p. 8


THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH, 19, 1920 Report of West Indian Carnival PACIFIC THEATRE Committee STATEMENT OF RECEPTS AND EXPENDITURES Watch This Space 26. 00 FOR Further Announcements sexoss Mr. Joseph Chang Mr.
500 All of the cricket matches scheduled for last Sunday were postponed on account of the unnettled condition of some of the players in consequence of the strike.
Tomorrow, there will be many good games on, and cricket fans will be priv.
leged to see their favourites again wielding the willow. There are two very it.
portant fames and no doubt great un certainty is beleg felt fat present to who will be the winners Grenada and Ja.
maica will meet at Isthmian Park, and whether or no Grenada will be able to keep her boast that she canuot be braten by Jamaica is left to be seen. The Surrey will be journeying to Chorrilo to try conclusions with the strong Chorrillo The supporters of the Chorrillo and they may as well remain in Panama, boys are saying that Surrey cannot win, and give Chorrillo the mateh. Ed. Holder the Skipper of the Sarrey, on the other kand says they must poss his scure by a run before he will acknowledge defeat These two, we think, are the most inportant games for tomorrow.
Games for To morrow.
Vincentian vs. Yorkshire at Bishop Hollow Grenada vs. Jamaica at Isthmian Park Chorrillo vs Surrey at Chorrillo.
Umpires. Samuels and Skinner at Bishop Hollow; Coulthrust and Hall at Isthmian Park; Roberts and Pollard at Chorrillo Surrey Elects Officers Thursday night the Surrey at their meeting house, and the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing term De Sousa, president; De Soura, vice president; Paul, secretary: Piterson, Irasurer; Holder, captain; Thomas, viet captain; Alleyse, Harding, John, and Archer, with VA the foregoing officers, the committee of management Surrey Team for Tc morrow Holder, Holder. Thomas Archer, Blackman, Alleyne, Harding, Moore, De Sousa, Pitterson, and Lun. Extrus, De Sousa and Burke.
WE Mt. Federico Captain Leo McIntire Mr. Mr. Swales NEVER Friend RECOMMEND Mr. Hilton swights) Gas Installation which does not Promise to be Profitable to the Purchaser The following is statement of the Gren receipts from La Boca receipts and expenditures by the West dance Indian Carnival Committee during the Gros receipts from dance in ear.
four days of the Caraivd festivities of nival hall 12. 00 February, 1920 :Other amunta on collection liels one dollar and under, and Receipts wurde who have donated over Friend 36. 00 two dollars but whose names Ponama Brewing and Refrigerat could not be deciphrred 134 10 ing Company 25. 00 Received from carnival general Star and Herald 15. 00 committee 25. Mr. Theo. McGinnis 10. 00 1000 Total receipts 568 75 10. 00 Mise Fanis Obarrio Disbursements 1000 Panama Electric Company.
10. 00 Coot of float and rental of truck Mr. H, Carrington (Colon) 00 for coawying saune 27. 00 Mr. Arthur Weil 500 Cost of custumes for representa 00 uve giria on float 137 75 de Muller 00 Coat of material for earnival flags Mr. P. Caidenhead (Colon)
marttes for committee, and Yarp 500 cashes on Carnival day and 500 for asking same 14. 40 MI Apard 500 Rental of automobile on Carnival Smallwood Brothers 500 day 18. 00 Miss Aarons pu 30) Paid for tuning piano for concert 4. 00 Mr. Muller 09 Expenses of LA Boca dance 50 musie, rent of hall, etc. 26. 80 Jamaica Cricket Club 500 Point diver City Bind for ser. 00 vices at flag raising and for The Sterling (Colon)
110 serenade 10. 00 Mr. Henri Henri 00 Aut mobile for serende 00 Cherquet Levitt (Kamscher) 300 Pe eshtents at flag raising Mr. Rhoden (Clon) 50 Mur Carnival dance Red MS Mr. Ferreira (Culon) 50 Cross HI 10. 99 Mr. Lloyd (Colon) 50 Expenses for dince Carnival Mr. Jos. Norter) 50 night 12 00 500 Printing binti 50 Mayordomo 00 Couletu 60 Mr. Wat 400 Rental of ball for Carnival was FX Smith 00 30. 00 Mao Morrell 4, 00 Expenses for entertaining repreMr. Escotiery 40 00 sentative girls and pareats on Mr. 100 Carnival tight 11. Peter Vandeyar 00 Miscellaneous 860 LIA 40 Pruszone Garage 391 75 Auguste Ortega 250 Summary 30 Council 50 Reecip 3565 75 4100 Panama Furniture Co.
