
Interesting News from the West Indian Islands Jamaica INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION some of the son of 18 can AS Davis pleads so that is to ciate Trinidad would only bwhich the Trustee, watching the Dominica isho are eagerly just as War, and on the public mind in a variety nounce that Mr. Noel Scipio Polof ways. The Creche in Kingston Inrd, son of the late giant of is faithfully, continued its good Trinidad Bar, was called to work, Dr. Marie Cassidy, who the Bar on the 27th Febuary: Mr.
ok medical charge of the clinic, Pollard is endeavouring to come Home From Horre.
having left the city, Dr. home as early as possible, but the Murray took her place, and the great difficulty is to be able to Owned By The following are from the report records appreciation of book a passage at present for the his loyal and sympathetic work. West Indies.
maica Times, Under this happily conceived THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, slogan the NG Is putting The Portland Parochial Board New French Line of Steam the fine property purchased as has endorsed the idea to erect a ers.
Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
its headquarters in order. Once clock tower in Port Antonio as a known as the Jamaica Hotel it is Peace Menorial.
WILL CALL HERE, situated in Hanover Street, and of the same advantages that new in Portland is Mr.
have made the Jamaica Club such Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000 00 such Clarence Hall, Buff Bay that a new French line of steam La Pais, of Martinique, learns an admirable rendezvous, attach the new quarters of the ers will soon be plyiug between It is accessible, roomy and An American cricket team Bordeaux and Colon, will call at airy. The efort is from Boston may visit the West Guadeloupe, Martinique and Trin. Official Depository of the Republic of Panama idad. The line, for present, ter. It is to be noted that comprises two passengers and DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Hon. Major T. Dixon, who is The road between Guys Hill cargo steamers and in a short doing good work in reorgan via Wallingford to Gayle is so time there will be six cargo boats. DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD izing the Boy Scouts here, is improved that motor cars pass The service commences during working out plans by which over it quite conveniently. Form the coming month. This new the scouts when they pass thə erly it was dangerous even to, line it is hoped will assist in Rovers drays, and some parts to pedes bringing down the exhorbitant Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches be welded on to trians also.
cost of passage and freight.
su get the advantage of the this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
latters equipment. Noither the Leaf tobacco is in great de THE NEW LOAN.
Boy Scouts nor the MC mand in these districts. Dry Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
unless they develop very special. leaves are sold at shillings a lb. In a short conversation yester.
ised organisation to that end are and the green ones at 2s, and 6a. day with a gentleman intimately INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM likely to rescue the derelict juve. Twisted tobacco sell as high as acquainted with matters financial niles for whom Mr. Henderson is a yard, and the twist is very in this colony, he expressed the so often and so small too.
opinion the new loan of 500, earnestly, but these two bodies 000, for which an Ordinance is can by their work prevent more Very successful was the special ing of the Legislative Council juveniles being submerged with be introduced at the next meet YOU ARE RIGHT. WANTED provision which prospective tenthe under tenth, although in Ja effort at Wallingford last Sunday will be over subscribed, locally.
ants will no doubt greatly appremaica it is much more than the when by means of a Missionary Not only are there a great many Tree the children were able local capitalsists who will be will (Conversation held in one of the main The public to know that The continued presence, tonth.
howeverof the Woodbrook Stables Dor Drug Stores in Calidonis. firstclass in an otherwise desirable resiquired of them.
to raise the amount that was re ing to take up Trust Fundi We May Well be proud tion of the sum, ot Fun lying at the Banks at three per Dr. French Strengthening Compound, Customer sa Please selecombotite of DYEING, CLEANING AND nuisance, and it is hope de Major Claude Peet, son of the cent.
