
WEEJAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 07 PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Canal Zone Notes FELT HATS.
GATUN On Saturday night last the home of Mr. and Mrs. Me coll presented a very lovely a animated scene with its ful decorations of potted plants for Gatun Beauty and Galantry and out roots and settering me there cale Mr. Holders Birthng.
very enjoyable time was spent during which Danyera tulatory species are by several of the guests.
info hold an open an the grounds Hotel ade DOW on foot.
We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
to Colon The many friends of Sessrs Milton and Walter Porte.
ployees of the Cristobal and An con Post Offices, will leare with much regret and sympathy of the death of Mrs. Adet Party, who died at Barbados onth 2310 of February at the age of sixty.
Mr. Arthur Moore and Mrs.
Viola Carew also bave our learttelt sympathy in the loss they bave sustained by the death of their loving mother at the ripa age of 75, which took place some tiine last month at Baruacius.
The Flu though notv much in evidence in this dis trict, has still been able to rerid some of our popular young men and women to Alcon Hospital among whom are Miss Brossard and her brother, New Fire Brigade Station forts that have been made in this respect.
Work is now in progress on the Colon Fire Brigade Station Colored Nimrod al Street and last Brond way, next to the Broadway thea: John Lewis, a silver employee tre.
in order to push this work, it lount Hope, displayed much of the Panama Canal Press, is underswod that the authori swift in the art of shooting, is of the Prigade are arrange when on Sunday last, 21 inst, air fete in the shot and killed a hřige lion in between sington and Screen the regions of Lohio.
day and Sunday tie Toth exis along with two others are 11th of the coming month left Colon on the late train on. is fete promises to be month Saturday night and encamped Baho until Sunday morning er joyable occasion as vast prepa about o clock when they startrations including illuminations, ed to hunt. About one and a confetti and well as other features are against the lion, much to the alarm and discomfort of Lewis It is also expected that a spec.
ial train will be run from Pana comp nions, who were very much scared. Lewis however display ma to Coloh oh on Sunday the 11th ed when a baseball game will be ment and succeeded in bringing ed much coolness and judge played at the Mount Hope down the king of beasts with grounds in the morning and a shuts, after which the carcass prize America Theatre fight later in the day at the was divested of the skin and hen other useful par.
The Bomberos, we understand, From all appearances, Lewis mark of 1, 000 which will go a art of acquiring rare game. It are endeavoring to reach the is a sportsman gifted with the good way towards defraying ex is only about a year ago that he penses on the new building Music will be supplied through shot an eagle in this saine neigh.
out the festivities by the Republie in Band and there will be The Kashmir Beauty dancing both evenings Parlor Concert Postponed The Kashmir Beauty Parlor, which is now doing excellent The concert which was ar business, is, from all appearan.
ranged to be given by the Shepce bent on pleasing its customherd Star Cadet Camp at the ers in every detail.
Flower of the Isthmus Lodge For the past few days the parHall on the evening o! Sunday lor was out of Nile Queen hair last the 21st inst, has been inde grower and beautifier, a prepara finitely postponed by reason which is much in demand.
th Madame Roberts, the beauty Persons holding tickets for culturist in charge on existing sanitary orders.
this concert will be notified as to that stoek was growing less, the new date as soon as the res promptly maileda rush order for trictions shall have been lifted.
this preparation which arrived sesterday. Not being satisfied with this, she has mailed another Drowning Fatality mush order so as to guard cainst a repetition of this unfavorable occurrence. very sad case of drowning took place on Wednesday the 24th inst, at the folks liver Westmoroland Acbeacli, near the Colon a Winfield Pbillips. the victim of quire New Grounds the occurrence, along with si other youngsters went tar Interested parties will be pleas.
beach apparently on a pleasure ai to know that the lestmore stroll, and entered a boat hiland Cricket Club has been for they pushed off into the water, tunate enough to acquire a those tinere ground near the wireless sta pied juvenile gangs which are to tion. The members of the club be seen from time to time all are now working very hard in other the boat suddenly capsiz As soon 35 poquisition of over Colon. For some reas nor order to have it in playing shape In ed. landing the crew, five of the this whom were pretty good swine ground the Westmorelanders mers into the water.
bave have gone a far way in improv.
