
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920, PAGE THREE Interesting News. From the (Continued from Page. Trinidad SKING BEE FOUND DEAD.
CIGARETTES wharves. Went socioecos DID YOU EVER Stand near a chap while he smoked a KING BEE?
They are the Eest Always The familiar figure of the boatman who was knowo by the sobriguet Dumpling will no more be seen about the wharf, he bar.
ing been found dead yesterday morning on board the sloop Swift which was lying at an chor in the harbour. Deceased, who was well known arour. the taboard the sloop, it is said for the purpose of sceing a few of his friends. Some time afterwards John James, a sailor on the same vessel, saw deceased leaning against a eask and called to himn several times, but received no answer. He went up to him and after shaking him hii discovered that he was dead.
James then went across to the Constabulary and releur Frederick was sent to take charge the matter. Constable of the body, meanwhile Hon. De Lawrence. Port Health Or.
ficer, was apprised of the occur.
rence. The autopsy showed that death was due to heart fuilure.
sexsexossesses Iron Jim Meets Watery Grave.
a NG BE MARO NORTH (SOUTH AMERICA TAL CENTRAL Soxos SON so, he sono Extra Mira GARETTES Yet another drowning fatality nccurred yesterday in the vicinity of the St Vincent jetty, the un fortunate vietim being Henry Theron Jim captain of the Gittens popularly known As Royal Mail lighter Telephone Fron what we have been able to gather, it would appear that the deceased went to the whart at to await the arrival of his about five o clock in the morning of his lighter which was ont at sea. Wh Whilst do ing he strolled along the re taining wall on the northern side of the jetty, and owing to to the in tense darkness in this area, mis: judged the distance and stepped over board. few oard. few persons who were in the vicinity were ed by the splash and rushed to bis rescue but Gittens never rose to the surface again. The matter was immediately reported to the Harbour Constabulary, and Ser geant Bell and his assistants set out at once to recover the body. After an hour dragging, it Was found. and brought ashore it was viewed by Dr.
cer. Death was due to asphyxia from idemidled by Fitzroy Fletcher, grandson of the deceased Strange to say, deceased who was 64 years old, and had spent most of his life at sea, was unable to swim attraet seseosexoxosis Sold Everywhere. WHY?
where it Lawrence.
Port Health Om The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice Great Britain Drops Conscription on March 31. dece mother than ons het on the desco who do we neribus. Edin. Bupe back for any appreciado Tobago during The staff of the Immigration 40 SEXSEX900s os Department is somewhat busy SSSSS OKSOSSOS with advanced registrations of East Indians desirous of repatriation. By this means, if a ship is to be made in the Garrison of ful sneer. Mr. Churchill retoctobtained, as is. by May the British Empire. ea to Capitan Be in wcholist stighetDr. LOWE next, work was bected eating Site plified and the ship will not be plained new responsibilities and time.
overseas had been placed on the late war: My honourable friend honours for valour in the 139 CENTRAL AVENUE country in consequence of the must reilly not develop more PANAMA CITY ONLY POWER TO DO SO war and besides the whole East ern world in which Britain was indignation than he can contain.
Mr. Churchill Declares an E: ample has Been Set to interested more than any other The Army vote for 75, 000 on Office Hours: 30 a. p.
of ex debate. Other Nations, all of whom Have Retained Comtreine disquiet.
was agreed to by 218 against 52. p. p. The Bacolet and Friendsfield pulsory Service as the Basis of Their Military Considering our burdens group of estates, coltivating cane, Systems throughout the Middle East. Con. Read the WORKMAN Box 798 Office 844 cocoa and cocoanuts, commenced stantinople. Eeypt, Persia and Phones: Ancon, crushing on Shrove Tuesday and Residenca 1002 is London Feb. 23. Conception dlared that Great Britain had Mesopotamia, Mr. Churchil sait making excellent. sugar, on March 31st, and within a for ab lishment of conscription, real peace is made with Turkey.
until a Coconut picking for this season is over but cocoa is still bearing month from that date the list but that there wis no response we have lost ground steydily naia heavily. The labourers, are conscript will be entitled to be at all to her representations.
of last year, without any trust week whatever, Mr. Winston Churchill in onoring which Great Britain succeeded of our armies The only other great Power and trust that having disposed shall not now which is their own choice, men the Army estimates in the House in rsuading to abolish conscriptake steps which would drive the up to fifty cents and women up thirty day of eight tion was Gerinany and that only Turkish people to despair or un Mr. Churchill stated that under dire compulsion. At dertake any new obligations be. R ANDON BANK)
working hours or per task.
Great Britain had succeeded in the other states had maintained cause our resources are not equal hundred additional metatres for raising and organizing an entirely coin palsory service as the basis to their discharge. We do not cane and coconut cultivation SECURITY combined, are advertised for, also new volunteer army which at of their military system and ap. know when peace with Turkey the time conscription with parently had no intention of ds will be made or what degree of SERVICE 500 contractors for coconut plantelaspe, would numer 220, 000 ex. parting from it. These States acquiescence it will demand fron ing without cane Labour is cluding troops serving in India he added included even the the Turkish people. We do not abundant and is greatly in excess IIA COLON of the demand, and many of the The nation would be abl. with United States ithich was the know now what aggressive ac estates former labourers have her reorganized arany to place in originator of the League ot Na tions the Russian Bolsheviki will returned to their old love with the field in case of mergere lions, and Russia, the some of take in this spidere. We do not Our large Resources and well known Peace and contentforce of know how far Viscount Milner twenty divisions with advanced political thought.
cavalry and auxitary services, commission in Mr. Churchill said that Great the discontent in Egypt. We do y be able to reduce ment reigns. The people are not conservative Management afford unasked to work for the estate on and supplied with Britain army would be slight not know when our responsibili questioned security for every dollar Saturday but rather to attend to British arms and qutriment a ly bigger than before the war, lties in their own cultivation on the day.
in Constantinople will terini army ever has had, le nate or when the War Secretary Teclared in but she was returning to ar expense deposited with this bank.
Cof Here is an object lesson for gov.
memorandum in nulticution lungements which were in prin mintaining international erment proprietors and others Ocipal identical with those under body. la replying to the debate.
his address.
to imitate, free, gratis and for which the Incidentally Mr. Churchill dis the war. It was iåte to pretend conadence in what the country country nothing lived before Mr. Churchill einphasized his closed the fact that a new tank that had been produced with a army was proportionate to the tion came, to a Government which. would say when General Banking Business Transacted Messrs. Crosbie Bros. have speed of twenty miles an hour risk she ran or to the important in abolishing conscription had bought the Mt. Dillon Estate in which has mechanically a long part she plaved and aspired to ISAAC JBRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON the northern district from Mr.
he said virtually no wear had de That was why the removal of Ignatius Ferreira. They intend life. In a trail run of 1, 000 miles play in. European diplomacy set an example to the world, President.
Vice President Treasurer establisbing, an up to date farm veloped.
the German danger did not Capitan William Wedgewood for which this property is most Ia his speech Mr. Churchill de in itself allow of any reduction Bann interjected; disagracesuitable, Panama Banking Company cents per task. five (POUND 2D 1868)
the in si modern an


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