
Interesting News from the West Indian slands. Jamaica INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Passing of Mr. Corinald Demerara He said: Every hon man would verso on price that Six cents some Panama Furniture Company.
actual a. suned news In the Government power to iss their own smult currency notee here. For some reason or other this Law he never been viven effect to The Governmwat seems to best hst alive to the necessity for the induction small currency and from wit Owned By a reporter of this journai len The Funeral of a Former Chere came a period when one it would not be surprising it THENATO VAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, Representative of the Par abdicated gracefully with honor ti shilling note, issued by the ish of St. Jan. es and the good wishes of the com. Government, were pui ito munity circulation at an early dale Head Office, 55, Wall Street, HIS STRENUOUS LIFE Mr. Corinaldi in responding to the good things that had been said of him made what was to Patriot who Scrved Coun have been his last public speech Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 tay with Splendid Zeal honest and Great Courage agree that the right of the citizen was the principle of a nation. As RESULT of EXCHANGE RATES Official Depository of the Republic of Panama long as a man conducted himself WORK APPRECIATED rightly and had before him one ont Increase in Demerara Prices.
single motto the motto Oorld. POTATO AND KEROSENE OIL UP DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL he must get through the Montego Bay. b. 24. Mr. At first Mr. Corinaldi advi Corinaldi died at his resi. rers were principally in the midDEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD dence on Market Street on Sundle class, and so the people look. Through the continued increas.
day morning, and with his passed up to him and he inspired that es in the American exchange ing this community has lost one class with rates, foodstuffs imported from of the most prominent figures in Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches Firm Confidence America have gone up in many its political life. The deceased cases, considerably in pricesys this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
was born on March 26, 1834, and, his integrity and ability, and the Dimetara Argosy. The Gov.
it inny beated that embodying supported by them won over the ernment restrictions prevent the his journalistic career, fully 40 aristocratic connection, which e ist of flour to the consumer Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
his Die were devoted to recognition gave himn strength being increased but with respect e interests of the country.
which he used in such a manner to English statves the cost per INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM A14 15 on Manday evening the as clearly proved that he had not burel dos jumped from the Irunerul took place and was a most sought the honors bestowed on that existed about three impressive occasion. Hended by him for the sake of profit or weeks ago, io 13 to day. The the police under Inspector Field tronaxe, but from a wish to es tail charge has in consequence in and Sergeant Major Lawrence, tablish for his bis parish a durable crvased so that one pound of the procession wended up Mar. reputation by means of his emi. potatoes o ist eight cents against where it is felt that in many cases ket sti ett across King Street, nent services to the State. Mr live and six Werks such an exchange from time to to the St. James parish church. Corinaldi was persuasive, but his Krosine oil, another com tine will make for the best.
The approach of the cortege to faith in the living rock of modity that is largely in demand the church was marked by the. his deeds were İSTON costing seven. On January 24th, its thirtystrains of the Dead Maich in ed by a lotty patriotism. Despite cents per bottle in the city shops 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA fifth anniversary, the St. Lrici Saul rendered by the Citizens his advanced years he was vigo gainst five to six cents about a Voice published its farewell Association Kand in the Masonic rous, his body seemed to encase week ago: Next Door to Cecilia Theatre article. We understand that the Temple. Before entering the pas soul of fire, but his strength eh sk paper bas passed to other bands.
church, the body was met by the was the strength of his character. Policeman Dies Playing a The Voice was for 25 years surpliced, choir headed by the The late member was popular. edited by Mr. Mcługh.
cross barer and followed by the he knew the people and won their Headquarters for On his death, his daughter is control, and during the and Rev. Leader cil, le sounded the depths of th TWENTY ONE YEARS IN THE High Class Furniture whole time it was vibrant with se. During the burial service FORCE.
interest in thind of St. Lucia the body was placed in a state constitution, and if he was feared and of the West Indies.
druped in purple ed as a warthy foeman and colWhilst playing billiards in The attendance embraced all league. He never wearied per with All New Goods Sold at in ba soul can never die Pe libing at the Brick It may be suppressed. It may be sections of the community. bearing aloft the beacon of hoclosed down, but it mounts yet, amber of Maons also came from nr.
Police Station compound in de Reasonable Terms.
merara itzul 11 o clock To Montego Bay he owed cvery Winsan acjoling towns to attend the an lives yet, in the aspirations it has bas aroused, and in the vibrafuneral Mr. Corinaldi political life like a true man. And when hon poral thing, and be met the obligation Wine Lane Harlequin swoon?
ns of thought it has set in died shortly after being WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US commenced after the enactment ors came thick upon him he was in di2 motion. We can afford to say Long live the Voice even in its which provided that ench parish not boastful of his merits, but taken into the toporary hospi when buying Furniture.
should bave its own representa addei service to sacrifice in li tal. Harlequin has not langar: Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock thor in the Legislasive Council and quidation of a debt he felt so rived at the Brick dam from the he was nominated and pay. Fort. unuary 1996 so represent tive public life was but one hendelse the purpose of consulting the pe Slice Surgeon for heart trouble.
parastiut su. James, waving suc of his gifts. Onube to their band Awaiting the arrival of the doctor Onnfully contested the seat capa against the late Mr. Kerr. cious brains. Few realized that he was tempted to engage in a The Barbados Herald of the 17th Llis oratorical gilts brought him the source of his efforts was his name of billiards The deceased, hito prominence February last, commenting on indomitable heart in his love of who was about 40 years old, has freedom seen 21 years service in the the expected visit of His Royal At a Bound Police Force having joined in Highness the Prince o! Wales tu appearance was 1899.
and when later he was opposed typical of the a bed tbat Island says;patriot. From His Royal Highness, the Prince y the late Solicitor Grant of illness he ventured to attend he was again returned. With an the nomination of his successor 46 STREET, PANAMA.
of Wales, will be visiting this e broken record he represented and was willing to reprecolony sometime next month. parish had no candidate whilst en route to Australia and December 1918 esented himself.