230 Expend tires 291 73 Sam Queng Co.
200 Mr A. Grant 00 Defi. it 230 0, KCl thg 00 The above deficit will be supplied by Ching Sing Co. 00 John Gill Co.
the committee. 00 Amigo 20 The Committee takes this Mr. Louis E. Martin 00 opportunity of returning thanks MC 00 to the merchants and other 200 kentlemen and ladies of Panana Mme Jaeob Me 200, and the Canal Zone who Mrs. Crosby MO 00 contributed so liberally to Miss Griffin 00 them to make their efforts a Mr.
200 suceess; to the West India Mr. Cover 00 ladies who sacriticed much.
Mr. Geo. Henry 200 their time in order to assist. Friend 00 the collection of donations to 18, G. 00 Cricketers who took part in Le 00 Cricket match on in Isthui A. Friend 00 park in order to assist in ruisig Mr. Pint 00 funds, to the parents of the Mr. Kelly 200 children who served as represenMr. Amart 00 tative and finally to Mr. Theodore Mr. Manley 00 Mc. Ginniss who did every thing Manuel Ku 00 possible and rendered every 8.
200 reasonable assistance to make Mr. Newton 00 West ludain participation in the Mr. King (Coca Cola) 00, carnival a success. L. Herbruger 00 00 (Sgd. CARRINGTON, 00 Mr. Kay 00 Chairman 00 FYFF, Dr. Crosbie 200 Vice Chairman.
Mr. Willis 00 IVAN GRACE Chemical Hall 50 Si cretary Proceeds of concert at Red WALROND, Cross Hall Proceeds of cricket masteh, IsthGEO, BOYKE.
mian Park 19. 30 (Members of the Comunitee. Total expenses Duque Co.
Colon Gas Co.
Government Scheme Tel. 798 Tel. 364.
HOPE TO SELL MILK AT SEVEN PENCE PER TIN Electric Injection who marvelous success in the treatinent of Gonorrhoes and Gleet. Relieves the most obstinate case of Gonorrhoes in from to days.
FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUG STORE Corner 5th and Streets, Colon.
Phone 276B Van KWARTEL, Registered Pharmacist, Proprietor El Oeste Frind Royal Mail Steam Packet Go Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
1985 FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE a seeks The Hon. Cousins, Director of Agriculture in Jamaica, inade Star of Eden Lodge No. 42.
an impurtant statement at the hauf. yearly ineering of the Jamai cu Agricultural Society recently, o. of and of in respect to the prop of the general meeting of the Government to establish a con above named Lodge will convene densed milk factory in Jamaica The Hon. and Rev. Esson. 1920 at 30 when on Saturday evening March 20th said it wurdented Porus branch business of importance will be be interesting if dealt with You are asked to His Excellency the President, could inform them as to what conferring of Degrees bef be punctual as ther before the was being done in connection with the proposed factory. From general business starts The Officers and Members will what could be gathered, the price further note that meeting nights of condensed milk was going up will be the 1st Friday 2nd and to Is. 6d. per tiu and something 4th Mondays of each month woulk have to be done in order beginning April 2nd 1920 uutil to cheapen the food of the peo further order.
