
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH, 6, 1920 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes IF WERE LARGE EMPLOYER Great Labor Leader Last Suggestions for the Solution of the Labor Problem FELT HATS.
dth V We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes obtainable.
Care American Bazaar mut workmen employer of course, our grand time let us see that our from the great war.
that was we live pere. at New Discovery Dr. Frenclls Strengthening compould thog GATUN Reports from High St. show that many were turned out of their home furniture and household utensils could seen senttered all parts of this District The little ones could heart tyin while their parents, guardians online By JOHN MITCHELL Fried to brush the 1ritten especially for the Red Cross Mazine by yr.
At the depot, on Tay ning Mitchell shortly before his death.
there coull ben over one tid residents taking the 630 train to Colon while they tried to refuge This There are four principal things with such a system prevailing taust be recorded one of the hardest wouloro if were a large a man is certan oils jobs struggles ever experienced mong en of labor long as he does his wiki proor destitute coliedmployees.
maximum of right burs by formin be Credit must le fron the MD pilnokar duce even that perly personal matter that its for the Assiner given to the little once ür fara was consistent with nothing at all to do with the during the walk out We are not resist chands and the latural racetrofthman work. In som ing but when will that day come whee out my business aut futories where unions are not per imployees will be able to reI would pay my employees a u Kanizad work plice their brukes furniture, mangled living we for dishare the one lothing and eat a square meal. would helith right of the plant us it is worinnen to collective bar forman WHO have litt Most of our old time commissary em Het in.
pluvecs, through their Mona, mis would be particularly cononner of the plant never as their places, with the exeption of live or cerned with the conditions under of it and the discharged in The loeks partly fouk back the which my employees were does not get a heart Hlusen whole force with he old veteran All of my dealings with his my chance of livelihood, anto. mployees would be business, employment a IN tride, per Curie, worry a reduced rate. The There would haps through nu fiultos artermaster Department is ibe maly pure and simple are rt working employee did be no sentiment excepting that own.
not get back their regulat jobs The sentiment which is born of mu But under a system of collect well knona clerk, Morris, who hold tual respect and good will, ive bargaining such as should said job for over nine years, is let out, have scant sympathy for or phave in my plant, if were an tience with the theory of the gen. employer of labor, and such as aleo Jones, the Utility Foremaa along with several others.
eros employer and the loyal is now in operation in nanyi worker an, in the usual meaning dustries, a man discharged has With the different changes of quarters of that phrase do not believe the right of appeal. Sometimes many will feel stange in their new that the giving or acceptance of his case is heard by a comunittee homes as those living at High Sun of will job is over a favor, and believe composed of the owner or his renow occupy quarters in the lower sita that the employer or the employ presentative and the other er who considers it such is mak low workmen, while in of the district, the well kuona cheler nem or Quarters, houses 57. where of plants a committee ing a big mistake.
The relationship between the alone hears all cases arising from the popular buys used to reside, hvad mblo er and the employee is complaints like a barn house; our clubhouse voorn about discharges.
fundamentally and purely con. Experience, would de PANAMA COLON were flung open to the public on Thursday noon, most of the old boys are on of and should always be cide which Ketuals a business matter work better in a particular far these plans would their jobs with our energetie secretary Eggleston and not as a question of sentitory. But in so far as it gives a ment. That is the sort of rele man the right of appeal either of we We are the ones who are living tionship should endeavor to es. then is good, because believe Lablish and maintain if were a that a man why has been while on the Panama Canu, and whea dislirge employer of labor, because charged las so much right to we say Gatun boys are there with lite believe its telling you the truth; let 14 at luct that it is the only basis take his case to higher authori.
for the succes of both the employ. tiesas Its as the man who 1099 in a er and the workman. On 18lower court of low has genial Secretary be kept on his job se Or Course how has a right to he curtainly was a live wir waong should try wirect on this founda appeal to a bigher tribunal the Colored population with his retura tion structure of mutuolgd should recognize the justice will aid respect, ct, but sheula noi notlor eight hour as a maximum try to to make it appear was way work, and il punto THE CARNIVAL Readers rement a kind and generous man me should stop woris in my factor local Lodges and with our do ly be gaves someone job, lat on on Saturday This The Port of Sprin Gazette com dois closed what traching will ne le an! should have no use for the would as in uch to my own in menting on the clebration of the able to receive, rom the title om man who considered that by terest as an employer is in the Ring him work Carnival in Trinidad animadverts will have to tauglit was. but old time ach!
