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Mr. Algernon Aspinall was at Barbados during the elaborate reception given to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. He siates ihat the Prince was greatly pleased with the gala preparations made for his reception and the various fur ctions he attended during his two days stay in Little England. Mr. Aspinall further states that in reply to a question asked the Prince about the sale of the West Indies. His Royal Highness said that the British Government had no intention whatever of selling British subjects whether white or otherwise. This declaration, Mr.
Aspinall states, brought forth prolonged cheers from the large crowd assembled on that occasion.
Is Tendered Elaborate Reception VISITS CANAL LOCKS IS GUEST OF PRESIDENT Heuce the the He s!
meeting persons of every of songs, dialogues by Ha a handsome boy, said one.(approach Your Royal Highness And isn his bearing graceful. to express our unwavering loyalty. BLACK STAR THE PRINCE Bild a second, Bat why doesn ito His Majesty the King His AT BARBADOS til smile said the third, and Turone and Person, and to give LINE STEAEMR many other evaltions to voice to extreine pleasure which merous to mention a one it atords us to great and extend Tendcred Brilliant recepoccasion His Ryai Highness in our respectful welcome to you, tion ty Luya. Colony.
speaking to one of his suite Sir, on this, the first visit of Your Will Make Tour of West the crowd when che Royal Highness to these shores.
Indian islands wom in indignantly exclaimed distinguished visitor who Reviews Squad of Soldiers who hit back up a us, isu a banner in country, which, to hand says it is reported that isn funny, bas For many years past there has a of British The happened to be at Barbados dur ing the visit of His Royal High From Late War.
that awfu!
th jush distantly separated from the ss. Frederick Douglas of ness to that island, and conse COM quently present at most of the at the Cucuracha slide the served that unswerving devotion tour of these islands in three functions tendered the Prince It is generally conceded that and inspected the guard of Renown did not arrive in Balboa to the livrone which is character. months time, as soon as the.
declares that no reception in there can be no propay ations too honor which had been drawn up on schedule time which was istic of Britishers throughout Phyllis Wheatley the next ship any part of the krown world erand came the cention to there rur the special purpose of to be o clock sharp on Wed. the world.
is put on service. Already there could surpass what he witness Royalty and this truint was doing him honor.
He was nesday evening have followed with ad. are great preparations for the reed in Litile England Lestate mandar daune city of an exemplifica on Tuesday lown over van die provinces of fin de poachwassemelalui wyration they persona parte talena sepi touilh e Demerara, Wham tha hen Wednesday last when Historist locks by Briagetown and its ir mediate Royal Highness Edward Albert bert. Harding, and text visits the disappointed not getting a late war from which the einpire on its maiden trip, there was an suburbs presented a gorgeous land, bedecked with flags. tric David Deorge Andrew WK Gtton spillway. The ship view of the Prince and the mig has so successfully and glorious. enthusiastic reception. public Christian flowers and bunting of every Earla ChesterDuke or comme Gilbert Clerme the dredgus is travelling, many of these Prince of Wales, in nificent battleship on which he ly emerged.
was up about in was held, presided over We have noted with great by the Mayor, and the Tation turned out en masse 10 of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, Duke south side of the Cucaracha uneasy and disappointed at sacri ed the bonds which unite the ernment House. This official and color. The entire popu. wall. Duke of Rither as, Prince cleared the channel past the waited until long past the pointed out. and that became period and with was in sy strengthen ticers were with what success Your Capt. Cockburo and other of: invited to Govwelcome His Royal Highness to Of Saxony. Earl of Carrick, slide.
the ancient and ever British col. Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the On reaching Pedro Miguel ticing a lot of time that after. Dominion of Canada and the token of apprreciation and ony.
Isles and Great Steward of Sout. Lack the Rex was greeted and not getting a glimpsemther country vecent visit to lar feelings of pride will surely ducing. Your he most imposing feature and a loutenant by a large crowd, comprising tongue of every individual the North Americn; and we venture joining with legitimate poputite inan who was on the Ryal Highness was the demonstration of sol and Captain Grenadier per to a a long way in promoting diers, volunteers, policemen, Boy Guards born June 23 1894. land of the community who und taily part of the week.
to express the sure conviction greater confidence between gr Scouts, etc. which mit at the çd on Isthmian soil en route to gone over from Paulina and As soon as the Renoun docked that the present tour wil further ernment and governed in Jawharf and cheered lustily His Australia.
sections along the Canal me at Balboa, the Pru, tressed cement th) je ties of mutual un maica.
