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VOL. No. 32.
PRICE CTS. CY, West Indians Imprisoned in Costa Rica CITIZENS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SUFFER BRITISH SUBJECTS WRITE IMPRESSIVE LETTER dis With ith existing Criminal summed uth have menced, the Please in residing at Guabito, sente model is capitalistas especially the strike of owing to. a the border waren de test they are selili opet na under for the being ia none who Why Consul who being their many ins.
to Some Mos put a and ins on their be made.
pay day.
mitted o Panamanian territory WELL KNOWN ECHOES OF WEST INDIANS THE STRIKE Say Conditions in Non Employes More Active Islands are encouraging Than Sufferers.
To the Editor, Giving Full Details of Harsh TreatIn Foreign Lands While Repatria The informa ion given out boy the vd PR Wilkins and Me Dear Mr Editor. Permit me tion is possible De aux as pubislied in ORK MAN to give vent to a few a small spioe in your widely read ment Meted Out to Men Port Limon, Costa Rica, Colon, March 11, 1920.
duet of the two accused during a appealed to Jamaica for help. the colonies of Barbadoes and the scrikers have lost out, there they are connected, they have the Star Herald of the jou. Wordis.
inst. with regard to conditions in Now that the strike is over and Dec 29, 1919. residence of many years in the The Exitor, But what sort of help canewe, British Guiana respectively are a gw many persons, who al subjects residing in this Recue signed by the Criminal Sir. We the undersigned Brit Le public of Panami and a certiTHE WORKMAN, give? Do they want to be repa: ought to be a source of encourage are makix unnecessary, and public respectfully beg to lay triated? They can claim repa JudgePiscal, ment to triation, for even if they huve althose at present in what can be very rightly term the following before you and Dear Mr. Editor, three other officials was sent rendy condi ed as folish remarks blaming drawn out of the Treasu: satisfied have always read with please Oa or about the middle of Dec. here and put in evidence for the ure your leading articles; but the money they paid into it ons on the Isthuis of Pan. Stoute for calling the strike and 1918, a strike among the labor defence. The nona has ever given ine so much long ago as repatriation fee, we and who are thinking of leaving otherwise trying to revive the ers on the banana farms of the nitted it to the Fiscal Attorney up the crse and subJudga of last week Saturday, 6th inst. that and on other moneys lodg. trip in the colonies named thinking West Indian is trying Toro, Republic of Panama com Goneral (as pleasure and satisfaction as that cannot forget that we have earn here. Both these online insular feeling which the better iFit Co. at Bocas del ed a good deal of interest on on just returned from an ex unded and ing to kill Was is customary in th to. and which dealt with the recented. In Atrike of silver employees and ed as repatriation fees, and we report that thinks are bowning tb cruel ejection of them and cannot be so mean as to claim several new industries are being there would be no end of the Din Antonio Castro decided old law which prohibits their but the strike had succeeded Sixaola district of this Republic ed the men that official declar.
of the and the Governor e Limon charges against them. In spite of Port non of this the Judge referred to an such interest for our own uses.
theirs from quarters. among praises sung.
it would also be impossible, the buring for pitch oil. In liam Stoute, whose name would get the particulars od same Two lease on the grounds that they allow me to congratu visiting order to late you on this article. It dealt whether there, were this pecun British Guiana the resuscitation be on the lips every West In Jamaicans were non residents of Costa Rica in a way tion fees or notfor every phase of the question. In try to allow its citizens to or the sugar industry and the dian on the Isthmus. But be Rannblir land, creation new industries cause he was compelled Respaldose. which in de their lawyer pra just language it was fearless Canadians, are already tuted pressure. the by strikers interview The late Consul MacAdam abusive, literary. Such an arti. over large sums of me alives in year the Wages are reported as William Stoute is to day, uttered Governor, Sr. Castro in Way, the never made any effort on tha after year to their good and in no case is with curses for causing out be the cruel ill treatment being in broughtto triat duriax th twelve purpose cio should be read by the world Jamaica, and have splendidiy, there any sign of suffering us strife and throwing men out of Alicted on the Jamaicans, full months they were contined in the of acquainting him of men behalt in having them in order to every patriotic effort in connection with this most dis assisted in would have 113 work.
