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Intelligence received from the Agent at Colon states that the Black Star Line Steamer YARMOUTH left Kingston, Jamaica, on Thursday the 25th inst. and is due to arrive at Colon on or about Sunday the 28th. She has on boa 57 passengers and some freight for Colon.
Thousands of Laborers Leave for Cuba McADOO PLAN TO WEST INDIANS MIGRATING GREATLY ALARMS JAMAICA that forced sale.
wipe of in the his France and pasken en periode ili pogledom to buy Buton e o the Editor Tue Workmas, le porno posto dobye to the West Indies and Helio! America in the ed, lamed island words of bound BRITISH JAMAICA NON COMS GOVERNOR BUY WEST INDIES Requested to Resort At Said to be in Favor of Bone Britis: Legution Dry Law Is Complete Surprise in British We are esked by the The tout issue of the Jamai. Panama Took 60, 000, Only Small British Logation to state a Gleaner. to hand states that in Official Circles.
his opening address at it meets that in connection with the ing of the legislative Council of Part Returned approaching visit of His Jam. cios, the Governormado The following cxtract from the Grenada WEST London, March Me cial denial. The Colonial Office Royal Highness the Prince see ene to the possibility State of Ignor raftie the sale of the British West In been no change in the situation of Wales it is proposed to of that lind Theater tua INDIAN furnishes conclusive proof of the present Adoo suggestion concerning took the position that there had dies to the United States has since then, and that Lord Mil have a review of those who come discussed in demand for labor in other countries and ought to local circunda come as a complete surprise to ner statement held good, non. Commissioned offi from his Excelency the Govern prove interesting to the many rejected and surplus official circles here financial export, analyzing Selling the British Empire the Me Ados susgestion, said to cers of the British Viest or the Crowns and to be in Balsorers on the Isthmus of Panama: favour of the Isle of Cuba is said to be receiving Immigrants from the description of it given by one merit from a merely, tinancial the rank of Corporal upan the instalment plan, was the the correspondent that it had no Indies Regiments from ing des West Indies at the rate of one thousand a week. another point of Eng Panama took away ed, had never heard before of land would never consent to such wards who were under fire Canal Obstruction Cleared Jamaica is being alarmed.
granting self determination by a a bargain, and that the United in any campaign during The slide movement of a few 60, 000 labourers and just a small part returned, and States would be willing to give the recent war.
days ago from Gold Hill into now Cuba is setting the pace to attract even twice enough for the islands to Inquiries at the Colonial Office out the British debt to America, ALI those concerned the Canal, estimated at some that number. No wonder the Colonial office wants brought denial that anything of the relief it would afford, he should report at the Bri of one fibw five, acres, took the form to know why people in the West Indies are running those submarine the proposal was known there, maintained, would be only temferred to the statement on the ment improve international ex 30 and p. on Saturand the correspondent was reporary, It might be for the motish Consulate between eruptions that we so often hear away from the British rule. Not only Cuba, but the albidetana teh pistete events afect United States itself is attracting large numbers of persubject made some months ago change. but it could not ke«p the above. Lord Milner who was then sovereign at par, for that, he said, day the 27th instant.
Wonial Secretary shot up in the middle of the sons from these islands. In five years time the greatAt that was depreciated in New York on waterway. The Dredging Divi er West Indies will be in the United States, and then time Lord Rothermere in an ar. account of European, not merely Another Shy at West sion rising to the occasion, as it will be easy for the United States to come here and usual, tackles ticle on the difficulties of the British, indebtedness tho obstruction he Indians British financial position in his United States with tooth and nail, dynamite and take the skeletons who remain. In a small place like newspaper The Sunday Italy and most of the dipper dredges, working day and St. Lucia 200 passengers have booked passage for Amenight, and by Thursday the new: rica. Hundreds of thousands are ready to say Goodsf selling some of the West In to London bills Now dies. His suggestion immedi. York, as long as they are in debt bad disappear ed, leaving in Dear. about 100 widewhich ately called out emphatic pro to America exchange must be tests from the population of the depreciated. Consequently, he Please grant me a small space admitted of 25 ships of 26 feet same breath. Why?
