being relucu in the Id were with the act woud Dushell with DET ly Ketmore do not, the forme The Silver Emp. opses Strike and u het morth On this, but The Leaders.
Callind sce me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 3, Ancon probiet in het al truth is that Last Wednesday afternoon the largest strike that ever dusils whole, inclus occurred on the Canal Zone was called off by the General JOHN HART tis Chairman when, after ten days of the toughest layi.
Wie Duc nearly seventeen thousand working men with laundry Daten utdustry them Breater the auction women and female janitors were released from the walktil brunch will have to out and permitted to return to work, if they so desired.
the products of the other branch The circumstances which d up to the strike are ales, and the it will be the ready fully known to the whole public, and a resumé op Happenings of SHIRTS! SHIRTS. SHIRIS. supply for all the facts would be quite unnecessary at the present time.
Strike since This principle is herally con It is, however, not out of place to survey the entire inciThe public is invited to enme. Ce Jedin the abstract by labr leaders, but little evidence of 16 dent in order to clarify the circumstances and present an which are made of the best material you can get ordering from us PRICES MODERATE.
Continued from Page 1)
appears in their plicies.
mpartial view of the movement.
The Bureau of Census, report.
French st in lies The fact that the strikers found it necessary to WEST INDIAN INDUSTRIAL HOUSE British Littlun.
ing upon the quantity throw in the sponge was not based on inability or deteroth Street, between Street and Hudson Alley, dours from manut ictured in boods in the The Kingston Drug Score.
Panama. February 29, 1920. United States daring the month mination to stay out for a longer period than ten days Miss AMY MORGAN, Managress. account of the Governor Of November 1919, brought out (although that period was considerable, in view of the enormity of numbers in the ranks of the strikers. but refusal to withdraw the war the fact that will increase of rants or announce the names of about live per cent in machinery rather on account of the disadvantages which automaticthe men against whom warrants in use and an oven lurrin ally arose, incidental on the proscription of mass meetings and general an affair as this? The strike has been called had been issud as well as the collase the moyees on the sous and private sessions in the Republic, What are the results of the strike? Has it been ef off and yet the majority of the strikers have refused to re insisting on the cutting of the rolls, the consumption cotton is less by 90, 000 biles turn to work. The leaders have tried to urge them back, strikers wages fective or not? These are really questions for the Panama but without avail. Does this not show that the whole evening Governom or neurly 16 per cent than in Nur er Harding issued the following vem vember 1916 This result is Canal Government to answer. So far as the people are affair was the wish of the entire labor force and not the circular laying down the cont mainly due to the shortening of concerned, ibey have suffered greatly in the respect that result of agitation by the officers of the union?
Luis to be observed in re em.
the workday from 51 48 they have experienced ejeciment from their quarters and ploying the strikers.
ww may b: auded that The strike bas been ended without any announced wage increases of 10 per cent in put to heavy expense in finding new homes and convecent niences for living. But they claim to have suffered these decision to improve conditions by the Governor of the To Avoid All Misunder Juice and 12 per Canal Zone, but it has, at least, shown that the silver emstanding December 1st were granted in things for a purpose.
1919, in addition to the grant of The official leaders of the sirike have been nobly sus. ployees are unanimous in their protest against the urpatieIn order to avoid misunder. 54 curs tained by their followers who constitutionally placed them factory circumstances under which they have been forced standing and confusion regarder en en formas work the year Bulletin of in the forefront of the movement; but beyond the ranks to live for the past few years and which have been greatly the status of silver employed the National city is this of the strikers and outside the mass of sympathisers these aggravated of late. It has shown that economic serfdom who are being einployed the rol January.
men are regarded as agitators in a cause that did not ex does not gain tolerance nor endurance among the West lowing instructions should be borne in mind Men who reported for duty on ton with the affair and on Wedand tran at bu ines in conne press the feelings and mind of the silver employees of the Indian and other working men who have given from over connection with this, it is learnt that there is an attempt labors have helped to make the Isthmian canal a realty. portine for work after noon of call. off by the the hand Panana Canal and toe Panama Railroed Company. In hve to twelve years of service on the Canal, and whose or before the usual hur for clay afternoon the strike was Hy 27 and who have not bili sued by Cengal Chairman to victimize these men for having directed the strike. The people have also shown in the strike that they bobsent without proper ex. Stonte: Now that it is all over, several of the men who re have reached the high point of self possession which can use since then will not sulfer, Having by ported for work have been told that they have been re not be broken into by the roughest and most barbarous change der status and will President of Panam to the placed and that there is nothing for them in the line of ill treatment meted out to them. When a community of ouve the increase ituthorized to be effective Februars froin keeping meeting private. and who have re instated self can hardleaders le employed after hour been held in jail since Thursday, Feb. 26th, and has nou purches and broken into irrecoverable fragments; when above specitied will be re emplos. to feed those who are dependent yet been released, and certain of the strikers cannot now modest women can behold their delicacies outraged and edited online in care state upon the Brothernood for supgo on the Zone, it is said, without risking their liberty.
their husbands look silently on; when savagery and un 12 and 686 13. Their employment rules contained Circulars 666Dirt.