bimi favor.
thus: a man would cause in the long run the pro not be a good workman. uuction of a plant operated on an The Carnival celebration of Clarke wi:h the assistance of another, gone we know tenchers Webster and The interest of the employer eight hour schedule will qual, and the employee are not identi and in many cases excerd. that 1920 has gone the way of its pie will give the raid teaching and culture mistake to assume of a plant where the day work Considered the best blood and decessors, but we doubt very to our children; we are hoping that the that they are, although in late is ten hour or more. Alter all Nerve tonic in the World much whether it has trodden the present practice of getting cards will soon be cut out and our working mes years wel a great deal wonted path with as mucb grace will not have in get cards from the a man is very apt to do tive dhe of tall along that line. Still, they lats, worth of work for tivu usi. if we mnar so put it. as many to purchase goods from the Co e not necesarily antagonistic. lars, and very little more. Is highly recommended by press and public for that have gone before. The whole missary Dept.
Raher, they are interdependent. should make conditions in my omloyer factory or mdustrial plant Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and thing struck us, that the festival in the pro baulthiul and as pos general depression of the whole system. Co use a dignitied term) having BOCAS NEWS hali ile conduct or the industry gibbs, and should recognize the been authoritatively proclaimed, and a wide market, and in reg. fact that conditions must be oro For Both Men and Women.
the people thought it would RAILROAD DISASTER ularity of employment and oppor. gressively improved, and such re.
Sole distributors for Central and South America have savoured of bad taste to de.
tunity. Their vision of the torostituted as are necessary diverge forms cline the official gift.
at the point of to helpful development should And so One woman Hurt other PANAMA DRUG STORE protits, and either may want install devises in suficient they went about it more as a Slightly Injured more than his fair share. numbers to eliminate as faris ook matter of form, and with very The Central Amercan Express of IN were a luge employer of possible any chance of accident Muller Building labor should be primarily con little meaning. This was palpa the 14th. ulto reports the follow orned with the welfare of my should have no profit sharing bly reflected in the woelul lacking CALIDONIA.
of originality in the majority of What night have turned cut en. should want them to systein, nor should attempt to workmen tie be happy, and to my mind hap.
the costumes. It was only here one of the greatest dirasiers wis my workmen to their jobs by and there and even then very of Providence who guides al averted a rently by the hand piness depends almost entirely any of the plans and devices now upon environment. And environ being suggested and lewani far between, that practiceu, mnt, the sort that makes men such as group insurance and negotiations with the men them were in thos. places, and monotomy of the londescript is things and conditions, or other happy, depends upon whether promises of stock all contingent sales and send for the interna. should not have the conductotume WAN relieved by any sem. wise the United Pruit Company they are paid a living wage. upon thu workmen staying for u tional officers of their unions in such a mann. that the works blance of originality; irhile in the would have been called upon to interest, because think a living systems tend to make a workma, serious and responsiblemen, that it was who provided them. ly gored with meaningless sit makes sustained. living wage ruld be my first certain number of years. Such These wont be sure to finden were never able to fout matter of song, one was intense font up an enormous bill lor din consider the pties resurrected from the scrapOli Wednesday last the passen Have is the tirst demand upon lupidly content. d, and destroy men with whom it is always between the newspaper publish heap or hoone years. Wnit ker train left Surutka, Costa Ri.