islands, and to prove that the argued, the net result of such a in your valuable paper for the the Canal. Of this number 13 draught and under transiting do transaction that Eng few with the proposal, which he said land would have lost some other on behalf of West Indians om this were northbound and 12 south This Week Cables Tribunal de Contas has refused to region ter the contract betwen the minister of had not been laid before him, valuable possessions and would Isthmas in answer to a report of ships.
in Brief. communications and the South AmeriI ord Milner issued a strong offi still find exchange against her. an address by a Noted Baptist It is hoped that the waterway ean Cable Co. This cable is to liok up delivered on Sunday afternoon at will be completely restored to Rio de Janeiro and Uruguay and Cuba Charged for Pipe Stealing Perhaps the speaker remarks Renown, which is due here on the week reports that a plan is being formations the legality of the contract.
the Guachapali Bapti Church: normal depth in time for SERIOUS ACCIDENT cable dispatch from Paris early in and Rio de Janeiro. The Tribunal que it is hoped so. But it he is cor Royal Highness the prince borulated be ween the allo apd varione and Tuesdaywith His Washington announce the confirmaA Colon contributor writes la Australie well know eman reely reported as it appeared in Walesi trangmake a rapid and that on Tuesday afternoon the the Atlantic side as a foreman economie rehabilitation of Austria and of State vice Robert Lansing resigned.
other impoverished nations in Central 16th inst. Basil, the second son for the Municipal Engineering the issue of the Star Herald of smooth transit.
The keel of another Superdreadof Mr. Parker, Principal of Division is held up on a charge of marks are inimical to West In. Cristobal Makes Trial ing the 23rd inst. then certain reEu:ope.
sought to be the Cristobal Colored School was stealing pipe from the Panama Virginis It a Strong earthquake shoek was felt at was laid on Wednesday (at Newport ball game that Canale for use in a private job ver that West Indians whose Trip.
Martinique, West Indies, on the morning Ve. on the ways from which the amusement by a few boys and a Ca Petroleum Transport Co. and vice have Con Panama Canal, two at the Balboa Shops, where sh being played merely for that he was doing for the Huaste: brain and brawned to the pos bal alter a thorough overhauling reported.
and willing ser: The Panama Steamship Cristo 21st. No damage or lows of life has bouk Maryland, her sisterahip, was launc. ed on Saturday. The ships when com Raymond charge of having made the dissibility of a pleted will be exactly alike except in premises of the new silver settle. bursing officer of the Panama modern built ciu From Miami, Fla, comes the news that the West Virginia will be fitted tempting to hit a bull the bat to say to pay his iabur bill on the of other institutions and or into an Oil burper and her pass after bootleggers who smuggled liquor ing out the name ekip.
ganizations they have helped and The latest news from Paris reports that was being used by Raymond job, was hid as well.
slipped from his hand, with all Up to the present, nothing or made rich, should be the sahenger aceommodation etc. exten into the States from the Bahams Ileads that the Chamber of Deputies voted in sub sively improved, made a trial trip ject of insults and cruel invecTen firemen were badly hurt in a favor of a 1000 franc increase to each the force he had put into it, and consequence has been adduced tives to be the vecon Sunday, out into Panama Bay.
hit Basil. who was some distance to shake Mr. Ashton equanim: thanks for all they have done hi is said that the authorities are New York fire station by a jet of fames deputy and senator to enable them to away in the right side of the head, ity and as he is on band for only Still; though some West Indians manoeuvred. She will be taking the result of an explosion in a factory op. highly which across street, following French built motor canoe recorded making hin instantly unconsci 500, it would appear that he has ma 120 kilometers in one hour, thereby ous and causing a wound about no reason to worry over the out is a Yineta possess ant sense ws up her New York Cristobal itini. Posite their post. they rary some time next month. News from Buenos Aires, hus it that beating the previous speed record of an inch long and quarter of an come of the case.