New Zealand via the Panama Just received a full stock ofCanal. copy of the telegram In appreciątion of his services. The characteristics which his the leading citizens of St. James life exemplified will suffice to Lime Juice Factory. SILVER CHAIN GOODS received by His Excellency the Governor, and presented to the made him a presentation in the enrich his memory, and a grate House of Assembly reads as folTown Hall on Feb: 20, 1918, just ful community not forgetful of The Grenada West Indian Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES lows: For every form of diseaso sfew days over a year ago. This his ideeds will keep alive the says that by the end of Angus, address was also signed by sex. spirit of his purpose, by remove or, at any rate; quite in time for COPY OF crat leading personages in the brance of his humane and noble the next crop, there will be a SECRETARY OF STATE TO.
and. Eulogising the deceased acts.
Lime Juice Factory in operation TOILET ARTICES, GOVERNOR OF BARBADOS.
This community tenders its at True Blue. St. George Etc. Etc.
function, the His Majesty the King has de feeling and sincere condolence to his bereav Machinery has been ordered and cided that the Prince of recoguizing the with ed widow and relatives.
the factory building is now on Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Wales shall pay a visit to Austrader way. Mr. John Barclay will lia and New Zealand during the principles, ard always endeavto buy rine oured to carry them forward: Government May Is soon be prepared to Satisfaction Guaranteed.
present year. In order to make lines or raw juice in any quantity were drawing the most of the time at his sue Its Own Notes at current market across his path, and yet coming FLOWERS, Proprietor.
prices. This disposal and to take advantage to that meeting there was the Soon information, our contemporary Box 36, Panama City of the best climatic conditions, Telephone 519 thinks ought to satisfy much of same enthusiasm and the same the Prince of Wales, with the the criticism made at the meetcrowd to hear Mr. Corinaldi.
approval of the King, will visit The Venerable Archdeacon.
New Zealand.
Massiah said, one thing that in contemplatesPaper Money mercial Society on the need of while the detailed arrange pressed him was the absolute of Small Denomination facilities to make lime growing a ment of the tour has to be settled To take place of Silver, paying industry.
certainty that Mr. Corinaldi it is believed tha HRH will arrive vote could not be bought at any in Nec sonland on April 17 and price.
Will Greatly Ease Situation as It is reported that consequent May 18, Mi. Browne in adding his quota on representations made to the Smallest Note Now is Ten1920, will proceed via to the praises lavished on the Secretary of State by returned Panama Canal on both the outShilling Bradbury late member said, if Mr. Corinalit soldiers in Trinidad, Lord Milner ward and return journey, paying al was wrong it was due to his bus asked the Government of 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA a visit to Barbados on the wav strength of purpose, his extreme good Trinidad for a statement showing out, He hopes in returning iso virility and intense patriotism. to believe that at no distans date what has been done for the ex The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment to visit some of the other West Indian colonies.
In concluding his remarks on the the Government will introduce soldiers also a statement of griev public life of the late member their own currency notes.
and Prompt Attention.
It is further reported that Mr. Brown said he hoped. As most people are aware at se Commission will be that when Mr. Corinaldi should the present time there is a great sent out to go through the Every preparation has been whole Give us an early call and inspect our stock of made by the British Union Oil be called to cast off his mortal scarcity of silver and the English matter, especially the adjustment Company at their holdings at coll he would feel himself most Treasury popularly highly honored in that his exam known as the Bradbury have in a sad state. One healthy sign Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediHopefield, St. Philip: Cacefield. and would be taken up by his been mach in evidence. The low of the times is that there is a new St John, Palmer, for the installation of the machin.
cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
for the betterment of est denomination Treasury Note willing ear at the Colonial ofice. fellowmen ery expected here in a few weeks have in here Boring operations will Sjaldi life would be a lasting shillings, and from what can be their grievanees within ears hot We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction soon be commenced, benefit, the Rev. McDowell chal gathered it has been pointed out having passed the experimental lenged the common acceptation to the Government that it would stage that when one had reached a relieve the situation of making the suggestion of the Hon Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon certain point in ascending the change if there was put in circu De Freitas for an exchange of BROWN MCALMON Messrs. King Co. hill one began to descend. He lation a tive shilling note. policemen among the Windward Government contractors for considered life as given by God There is a Law on the Statute Islands has met with favour in Proprietors.
Printing, took up their duties on perpetual ascent, and then Book at the present time which certain quarters in St. Lucia, the 1st instant. The Advocate Co. Ltd. were the former holders Barbados credit ascribed His las and humanity Chorrillo Drug Store Grenada TELEGRAM FROM at this said BOOS an einer with The Chemical Hall 1920, Sach Australia Military time.
at once.


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