
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH, 13, 1920, Repatriation Conference.
THE WORKMAN At British Legation.
Second. Hand Furniture Bought and Sold ok deoxoro triation in view conditions in The Liberty of the Press is the raium of our late p.
Anniversary there Room after Hospital Pablished on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaYesterday at 11:a the de legation consisting of Messrs WALROND, at the office Central avv tion. Correspondence on all matters Due and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. Wynter, Babington Simons, de and Willard Dixon, were reAll copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama ceived in a conference at the written on one side of paper only, and British Legation. His Excellenes RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of Mr. Perey Bennett, diseassed Owe Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica with the delegates lengthily, the 30 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Six Months BEST PRICES request of the unemployed West Three be We do not undertake to return Indiaris for Oas rejected correspondence.
of the Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture the Isthmos resulting from the his Jenis strike of the Canal Zine Silver Employes.
SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920 Mattresses Springs To day at 5: a meeting will be held at linn Park, when a report will be wives of Juvenile Criminology and Smprisonment.
of all kinds made to order the result of the conference Mr. Wynter will vision Sunday, and will be seen on Mm.
The number of juvenilemeanors and crimes is day, pm, when he will explain Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon the becoming too great not to kiract the attention of the civic scheme for repatriation. For particulars at Coloa, apply at the public and sociologists in this country. Not only in the ReBritisb Drug Store public but also on the Canal Zone this question should JOHN HART commencing tomorrow, at pm.
ir St.
force itself upon the gaze, and occupy the thoughts of every 4 ard froth 73) Lo minister of religion, officer of the law, school teacher and WYSTER Red Cross worker.
Just why there should be so many cases of crime and disorderly conduct among the mere striplings around us is Editorialettes him. If he can, the safety IMPORTANT IMFORMA Panama, March, 120. 1920.
a problem hard to solve, but this should not make any inand protection of aliens in TION, terested individual dismiss it as being an unimportant or the Zone are not guaranteed Light of Colon Lodge Celeimpossible question. With the operation of so many deno The Donawa Case.
and very little, if any, en For the Information of all those brates Sixth Anniversary minations of religion and Sunday and day schools ti wouiu The most important and couragement is afforded for interested, we beg to state that appear inconceivable that there should be, at all. any com perhaps the biggest case ever eigners employed on the Ca the following para prajh which of Colon Lodge No.
mitial of crime or misdemeanor by the youths of the brought before the courts of nal Zone or doing business as upon red in the last issue of the 11, British Independent de le noe country.
the Canal Zone is the present there, oi ny nature what Central American Express of Bucas GesanSamaritals and Daughters When Judges Hezekiah Gudger and William Jackson case of Ormond Donawa who. soever.
del Toro, of. celebrated Sixth and was published for The case being sub judice the tw. tic of any unemployed 29th, of pn Sunday, the were here in their respective incumbencies it is not known during the recent strike, was ouh, of February that either of these executives of the law did ever commit arrested, Feb. 25th, at Red we cannot do more than state labor here who would be glad to The up to prison a minor who had broken the laws of the Canal Tank, on a charge of distri that there is not a solitary barom. ment se where. before the flower or heredimus Zone. Ii is remembered how each of these gentlemen, in buting hand bills, and which individual here, of foreign New Fields for Laborers. Lidye Rooin. at 3:15, a. hmus Colonial Musical Bind in the rear During this week three. Rydney, turn, sought homes for juvenile offenders who appeared be case was dismiseed before birth and nationality whefore them on charges of infraction of the law. On one oc. feb Mrzeistfore feat Betobora con ther European, Asiatic. Cen: Bilde tierliled from this point for merected by Bob the Reaper and addressed a public meeting in Guachapalli making part of the Government to Indian who can afford to be skilful banana laborers. The pay conducted by Deacon Clarke, Gudger 27th, failure on the tral American. Nicaragua, where a Church.
new labor market is opened for The Anniversary service was disinterested in this case for an ardent appeal for some good family to adopt a young prosecute its case.
