
to you happy are yo.
xossos sekso bwlisin ING BEE.
PAMARO Then you su LOONE CENTRAL BUTHAME EXPO 15 RICAN pou 444 Extra Mila GARETTES to be with you.
of Dad Panama City, March 17, 1920 Dear t, Editor Permit me space in your veluthlee.
uma to say a few words of consolat un to my people of the Negro rare.
Followmen of the Negro Race, pez. el barer by every foe, Weary, heavy luden, cumbered with every load of care, For saken saken though seem to be, in every move of our daily life Remember that our future bright, do ods sole on our might.
Twelve new months in every year, each turn is ct ming near; o Winter, summer, autumn, spring, all their pleasant changes ring.
Century! hundred years, les ve with Heaven, its hopes and fears.
DID YOU EVER At this very mordent, when most of you are disturbed, its a problem to solve The consolation of everyone, yet as a Stand near a chap wh le he smoked a true Negro of the race, who will volun teer hii lite it needs be, for the thor: ough freedom of my people. cannot sit alone, with hinds folded, when others are trying to help, to achieve the brilliant success, that awaits pure hearts, and beautiful lives, hence wy message They are the Best Always You. If yo suffer for rightcoisass sale, To redeem the world from everlasting destruction, Jesus shed His blood, and RAVO His life. Therefore, if we are de nied of our rights, and suffer for a just cause, happy are we. It is only when we are hated because of our loyalty to the truth, direetly or indirectly, that we are to take satisfaction therein, or to think that we are suffering for righteous.
hess sake The Ap stle points out, some suffer as evil As evil doers nnd as busyin other men matters, or le.
use of of un gentleness, uncouthness, or Lack of the wisdom of moderation, which the Lord word cunsels. But what Are you suffing for? just cause sufer for righteousness sik. Happy are ye Men!
are thrown out of employment. Your wives and children are left in the hands of the Almighty. Maybe, at this very moment, you kuyw not where to RO. Hope within you, starts Lutade, remember his word can never die. will be Retnember, He did not prevent the throwing Dicl into the Lion den, yet He was with bim, and would not suffor him to be devoured. So were the three men who were thrown into the fiery furnace. He walked with them. His power is not limited. He is yesterday, to day and forever the same, therefore, trust Him, He will reach you before you fall for He cared for you. la the lu the world, ye have tribulation but be of good cheer; have overcome the world.
no reward of ward of earthly prosperity for the Lord faithfulness, but the reverse.
Ho who is perfect in justice, perfuct in wis.
dom, perfect in Love, said to you, Con.
sider the lilies of the field, how they Therefore, let us rather walk in the dark with Gul, thau to go alone in the light. Then let the prayer of eaca le Lr Jesus, make thysell to me, living, bright reality!
SOOS Sexoc co SOKOOKOOKOSSOS More real to faith vision keen, Thon any earthly object seen; Mure dear, more intimately nigh.
Than even the sweetest earthly tie Lines Through the west between New York and the burg and Christinnin, Valpa through the Canal. The service ing via the Panama Canal. Pas.
west coast, as far south as Varaiso and intermediate ports, has cargo steamers, monthly Thanking you, Mr. Editor, Canal Dr. 0, with a sailing each way operating on a fortnightly sche The Royal Dutch West Indien The Compagnie Generale about every third ek. dule. Passengers are carried.
Fraternally yours, The New Orleans and South The Johnson Line plies between approximately a monthly serv ce operating moothly freight Mail Steainship Company hs Transatlantique (French Line) is Services in Fairly Regular Americu Steaustip Company Swedish and other Scandinavian from Rotterdam to the west service between Havre and Val.
EGBERT ELLIOTT, Operation Over the Great meratore a south proports and the west coast, as far coast of South America and re paraiso. via New Orlea is to Ecuadorian, Pa as Valparaiso, with a sailing each turn. The ships handle cargo and Chilean Ecuadorian, Peruvian Trade Routes ruvian and Chilean ports. This way, about every 60 days. Pas only serv. ce is in addition to a service sengers are carried.
