
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920 PAGE FIVE REV. AND MRS. BOYD Allegations to Race Status Refuted.
FELT HATS. The negro We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
Upon rmai Rev.
American Bazaar 09 Sunday School one will million Sir; Please allow me space in your valu.
able columns to comment on an article which appeared in your paper of the 6th inst. Is not the West Indian auch enemy to his progress?
The writer of that article as wines he may be, was not doing any good, when he had the West Indi publie on the Isthmus of Patatas mix up will only a few base ones agree with him in this, that it is inderd a deporable regret, that some of our countrymen will ever cause disgrace and dishonour upon their people on a whole But must that lead up to up to the whef of which the writer express at the end of his article? The end of het caugh justitiation to those who went and ocrupied the places that were not given the time to enol If the pero will never reach the status of the lowest of the other races in the world, or in the world to come, as the writer believes, Why, he would be quite in order to seeupy his friend place before it could be cooled. But lots of things seemed to slip the writer of the icle.
Therefore it is not out of place to ask these questions Was it tbe whole of the West dans that was living outside of the Coal ze that Zone that is to take the places of thore por uniortunate victims, or was it a remarkable few in comparison? WN their liberty, or the minority? What the majority of West Indius deforuding battle is there in history that sme an, selfish, shameful, dishonourable act has not been done by both sidest Did not the Israelites reach Cinta He is not the only child, there Didn they prefer to go ba Rev. Boyd, Secretary.
kot and Treasurer of the National being eight in this union.
in Egypt to suck sorrow, rather than bear a little thirst? If it was not Baptist Publishing Board of his return to the States.
Moses would not have struck the Nashville Tenn. accompanied by Boyd Jr. will leave fhe United Bruk roek. Why then can the Degro peuple Mrs. Boyd are paying a States for Japan, where he will visit to the isthmus and is staying be a delegate to the World rise? Qh! you sinking Peter with Rev. and MIS RH honl Convention. Dr. PANAMA COLON little faith. what has been doplayed Thorbourne, having arrived here uch Boyd is responsible for few days ago is really and truly en uge on Monday last on the SS. the good work done in this to show the world, that even water Heredia of the United Fruit Cor public among the baptist severest odds, the spirit of the New Nofrom New Orleans.
family of which the Rev RH.
gro has outgrown its old fashion doubt Thorbourne is Superintendent If the greatest hrmy is put on the field Not only is this gentleman of battle to fight, it is expecte ha Secretary and Treasure of the To Whom It May Concern some will be killed, captured, and woundNational Baptist Publishing ed So also the negro race of imut Boad, but he is the founder of 400, 000, 000 do not guarantee that evry this great concern, the largest It gives me peculiar pleasure respond to the call, but the of the ho bear witness to the high char, religious Negro concern iew outsiders will be United States insignificant in It furnishes acter and the business and number to prevent the success; ani by numi professional abilty of Dr Sunday School Quarterlies: Sme Boyd, the bearer hereof, who is God belp, time will show, watch even the success, har by and Removal of Paradise No. grow. Had the writer of that airla ure to nearly three and half a citizen of Nashville, Tenn.
lion people of the Baptist One cent Savings Bank in Nash, Dr expressed his feelings diretly to the Boyd is President of the 9292 Strike breakers, and those that cled Denon! nation.
Secretary of this Beard as stated the National Baptist Publishing Besides beinville, Secretary and Treasurer of worse than words will permita To all Foresters; press, and not insulting the dignity of above, he is President of the Board, and President of the Nat Your attention is herely West Ludius and negres in weil One cent Saving Bank of Nasti called to the fact that the above then he could be congratulated, ville Tenn, and President of the ional Church and Sunday School National Church and School Supply Company Court has removed from Court he hus done it, hope be will in the Supply Company.
He is entitled to be received by Land Hall San Miguel to the future take better care. In conclusion.
very best people in a Considered the best blood and Lodge rooms of Mori ing Star there is something more, Mr. Enitus, The various institutions of gentleman of the highest stand.
Lodge, 24th Street Gurchapali wish to say, which should not bomed.
which this gentleman Nerve tonic in the World and that the General meeting That is, Hats off to Mr. Suriis night are changed to the Second associate workers. Too thanks Secretary Treasurer and presi commend him to public of det have given him leave of cials, businessmen, and citizens Saturdays and Fourth Wednes and good wishes cannot absence for a much needed rest Kenerally as in every way worthy Is highly recommended by press and public for days. General meeting to night. hard workers who have done so much, risk og their lives and liberty for after five years of very strenuous of their confidence and esteein.
Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and pood of their fellow meo. work with out vacation. During Very respectfully Dr. OGILVIE ucisin het been showered them ou his absence his place will be ol Signed ROBERTS.
general depression of the whole system.
ly led by his son v. A Boud.
since the end, by their own pep Governor.
For Both Men and Women.