tressing incident. It seems to made here in connection with some people here wou How one sided is this world, eport of which they submitted prison. On the contrary he did Mr. Ponton, the British Vice all in his power to keep them these gentlemen how unfair are our people. With the cle can but be to read the arti the war. But the fact is that believe. There is apparen ly no should attempt to give out And what makes it the more an employee there in spite of the order of Sir of the United Fruit. 30, the strikers cons do not want to be repatriated information which would be took unless no Claude Mallet the British Minisrefuse to ridiculous is that in steps stop in. before ter to employ a lawyer cience is wholly dead miknt suffer as a result, but none return it facilities to do so were used tog to the public and tances the stupid remarks do crossing the bridge wbich sepa. On need be ashained of the strike offered to them. They have no except those who made condi. wish to leave the Canal Zone, Sherever Prospectors, and not come from no: inployes but rates the two Republics they nocent: added to the were il possible.
fact th:16 We think the from from a few cynical double deal. asked and obtained from the they were arrested on Costa Ri.
should ers who imagine within them. Chief of Police, Sr. Zeledon, per can territory without the fornas tions to unbearable as to have much is absolutely certain.
stone, they say, selves that their business stands mission to explain the condition lities of extradition papers for a up What was the strike about gathers no moss, but it is to Intory note you will find a lead. answer these questions fat pres don walkylbey won let me be be it is really not so much the Castro told them that his time it was proven that these men had Accompanying this cengratu. Was it justified? We cannot equally as true that it crabs to get a terrible set back this of affairs to Sr. Castro.
crime alleged to have been comOn stating their case, Governor It in Article from the Jamaica ext. We do not know the situa. So, our advice is. Go while the men out of work that this class was limited, and invited them to a ver been on Costa Rican terri Gleaner dealing with the strike. ton, we are entirely unacquaint of non strikers are in sympathy accompany him to Limon, assur: try for years until the day they After reading it, it seemed to me ed with the facts. The men may as with their pockets. And higher ing Bolle then that they would return crossed the bridge to interview leaner mind you Mr. Editor these ejac: to Guabito the next day. They the Governor of Limon by special it. so that it might be seen how wages following the example one homeland looks at and feels many other bodies of workers. ers like human beings: the pres. ulations come from men and went aboard the launch which permi 38ion of the Costa Rican Chief over the matter and what it is On the other hand it would be ent writer was compelled to call women in the community who started immediately for this of Police the personal attention of the late should know much better.
instructive prepared to do if necessary.
to find out what are President Roosevelt to this. The On their arrival there, send it with the hope that their wages at the present time fact that laborers are working was attempted, the strikers the explained fully the cause of ish subjects, prominent in busi.
Rightly or wrongly the strike they Russell and Glashan are Brit.
a charges made by the strike which was the exces valuable columns ago, a so what were the prices argument that they will be better of the principal articles of food treated than if they were tified themselves prominently in shadows a little hardship for the Co, commissaries for foodstuds, Believe me yours etc.
gears lato na con haha Zone six ing for private persons; but clear time beingWhy not then quit and the inadequate rate of wages eruptingovement Touring the re of years ago, and what are the prilyGovernment to insist the bitter, knowing that if the sweet ordered them to be pismediately Cross subscriptions, etc. etc. it is cas to day. It will be remem impossible for the Ja ourselves likte men to face the paid. Mr.
maica and bered that the United Fruit The Strike in Panama dompany employees in Bocel the Canal Zone authorities shall had been realised we would all island about three miles from the we respectfully beg you as as its workers than it is have enjoyed it.
town as prisoners, in spite of the people represenusive our Island boat a year. doing, a It actual ill treatment And now to all those strikers their protests they were placed matter hom, to bring the (From The Gleaner of March grua cd Jamaica in order that the men One day last week a despaten plantations there asserted that as the British Musein Office to as a fellow striker warn you to louvayed to the islan Jatter before the Gyvernment oL ers on the Canal Zone was threat Company quietly made investi Idently within their rights in sympathy with your poshown ry. The two men, on rohelves, are deprived of in from Panama indicate that a the men had no grievance what investigate the matter might get the justice and proteewith strike among the colored libor. ever. But the United Fruit Zone anthorities we fake no heed of those who would where they were herded wition to which every subject of But about twenty strikers arrested His Majesty the King is entitled, are evi make you believe they are in on on Panama Costa Rican and of which they, as well as The strike has been call. gations, sent down a new mana ejecting and improved the situation ers or others who are no longer practically; but if not, regard tions practised on them, made the Zone foreign unless that sympathy ed, and now the Canal Zone au ger their predicament and the the can Costa Rica thorities have reta ia by ejec a by ejec of which the workers had comers or on the Zone. There was ino was them as for the pur some of the men had resorted 83 at effect passed many grovelling over what they stand to employ a lawyer in the strikers from the Zone. plained.
