
Co. Ltd.
previous Capitalized at 10, 000 who also came in bat wa runs later at by Chilenor Maingut on Small clean stage, the Again Hw nendly by Tarlton behind the wick (293 Snu estan playout tira hut not before Regara hd ern mined by Gilles of thos. At the the al 311 for four.
Thu Fourth Day The faroosile sther conditions RESULTS OF SECOND MATCH which prevailed on Pridy re stva evidence when the gume was toda Saturday. Trinidad had leit off. ha asura Trinidad Defeated by Large Marginat 311 for four, an uador the exullas it was not unless in ible for be Splendid Batting of Barbados Team hem to anticipate the chances of of playing wat time and securing a draw as a con lation. Kiduey fielded in place of Hist Alurid sky with moderate sun fly drove straight for and a single, and shine and temperate breezes were the got another off John making his score 9, Own and Manage who was absent and precisely at 11. Two Up to Date Groceries in clock Rogers and Small, the overnight conditious existing on Wednesday when Silence prevailed he fuced Small to balsenen, reruined Philips bowled at the coin was spun and the tables turned receive the bext ball; nothing resulted Panama, and to Establish a Chain of Stores on the he south end and was successful in clean in favour of Barbados for the choice of from the first and second but the third bowling Rogers with his stoond delivers Innings Isthmus to Sell the Right Goods at the Right Prices.
With a pitch hard and true to be cut for one and secured his century. (312 6. Wiles was at man in all appearances and no token suggesting was now 3:24 o clock; the batsten enn and with the exercise of emmendable the chance of rain for thai day at kast, tinued their stubborn delence caution, they gave prstnise of realizing there was nothing else to do but to was sent up after beautiful drive by their fond hope. Gradually the score wield the willow, and thus it came to Ince off John. St. Hill bowled for rose by single and buttedaries carefully piss that precisely at the hour appoint Cumberbatch at 256 (slows) and a single od Mr. Cipriani was seen to head his compiled, and will the assistance of sen to head his resulted. Joho here gave the ball to few extras 350 went ap with the pair still team into the field. It was not the Cumberbatch at the pavillon end and off at it. With 362 up Pilgrin was relieve Idemn that played in the game. his see nd ball Trilton bit to Wiles at by Gilkes, who Carne in for some An attempt was was made to strengthen the mid on an easy thing, and was again rash treatment but with 379 up Wiles howling department by including missed. Wies seemed to have bxen attempted a glide and got his foot unlor.
Cumberbatch, a renowned West Indian suffering from lameness Registered under the Commercial Laws of Panama No. 13, on January 13, 1920 The mistake tunately in front of one of Gilken and trundler, who chanced to be in the har. was generally regretted, St. Hill next was out. 397 22. Maingo bour on the Towy bound to over yielded twelve runs and then the MAIN STORE: 114 Central Ave. BRANCH STORE: 22 Central Ave. in but was short lived reing takea cine taken England as one of the As crew and who tea interval was taken with the total at at point nine later by Pilgrim off readily ran to the rescue of bis home, 271, Gilkes. 3887 Maingot also came in while KIshall With his depar.
Resuming after tea, runs continued to This Corporation is backed by the full support of the people, and Lure the ray of hope reasonably inspired and Maingot stood down. Mr Aus com and with both butsmen still there; those who have not joined this rank are wasting valuable time during the stand between Smali ad n gain deputed Challenor and Tarile the third century was sent up by Ince at Wiles was now fast fading away, ton to lead the defence and John bow. 14 30 o clock. It wie Maingot over, and George John took up his position prepared Jed to Challenor. Two singles resulted with three byes it yielded righteen runs to do or go under. The pair played and Cipriani opaned from the South on white Taritton had now topped the score CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL IT pluckily under the circumstances and sur Tartless and two more singles were add of Browne in the first match (137)
the fourth century telegraphed, but the ed. John next over gave a four to and was cheered by his admirers. He rush for runs was not consistent with careThrilton the The next through the clips and the next register his 150 with a pull for four IVIEST INDI:1. TRADING Co. Ltd.
ful play and so in driving bird tolonie over revit. ro! Iwo singles and a triplet Maingot, while Ince (who was playon the great Trinidad bowler was taken to Box G, Ancon, lex. Singles were agnining better since resumption of play)
diled and this change took place, secured his half century by hitting St.
