
PAGE SEVEN JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES time holsterial palm.
VALUE City Bible Agency American Importers Purchasing Abroad the acts.
binding wehus and oure you the sol Then, the rate Regrettable Church Union WANTED WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS Noore, whether white or ack, residon his lumus, who is nequinted to prepare themselves to fill important positions in the BLACK STAR shihe Rev. CM Anderson, of the LINE, Inc, and other Negro enterprises in which education and United Methodist Church of England alify are essential and Jumuie, uld ROBERT LINDSAY, of hm than that he deserves the venture to say ought Residence No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz olan ludefatigable worker and Apartment Upstairs Box No. 1014, Ancon, FOR botes to the conveni of his consciene holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for muel to hardship: sud neces moderate consideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of taking an iles, yet regardless of bero; because of Flementary or High School Course Young Men, Boys and Girls ob cause he uses Suljeets taught: Arithmatie, Algebra. Praetical and Theoretical Mr. Anderson arrived bere direct from Geometry Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and MODERATE PRICES Columbia his last mission station, in Composiion, Business foruns, letters, etc. other subjects taught as demand April 1907, and took a missionary work may arise.
both on the Canal Zone and in Panama FREE practice on octave crgan for students with pre knowledge of Come and have a look at the assortment.
respectively He buike churches and or music caniaed Christina societies and schools, Hours. 00 to 10. 00 Call or write.
which from to time had kept him on de ore ed iur in ans for their upkeep.
EDUARDO VALENCIA hissible numerical succes equal to his manifested sted labor, he would have carried the ministerial In NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Santa Ana Plaza Next Hote Metropoe hie arduous toils, he spared no tine. which he should) to cuentrate.
worked leotitly on. But within the last three years of his minsitry, bio peace bas been very lindly broken up, and his life perplex d, by a device stealthily prepared for hun under the guise of a GREAT Church Union.
These ministerial min AT LITTLE COST representatives The City Bible Agency begs to made faith ul promises, assuring him of call the attention of Christian equality in the ministerial status, in le there anyone who would knowingly fact that we can supply them with Pound, Franc and workers and Bible readers to the means and support, and unmolested in his church ministration as long as lif nue to receive the best value for bis and health e isted.
with the foriner translations of But these pledges ney opent? Those who substitute Billes compared and Lire Waxing Fat revised, only stood good till the bond was consoLeWitt Pills with other remedies are lidated, after which, arbitrary steps not only rejecting the best value for sell pronouncing editions and exercised their money but are actually plotting standard concordance of the Bible AS RESULT OP DEPRECIATION Great and repeated efforts were made by were taken, and bossship also Sunday School Teachers winst their wn health.
Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and fainily WHOLESALERS CLAIM Mr. Anderson and his congregation to Do you feel tired, worn out and de. DID Bibles. We handled Bibles of restore the bond with the observance of promed? Do you suffer from nervous abi various societies, especially the New York, December 28. American all its conditions, but the opposite pardisorders, dizziness, headache, Oxford University Press, real importers now purchasing goods in Enko ties, only slighted the sideache and all kinds of pains, moroco lund, France and Italy for shipment to It was therefore necessary for Mr.
and discomforts in various We also handle all other kinds th: United States, are waxing int as Anderson to frms other paris of the body, ruch as of religious books in addition to re ult of the depreciation of the pound Because of these delusions, great dis groins, bladder, ste. Have you irrita Bibles.
sterling, the frane and fire, according to satisfactions and displeasures have grown Mon of the bladder, burning senSee us for prices and terms. stories now going the rounds of the New considerably in the breasts of both be sation, weak and lame back, Street, York wholes le district churches, herents aud onlookers.
The Corset of the Century.
Irregularity of urine, with bad House 39 (unstairs)
Time and visitors of between color, sediments, etc. ONLY FLY IN OINTMENT SOLD AT PANAMA BY x 1019 200 und who forned the regular Any of these symp om ate ginerally Panama The only my in the ointment for the contratton of the ludnik Chucha La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Koy King, Wee trail to Kidney and Bladder trou Central Avenue. Augustus Farrier, Ainerienn buvein abroad is the fact that, yet AKO is now dropped to or by a residential order several weeks adults and a few children at worship, SOLDAT COLON BY DeWITT PILLS, the UNIVERAgent ag, United States consuls are required yet this Pastor discretion is not been Lam Hing Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long SAL PROOF CURE, will not fail to to kep, tab on big purchinses, ascertain enough to me that his work was do Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
in. Just selling price and cable these facts to the tu acid that he was not further want on the be reward Health, Strength, Dr. WILLIAMS the United Sutes customs authorities. ed.
LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents Happiness and Long Life at such by figuring rate of exchange Mr. Amsden would have been of HEAD OFFICE (M CH. EDIN. BRANCH OFFICE fall cash value.
on the date of purchase, the government much more use here, hyd be continued 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Sold in two pixes at all first cla:e drug PHYSICIAN SURGEON is enabled to set a proper value upon at the mills where he worked as a car Colon, R, Panama, the worco. Beware of imitations, some deal.
goods for the collection of import penter a few years ago. enjoyed the Box 152. Phone 90 O, Box 585. Anc of home omar handing out. DeWITT duties Court of Claims passes upon American privilege Phone 895. CO. Led, London, Bottle with Has removed tmporarily to the what are alleged to be unfair appraisals, preach at leisure as bo did nban le blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, wa: a meinber of the Church, MAKES AANDSOME PROFIT rather than tearing from the band of Wppers FOLKS RIVER THE CITY PHARMACY, 130 CeoThe si uation is said to be somewhat Mr. Anderson his hard work which he like this: An American buying pound necesity.
had put together with much toil and bil kvenue, Panama.