PRESSING Druggist sold the last bottl a few it is the policy of the City Coun.
cent Headmaster of the Government be too pleased to pur mpnutes ago, but can recommend to is carefully and expeditiously monts by removing these stables cil to effect further improve Technical Schoolbere bad a most chase Government Bonds at six you this other preparation that is just as at the distinguished career during the per cent. It is also said that there good, alwgether from the vicinity.
warHe with are not a few in the tingent and after an officer investors Trinidad Oil Wealth Customer Don tell me that old neighbourivg colony of Barbados Anglo American Tailoring training at Cambridge rose with the trick Doctor. You unders and about almost record rapidity till as issue of this Loan, desirious of medicines and you nust know thit there 107 A, CENTRAL AVENUE, Major he has retired from the Says, the Financial Matl of Jan. ap lyi for a good portion of it is no substitute for Dr. Frenchu Strenes have all Cor. 16 St. West, Panama army. Ten days before the ar. uary 24th, 1920. For some con.
mistice he was knocked out, butsiderable time attention has been on the soon as it will be placed kinds of medicines for debility of be market. Our financier is Call phone 218 Attempt to Suppress not before he had win the Idirected to the success obtained sanguine (and we share his op none that can be compared with Dr blood is The Negro World farmer in the Ypres si cior when having concession in Trinidad ti nisi) of the success of the French Strengthening Compound. It u the Croix de GREEN and WILSON, Guerie, the by many of the oil companies new issue, the Government will In connection with the at.
Leals them all he was hit wlie rush ng a me. Some of these were well develse for whics it is being raised, and Druggist. You are right, my dear devote the amount to the purpose tmpt on the part of several Le.
emme ern, and the latter at Ave ed before the war, gislatures in the West Indies to lny hoed dor the rescuing of to pay, even in those days, re not throw a damper on the local friend, can see that you are not easy to FITZ BOWEN Dominica Guardian commenting suppress The Negro World, the For markably good dividends; others investor, as was done ou a for fool. That medicine is a real good one Fome Freuolentioned in that were not so fortunate in mer occasion.
this act also he was and for that selling on the action of the government despatches and made a Captain their their developinent plans were am expecting a new stuipment Wery THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR of that Island says. The The Trinidad oil producing on and will let you know when it 82 November Street, San Miguel The Negro World did not come off.
He was twice wounded, once in obliged, owing to the dificult rumoured suppression of esses, which is now inch conditions brought about by the und Refining Co. Ltd. with of rives, but then burry up, because it House 2)
Instead an Ordinauoe to declare by a trench mortar. His wonnda quence of the present position of Pori or Spain.
legislation with regard to sediand of which are mending, but he Bli kuttes industry troleum the news that Pe. Himel Lious newspapers, books and do gas bols. Last month he Option cuments to be within the comto un nelim was presented at time ripe to Detency of the Legislature of the Buckingham Palace The King a full developm. Proceed with the are the solicitors, was registered Colony was intrnduced and passdecorated with his Croix He oli ede hace come seno se prise Misford, Robin Ritchie and the fact The people of Dominica agree also Lai d, oilers to show service ren oil specialist. Mr wie Gwdaw. and Hamel smith. The com weith Mr. Bridgewater that such dered to the French, Belgian S. DI. Assoc Inst pany is capitalized at 150 00. legislation is unnecessary, the the Palo Seco Yesterday. The first and American armies, as well as Inst. P2r. has been Common Law of England being and Ammerint, gcneral service engaged and has now arrived at paro and Fyzabad districts, and ribands. He is now Trinidad in order to take up the mpt at sedition here.
on Tuesday at at Fyzıbad, on Considered the best blood and retired with the lank of Mujor works without loss of time, speaks adjoining the Rodall estate Lion? Does the Governinent inabu is married.
Nerve tonic in the World tend to Mr Goldsworthy, who as upon the Southern Anticline, en owned by the Oroponele oli Ltd. The well in question is now Southern coast of Trinidad Captain went away with one of circulation of our contingents, is on his way he property is within easy dis Al wing on its own. We mir men Is highly recommended by press and public for journals devoted to the interests cannot back to rejoin the staff at the tance of Port of Spin Trinition that the Conpany was or of the Negro race? We Weakness, Loss of Blood, Nervous Debility and Government Technical School dad capital and the roads are ganized by Mr. Eardley mit believe that so stupid a move is here.
good right up to the coast are ford, a brother ar Mr. Mit general depression of the whole system.
eren contemplated which it is Are Irish Nationalist newsa.
it is proposed, we under. For Both Men and Women.
pers seditious? Is the London Water Supply Extended stand, to lay a pipe line direct from property to the sea. As gentleman who recently travo Times, whi:h frequently cites Sole distributors for Central and South America the beach is just one mile and a elled from Tuco to the city. vin We applaud the Government the Ooiced by the Irish and Nationalist papers with for its determination to provide, quarter from the property. the Sangre Grande, simply rubbed by loan, for completing the sew anticipated big supplies. of oil his eyes when he saw the excell.