Mr. Dillon said there was no an question about it that something should be done to cheapen the There are Two ways to Live price of condensed milk. Milk was essentially a food for the on Earth, children and it would mean that the poor children would suffer. BY CHARLES SWAIN The President: Perhaps Mr. There are two ways to live on earth MP Cousins said it was a fact For all things here have double birth that the consideration proposal to es. Give me the home where kindness a condensed milk and it was on the tapis that th: To make that sweet which seemath small; Man chester. With Ma Man: Where every lip in fondness speaks the establishment Aud every mind hath care for all!
of the factory, it was hoped that whose inmates live in glad exchange they would be able to manufac o pleasures free from vala expense: Sure milk and to sell it at 7d. per Whose thoughts beyond their means tin (applause) Between 60 ne er range, 000 and 70, 000 went out of the Nor wise denials give offencel country each year in respect to who in a neighbour fortune find the condensed milk industry. It No wish. no impulse. no complain was a practical proposal to have who feel not never felt. the mind a condeused milk factory here, To envy yet another gain!
and he proposed to get out a spe who dream not of the mocking tide cial breed of cattle for the pur Amel bitter pungs of wounded pride: Ambition pose. He expressed ihe opinion or fallen power, that shuns the that if the condensed milk industry were oude started on proper Though Fate deny its glittring store, lines, it would mean that a vers Lore wealth is still the wealth lai gesuin of money would re chose; moin in the island instead of be For all that gold can purchase more ing sent abroad.
Are gands. It is no loss to lose!
Some beings, wheresoever they go, Find nought to please or to exalt: NOTICE Their constant study but to show Perpetual modes of Anding fault.
While others, in the ceaseless round The public is hereby notified of daily wants, and daily care; that my wife, Adina Fuller, hav. Can yet call flowers from common ing voluntarily left my house and twice enjoy the joy they share!
ground. without my consent, do not, therefore, hold myself responsi: oh, happy they who happy make.
ble for any debt or debts which who blessing still themselves are blest!
she may contract from hence Who something spare for others!
forth sakeAnd strive. in all things. for the EMANUEL FULLER. best! CAUCA will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on MONDAY, 15th MARCH, 1920, for Buenaventura, Esmeraldas, Babia, Manta and Guayaquil. VANCOUVER will leave CRISTOBAL, on TUESDAY, MARCH 18th, 1920, and will accept cargo for Havre, London, Antwerp, Hamburg, Bremen and Scandinavian ports streets.
The Negro Missionary Society St. Peter Church, La Boca SERVICES FOR SUNDAY 14th PANAMA CITY 11 a. to, Matins and sermon; p To those who are interested in racial Santay School; 30 evening song improvement you are hereby notified and trusen.
that incetings will be held on the 12 The Right Rev. Jamus Caik Morris, and 14th isnt at the San Miguel Baptist will be the preacher at the eve.
Church Meeting on the oth begins at ing service 30 m, and on the 14th at pm.
sharp. Special offerings will be taken up. Church, and the general puulie corThe weattered Bek of si. Pter Harvest Services dially invited to atiend.
The Harvest Festival Services of the Missionary Servica, at the United Methodist Church will be con Panaina Baptist Church ducted at Guachupali, 21st St. The ser Guachapali nons will be preached on Sunday, 14th inst. at 11 o clock, by the pastor, the Rev. Anderson, at by Mrs.
On Sunday and Monday, 14 Bliss, and 15th inst. the anguat mis On Monday evening, at 30, the sionary Servics of the Panation puulie meeting will be addressed by the Baptist Church will be held in Msn. Bell, Austin, CA. Harris, e following so akes are boka for the occasion. On Sunday at Molton and Harrison.
Spretul organ and vocal renderinge 11 a. the Riv. Gammonit will be given by Mrs. Morrisoti, tb. a prepared progrun with the Misses Johnson, Cooper, Jackson, Dr. Connell is a baptist. At 730 Dr. Connell as speaker.
Asbley and Biley. All kind hearts aru wanted and all liberal offerings will be Rev. RH esteemed era: On Monday wight a publie British Consulate Notice metra in connection with Luis service will be held, Judge Hanan, of the Canal Zone DisThe British Consul would be trict Court, will preside. The glad to receive any information other speakers will be Rev. RH, regarding Thomas Coleman, a Boyd, Walker, Supt of the native of Barbados who left that Southern Baptist Convention Island for Panama in 1909 and work on the sthmus, and Rev.
was last heard of in 1915, when Thorbourne, pastor. he was a carpenter and coach. very cordial invitation is extendpainter in Panama City.
ed to every body.
jur Nashville, He Bad, LLD, DD. etioz For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at CRISTOBAL or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA or Nassrs. ISAAS BRANDON 310, loc. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PASKET Co. Panama


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