Ma la ive Agents on the Republic and All cases fully Examined sterling siy, on Deeember 12, verded Ito unl Zine pay in American money only 366 for United Methodist Church British currency normally worth about Officers 54 87. Now he goes to a factory in Not.
tingham, England, to buy laces and CANCELS ALL ORDERS, The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, there, although prices of course are high On the other hand, a big American collecting, and permit of the bottle being thoroug! y er than before the war, le pays for them locountive concern, apprehensive of th cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
in its depreciated British money and turn of political affairs abroad due to the makes a handsome profit. Then he Modern Cabinet Makers ships the laces to the United States delay over Peace Treaty, is rrportes COmplete 90e, silver where, by reason of the inflition of the practically to have cancelled all bruge advance orders. Such ordets calling dollar, they are retailed for from 100 to NO. 8, JSTREET PANAMA CITY de every in three, six or nine month 150 er ecuit, al ove pre war prices, are sul to be prietically non existen PHONE :050. TOX, ANCON, C, LOUBLE PRE WAR VALUE in the locomotive trade. Similar cond tions exist in other indatrics. This FOUNDED IN 1881 The same importct, on the same date, why American manufacturers bar Dealers in all kinds of Native Wood we will sny, goes to France. In Paris been siyang: If the Peace Treaty The Oldest Drag Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
he has exchanged his An crienn dollars not soon, signed it will mean the corn MANUEL ESPINOSA Latest Designsji Cabinet making, etc.
for francs. Normily there are 18 8 plece loss of our foreign trade.
franes to the dollar but now he finds one Central Avenue, 33 COMMITTEES AT WORK, yankee simoleon will buy 11. 52 franes, Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
ht over 100 per cent more than before the There are committes of the most war. The price of silks has gone up but prominent United States bunkers an he goes to Lyons and there, with his de business men, representing the Ameri STERLING preciated French money, he buys more can Batikers Association, the United than he has ever bought Lefore ntr States Chamber of Commerce and th FEMALE TONIC gain priors. The silk reached New Internsional Trade Conference whe York where they are sold to the custom have been at work on this problem o er at double their former retail price.
foreign exchange for months and whe will be ready to remedy the present Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not LIRE AT VAST DISCOUNT Tonic and Alterative situation as soon as the Peace Treaty mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
Next this inporier Visi Italy where becomes a fact for the American nation he finds the lire, 5, 181 of which like WORSE SINCE SENATES ACT.
Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and the frane before the war could be bought for one American dollar, now at a vast It is noticeable thing said on acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, discount. In facts, he receives 13 47 Wall Street banker, that foreign ex ete. and when taken according to directions, beneficial re lires for one American dollar and, well change bas had its most ceipitou sults may be anticipated.
financed, goes to Naples, where he nego and serious decline since the rejection tiates the purchase of tapestries costing of the Peace Treety by the Senate The Sterlin Laboratory, of course, more than when purchased this month it has reached the lowest with the present Italian currency.
figure on record. Wholly apart from the League of Nation reither the Los Angeles, EXIST ALL OVER EUROPE American manufacturer nor the investor ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, The same financial conditions exist all is going to put millions into foreign in over Europe and in the former Central etments until they know more of su TIERSEXSIDERERSERO Empires, of course, they are reported What Washington political relations withi mu worse. In the Allied countries, Europe are going to be GOOD WILL however, where there is national ttibility ENGLAND RECOUPS HERSELE. Panama Hats WANTED and greater ability to pay. the depreA business lives through its ciated money is effecting some strange Meanwhile, England, in the past 11 The public to know that customers. And its greatest changes. dinner which, before the months, despite the handia ip of labor. CLEANED and BLOCKED and TRIMMED to Order currency and formidable prices recouped first class asset is their good will.
war in Paris could be had for a nominal itsel to the extent of reducing lier inOur service has always sum, now costs from 20 to 50 francs. ALSO ports by 178, 000, 000 and is otherwise measured up to this standDYEING, CLEANING AND ard and brings forth volun.
DEMAND PAR PAYMENTS. strengthening her coonomic position PRESSING tary expression of friendfor American manufacturers, meo nwhile, been 1, 787, 000, 000. Our own October HOUSE No. 965, La Boca is carefully and expeditiously ship and confidence.
to sell abroad Come in and see our New are demanding payment in American figures show that the United States exSlip Grip Soft Collar Hold dollars at par. Recently the Belgien cess of exports, in the ten months tr. de EVER ers. Better than pins.
government, it is said, bought twentyhan the year before.
with England, was 335, 000, 000 greater Dr. GONNELL Amer can locomotives, for which STRIKE SURGEON DENTIST ment instend of being in Belgian money FULLER 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE was Cor. 16 St. West, Panama.
YOU JEWELER thus adding from 15 to 3) per cent to and be found at, 175 122 CENTRAL AVENUE the manufacturer normal SURGEON DENTIST Call phone 218 profits.
Panama. RP.
Naturally this discourages foreign buy Phone 1003 Address Central Avenue GREEN and WILSON, ing Ancon, 852 Opposite Station Proprietors.
Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants Leacock Co. Real Hygienic Feeder Central Drug Store SININEN Don Confuse Price with Cost The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama.
Her exports note perioda hiowe MILLINERY DRESSMAKING DIDAT Anglo American Tailoring Pay, Dr. JOHNSON


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