by Kidney as substitute off Gilkes with Rinkers polievi e Cipriani. single by Hill for und At. 45 be total at (110 1. Gentlemen: At. 450 o clock the came and finished the over Caitlen Tarlton sint 20 up and seven more hnd score 8 350 with no change of personnel now bowled fur Ince and smal got a ben site in the in the vetersn first over and the spectators began to long for a hereby subscribe for. shares of the stock at single Msingot faced bin and wis Jutin sent down a rubborn and threat change. The batsmen opened on 00 per share, and forward There with jas payment con bowle it with the seconi ening over to Challems who met them Taritt Tarilton hitting him over the six penny (41190. and two singles were scored. 30 had stand for six, and several fours at both At this lunch periot having just gone up when Chloor cut hard ends soon sent 400 on the board. It was arrived the teams adjourned. D:whurst, and kot Two yen were added in the 525 the 25 o clock when an overshy gave Tatil NAME who had taken Muingot place watered bext over and Tamilton took a single at ton five runs and Ince, with 80 80 runs to Small as he tried to improve a hopeless sbort mid on.
his errdit, was wissed in the slips by St.
ADDRESS situation. He tried to force the game and Arain fscing Rogers, Challenor cut Hill Hill off Small but immediately sending to secure his century while changes of bard for 4, hit for and a single and the down the identical ball Ince played it in bowling were made, yet Salotinued second change took place. Small relieving the identical way and St. Hill accepted No one can buy less than shares or more than 1, 000 to pile on the runs and at on time.
Juho at 47. Fifty was up in 45 minutes, it. 406 80) Browne joined looked as if the Barbidos teun would a wide followed and then a run of singles Tarilton and the pair played out time.
have been required to go in till Chalcor hit kogers high and Small Tatilion securing se cood century off way to boundary the last intentionally tried but resulted; Tarilton got a an easy leg toss which it appeared the Riven ave Small his coveted century single aud Challenor forwarded for ond skipper hnd sportingly directed Small to Filty was sent up by Robers off Pilgrim and after two more singles Cumberbatch and with 460 up Pilgric took the ball two more singles, and then Challenor deliver him. Play ceased for the day at and four runs later Di Gannes was was dropped for the third time by disntly and in Pilgrim second over De bowling Dewburst with a neat tog turu.
Resuming, both baternen started bril from Gilkes and settled the questa legged for throu sending 70 up. At this 433 for Tarlton 203 not out. stumped (54 15. Cipriani enne Challedor with his score at Gannes was but the visiting um Small scored during the last twenty Turidad experienced its first mis The Second Day. to see Rors again well taken in the boundary by the some lucky Intsman pire declared it a no ball. Ruue eon minutes will be seen in the fut that dir.
fortune Chilenar being easily missed by Wiles in the slips when his individual It had raided on Wednesdıy, nigh: slips by son off Challenar (57 17. sent scate stood at 41 and a single resulted.
and early on Thursday morning 80 that Msing jined his skipper and sweet up 100 after two and a half bourstinued to come and St, Hill was bearing og his slay with Duwburst 50 runs had him hit Pilgrm into the Club stand for barnehagen heben filowing our search his century when, unfortunately, he at been bed and the last man only The following two vers yielded five the wicket was not what it had been on is. Mason bowled for Pilgrim wlu self. This wecomplishment did not the ones and was bowled. Regret was ex. tournam:nt came to an end at 22 notched hall biur tanpted to eat one off Browne goed mudo six (6) out of them. Thus the singles and a cut by Challenor off Rogers the previous days and none knew what six nt sur lour through a misfield and so might happen. The overnight batsmen from tly missed Maingat at square spire a more Kreeful attitude; tley need that St. Hill did not get the en Barbados winging hy 10 innings (belir Challenor bowled to to Cipriani and it tinued in the old tip tip way till at list Gary but he has himself to blame: Feed) and 31 runs. Sooresfollowed by a leg kicked once in Cumberbatch in getting too far back was there long enough an and down the crowd more, eluerrd every Barbados 1st Innings.