Royal Highness stepped ashore. From the moment the news to get a glimpse of the Prince in naval uniform. came ashore derstanding and service which He claimed that Barbides was flashed across the wire bat and love a good view of the litile ahead of his suite and are the es during glory of ths em Easter Song Service at being the tirst British West in the Prince of Wales would make gigantic cruiser as slie was drove awy tas tivo lowel pire freedom.
dian colony to be honored with a short stay on the Isthmus the locked ihrough into the Mira where he was the Royal guest We deeply appreciate the Christian Miss on.
a visit of the Prince, the people entire West Inaian community flores Lake. And indeed it was of the Hon. Andrew Perey Ban honor which this opportunity has seemed to surpass themselaes to actually caught ablaza with one of the prettiest sights wit. nett at the grandest receptioa luft orded us of tendering you, The Sunday School department do honor to their future king. loyalty each vieing with his nessed since the greut Locks and dance that ever graced that Sir, our humble greetings and we of the Christian Mission will hold Another marked feature of the brother and all chafing each started operations. Here were famous Hotel.
cherish the hope that Your Royal a Song Service on Easter Day festivities was the parade of the other about his love and devotion seen ruinerous photographers, To attempt to depict this ela Higuess will have a pleasant beginning at short but largest number of school children to the British Throne and Em both professionals and amateurs, borate function would be futile tour and a safe return home. interesting programme of ever present on any one occasion pire.
all trying to get a snapshot of on the part of Isthian scribes, in the colony.
The next address was pre.
recitations, solos and pareatest as never before in Isthmian sented by deputation Wirom the Elettrallelujahishoius Di Paradi Britain first and And it must be stated right The Prince expressed himself as being highly pleased with this might have characterized West His Royal Highness appeared grandeur to welcome ang mising torney s. Carrington, Rv. highly the trasterly com here that whatever sentiments youth.
history has there been such a West Indian Committee in Pa will be display of georgeous pomp and be the special feature. Love remarkable.
pama, viz: Dr. Lowe, At ers of music who appreciate sectiun of the community laid Indians during their long stay to be in the pink or condition.
being, demandcomposition was never His face glowed with bealth, and sell out to enjoy the privilege or on the Lathmus, the being the first West Indians to Connell. Messrs. Wilkin always something to adinire when a greater outburst the future King locking his ship through the tirst son, Boyke, Harris the piece is well rendered. Other receive the Prince of Wales. And and respect for the admiration he clearly took in the work of edit as British Ruyalty was be. Nightengale, Dr. are cordially invited, as there is who are acquainted wit that chamber which was speedily That the Prince enjoyed everx and L. Robertson, who pre soul stirring selections will also of Great Britain than joy ally and internet connect the corded the Prince of Wales, as progressing. He looked more inche af de apreciated for en una sented the following address, te rendered Come and bring sa byens mind reading and state le drove through the dense, like eighteen than twenty five tious and appreciated which was read by Dr. Lowe. friend. Everybody welcome, what a time they had in hitte other spectators who lived both wiclor was ada ringta the most evidenced by the beauing smile May it Please Your Royal Highness: save. England.
sides of Street and Central critical could expect of the whicle wrapped his boyisti The announcement that Your Passion Play at Pacific Strike of Panama Bakers. noon last.
Avenue on Wednesday after her apparent to an empire lace and the flash of his royal Royal Highness purposed mak To morrow Night.
blue eyes, ing a stop here in Your Royal The British Battle Cruiser On entering the inner chamber Prince Visits Panama Highness journey to the AntiThe strike fever so prevalen! Renown, carrying the Prince of of the locks the Renown was The management of the Pacipodes was received with intense fie Theatre begs to state now a days, hit the city bakers Wales and his staf, arrived at brought tw a stand still to allow Prince was seen in and about Pa loyal men and women of the mediated Good ciday night to Early Wednesday morning the satisfaction by the thousands of owing to the large number of here last Sunday morning, Cristobal in the morning of all visitors to clear the ship as nama He visited the Internatio British persons who not be March 28th. For some time March 30, proceed past the bikers have been com through wie Canal do condud was previously arranged Anal Banking Corporation and guard of honor from the ship, transacted business and was coloniony in this part of plaining against their long hours Loeks.