any business. It is true that to the intelligent discontent which sible for an empluwort to reach Most of them ars and th» Typographical Union is remembered that Trinidaiinns ca wany industries to the foundation of hupiness understanding there are with a goudly nhuber of but one that cannot afford to do il success for any industry. unions are employed as do the lor and capital. Here you havu a Chuo not pay living wage, and amare luy real basis know as much about the indus example of the right are imittedly talented in the Guison, on schedule time for in which the members of their sort of relationship between ta realns of music and song, it must passengers, Ou reaching Virsb The Furthermore, these systems are anions are avu a bave becu a complete shock to nia switch she stopped to take up world is better off 80 is of no use 10 ithout it not fair to the workman. in employers themselves, and they union which is one of the strong observe that months of so called sone prssengers and luggage make a distincion be most cases where there are protit. always have a very good idea of est labor organiz ions in the Carnival practice produced Before she had time to do sus tween happiness and content sharing systems or other devices what demands the employer can country, and whose members nothing more artistic than a two shout was made a wreck, a wricks coming. The days monotonous refrain: We trave.
conductor not highment. my tippers ter a thoroughly con lehen es und profits added to grant in justice to himself and to larawas high gether are less the men in any other indus want a thousand general, to fol. Kave order to his driver to pull tented man I should want my received in other plants where low organized every But if the negotiations with try. It has weird reverberations of men to be intellis would mean but where collective bargaining and the men went on strike, publishing business, with the ex. bamboo that we the freigth y. train tented, because discon such metdods are not in effect, these international officers failed, branch of the newspaper and the Kaiser funeral. The out quickly. but despite his etorte battle nc that that they were were ambitious, and prevails.
the should not employ driver of the passenger train. The freight train wanted to better their condition.
try to till per cal staffs. believe there is less mujor part of the musical ele when showd be willing to discuss at ers, should recognize the right any time with a commitee of my manontly the places of my old friction between the publishers ment; and it was welcome rend danger and applied his brakes but several several yards off realised the of in eu plonecs to collectie employees all matters affecting employees. shou;d shut down and the Typographical Union when Yankee troupe came bargaining and to form unions, the working conditions of the my plant, because feel that it than between einployer and em. long with string band, renders bona purpose she dishud inte line in any other business. ing of the Coon passenger truia that bad just ever popular Coon because beneve that the in plant, and everyting that affected would be better to wait for the ployee because each has learn songs. The two days frolic out any confusion tue wont of the That is terest of both the employer and the lives and happiness of my old men to come back.
redeeining started to more of slowly.
With: the employee are promoted workwen.
should recognize should not attempt in any ed to respect the other, and each feature of through understandings arrived that while might own the bus. way to exercise parental control has the good will of the other. was the orderly behaviour or the passengers ran out of the couches e between the emploser and iness, while amight have built it over any workineo. Meneresent reached such an stage, in fact. doubt that they were bentoon son Prince Walters, Daisy Duf, This respect good will hos populace the in this way.
developed it was interference with priMartha think that should desire this the business of the men who vate lives, because they feel that that the Typographical Union making the best of the thing in tights for the owy way particu arly because of my own worked for me as well as my they should not be bothered interests of the publishers than blood bebad it. Albeit, from received sligbt injuries, tbe most.
no bad Brown that remained in the crazie experienca with labor unions, after their day work is and my observation of the re my emplorees, made de at the factory or workshop, but der the publishers themselves. the very poor show which the serious was the last named Soltectie te bereikbeen obtained. mands upon me wtujah conside should be free to do as they tainly in labor conventions two days celebration brought in the car train escaped Collective bargaining carbs the red excesive, and ruich was pleased. of course, it is a good this poemaphicalhonaga olen itse erore. nohud tekening incide conchas lamps and window slug with trait plus only of the dvstructive element among the unable to grant, should, is nego workmen.
Furthermore, the collective tind a basis of understanding and sumns and recreation balls for done atfecting them.
mest, it may not be rash to ven tracht tmin carriel got A23 Tae wreek did not pea bio ure the prophecy that with hed op.
Hetom is the only agreement. It they relused to his workmen; should try to do me and Sonsient le havent further traffie daring the sich the work weh an agreement with me. that, think. But should not des Othe.
til at justice. Struid inuediately abandon my try to supervise the men while Read the WORKMAN Picchied Lole را 2015 44 أندية. cal, andit is a we have heard a е The have employee and the دوران di salety IN relatio:sh; das decided give a snap of er, than Wages, if behind run with bauds Perhaps the OwD tinte with them in eo editores en bror one and comblonger be able to publishers in any thing is call our en ce to bring about any indre unike me flat car loans


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