resumed at apparent difficulty in following the ball Mason next over was used up to the to Hoad trampled his wicket and was was master of the situation for most of 82 were ex ent of nine ruas sending 80, and out. Rome question was here raised the time. 1952 95. Cipriani took Challenor e Maingat ad Chilenor leggeel him for a couple were made in singles there were then Browne relieve Ch llenor. the visiting upire contendiag tit no the last ball and promptly sent up indiv. dus hall century. two interruptions before lunch, welcomed by me He was somewhat the roughly Mainos further showers. 104 Weveral singles followed ad Twil on hit lunch by appeal had been made, but the judge double century. The pair played stronz Tamilton not out. 304 le for a triplet Facing Jobs he ever, 70 runs had been added to the who got two fours off in bus meat not being his and the local tunpire and Cipriani hit Challenor high to Browne e D:wburst C.
gracefully for 4, and a overnight buge scorc, sauna they in his next he unfortunately played being satisfied that the wicket was trailgrim who missed his. Browne single more te (93. 13. John was next in and pled by the batsman he was out. 14024 In the total to 98, Maingot tired to lunch the score board read 500 Browne refused a bot return to him by 64. De Ganner came in and with tried and in his second over Cipriani Ince e St Hill Small 79 WAS Dow tried in place of Rogers, be for three. Despite these colossal figurca, Cipriani. He, however, accepted one bimbit in the gume. St. Hall again weed in the slips by Austin Browne e Rogers Cipriai bowled the wicker Tarilton Iton at no time was the bowling or fielding in. in the slips off John bat (948 1) now took a single and Challenor cut hard for loose; the only mistakes were the easy and Maingot came in, Cipriani DOW played as he knows how to Ince had been bowing well, and in Phillips e Johab Cumber bateb and buery to reach the third century the two be runs came faster. He gave ebances lot off as already mentioned.
four sending up the century amid up: Jeed amid all this to batsınen muffled a single, Austin fielding Austia not outy Ver yielded thirten runs and the pla. eflsle to send kers found it pos agressive hit Mason over the be stumped of Hoad but Toriltou failed beautifully at cover and De Gannes was Mison, BAI, Gilkas it pos enclosure for six sending up 100, but a to accept and at tea time the total run out. 288 72. Five more runs ruus applause at 12. 55. John next weed ellele to send ovnem miden to Brownello and A Pilgrim did not bal yers retired for lunch, the score being rare occurrence under ordinary condi few runs later the bowler got his revenge was 161 for one.
with Rogers is and Cipriani was taken 14, 1b 3, 5 116 for bo wicket.
tions Tarilton terched and passed bis by getting Maingot well caught in the 250 with Cumberbatch trundling at him, whipper in and the tail did wag. Cipriaslips. 108 De thurst Wis Innings declared 623 Resuming at 150, Maingot was and the next over by the same bowler ni hit ail roughly treated by both batsthen, and he ho could and Dewhurst was Trinidad 1st Innings Job. Facing Maingat he cut and straw for what might happen. They con for each, and in Mason next over Tariltos registerd bis 50 with a tap off registered ten. The rae of sootinely missed by Challenor off Mason; le off we now terrifio neither batsmen caring a returned thanks by twice pulling Brow. C. Cumberbatch Austin druve with heart breaking determination tinued at this rate till Cipriani was able to Cipriani again bit him for six sendius Challenor getting 14 runs in the over. Wilesc Tarilton Challenor bowled muiden to Challerior, and go Browne beautifully caught at high cover your Cumberbatch relieved Maingolt hat 142 by Rogers (582 79. Phillips came 130 up. The end, however. had come. Small e Phillips Pilgrim In Browne next over Dewhurst was 17. with evident ins ructions to hit; his first taken in barrio Building Hill e Ince Pilgrim No. Calidonia Road Two singles resu ted from his first over dropped short of long on for 2, but the saken in the slips by Tarilton and all and in John next over Challenor hit the was over (131 10 10. Rogers e 1son Chatlenor next was (590 2. Austin for uulded four more by an overaly one andere should corintom to send oup: Thursday night was dry and Friday De Gannes stpd. Austin LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR moruing broke clear and sunny. The 11 and 150 went up at 2:08 o clock Both batsmen were now looking forward be then allowed him sufficient time to wiect had completely recovered its Ciprinni perfect condition and the Triniddians WATCH their individual centuries so that few register his record score of 304 and de Wie et REPAIRING Maingor, Brown 13 were afforded snother chance of doing John e CF. Crowne Mas risks were taken by them. At 164 John clared, the total being 625 for five.