ing It a crafty bunch only found that though arrangements through friends Respectfully your obedieat sery This they have devants, pase of breaking the strike, for violence and were evidently des. Years ago; We cannot protest to lose by your being out of fence at a cost of 500. 00. The (Signed by ten of the 81 prothey know quite well that neither perate characters, neverthelone can do is to repatriate our fellow against that law. All that we work.
Thanking you for space, am charges against them being fu minent and respectable British menting instigating vio cotone arts where manication et con discontent Slidhe major for the subjects the permany ante ore down and need of repatriation. So much subjects. ONE OF THE STRIKERS.
leace, incendiarism the thousands of workers thus so it did the right and wise and is obviouse tion of property The Hon: Simpson, summerily forced out of the proper thing which reflected the Jamaica.
Zone. Besides by a little run to its credit. Perhaps it will Doubtless, however, the Wash principal which they were leg of witnesses brought Copy to B, Minister at derstanding Ath the Panama now be thought that the Canal ington authorities will now give SUGGESTION.
forward for the prosecution by Panama.
nian Government, those workers Zone Government; being an or some attention to the situation the United Fruit Co. declared In connectiou with the above who are not Aimericans or Pana gan of the American Govern of the workers on the Canal that they were present at the the Consul at Limon received manians will shortly find.
in. ment, would not wait for a strike Zone.
two Our British Consul in To Mr. Lawrence, public meetings at Bocas communication from the British deed they have not del Toro at which one of the men Minister at Panama last week to found. that it Obefore improving a situation that Panams or in Colon will send a Agent, Black Star Line.
Theophilus Glashan, a Baptist enquire into the above, secure a remain in the nless as years: but we have no reason Oltice; the American newspapreacher, addressed the strikers copy of the evidence, and ask for vagrants and criminals charged whatever for assuming that men pers will have something to say Now that so many West India exhorting them to stand firm uw the release of the men, which we with breaking the Republic high in the employment of the about this strike. Our Govern en bikin Is thimostu of Panan hare til the Company increased their understand that official is now laurs. The strikers are there American Government are onement will also obtain some infor: thinking of returning to their wages, but that they never heard doing.
fore in a mist unenviable posi whit whit abler, more foresighted, the devil of the Canal Adminis. employment of the United Fruit tion on the cone bad there to run the Yarmouth (Fred ther that the other Edward Rustion; they are caught between more humane, than men in the mation, and this should enlight homes, would it not be a good! Glashan advise violence, and fur. If the situa from business. On the contrary, we erick Douglas. shortly ex Guabito, was not seen by them at we will be nothing to prevent us pected to reach these shores as either of the meetings neit Meeting of Isthmian which think that such ufficials knowing making friendly representations Par down as Barbados via Ja did he address the men at any Panamanian Government League will wôrk hand in hand with that that they have far more power about sit to Washington, and those Administration. only people working representations maica on her return trip to New other time in their presehce; this general meeting of Isthfor them tot alo is the returning under them, wilde er tempted to ceiveden ten the other hand, it work? This for your considera statement was corroborated by mian League os e berichte the tion. think a their work, and perhaps they use that power. We cannot for the strikers have had little or After several delays they were held on Wednesday, the 17th dians, Paraiso District, will be course before this article sees the first builders of the Canal cannot expect the sympathy have decided upon this get that it was some time before nothing to complain of, they can be secured all passenger load Glashan in his evidence.
Respectfully, brought to trial in the mouth of it. All members are asked to the light of day. Through an would do anything towards pro even of their fellow West In November 1919, respectauit wil WELL WISHER.
las matters of great in official of some Union with which viding for the West Indian labor dians.
nesses testified to the good con ance will be discussed, with a place be placed on the ocas para more a id ening. The the their strikes, destruc Republic Company will


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