All this is the afte: math of a strike which was consti couth indecorum bore themselves into their eyes and ears 12 February up to the time ther The Governor of the Panama butionally called by a duly organized and fully recognized without physical resentment it is time to learn that such Canal having flatly refused the Labor body called The United Brotherhood of Marten people are of a type that deserves a more considerate rates authorized including liê request of the Brotherhood to him through ance ot lay Employees and Railway Shop Laborers. In treatment; and the perpetrators must rest uneasy with a February 1st increase, and their British Minister last Sunday the re employment will be at a lower view of all that has happened from the commencement or burdened conscience, if it is alive.
rate than the rate so received.
after we had accepted the good the strike to its close, various opinions have been expressed The silver employees, through their duly elected repre. Orders Issue of Clearances Ministers, it is impossible for tho offices of the British and French as to the success or failure of the whole atrair.
gentatives, had several times approached the canal authoriClearances should be issued to Brotherhood to hold out indetiniThe ejectments of the strikers in the various towns on ties for an increase in their wages; this failed. They the Zone are up to now the darkest blot in the history of gained an audience with Secretary of War Baker when he the men who went on strike showing termination of service The world know our cause the Panama Canal. We cannot blind our eyes or smotner visited here last December, and, it is reported, he instructed as voluntarily quit and con be just, we went on strike order our consciences as to acts that have subjected peaceable Covernor Harding to see into the matter of immediate duct and workmanship ratings ly and we will retire orderiy.
and respectable people to such rigid indignites and out amelioration in the question of pay to the silver employees, cord up to the time of quitting sented to consider our case sym.
should take in account their reThe British Minister has conrages wnich have lett an incurable sore in the hearts of nothing was done until February 1st when an increase of eye witnesses, just as much as sutierers; but perhaps there two cents an hour was added to the pay of the hourly, and rate each individual on his prunetically. but advisos that we da no come back on these.
men, and five dollars to the salaries of the monthly men. Men will be re. employed to the in the interest of all tire men of first return to work. Therefore, The question of reduced rating rests entirely with the At the same time, the prices of the most necessary articles extent to fill the positions not the Brotherhood. am compelled Governor, and in his position as administrator his say is in the commissaries leaped so far beyond the reach of the tillel during the continuance of to declare the strike ended and decisive, but we can hardly make ourselves believe that increase given that the condition of the people became the strike, and discretionas to the mid night Wednesday, March 3, kis sense of equity would permit him to keep the returned worse than before. Again, the leaders of the Union men mwho will be refused em. 1920.
ployment in the STOUTE, strikers in this condition for any considerable length of were forced to approach the authorities with a practical Foreime disang tao of General Chairman, lar These oficials will time, especially when it is understood that this condition and logical view of the situation. Again they failed.
whether the action of large number of strikers who On Thursday morning quite was responsible for the tardiness in the return of the It can therefore be readily seen that the striko was locemen anal behelse under their strikers to their jobs, and also that on account of the high the eruption of a long time dissatisfaction among the sil supervision, intrerem plugin her reported for more were handed cut as a protest against the circumstances in which they pressive conditions without a general protest in the form desire tarike, por proprie rands are yet large numbers in the cost of living the men had conceived the idea of a walk ver employees who could no longer work under the op. declininke to re employ inen who places had been the. there told on is It is 15 found that they had to live.
of a strike. Some form of protest must have been made cities The failure of a large number of men to regain their and when all other means of convincing the government hele er or to arde le men so refuse to return to work within lected positions does not predict a very fortunate future for the as to the earnestness and seriousness of the people com they have been the victims of homes and work where living re employment, as that they rather return to their leadership lividuals seriously contemplate returning to their which happened.
where labour is paid for comhomes it would seem a proper thing to place them back, The future will determine whether the Government CHESTER HARDING, mensurate with the present high wherever possible, in their jobs or if not locate them in of the Canal Zone has gained any experience or learned Governor.
cost of living.
The men also declared that it some other positions in which these trained men could be any lessons from the ten days tie up which has complete Tense Situation ia well known fact that the sil.
given an opportunity to continue their experienced ser ly disorganized the silver labor force and thrown the work ver employee of the Panama Cam vice in connection with the canal. Where repatriation of the Panama Canal out of equilibrium, and if the oping found the strikers all reso any other waga earner the world was createdfor his labor than is desired that closes the question, but in all other cases pression of the poor silver workers is kept up the possibility lute not to return to work. They are. ro a careful consideration of the condition is wise.
of using West Indian and intelligent native labor will be had decided to return to their remains With regard to the attitude towards the officers one of the most difficult problems for this government to benes where labor receives bet up to the time of going the press solve ter wages than bere and where that while many of the strikers of the Brotherhood who conducted the strike, the no discriminations would pre returned and were handed clenr.
general public questions the fairness in placing the res Perhaps, other labor might be found but it will be em vent them from getting what is auces, the large majorityfrefuses ponsibility shoulders. The strike was ploved at a cost and experience that will create regret for their by right. From Monday even to enter the Canal Zones that of the silver employees through the Brotherhood the present treatment of the whole silver force which has stood solid and determined and until organization of which these men are the official head in registered its protest on the public conscience. We wish perhaps it would be still on had this country. The people called for it. Somebody had to to see fair play and that is as far as we are interested in not the President of the RepubFor Sale announce and direct it and this is how this en Ce conscienc is not yet dead, and as long lic prohibited all open and pri THE LIMIT DRUG STORE happened to be in the forefront of the ons exist, it will remain our duty to vate sessions of the Brotherhood Now is there any personal responsil ility for in the Republic. This made it 80 Streat, Chorill, Pann.
inst them.
impossible for the men to meet Well located. Establis. od 1914 Nel the ordered cut in their rating: Ormond Donawa has eerned belongings thrown to the ground over third storey bo potenciar el ser hen or mayor conget in touch for the Thouse tely.
kener Bimi der grade med at be is on their


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