enough to an insult and to the PeruvianCharge Affaires thinks that 112 kilomaters held by the American inch deep, and from which blood resent it. And if there the possibility of a conflict between Pera built canoe. Whip Poor Will.
flowed freely. The youngster was Steamer Marne Still thing recent happenings have however, much anybody or any and Bolivia hav dissappeared.
immediately taken to his mother From the Port of Spain Gazette of been fruitful of, it is in on bing want whether he be bishop.
nd after receiving some atten their eyes to the fact of no ring priest, or laity, nor an ambassaIt is reported from New York, that March 7th we learn that another Shipon regained consciousness. The lood The Shipping Board steamer that they are not cared for by the dor from Hades may persuade the relief ships to be sent with 50, 000, 000 ping Board vessel. the Balabac has ugha won: checked continued swelling lling der whether Old Nick is not think as their services can be utilized, will be prevailed upon by any per destitute European Countries, will also These unfortunate ships seem to be able arose. On reaching home after ing that it would be a good and their money go towards help suasion to remain a country be taking away 400 Russian and Polish to ride the waves alright, but certainly being sent for, and after examin investment for him to buy up the ing to swell the coffers of their where we are no longer wanted. anarchists who are to be deported for have an uneanny attraction fot fire, ing the injured part of the head whole lot they certainly can overlords and spiritual masters. We have done for others what plotting against the Government. From the same source comes the rews Mr. Parker telephoned for the keep the flames burning long Another thing West Indians have they could not possibly have done and learnt, and that is that Mia for themselves without us, other Newberry, the Senator from time in September this year, of comGrand Rapids reports that of the intending visit to Demerara someto the Couon hospital, and after an Triner Elixir Wine pleasures and palaces tho they wise we would not have been xamination by the doctors they found that the lad skull me throam Be it ever so hum: sought for. We are not going to Michigan who was convicted for violat. Bined Cricket and Tennis Team from The management of the Cityble there no place like hoine. be beguiled by fair speech anying election laws and sentenced to two Barbados.
fractured. He was at once put Pharmacy begs to make it gen. And so they have determined to longer nor contribute further for Lain his seat in the House unless other bados will be able to give a good account years, declares that he will reIt is expected that a team from Bar under the influence of ether and erally known that a large ship return to their homes where the others selfishness and greed, nor wise ordered by the Supreme Court of of itself in Tennis well cricket as operated upon. The bits of brok ment of Triner Elixir Wine has air of freedom and liberty is en become victims of selfish mo there are some pretty good racket twira just to the United States.
lers in Little England.
sace of about an inch and a half dale at the City Pharmacy, 130 Hertilands in theamaica o ans from now on. will not encroach are to be presented for reparation of the land on the Isthmus is as and get out must be your slogan in diameter. The operation is said Central Avenue.
From Paris it is learnt that demands Cricketers will learn with pleasure have been one of the most delicate, dangerous and skillful per ATLANTIC SIDE NOTES where else in the West Indies, on your time and space more, outrages committed by Germanson and envy of the contemplated visit to and perhaps more, but we are Mr. Editor, so thanking you in members of the allied missions to Ger the West Indies, about the end of the formed at the hospital.
determined to allow no grandeur advance, many when order shall have been re year, of an English cricket team. In the youngster is still in a not yet certain as to whether he or fair prospect to act or become am, etc.
stored there.
erent of this failing to materialise, Barbados will pay Trinidad a return visit in dangerous condition and it is will survive. a deterrant to our determination, WEST INDIAN. Rio Janeiro cable reports that the September.
named the West dians mat watching a base News, inan in the know is one and though was up The


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