The La Veloce Navigazione Ita: Carpentier Books Passage from Orleans to Cristobal, a The Pacific Steain Navigation liana a Vapore. La Veloce (From 11. Canal Record)
The vessels of the Nautilus Company has practically a week. Line) has a tia bana and Porto Rican steam Shipping company cho ty waiting from Great Britain to ly, no Valparaiso, calling at Mar The following is a summary or ports. Trinidad and Guadel use. Old Gulf Line) sailing from Great Puru and Chile, and return botone Billendos, arrinidad. Venezuela. Carpentier, the French fighter a line from Genoa, Ita for the Middle of March.
the principal regular, or family jasto the via and Barbados. Paris, February 10. Georges regular services Wharenus pointes generasi Peruvian berlakerin America via the Straits of Man straits of Mingelove the meer Canal at present. New conditions have Chi gellan affected the lean ports. Sailings are about coast. make the home voyage only outward bound, but retu. up the steamers using the latter route Lindcao, Colombian ports, Port will be seen in action in the Unite Cristobal, and EcuadoStates before he meets Jack regularity of the sailings and Peruvian, and Chilean ports Dempsey, Carpentier manager every 15 days.
the release of more The West Coast Line (Wessels, each way, with a sailing every has afdixed his signature to a wovernment service nw 60 days, Passengers and cargo contract calling for a ten weeks developments are taking place il Duval, and Company. plies beYork appearance of the Frenchman in and Chile and the time. This summary The vessels of the Transatlan the United States. Carpentier deavors to present the best :p way about every third week.
wee, with a vessel going tica Italiana and Società Nazio and his trainer, Lienerts, will proximation of and present services nale di Navigazione. sail from give sparring exhibitions, The Chile Stawiship Company from watu Coast of the operates a tri weekly service Genog, Calling at Marseilles, Bara with Lienorts playing the part United States to the acific Coast of teen New York Yand Chileni (BRANDON BANK)
celona, and Cadiz. thence to Tri of Beckett, of the now famous South America. ang of the res puras, carrying on their outward nidad, Curacao, Venezuelan and short fight in Londom last DeColombian ports, and to to the Ca. cember, they will give sels plying over les route are in bound passages prineipally ma.
a reproSECURITY. the petroleum or the nitrate chinery and supplies for the nal; and on the west coast call at duetion of that affair.
trade and used exclusively by plants of two American copper SERVICE Colombian, Ecuadorian, Peru The French tighter seeording charterers.
The following com companies, and returning with vian and Chilean ports as far as to the terms of the contract will wereiallinen aintain latriy epper and widrales.
Valparaiso. On thee homeward receive something more than Parama (Founded 1863)
regular services: True Houge Ship Company lias Colon voyage the course is approxi 1, 000, 000 francs for this AmeriDie Merchants Lin, erated a service belww New Orleats mately the same, such ealls being can tour.
by Grace. Carany, and poits of Columbia and Ecua. Our large Resources and well known plies between New York anu dor: veluding Buenaventu a For the present passengers are ports of Ecuador, Teru, alid Tumaco, Esmerald as and Guay: is expected to conservative Management afford unnot carried but it with a begin sailing each way quil, Sailings are approximately a passenger service in No: Valparaiso as to calls at ports about every week, which culis at monthly questioned security for every dollar vember or December 1920, with Buenaventura as cares new steamers under construe between Valparaiso and the Ca.
The Merchants Line, the The Pacitie Stean, Justine deposited with this bank.
tion in the shipping yards owo na, bitrates forming the bulk of United States Steel Products ed by the two companies.
The Royal 22 inkijke Nethe Company has recently inauguratreturn cargo and determining the course of the ships. The du passenger and cargo service Company line, the West Coast Steam. line carries passengers.
between New York and Valpa Lue, the Chile Steamship Com The transfer services from the calling at Cailo Mullendo, pany and the Hudge Courpay General Banking martes. quique, and antingudes line carry cargo uuly. The oth derlandsche Business Transacted a boot Maats Atlantic terminus of the Canal, is operating approxi referred to in the first section of ch way. The serv ce is approers named in this section carry mately a monthly service through this article, receive extensive mately fortnightis in butu di both passengers and cargo.
From Europe to the Pacific Coast the Canal between Amsterdain consigo zents of goods from both ISAAC. BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON ructions.
and Valparaiso. On the outward Europe and the United States The United Su tes Steel Pro. lof South America. The East AsiaPresident.
Vice President.
Treasurer voyage the ships sail for Valpe, and carry them through the Ondute Comp ny opeiat the tc Company has a line from Co.
ra so direct, for the hom wald zal to the west coast of South New York anu South ameri a penhagen, by way of Gott ervoyale they receive ord: rs at Aueriea.
Sold Everywhere, WHY?
There was Brow.
The Favorite for Generations The Old Timers Choice ports.
war rian, per ships from New are carried.
eaci Panama Banking Company made as as conditions Chile. wil Arica chapij


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