p. 8


oooooo Eitannics Defest Chorrillo The first match in the Spaldings Com politinn spayed on the Stadard Oval last Sunday, between the Britse Bir Chorrillo C. and ended in a decisive victory for Britannies. The wicket perfect, the day an ideal one for se, u te were hundreds parent to wateh this initial game. Chorsilk wunibe tuss, and of course, decid ed to bat. Carefully and cautiously the men played, realizine no doubt, that twy wie obe of the strong ont conbination in the competition, but, at was to no avail. There were some huillinat dashes by Trotman and Wil hinnor, but in spite of their efforts, they rould not at the defeat that was in store for them They were all finally dismissed for 99 runs.
Britannia opened their innings in their Torreful way, and in spite of the splendid bowling of Williams Bleckmans Aurritory: ucceeded in wiping off the yous with only five wickets down. There were hundreds of funs present, and they bowed their appreciation of what Britorreduue Ly thunderous :p plause.
After the runs had been wieloff chand trick to print the cor Second Match of PACIFIC THEATRE Cricket Tournament Saturday, 6th March Sunday, 7th March BARBADOS vs. TRINIDAD THE LONG ARM THE DECIDING KISS OF MANNISTER Barbados wins by an inning, A Reel Special Production Also a Reel Special Production wickets and 31 runs Starting Monday and continuing during the week, Episodes each night of the Great Universal Serial In the second match of the Intercolo.
nial Cricket Tournament Barbados ran The Voice on the Wire up the huge total of 623 runs for six wickets in their 1st innings and declared.
Tarilton scored 304 not out batting two days, George Challenor 104, Ince 80, and Brown 79.
Trinidad 1st innings 131: Cipriani 48 The Fuel Without a Fault not out.
Trinidad 2nd innings 461: Small 102 not out, St. Hill 95, De Gannes 72, Cumberbatch 64 and Cipriani 49.
Ilon. Marcus Garvey Cables to Striker GAS went that all times 15 Tor trillo Mas nade 31 25 gut 12. Holdford capture wicht of no runs au lit for 41.
For Pritanni Connell made 37 met 11 of Captain TRCICIST: Wtody, no rute tiesions given by me. but at to al use.
he will in the un Thir duty Ganzes for To Torrow.
USE IT And Help Cut the High Cost of Living. ica vs. Tank at let: Park Vincentis vs. Surrey Bishops Panama Gas Co.
La sa Britannie at La Boca II Colt Brett In latk; Halland Shinner at Eintop Tietlon: Pulid and Sumud. La Boce.
Colon Gas Co.
Tel. 798 Tel. 364.
The Bauxite IndusIry.
Tende. Sympathy and offered Financial Support On Sunday, the 29th February last, Miss Henrietta Vinton Davis local Organiser of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League, received a Cablegram from Marcus Garvey, President of the Black Star Line Corporation, tendering his sympathy to the strikers and offering financial support to the sufferers. reply was at once cabled back thanking Garvey and stating conditons of the situation.
The information that Garvey had cabled 2, 000 Cy. to aid the strikers, as was published in a local daily, was grossly unfounded.
K3 HMIR BEAUTY PARLOR 128 Bolivar St. between Bth and 9th, Colon Scalp and actal Tatment. Manterior. Shampooin. Hair Strumieniny Hair pe modern spances. TWO private ments, Best results, lovest price drser and other Emped with electre vibrator elvenne counb. electric Mmo. Anita Patti Brown, world famod piima Who We treated to her entire Sattacdonna recommendou.
Mine. ROBERTS, M, Beauty Specialist. Craduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago BON Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
be invested motate le tow FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Were Demarára Received In Barbados Laborers structions from Downfor Demerara Ir Sireet.
DR. AJINLTT DRAWS PLANS Viscount Miner instruc tions to the Demerara Govern ment with regard to the trat. In connection with the effort ment of local and foreign apuli. being made to induce East Inen for bauxite concessions dians and the surplus population cand a short fine of Parvados to settle in Deinera.
and will be published in due ya the Government Pablic Health There is considerable Department has been drawing capital in e United Kixdom up plans for cottages to accomsaid to be waiun to mostate families.
ranges for buch: in listry and it is also no wors, and also plans of model secret that the Norimbern Alu suutlements. These are winem Company of Canada rady and have been forwa ded which finances the emara Baux. to the proper authorities for a ite Company is also desirous of proval. It is proposed that when. obtaining more bauxite conces approved these plans will be sions in the colony so as to ex available for inspection in the tend the area of operations of Government Public Health De the Demanara Bauxite Company pariment.