Panama. Of this see the Passion Play, this picand little pay. Their complaints Arriving at the Gatun Locks dent Latevre, his cabinet and with whom he shook hands and was drawn up in honor of Presi; later presented to the British West Inditure will be shown again to to the Manager ans, numbering more than morrow (Sunday night) at the ployers, the Mayor of Panama the Renon was boarded by the ship delicidal struck lipa vine la chatted freely. He was seen in the tate by no means an inconsider were placed twenty Pacific thousand souls, constiand the Secretary of Govern following distinguished person ship band struck up the Pahat stores purchasing Panama able ment and Justice respectively mes from Paraina and the Canal namanian National Anthem. The hats with the treeness of an or abidee portion and on behalf of Court Minerva No. 9234, Renown was then lowered and dinary purchaser.
these in particular, we the offi but withot Meets To night any suecessful re. Zone who went cers and members of the West hence, the strike. Lick City to welcome His Royal locked through the Miradores suit and OL the Like and as the ship moved At o clock His Royal High: Indian Committee, an institution ghness Health restriction being moddiemployers agreed to the President Lefevre, Governor the Prince saluted and the neitis heceived a delegation of organised for the welfare and in people. ved Britishers on board, represents the interests of our compatriots Gied the regular meeting of Court. opened up their trade und so the Hon. William Jennings ing satisfied mands of the men and again Harding, Com Mormw, then gradually dispersed teel. ing the whuis British community in these parts, and operating Minerva No. 9281, Ancient Order avoided the that they had on the Isthmus and composed of, um visible shortage in Price. American minister, Major in first seat of the Royalty the following gentlemen. Messrs. Britanie. Majestys. Legation, All members are urged to at recognition of His be held. en el seu nou op eie in these are one the naturale Becoming even und Capod Boy fortunity to greeting your hand, leurs so amount of busine Corinaldi Ford embrace this unusual tend, to the fact that there the others down from their son come manding the Panama Canal de globe.
hat partment, Rear Admiral Marthings will soon again assume bury Johnston, Commandant of After the ship was lowered Robert Brough. Albergo. ing to this important centre of past few weeks.
Payne, representing Panama and Royal Highness, and of welcom that has accumulated during the their normal condition. Go to the Fifteenth Naval dis to sea water leve) and while Stearns and Rev. Witt, repre, industrial and commercial activi.
it, boys, we can assure you that triet, the Hon. Maurice de waiting in be locked through seating Colon, who presented ty, Him, wno under the Provi: 1s West Ind an will step in to Simonin.
charge the Prince appeared on the main the fotlowing address: dence of ui wart you in your endeavour Afairs, Col. Fred Cruse, TORNADO AT CHICAGO Almighty God, will one deck wearing the uniform of a Address of We. come geta squa e deal.
day be called to be king and military attache of the Ameri naval officer, the only distin ruler of our mighty world wide Doc. Stanley up again Guardia; Alfaro, Hazera biond. He chatted freely with members can legatton, Ministers de la cuisning marks being the Prince To His Highness The Prince Empire.
and of Wales crest on his chest. of Wales Here where the dream of the of the terrible loss of life and damage to cabinet. May it pleas) yo ir Rosal centuries has been realised where property that occured as a result of the We are pleased to be able to Arias, the President of his Staff and seemed attractHi hness the wonderful trans isthmian tornadoes which swept over the States the state that our genial Doc stan aide, Lieut. Donald Dunkle. ingly interested in the large On behalf of the British sub. waterway bears mute but elo Nothern side of the Great Lake and the Southern States of Georgia and Alabama lep who has been contined to aide to General Kennedy and the crowd which lined the locks.
jects residing in the Republic of quent testimony to man tri on Sunday, last. Hundreds of persons his bed for the past trofw eks Hon. Hewes secretary to Numerous were the comments Panama, we, the undersigned umph over Nature, we greet were killed, thousands injurred and many is again up and around and is the American legation. made by White women standing through the mediam of the pre Your Royal Highness, and in millions of dollars worth of propety des Here the Prince went askore by as to his beauty Oh isn be sent deputation, humbly beg to (Continued on Page 8) troyed, but ing honored.
that over UN any that perch and that News from Chiengo and New York tell Carlos able to resume work.


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