bowled around the wicket and very At five minutes part o clock the themselves justice. With such arrears Maingote CP Browne Masin WE KNOW HOW TRIAL WILL CONVINCE Dewhurst e. Tarilon C Browne fast one to Challenor went pant grazing Trinidad team commenced their inning. against the public interest waned, the Small and sending him down on the They had rotten luck. The wicket that public stands being sparsely patronized BIL a carpet. He rose again to see four singles played so ensy for the home side now except in the Pavilion and the adjoining Welding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
registered off Cumberbatch and then to resorted to tricks and, of course, bats one. The umpires were on the field at rol a erisp cut off Juhu which gave men had to foot the bill Thus it came the time appointed, and after a few preChallenor his cratury. There was tre top that, with the fifth ball of Chal liminaries the final struggle began. St. CAMPBELL Watchmaker and Jeweller BOWLING ANALYSIS mendous uppour around the grounds at leber opening over and after a single Itill and Cumberbatch, formed the first his is had Challenor vourite with all classes. few more singles Wilis was esily caught from a bumping cess.
and Pilgrim Phone 1053.
Barbados 1st Innings Cars Stop at the Door sent up 180 and Muingot was tried one (1 0. and in Pilgrim third, the opening truediers. With only 12 for jobs. His first on the leg was a hook Snoll who had succeeded Wiles, was run up Pilgrim dropped an easy return John but Challenor failed to hold it and was caught by Philis (7 3) St. Hill from Cumberbatch, who give another aleo Cipriani comfortably taken by Msingot (180 joited Cumberbatch, and with ten up easy oue at 39 to Tarilton who Rogers 21 104)
This batsman had given Phillips dropped Cumberbatch off Chal. dropped it. Fifty runs were soon up and BLACK STAR LINE STEAMSHIP CORP. Small vne chance when his score stood at 41 lenor. At the tes interval the score at 58, Gilkes bowled from the PaviV. Maingot Browne appeared and opened vicious was 18 Both batsmen now assumed a two. On resumption HEAD OFFICE: 56 W, 135th STREET Cumberbatch 34 15, 80 so that the double century soon ap Hill was caught without changing the slow and over cautious attitude, blocking Maingot peared. double change was soon after reore (18 2) and Rogers watched ball after ball or tapping short pitched New York City, St. Hill made, Cumberbatch giving up to Rogere Cumberba eh add a few to his own seore me so lightly as to barely ku a single. De Cannes Challenor At the luncheon interval, after 85 minuand Mainot to Small. Runs still came in Austin took him of Freight and paasenger service between American. Trinidad. 1st Ir nigs quickly and easily, but Browne, who had (27 18. It was now a quarter past tes play the score was 67 for none.
Resuming at 150 Tarilton relieved West Indian, Canadian, Central and South manifested too much anxiety to score, o clock and many wondered if the sile American ports.
touched a wrong one and was taken by would go down before the closing hour. Austin behind the wickets, and Browne Challenor Dewhurst (223 24. Ince was Deepest sympatisers praved inwardly and Pilgrim bowled. The same slow Pilgrita 10 49 loudly cheered on his appearance and for sufficient rain to put an end to play. and uninteresting tactics were indulged For fur her particulars apply to the Agents Mason opened with a log in the same over for if only for the day. Do Gannes sent in, and hardly sound cause from the Browne GRAHAM LAWRENCE, In John next over Tamilton was ray of light through the gloom by bit stands save, perhaps, expressions of displays Box 604, Ancon, Cor. 7th St. Bottle Alley, Trinidad 2nd Innings missed by Maingot when his score ting Pilgrim over the shilling stand for discontent at the tameness House No. 44, Calle de Nov.
stood at 90. He thereafter layed with six, then a single, and off the next ball being made by the batsmen. The score Phone Corp. 271, Panama City, St. Elill C. Browne greatest caution while Ince was far Rogers was stumped by Austin but the crawled along single by single until at Colon, de Cumberbatch hit wkt, Hond. 64 from being steady: Tarilton eventual umpire deelared the delivery a no ball. 93 for no wickel, Phillips relieved Hond (Continned on Page 7)
st وا century He there was no sulted bie 100 tury with no no wieket down stroke John Rons. gistering bilis Before owing the how He was Rogers NO round And chance to 11 Joan 22 The Calidonia Jewelry Store 18 12 17 Challenor not ont 49 to 10 witness were again 38 1 1 scope lion end.
21 139 27 89 99 34 110 44 50 for w 12 16 4 3 3 30 29


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