The British Guiana Bauxite, Lia There will be eight Inte in formed in London in 1918, with row and each will be 120 fret ir firderie Hedge, ex Go ad feci wide. The of the colony, at its head houses will lace the street 2 feet and Messis. Wieting Richeer, from it and 18 feet from the its local agents, to invest boundaries of the lot thus nak capital in the develoment of baux ng a space of 36 ieet between ite in the colony, has becu hand wie houses.
Lities will acapred id corr mencing pera erected, one to serve four houses, tions by the absence of a detini at the extreme back end of the te bauxite policy. His Excellen tot midway between the second cy the Governor has already and third houses counting from stated that it is proposed that at each end of the row. There will least one area should be reserved be space 85 feet by 60 feet, at for local capital. His views are the back of houses for cultivation that the bauxite industry can purposes.
only be carried on on a large scale and that it is no use for! In the case of the cottages the a small inan to get a concession height of the floor from the becnuse it could not be worked ground will be feet, the roots by itself and the Government 2 feet by 12 feet, height of wails was not going to help people who from tior to plate 10 feet, winproposed to sell out to some Lody dows feet by 14 feet. There else. It was proposed to to reserve will be front and back verandaha one area for a local company is feet and feet wide respective.
that company is carried on under is. The roof will be of shirpla the same terms as an English one or Core we or nearly so. He did not recog. structure will be of wood or connise what people called eguitable crele.
claims. His idea was to get as In the case of bachelor ranges much money as possible for Colo the rooms will be 14 feet by 10 Dial reserve. Preference was icet, height of wall from floor to roing to be given to English ca plate feet, windows feet by pital over American. II En 21 feet doors, feet by feet glish capital could not be found Sins, front verandah feet wide, then Canadian was to be taken height from plate to pitch of roof, it that could not be got Ameri feet. There will be five rooms can capital should be taken.
ia a range, verror of 10. 581 GUATEMALA will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on SATURDAY, 6th MARCH. 1920, for Gunyaquil, Paita, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azu. Pisco, Lomas, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chanaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso. VICTORIA will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on MONDAY, 8th MARCH, 1920, for Callao, Moltendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso TWO MORE JAMAICANS cember 1916, for Inek of proper representation or real means of provint their innocence. Continued from Page 1) various charges brought against on Saturday fast. sent from Port taem. Goors:Scott was senteno Limon, Costa Rica and dated De ed to serve years in San LC cember 29, 1919, under the ca exclusive of the time he spunt tion Jamaicans Imprisoned in on the Quay in company with Costa Ricu has conclusively Russel and Glashen Felix proven that the steps taken Porbes was also sentenced to rears for the sane erime coagainst Russel and Glashen most illegal, and equally so with smitted by Scott. David Store the Scott and. lix Forbes who were ki lapora, od to serve a form of moriar Republic and the latter fron General Printiary. Sin the former from Victoria in this the Bogues gues Mouth, for alleged crim Costa Rica which the United Fruit claimed to hive been committe in the Costa Rica Division. Up to this present moment there is NOTICE no extradition treaty between the two countries in existenc The public is hereby nocified consequently the action of the that my wife, Adina Puller, hav.
Costa Rican Government was a ing voluntarily left my house breach of International Law. without my consent, not, After being kept in prison for therefore, hold myself respansi nearly fourteen months awaiting ble for any debt or debts which sentence they would sometime she may contract from hencebe kept un Criminal Qury, silu forth.
ate three miles out at sea and at other times in the cuartel in EMANUEL FULLER.
Port Limon Messrs. Russel and Glashen were sct at liberty on the 11th day of this month. It FOR SALE is here necessary to state that during the time these unfort Date men were in prison the mate At New Providence on Hardwick ter was taken up by the Govern.
men of, Jamaica and was brought Avenue, a house before the Legislative Council front and back verancias; by the Hon. Simpson and porches, windows and doors Kitchen and bathothers; thus their liberation was screened.
brought about room downstairs.
Constructed with all new material, and two Four Men Convicted coats of paint applied.
For further particulars apply The following are those conto demned, we understand, in con. DALE, nection with the strike in De. Box 863, Ancon, S. MEXICO will leave CRISTOBAL, FRIDAY, 12th MARCA, 1919, for Newport News and Liverpool.
For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at CRISTOBAL or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA a Massrs. 18AAG BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL NAIL STEAM PASKET Co. Parama


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