p. 8


SURREY SWAMPS DEMERARA Br Hlant 1 Ing; Thamas THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH, 21, 1920 Further Particulars of PACIFIC THEATRE Repatriation Watch This Space Registration of First Batch Closes Sunday Tornorrow will be the last day ings with colored West Indian FOR Further Announcements captain, joiord Teach and the southe Performance Counts and on tbe hearts of received The game scheduled to come off last Su. in tween the Surrey and the Demerara on the G ground www played on the Standard Oval after the Standard refused to meet the Britannie The wicket was in splendid condition, and many thought the me would have ended in draw, owing to the change of ground play was not begun until long after p. Deme.
mara won the toss, and to the surprise of all, sent Surrey to the bat. The attack was.
opened by Demerara with John and Par rel while Teach and Blackman started the defence. With only 17 up. Blackman up, Backman wa clean bowled by Johp and John of Surrey took his place and some fine play was men. Went, who was bowling in place of John clean bowled John, and Alleyne filled the vacancy. He, too, WA Foon sent back by Went, and after.
Pitterson who had taken his place was. so dismissed by Went, Holder, the stand не the day was made, Tescl. whose eyes were well on the ball, showed a decided fonines for his well timed off drives, and all the spectators. He remained with his captain and carried the score to 153, and when he was bowl ed by Went, the bourd read 155 83 The outgoing batsman had played a good innings and deserved the praise he Rotati close, Dy Sousa look bis police, but at the conclusion of the over, Horeclored his innings at an end Al hough one two of the Demerit.
fichiers om de blunders nevertheless, the innings just closed was one of the Le display of cricket sen on the St Oval for quite a while. The tai who made double figures were The S, Elodri notout, lleyne 21 John 10, Surrey in new de lired closedrat 166 6 and ten minbates later Demerara started on their op bill game Fields, anex Surrey tried his level bust to save fi defeat, ut all bis efforts were in vain, the entire side putin up 82 runs out of which Field made 41 and Preset 17 For Demerara Went bowled splendid dy were taken for runs. For Surrey Jlolder took for 21 Desou a for 8, Thomas for and Blackman for 10, SI Surrey thus won by wickets and si for the registration of the first mployees.
contingent of West Indians who were hitherto employed by the tigated, it was discovered, that In some of the contracts inves.
Panama Canal Commission and the Panama Canal Commission, have requested repatriation. The was morally and legally respon Pacific Club will be opened from sible for a breach of contract to 30 to p. for the purpose of the Government of Barbados.
completing the registration of The third clause of the 1909 con the first batch tract stated specifically, that the Those who are in possession Zon were not to become destilaborers immigrated to the Canal of registration blanks, will please tute in the fill in and return, not later than the countries to which first train Monday morning.
they were taken. It is It is an undis puted fact that a large number During the registration it has of men were discharged from will been discovered that a large the Canal, only because they re.
number of West Indian laborers fused to cringe to their white were permanently injured in the foremen, and as a result from digging operation of the starvation and the diseases Panama Canal These laborers caused throngh poverty; died in the United States government eived no compensation from complete destitution and want, at the Santo Tomas Hospital, a for the injuries received in the public share on the government successful building of the great Repable of Panama waterway. They will be cannot say much more, or return ing to their various homes in may be like William St oute, the West Indies, utterly useless classified an agitator. and an as far as manhood and its res irresponsible person, after he ponsibilities served the public and their a teacher for nine years on the families finally to become per Can support themselves unable to had Zone: admitted to manent charges on the revenue and these indian menentation of various to which as that they belony, after serving one of furthe the the ricltest nations on the varti commission assumed the res.
turned out ponsibilities of educating the e horse to die for want or are Silver Employees children who Some This is the demonstrated sent an irresponsible teacher.
of us, though une ments of a paternal government harshness of deportation and im, this is the treatment accorded to prisonment mustst represent baie subjected overworked, underpaid and interfeisu employees. One guraso pople, or they will perish on for a a strong representative of throughout the world that the the colored people in the United States nation was the parts Will God send us such a greatest and most munificent brave Horatius? hope he will, distributor of charity But this PWYNTER does not look true in her deal Panama. March 23, 120.
