
American Public to Hear Facts of BritJUST RECEIVED ish Status Londen Comas on Point BOOTS and SHOES Out Collapse of Sterling No Guide to Status FOR MORE DIVED THAN DIVING Young Men, Boys and Girls Great Britain Incurred Debt Mainly to Supply MODERATE PRICES Europe Continent Come and have a look at the assortment.
IS FINANCIALLY SOUND WANTED MEN AND WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS to prepare themselves to fill imprrtant positions in the BLACK STAR LINE, Ine, and other Negro enterprises in whicli ed eation and abilify ste erential ROBERT LINDSAY, Residence No. 2, Calle Domingo Diaz Apartment Upstates Box No. 1014, Aneon, bulder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing lur moderate o nsideration fo assist anyone who may be desirous of taking in Elementary or High School Curso Subjects taught. Animatie, Algebra, Praetieal Al Thwarelical Getoetry Elements of Friseutin, Englizh, including Grium Composion, Bu. iuese forms, letters, te, other subjects taught as demand may arise FREE practice on oetave crean for students with pre know edge of musie Hours. 00 to 10. 00p. Call or write.
London differences in 48 five 25 public. Th 461 7 1S in 19 27 72 46 69 63 27 in Eu to credit need of the supply the Wee Phillips really 20 bir xt external 18 wrppers.
az a field.
is delect Cipriani fifty defect and complimenting the Eclipse Feeding Bottle London, 23. Great Bri EDUARDO VALENCIA Lain is fundamentally sound, both financially and commercially says the American Chamber o NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET Santa Ana Plaza Next Hote Metropole in a statement referring in the financial posi tion of Great Britain and Conte nental Europe to countries. The Chamb the recent unprecedented drop in un xpresses the belief tha GREAT VALUE. City Bible Agency Intercolonial Cricket sterling exchanged in the United Stales makes it purucularly desir AT LITTLE COST able that the best opinions of each side of the Atlantic concern The City Bible Agency begs to Continued from Page 6)
LAOS call the attention of Christian ing this question should be un on the other side. Alter Is there anyone who would knowingly workers and Bible readers to the De Gannes run out a thorough discussion with the refuse to revive the best value for his fact that we can supply them Cipriani e Tariton Gilkes lealers of the British tinane Rigerse and Phillips mony. Thuse who ubstitute with the former translations of DeWitt Pulls with other remedies are Bitles compared and revised, Small not out 102 illuminated largely by the ad.
22 anses of the Chairioen of not only rejecting the best value fornell pronouncing editions and Wiles Gilkes their money but are actually plotting standard concordance of the Bible Maingot e Pilgrim Gilkes also Sunday School Teachers Juhn e Kidney, Gilkes leading British Banks to their 13 stockh Iders in annual meetings.
against their wn henlih.
Bibles, Lodge Pulpit, and family Maingot Challenor the Chamber of Do you frel tired, worn out and de Bibles. We handled Bibles of Dewhurst Pilgrim of Comerce has prepared a message to the pressed? Do you suffer from nervous various societies, especially the 15 lb 2, 3 nb American business disorders, dizziness, headache, wessage reads as gollows: sideache and all kinds of pains Oxford University Press, real ins, morocco binding Total The collapse of the pound ster aches and discomforts in various We also handle all other kinds ling in Yo is no index to Trinidad 2nd Innings frms other paris of the body, such as of religious books in addition to Gra Britain financials rength groins, bladder, etc. Have you irrita: Bibles.
Wor or wees.
Lindon is day tion of the bladder, burning Challenor See us for prices and terms.
as before the war. the monetary sation, weak and lame back, Street, centre of Europe. With inade The Corset of the Century.
Pilgrim irregularity of urine, with bad 26 5 House No. 32 (apstairs) Hod quite a sitance from Ainerican color, sediments, etc. SOLD AT PANAMA BY Box 1019.
credit in M:son 10 rope, Great Britain Any of these symptoms are generally Panama La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, Browne, forced 11 has been Central Avenue.
the trail to Kidney and Bladder trouD. Augustus Farrier, Gilkes 29 83 12 SOLD AT COLON BY well as the of ber own traders 32 DeWITT PILLS, the UNIVERAgent.
Ince Dwa New Xchange 20 Lam Hing Co. vang Yuan Co. Sang Chong Long 66 SAL PROOF CURE, will not fuil to Browne, CA Yok European not Nw York Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kai Co.
Land in charge. Great Britain cure you. Start in today. Just think LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents of tho reward. Healtn, Strength, Dr. WILLIAMS After the cheeringa had subsided the dit nor anywhere tems assembled in front of the Pavillion near it.
Happiness and Long Life at such Ithu HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OCFICE (M CH. EDIN. where the customary speeches were dc bt is ir or small casla value.
er than ever ore in 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
livered. Mr. Austin, the Barbados skipher histon This debo Wis Sold in two pizou at all first class druk. PHYSICIAN SURGEON per reviewed the conditions under whiel incurred mainly to supply the Colon, Panama, Box 152. Phone 90 the present touran unent had been brought weeds of her Continental Allies, lores. Beware of imitations, some deal. Box 585, Anc n, CZ.