Phillips and another being ana ing the general situation as far ble to swim were left struggling as grounds are concerned. while the others made good their short while ago, on account of escape. Phillips companion was lack of grounds as well as over rescued by a man who came on sight on the part of certain per the scene and saw his lulpless sous concerned an important position, but at the same time cup fixture between the West not knowing that there were two morel of them. fact which means toute to beland and another Club had to be postponed at the last mo plained by the other led to his ment, much to the annoyance of rescuer after having regained those coucerned. Such an occurconsciousness rence will in the future be im Up to the time of writing, the possible with the step tl at has body of Phillips has not been re been taken in the acquiring of covered, despite the various ef. this new ground.
American Bazaar The boys who formerly ocupied Houses No. and 57 must be feeling pretty blue in as much as they are appily compelled to live in High St.
at present. Be consoled by you may yet be able to prevail on the to put you back into your old nests.
PANAMA COLON of tion hon finding her Death of Mr. Melius Mark St. Lucian and Oid Timer Here 990 Wong a habit of many BUSINESS MEN LU.
fore be is At a meeting of the St. Antho.
ng. No. 1, of which he a much respected the ber the following resole adopted. WHEREAS; It has pleased Almighty God in His limite Misdom to take from our list our beloved brother, Mail; and By his death of the St Anthony Society Noiva lost a faithful and devout built er, and his wife and nephew it loving husband and uncle; there 15 Resolved, That while we bow to the divine will of the Almighty, who doeth all things well, we, the members of the St. Anthony Society, hereby tender our sincere and heartſeit sympathy, and condolence to his be cared latives in this their sad hour of affliction. May his soul he Resolved, That bat these resolu Lions be spread on the records of the Society and a copy thereof be transmitted to his bereaved selarives, and a copy sent to the St.
Joseph Society, Colon, and the Workman, and be it further Resolved. That we bave the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offer ed for the repose of his soul.
JAMES NATHANIEL, President St. Lucia paper please copy.
INFORMATION Get Alive to Your Interest Pence, and be it furtheul rest in ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
Therefore THE WORKMANis a paying Advertising Medium.
In answer to the many enqui.
ries made at this office about the new field of labor opened up at Nicaragua we beg to state that all information in connection with same can be had fron Mr.
Louis Castillo at Bocas del Toro, In the United States District Court for the Canal Zone Persons at Colon desirious ot Division of Cristobs contributing news to the Work man newspapor can see our RITTER vs. RITTER.
news and advertising Represen tative at the Canal Jewelry Store (J. Williamson. 167 NOTICE Bolivar Street, on Mondays.
To Ritter, the defendant Wednesday and Thursdays, TAKE NOTICE: That the plaintiff herein has filed in the above court her complaint against you praying for a divorce against you Vinculo, upon the grounds in said comTAKE NOTICE.
plaint set forth and verified.
Now. therefore, you are order ed to appear in the said Court at Cristobal, on the 28th day It is required that all perof May 1920, at o clock of said sons leaving the Isthmus day and plead, answer or demur should have their eyes in to said complaint, otherwise the good condition, and free from same will be taken against you Tracoma and all other objec.
by default.
tionable anomalies.
By order of the Court.
To avoid all troubles, worE. GOOLSBY ries, and being turned down, Clerk of Court, call and have your eyes NOTICE thoroughly examined at the office of There will be a meeting of the Spald DR. BUCHANAN, ing Cup Committee to might at the ideal School, 20 street Guachapuli. The ComEyesight Specialist, peting Clubs are asked to send one ro office. 182 Bolivar Street presentative each to this meeting, as important business is to be settled Meeting COLON, of tarto at 7:15 IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING Silver City Band Still in Existence The management of the Silver City Band desires to let the public know that it is still in ex istence in its full form; and is now in possession of the latest jazz hits. Address all commu.
nications to the Secretary, Silver City Band, Ancon Dr. CONNELL SURGEON DENTIST ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable.
and be found at 175 Central Avenue Opposite Station


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