Let us And convince you DemonCanal to varios OF THE strate this further Cal like an GAS STOVE many advantages OF GAS to the to you un it was comportok five out of mix wickets that Panama Gas Co.
Colon Gas Co.
TUD Tel. 798 Tel. 364. you Electric Injection avert tan up to at total of 94 rubs, marvelous success in the treatinent of Gonorrhoen andGleet. Relieves the most obetinate ease of Gonorrhoea in from to days.
FOR SALE AT THE NEW DRUGJ STORE Corner 5th and Streets, Colon.
Phone 276B Van KWARTEL, Registered Pharmacist, Proprietor toms.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Go.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
20, etc.
and Yorkshire Dsfeats Chorrillo C.
Poor Chorrillo! The team that was or and in win the Spalding Cup, has fost three straight games. st Sunday, the moment arrived. they all at the Isthmian Park, they lost after stuck to their agreement, ex noble effort by Edghill and Alleyne to cept one man. This one, who by defent, Yorkshire batted first, and Smith the way happens to be an ex bank played in fine form for his 34 runs, and messenger and a not very honest and J: Brathwaite succeded in hit one at that, though he knew that did ting up 16 and 14 rubis respec ively not intend to go with the man. Chorrillo on going to the wicket lost other men, did not have the liness to wickets for 13 runs, but Edgbil on join inore, he not only went to work to say so, and what is ing Alleyne pulled the team out of the bole. Edghill played a rather forceful the following day but told the rame and when he was run out had 25 manager all that had been said runs to his credit. Alleyne Band. mut thereby making it hot for the at the meeting and by whom.
rel 11 not out were the other batsmen to other het me men now geach double figures. close by a beautiful eateh off Blackmen head waiter at the restaurant.
Chorrillo innings was brought to upon as agitators. The consequence is that that man is now by Goddard, the side being out for 76 What a conscience. Can that man runs.
sit down to to his meals comfort Bowling for Chorrillo. Williams ally when he remembers that took for wickets for Edghill for 20 what he is and Blackman for 14, For Yorkshire. by the committal of such a mean, eating has been got Goddard took for 20, and Barrow for base and shameful act? Does he realize the amount of suffering, To morrow Game.
his act could to the Vincentian vs. Grenada at Isthmian families of all those men who Park; perbaps might not secure an: Umpires. Roberts and Skinner. other job in months! But should not wonder at this, for a Sleuth Replies to Sol mean and degrading act is liable man who can be guilty of such a dier re West Indian lo do anything, no matter how base, but he can thank God for the Treachery peaceful and forbearing tenden cies of West Indians in general.
To the Editor THE WORKMAN know some places where he Sir: week or two ago, one of would not have lived 48 hours your correspondents signing as after pulling off such a stunt, Soldier took objections to certain However, he might some day statements made in your columns practice another of his borrow with respect to the West Indian ing (P) feats and then it won be being an arch enemy, to him. Coiba Island.
Chiriqui again, but Gamboa or self to wit: The Negro will never reach the status of even Yours, etc. the lowest of the other races elŚLEUTH, ther in this world or in the world to come, Inasmuch as agree If Were a Millionaire with bim that all West Indians, of rather, Negroes, are not of the type described in that article, TO THE EDITOR it may be that he and the great inajority who like himself are in Barbados in an article entitled Mr. Clennell Wickham of the better class will not object to If were a millionaire publish making in the act committed by. individuals of the Herald of the 6th inst, addressther class which would tend to ed his readers in the following reflect discreditably on the race that said individuals terms, which should dearly love to have some West Indian beed how they act in love ma tela of the Panama Canal future. Here is one case for nd Panama Railroad read and example: Previous to the strike and the Ancon Restaurant emiters rike fully digest: something like 44 colored Substitute we cracker demiand one head Waiter, all on the gods of the Canal Zone for mil silver roll. When the order to lionaires and you will see for strike was issued they all met, yourselves how applicable these discussed the situation. decided words are: You men of Barbados, per.