Fler 35 e com Luando non cont. Bottle with Has removed temporarily to the su ion is that caused, and spoke in high twice as much as stie owes Ames ers are handing into being. He wils pleased at the re and she is owed approximately blue seal. City Pharmacy printed on Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, terms of Mr.
and Mr.
a rica. United may FOLKS RIVER exwet to THE CITY PHARMACY, 130 Coto collect all her lish debt. Great Britain acknowledging Brit wal Avenue, Panoma.
per Exlusive Agents on the Republic and Oent of her Control All cases fully Examined standard of the Barbados tram. He hnd to conte Cinal Zine.
debt. lv never seen finer letting since he had spite of the facts, British for Infants Lseen playing in the West Indies. He Finance is in a fundamentally congratulated Mr. arilton on his magni sound condition. Businessmen The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, ficent performance and declared that he and wogers are recovering froin collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly had no excuse for the result they had the demoralizing effects of the lost to a better team, Appreciative refer war. Their customary energy is cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc.
ence wa made to the part played by reviving, and Britsh factories are Reai hygienic Feeder.
Mr. Yearwood in bringing off the tourna increasing their output. Accord.
Modern Cabinet Makers ment.
ing to estimates made public by Omplete 90c, silver The health of Mr. Scheult was pro one Bank NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CITY posed, as Manager of the team, by Mr. year export will produce a profit Bank chairman, the present Austin, who presented Mr. Small with a offrom 1, 000, 000, 000 dols, to PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, bat in recognition of his great perform 500. 000, 000 dols. The expres.
sion we are rounding the corner FOUNDED IN 1881 is now heard on all sides.
The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
Dealers in allçkinds of NativeWood IF Neither British bankers nor the British Goverment expect or MANUEL ESPINOSA Latest Designs Cabinet making, etc.
If Father Noah lived to day ask further Government or long.
Central Avenue, 33 And it began to rain, term loans from the United Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
He would not think to build an Ark States.
He build au Aeroplane TUNNELLING UNDER If wicked Nero lived to day STERLING JERUSALEM And Rome began to bura He would not play a Violin Among the gigantic schemes FEMALE TONIC Phonograph bed turn for the improvement of the Holy Land is a tunnel running from If Ben Hur lived with us to day the Mediterraneair to the Dead Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not No Chariot. would he ride Sea. This tunnel, which will be mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with Tonic and Alterative He buy a 90 horse power Car nearly 40 miles in length, will ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
And win both fame and Bride run under Jerusalem, and will be If dear. Old Jonsh lived to day one of the inost useful Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and His travels would be finer derful tunnels ever constructed.
acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Hazel Bark, For instead of riding on a Whale It will convey water from the Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, He sail on Black Star Liner Mediterranean to the Dead Sea.
etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial reThe latter sea is now over a sults may be anticipated.
thousand feet below the level of the Mediterranean, with the reThe Sterling Laboratory, WILKINSON wiltre dont when the sluices turned there be No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER of water to the Dead Sea.
Los Angeles, be practically thousand feet water fall, and the ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, First Class Workmanship rushing water will be used to Plans and Specifications Free drive engines for producing elecGOOD WILL tricity for lighting Jerusalem 5th Street West Lessons Given and for WANTED supplying electric power House 90 the business lives through its Box 411, Panama, thrones surplus water will be al on the Clarinet, the leading The public to know that customers. And its greatest lowed to flow into the lower Jor. Band Instrument.
or first class asset is their good will.
Our service has always Miss LAING dan Valley, and thus provide a Orchestra furnished for all kinds of engagements.
DYEING, CLEANING AND measured up to this stand HAIR DRESSER water it so much needs to enard and brings forth volun PRESSING courage the growth of crops and NEILSON tary expression of friend.
is carefully and expeditiously vegetables of all kinds. Pearson ship and confidence. Scalp treatment and Hair Weekly.
Clarinetist Republican Band.
at the DIDAT Come in and see our New straightening a Speciality Phone 1058 Slip Grip Soft Collar HoldEVER Dr. GONNELL ers. Better than pins.
For promoting the growth of the STRIKE SURGEON DENTIST FULLER Hair and beautifying yourself Dr. JOHNSON. 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, visit Cor. u JEWELER The Parlors and be found at: 175 SURGEON DENTIST Call phone 218 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Central Avenue Phone 1003 Address GREEN and WILSON, Panama, HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE Corner 20th Street opposite Station Ancon, 852 Proprietors. Leacock Co.
Central Drug Store ance.
CONTEXT Don tConfuse Price with Cost and Won The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS ces are es strong flow of on This will like a country Anost. West. House 87. Panama Anglo American Tailoring


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