Immediately on being re which on account of its na ordinary labor is said to be from the Panama end, ster who had been detained in custody for the cominittal day, and that who of a crime and whom he did not wish to sentence to the are that spoke chiefly on organization far His taken from penitentiary. The Judge succeeded.
ed by the police and held in enwraps diplomatic and civil favourable wan they are in this 107th, Psalm 8isk, Vorster the Judge John Hanan has followed the same course since custody for deportation by interest of general signifi Proyecto Write for apply persor sermon was brough it yourse clothes nulis to Louis Castillo for and the procession then formed general information The Nice his arrival here and many have wept joyfully at the com order of the Governor of the cance.
passionate restoration of their wards by the Judge who has Canal Zone; and this action rugua Banana Company, Blue and warched back to their Lodge fields, Nicaragua The Hall was beautifully adorn shown by his actions in such cases, both at Ancon and Cris gave rise to the filing of a Mind the Flu!
tobal, that he regards it as a serious blunder to commit writ of Habeas Corpus on At last the dreaded Flu BACK TO AFRICA MOVEMENT ed with flowers, spacu could scarcely be found inside to acminors to jail. He has not failed, however, to impress upon Saturday, Feb. 28th, and the has hit the Isthmus and comodate spectators. The meetthe parents their own responsibility for the beliavior and Government made return several cases are now in the We are on the eve of launching out in ing was called to order by actions of their children. Judge Hanan, is right. Many which on reflection parents in these days are too indifferent to the speech and sound advice was not filed in ment. Some have died, and lic meeting is to tako place (DV) on which the Hynn, Osward Chris receiving treat to the heart of the public. Our fir pub. Broointield, and after here we conduct of their children and, thus unguided, the youths the court, up against a Baptist Church at Friday, March 12th, in the San Miguel tian Soildiers was ung follow.
Time was allowed the Gov malady that has been pla. Public Meeting will also be held in the ilton, Daugliter of ssons.
at 30 pm The hit the irail through life that leads to ruin and disgrace.
second ed with prayers by Sis. HamOne day this week three little chaps, probably between ernment to make return by ing havoc for the past thrie Salguel Baptist Church, on Sungly At this junction.
the ages of nine and fourteen were seen hand cuffed on Monday, March 1st, but years all over the world. eith March, a o clock. The thira Mattis. Bras interes We thought we had es. Polic Meetine will take plaon in the duced as Chairman their way from the Balboa Magistrate court to Pedro Mi when that day came a fura very interesting guel jail. We do not know the facts connected with the case ther grant of time was asked caped and that anama was Caritu prist Church on Friday, evening, when Was given by him.
or cases nor have we been informed as to the term or terms for and the return was not safe against the invasion March 26th, at 30 Committee Meeting.
The Anthein March, Onward of imprisonment, but we do know that the cases evoked made until Monday, March of the disease but we have was next rendered by the Our next committee meeting will be Choir, Bro. Davy, was then the pity of all who witnessed the three little boys hand 8th, In his return the Gov been disilusioned during cuffed and guarded to jail by a policeman.
ernment held that the Court this week when the sickness held at the Rev. Anderson Church, called upon to read the report, 21st. Street Guachspalli on Friday March after which the Meinbers of the It would have been more helpful to these youngsters had not jurisdiction in the struck us from Colon to Pa 19th, at 30 pm. Ministers and Laymen Light of Colon Lodge, were highnre cordially invited to to have placed them back under the care of their guardians case but Judge Hannan nama.
or parents with the charge that they be reported to the bail to the sum of 500, for been attend this ly congratulated for the great prothought otherwise and took It is believed that it has meeting gress they had made during the imported into the police regularly for a certain time. It could never do a boy the release of Donawa pend country on board war ships THE NEGRO MISSIONARY S0. ically. varied program consistNew Title.
past year, financially or a girl any good to contine him or her to prison among ing the hearing of the case or merchant marines, but cery. This Society in the outcome of long wees and unda recitationes the the crowds of rough and hard ned criminals to whom jail which will be slated after his however it got in, it is here. the Back to Africa Movement. The rendered, and reflected great is no set back and who have no respect neither for God, or Attorney Carrington The utmost man. Such associations cannot but impress the plastic shall have filed a reply.
precautions Negro Missionary Society, whose Headcredit must now be observed in Calle Mariino Arosemens, San Miguel. The audience was again addressquarters 18 in San Miguel Baptist Church Refreshments were then served parte minds of the juvenile miscreants unfavorably and instead From all points enquiries order to check its spread, as Panama City, has planned to establish ed, thanking them for the way of leaving jail at the completion of the term better boys, they must leave the prison wails more determined crim are coming into this oftice re: the correus ded conditions of Branches in the West Indies, and in to which is the moderne hay inals than they were before they went there.
garding the case, and it our cities will make it easy United States of America, and lastly in selves dur! ng the ceremony.
This function came to its close What, perhaps, is really needed is a well established seems as if the whole Isth. for the disease to rage fu Afrien.