and agreed to walk out. When ACAJUTLA will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on WEDNESDAY, 31st MARCH, 1920, for uenaventura and Tumaco ceive that in many things you are! OPPORTUNITY far too simple. For notice you do not believe that the God who made you intended you to live the door of every one, and those who Opportunity at some time knocks at You are more liverai theologists than the Convocations of York negleet their chances are alwys moet loud in complaining of hard luck and and Canterbury together.
are so intent on doing your duty misfortune wiren they observe the rulin the sphere of life unto which cess of others which they could have it has pleased God to all poc, commanded had tbry not allowed their that you never consider the pour chance to slip by.
sibility of having been intended To the people of the Republic of Ps.
for better things. Your world name and the Canal Zone OPPORTUis the best of all possible worlds, NITY is now knocking at their door and all is for the best You li to rid them of a life long srrow and ton and applaud when millionaires premature Death, which are the conselike myself tell you that Man quences of long standing Kidney and wants but little here below and Bludder troubles, which can always be you add in support that Man traced by any of the following sy np.
does not want that little lonen You have no use for bread Lame back, burning sensastones are so much more palata tion certain parts of the body, By the theories which kept your tism, swollen teet and joints, ble and digestible. You stand dizziness, headacho, rheumaforefathers apart. You like owl of God a baby of cold water, like an scanty and discolored urine s You ake with sediments, inflamation of what is given you because it is bladder, puffiness of flash, etc. good for you millionaires say, with the most delightful little You have been blessed by Heaven etc.
Mr. Watts of Et gland was island, and really it would seem 76 years old when this King of all Heaven itself contrives to keep medicines extracted stone from his you alive. For you do not make bladder, and gave Surgeons and Phi much sbift to help yourselves. cians a big surprise at seeing DeWit You are such a coutented people Pills do what they could not. contented with shams Sold in two sizts at all first einss Thomas Carlyle of imitations would have despaired of his race Drug Stores, Beware Tace some dealers are handing out.
contemplated Gray must have had you in his DeWitt Co. Ltd, London, on mind when he spoke about mute bottle with BLUE SEAL. City Pharinglorious ous Miltons. You never ever maey printed on wrappers. THE CITY ask il God intended you to blush PHARMACY, 139 Central Avenue Se exclusively agents on the Reputie and unseen, to waste your smeltness: the Canal Zone.
German declared a cerset of people to be a py rism of pale subterranean leeches. But Nietschke was YOU ARE RIGHT.
mad, they say You love that of (Couversation beld in one of the main people with a love that passeth comprehension. with a Drug Stores in Calidonia. devotion that is proof against in Cu temer; Please sell me a bottle of sult, against ill treatment. Dr. French Strengthening Compound.
Druggist sold the last botul a few Yours, etc. Inutes ago, but can recommend to you this other preparation that is just as OBSERVER good.
Customer Don tell me that old triek Doetor. You understand about medicines and you niust know that there Brethren; This will be my farewell is no substitute for Dr. French Streng Sermon; am leaving you, as have got thening Compound. have tried all position as a Minister at the Prison kinds of medicines for debility of the House in Virginia; must way don blood and nerves and can say there is think God loves any of you, for mue none that can be compared with Dr.
of you have died since have been here: French Strengthening Compound. It don think you love each other, for beats them all have never had a wedding amongst you. am sure you don love me, for you Druggist. You are right, my dear have not paid me any salary for the past friend, can see that you are not ensy to months, therefore Brothers and Sisters fool. That medicine is a real good one am leaving as told you, and will say and for that reason it is selling so quick.
good bye, my farewell sermon is from the am expecting a new shipment very te xt go to prepare a place for you. Hou and will let you know when it arrives, but then hurry up, beeste it sells like hot pie.
yolla PERU will leaye CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, on MONDAY, 29th March, 1920, for Guayaquil, Paica, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chanaral, Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
tain sets area vam set EBRO will leaveCRISTOBAL, A. ;will leave BALBOA, Noon, on SATURDAY, 27th MARCH, 1920, for Callao, Molledo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso, TRIDENT will leave Cristobal SUNDAY, 4th APRIL for Havre and London For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at CRISTOBAL for to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, PANAMA Nazars. ISAAC BANDJI Ms. ua Agents: The RJTAL NAIL STEAN PASKET Co. Pasama


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