PANAMA DRUG STORE upproval, seditious pins erage of Kingston and as a con can be shipped to all parts of the ent work being carried out on Pustinaster to he instructed to comitant necessity to extend the world without the huge expenses the Tuco main road. Speaking of Muller Building don Nation, von Altadicalisin notoriously an of intellec the city water suppls, from its pre for transport, etc, incurred by the work done on the Sungre sent deticit in dry weather of up. country positions. Thirteen grande section he remarked that CALIDONIA.
anti Governinent journal? The 900, 000 gallons below tie 000, 000 will save giving and steady produd making the dirt ay: The Toco already been drilled, the are rored required daily. to a supply otion. As regards the forthcoming wwwmmmed at American Negro newspalegislation may be ain12. 000. 000 gal ons ench pers, ang but it will prove to be a a storage of 10 days supply in operations, the experts consider side, cant approach thəm in any on the stead of two days. It will all cost that fountain production should way. To enable the work on Marcus Garvey and his newsis be brought in from the next four Tumpy bridge to be rapidly big money, 410, 000, but it is the only way to take the sanita wells to be drilled, the sites for pushed ahead, a motor lorry is papers are devoted to the welfare tion and the heslth of Kingston which were selected from the to be despatch to the scene, industrial and pelitical, of the colored races all the world over.
nection, by the way, the Govern experience gained from previous Improvement at Woodbrook on to a higher level. In this con data in hand arising out of the 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Some of his policies are extrem ment should note what is said by drilling, and after a further exist and unsuited to West Indian In keeping with their scheme Major Tulloch about the street haustive geological survey of the The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment conditions, but West Indians are able to distinguish between tares surface of Kingston, pronounced land had been taken. When one for the improvement of the Wood.
the worst of any civilised city, considers the unusual oil wealth brook property, the City Council and Prompt Attention.
and wheat, and will give him sup port when and when he deand what he says concerning the of Prinidad, it is only possible to authorities have allocated on the dust, at its danger as an infect conclude that the Petroleum Op current estimates 1500 for the serres it. We may be in our poliGive us an early call and inspect our stock of ing medium during an epide mic. Lions Company has every reason construcrion of a new street betical infancy but we are not all to look with complete confidence tween Cornelio and Murray fools, and we strongly advise the to the future.
Silife to hand work has now bee Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MediThe Child Saving League.
Government not to play with fire.
in and suThe Plantation Purchase.
pervision of Foreman Freder cines, Toilet Articles, etc. etc.
contemplated suppiession of journals devoted to the interITS YEAR OF WORK. Gloumeau, French Con ick considerable progress has sul at Barbados, is mentioned as already been made. The new ests of the Negro race is the mentioned, opens the purchaser of Ruby Planti street it may most effective policy which coald We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction well be for the manufacture and The annual report of the Chilation, situate at Soutriere, St. up so:ne tine lots for building production of reial bitterness in Saving League, which covers Lucia, the property of Mr. purposes in a very desirable resPhone 939 the West Indies.
1919, shows that the excellent Johnson, for the sum of 9, 000, dential quarter. Simultanco asty Box 829, Ancon We are anxious that there work of this organisation has He has also purchased a smaller with the road construction, the BROWN MCALMON should be no racial strife in these been continued. Baby week was plantation there from Mr. Wells whole surface area on both sides climes, but there is a deep and instituted in September, and the cor 2, 000.
of the street is being filled in thus growing detetinination among child welfare has been impressed Wo are pleased to be ablo to an. rendered free from swamps al (Continued on Page 6)
the left fussrs Smith from when he was ed in all its stage He well New Discovery Dr. Frenchs Strengthening Compound the al quale to deal with any at What is a isa seditious publica anul victory lands Ids prohibiting their intelligence by as the local contiscate ente all copies of the Londay, a The Chemical Hall only be


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