IS NOW LOCATED AT any well thinking pr on knows Sole distributors for Central and South America 157 Central Avenue, corner Stoute, as Napoleon Borisparte, Street played the baru part and is worthy of the heighest merit. There might be PANAMA DRUG STORE little error as some are trying to join HOURS: to 11. 30 a. out, but say, show me awan except rather lively and interesting corner of 6th and front streets, to 30 Muller Building that have never erred and 6. 30 to 30 gune of Cricket was played a Colon, at about 10 o clock on the Sundays: to 11 a.
will show him a ses except the Red Sa the Camp Beira Oval on Sunday night of Tuesday last the h CALIDONIA, without fishes.
the 7th inst. between the West inst. a bag containing about Thanking you, Mr. Editor, in antici moreland and the sports 173 00 Ephrain Meln Appointments can be arranged pation, tyre, a youth of aboat 16 sun Te ephone 875 beg to remain, The Sports was first sent to mers who is alleged to have been Yours respectfuliy, bat and succeeded in making one of the gang, was overtaken SOLDIER.
a total of 65 runs. Sweene by one of the Mount Hope Cabin being Westmorelanders responsible for 36. The and arrested by a Colon detec in went 128 Bolivar St. between 8th and 9th, Colon Tailor and Outfitter Will He Return. to bat, and also totalled the a.
the amount of 65 It is reported that six others Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Har Dyeing, Facial Blemishes removed. Corns cured Scalp and Facial Treatment. Manicurin. Shampooing. Hair Straightening.
McDonald as top scorer with 16 of the band have als) been cas Dealer in School Books, Panama, Equiped with electrie vibrator, electrie comb, electrie hair dryer, and other runs, and Green and Aird 11 tured while there are two more and Stationery.
Mareb, 10 1920 runs each, this bringing the yet at large.
Two Private Apartments. Best Results, Lowest Prices Slr, Permit me space in your videly game to a tie.
to Mme. Anita Parti Brown, world. famed prima donna This whom we treated to her entire satisfaction. No. 11 Street, Panama circulated paper, to say the following to an unusual large gathering and The residents of New Provimy fellow Negroes of whom am so chains from Central Ave.
Mme ROBERTS, M, proud much excitement prevailed es. dence, it is understood, having found pecially when the score board Beauty Specialist. Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, The dumb animal knows when it is a co operation among Address: treated right. If a dog is shained for do read 65 65 with two of the West themselves, are rew busily en Box 895, Ancon, ing wrong things, it keeps away.
moralanders at the bat; Baniuld ling boat to facilitate transpor. in the cities of Colon and CristoKindness never dies. Things of the however prevented the defeat tation between Monte Lirio and bal, it has become necessary to quaintance of Mr. James Wil The many friends and ac.
neuter gender realize kindness, yet som of his club by delivering the to Aird, thus bringing three the boat will be take following measure in order liamson will be pleased to learn our people are 100 years behind this fact. We have seen the rough way, our close large enough, to accomodate to pravent as far as possible the that he has returned from his The bowling on both sides was about 50 passengers, and it is spread of this diseasess short and well earned vacation people have been treated a short time it will be launched excellent, Coby of the Westmore1. All theaters, dance halis, which he spent in the active) TAKE NOTICE. ago when they were thrown out of dwon.
Some of our babies slept in open air for land capturing wickets for in the near future.
churches Sunday schools, and land of Jamaica IL is also believed that the public halls, are hereby closed night, under the sbadow of His wings.
runs while Banfield of the colonists are now turnig their until further orier From all appearances, this It is required that all per Our women were exposed and the liko, Sports captured wickets for attention towards a road to con. office.
rom this gentleman his holiday yet to my surprise heard a man 13 runs.
nect them to the city of Colon. All public meetings in which touch young advantages helooking should have their eyes in few daya ard: he be returning to lucia than die, you Shite scheduled to or more people are when he left the Isthmus. Mr. good condition, and free from this race to achieve nothing. Better you cross for some time past; but during brought together are hereby probits on the unp Beird oval Williamson speaks in very high Tracoma and all other objec had not been born. Shakespeare esid, Sunday next, the 14th inst at 12 the past few weeks its has been hibited. Failure to comply with the that the outlook is very promis.
terins of Jamaica. He says tionable anomalies.
attracting much attention.
o clock. Un ess above himself, he can erect him It is expected that with such above regulations shall subject ing, and there is much encourageries, and being turned down, weak, although we are oppressed by To avoid all troubles, wor self how poor a thing is man. Don be mens Cuti and Phillips of the Progressive, and Porter and gret prevailed in many quarters in less than 5, 00 nor more than ment to anyone desiring to settle call and have your eyes has an end. There soon will be a Moses Much disappointment and rethe person thus offering a fine of every foe, stick together, the longest ropo down in the Island.
Weeks of the Lily White, there thorughout the city of Colon as that above. requests are not com each and every day thoroughly examined at the keep kicking on the top of the is muca xcitement in store for the result of a very stirring cir: plied with For Sale office of milk, few more kicks will churn the the criok lans.
colar which has been issued the Health Oficer, Colon and Cris. sanitary rules regulations for THE LIMIT DRUG STORE by butter. frog is not dead until it dien.
Note sections 10 and 11 of the DR. BUCHANAN, Yrs, Eyesight Specialist, gang of juvenile robbers tobale. The circular is as follows: the cities of Colon Panana.
attac. ad succeeded ia tak of the fact that influenza or the Elective 11th. view offico: 182 Bolivar Street (Sigaed) J, BYRD.
80 Street, Chorillo, Panama.
COLON, of ing away from a lady at the so called Flu has been reported Health oficer, Colon Panama Well located. Established 1914 (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING Read the WORKMAN New Discovery Dr. FrenclsStrengthening compound is in much be Rivenih has Atlantie Side News Jesus Christ Kashmir Beauty Parlor Wm. Lawrence runs, with modern appliances.
recommends us.
fatal ball to the colony, Dois of OS Programul and the holy This master has been but the ring twenty O 30, 00 for 33


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