The Society aims at training men and with the singing of the Doxu!
reformatory erected somewhere in Panama and on the Zone mus is concerned in it. As riously in this country.
where the offending lads from either place might be placed a matter of fact, the case. The instructions which stitutions, and Colleges, and to equip and and worked upon for their betterment. An attempt at this should attract the attention have been issued by the send out to the various Mission Fields in the Mission Field. There will be a Wo sort of work was made at Juan Dios, Panama, some time and interest of every for health authoritjes should be Africa.
since, but as far as we know this has been discontinued the Republic as it involves whole public in the effort to cual arrangements be made for the take care of Lady Miesionaty Student.
egner on the Zone and in rightly observed by the existing Missionary Societies. afd mu. vonary Society. This Department will The Society will gladly co operate with mea Departmert of The Nerro Misif this is true, we might feel that lack of funds for carry the right and privileges of prevent the disease taking transportation and maintenance of Miss Special work will be found for them in ing on that work was the cause oi its cessation, but we are all strangers here. hold in this country.
siomries supplied and around the sure that its character and importance are enough to coma Panama City.
God wants the Best that the mend it to the co operative sympasny ot a philanthropic The question is: Can the produce in building up His Kingdom in Unveiling of Charter We hope in the near future; by God Africa. Those in the foremost rank must If the necessary funds for the operation of such a hu order the arrest and depor Members of the organization, bélp, to engage the sympathy, and co be (1) Men and Women who will endure it would not be a bad idea to make the parents and guard into or residing in the Canal of the Charter of the Colon Divi Missionary Society in Panama City, is (2) Noble hearted Christians of various mane work be too heavy a draught on the public revenue, tation of any person coming and others interested, are here operation of all Christians on the Isth. hardships, as true and faithful Christiane by reminded that the unveiling mus, and all the world over The Negro to the end. Medical Missionaries and, clothing, and pay for the food of their children. This ing the accused an opportue provement Association will sale Expect Great Things from God. 1920 The Negro Missionary Society is ians of all youths committed to the reformatory provide Zone without warrant or giv sion of the Universal Negro Im. expecting glorious future Our Motto professions is Great God, and trades.
One dollars to would work in a most satisfactory manner to the parents nity to be heard on the place at p. to morrow, Sun.
and general public and wquld be ine greatest humanitarian charges preferred against day, March 14th, 1920, at the lower launched out into the ocean of expecting to raise the sum of one click on.
God Love service to the miscreants who, in after years, would look to Seek first the Kingdom dollars for this year 1926. Nothing at: back on their days of reclaiming not as a term of penal are yet aware that it is unsafe to let the gangs of youthful euroughout that dark and welt Coveden employed to make the society a thorough of God and His Righteousness. Africa is tempted, nothing done. Iten, Women.
objective. To God Kingdom be confinement but as a period of reformation and prepara hoodlums who hang out at the thoroughfares of the cities is our sim. Beginning here in Panama succeso. The Rev. Pinuoek, Presition for the future manhood.
We venture to suggest to the police and law depart farious operations go scot free. Every day we hear of member of Church and Congregation well wishers. The San Miguel Baptist and annoy the public through their depredations and ne cits, we look for the help and co opera dent of the Society, wil be every Church. every individual ceive donations and all possible help from ments of Panama and ite Canut Zone the construction of thefts and other misdemeanors among the younger stock Amngements are being made to have Church, San Miguel, Wednesday even reformatory schools where boys Iound guilty before the of the poorer class and anything that can be done to put Weekly Lectures, expresely for Misioning from 30 m. to 7:30 Money courts on criminal charges might be sent, instead of being and end to these practices and remould the character of ary studente in Panama City and in orders by post may be sent to Rev.
placed in jail among uade marketi criminals and jail birds. the culprits should receive the hearty co operation of a pub Calon. These students shall be sent Such schools should be located in a place where vocational matters and interests altruistic. would also be a safe thing to place unruly boys there. lic whose civie responsibility should never be denied in Periodically, the company the rest out Enock Box 805, Anoon 0, Canal to Zone.
iying Districta for pratical training, training and out door employment could be given the inmates, as well as supervised exercise and recreation throụgh mental diseases, and they are functioning in the most ply ample work for the Students. We Here, we have hospitals and asylums for physical and the various Districts in the city will up FITZ BOWEN Systematic House to visitation in which they might throw off some of the surplus energy satisfactory manner. Are not institutions for the cure of hope in the near future, to send to Col. THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR that causes them to get into trouble.
While we deplore the sending of juveniles to prison for the cure of body and mind?
moral diseases just as great a necessity as those established seven in the West Indies or the United States, such Students approved 28 November Street, San Miguel by the committee, for special studies, for House 20 for the address and numer all who took on all e can vast glad to of


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