
PAGE FOLS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRT. 1091 ملا را درهم شاهد شهد ذی:1ءة وا 650DET M, Algernon Aspina Second. Hand Furnituro Bought and Sold BEST PRICES Given for all kinds of Second hand Furniture Mattresses Springs of all kinds made to order Three woman in any company Cricket Committee Wittee have staple of the SO THL WORKMAN Passes Tluaugu lotus on Way to Jamaica.
haws lor Auvertisement ou applies WALLOND, at the office Central awtion. Correspondence on all matters We bad the pleasure of a short que and coreer of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de visit on Thursday last from Mr. Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be Algernon Aspinall.
written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the same at Secretary of he West India Committee of L) don, who is on his One Year 82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 way to Jamaica, tion but as a mark of good faith.
600 we do not undertake to return Mr. Aspilai is just from Bar.
One 250. rejected correspondence.
bados, where, as an honary mem.
ber, be attended the conference The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS of the Associated Chamber of Commerce of the British West SATURDAY, APRIL, 3, 1920 Indies, which et al Barundus in February last.
Panama Unemployed Will Find EmAs Secretary o the West Ladian Committee in doa, Mr.
ployment in Cuba Aspii all has done trujan works for the West Indians and th: West Call and see me first, 107 Central Ave. or write Box 333, Ancon The perplexing situation created some time ago Indies, and this latest awal for through the large surplus of laborers in the cities of PanaJOHN HART funds to assist in acquiring more ma and Colon and which caused wide awake West Incou modious premises for carry.
dians to t up and think is again confrontiog us on acing on the work of the Commit.
count of the recent strike, which, has added quite a consiLee is highly deserving of the tan derable number to the standing and by no means incongille support it has and is still siderately large rank and file of unemployed men in the sent strained situation, and receiving from the West Indian two terminal cities of the Panama Canal.
EDUCATION What is It? we would suggest that the Islands.
At one time in the not very distant past there appearvictims of such high handed The attached circular letter The systematic development and cultivation of the natural powers. The ed a solution of the problem when Cuba loomed up as a power to think clearly and talk interestingly to be a marked min or injustice lay their cases be explains the cause for making the ssible industrial centre and bid fair to relieve the fore the Governor direct. appeal:Isthmus of its large surplus of unemployed. This very THE CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Great Scot! these men did 15 Seething Lane, pleasing situation was caused it is stated, by the influx of No. 2, Caile Domingo Diaz nothing more than other London, 3, a number of large American corporations, which inwill be opened from and after May 10th 1920, for the dissemination of men are doing all over the October 1919 vaded the vast Republic and established factories and inselementary and higher education.
world to day, that is, trying Dear Sir. Now that the work talled apparatus for exploring and if possible extracting Day School for Children.
to secure a living wage, and of the Contingent Committee, Night School (now in session) for Adults.
every ounce of gold, silver, copper ore, granite, and those men who could cut which has absorbed so much of Sutjects: Arithmetie, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical Geomeevery other conceivable bit of valuable mineral that may try English, including Grammar and Composition. Elements of Span.
off 15, 00 from what they the time and energy of our staff lie concealed in the virgin soil of that great Republic.
during the last four years, is ish, French and Latin, Grammar, Geography and History, etc.
found it difficult to live on drawing to a close, the moment is, This news was received on the Isthmus with a some Beginners classes in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Instrumental Music. before the strike must have we venture to think, opportune of practicable arrangements for tuition should be made before a heart more cruel than the for considering the future of the what telling effect and came as a Radway Ready Reopening day: famous Nero.
West India Committee.
lief to the suffering unemployed, resulting in a continuous Principal: ROBERT LINDSAY (Cambridge Senior) Dari exodus of West Indian men, women and children to the During recent yeors the Box 1044, Ancon, Pearl of the Antilles, until one day some months ago when and also, we believe, the scopess of the work of the there was a most discouraging and absolutely unfounded greatly expand rumour that the labor centres at Cuba were all over stocked ed, and it is our aim to increase and there was no room for more laborers. Yet many per Editorialettes and who, in the opinion of Vincentians Cripple Grenadians them still further.
the foremen could be reem3.
Whilst the war was in propersons on the Isthmus continued to receive encouraging letters from friends in Havana and other parts of Cuba, Big Cut in Wages ployed for the good of the Last Sunday, at the Isthmian Park, gress the Committee dealt suc telling glad tidings of prosperity existing in the neigh It has been repeatedly service should be given the the Grenadinn was simply crippled cessfully with many problems materially the prosper bouring Republic brought to our attention next lower rate of pay than by the splendid batting and bowling of the Winning the toxity of of the industries British West Indies, and since But the malicious and wicked propaganda which had that the white foremen of that which they were re Grenada decided to bat, und is the same ficient all who remembered the magni. the ghi the cessation of hostilities effect been circulated, doubtless by paid propagandists in the em the Panama Canal have in ceiving at the time of the prise of all ploy of large loca labor employment bureaus had gradu the majority of cases shown Strike. But we have heard de been given to the policy C. just a month. ally taken root and in conjunction with a second obstacle little disposition to carry out of cases where men with sercrumpled before the Vincentian tion of which they have viz. no steamer transportation, the exit to Cuba gradu the instructions of Governor vice ranging from five to for the poltry score of 22 The only watesistently advocated for many Chester Harding as con eight years (and such service ma who showed any defence was Me years, ally dw ndled down to a very infinitesimal unit. Now that Peace has been tained in his circulars rela must have been satisfactory Carrol who made 11 out the of 22 made.
This let up in the outgoing of the surplus labor on the tive to the reemployment of to keap them employed for the interested and cold the men who played signed it is certain that many Isthmus naturally had the alarming effect of swelling the those Silver employees who such periods) who sutiered on the card ca andiente day bust Sunday importanti unatters will call for we fail to why the of rank and file of the unemployed in the two terminal cities were connected with the re a reduction of over 15, 00 a eru uplets. During the early part of in connection with the work of The authorities employing labor, through their emissaries, cent strike. The Governor month, or from 31 cents to the gune, Ms stoo yat his ear slit in two reconstruction, and it will be or were kept posted with the over crowded state of the labor openly expressed his desire 22 cents per hour, having by a bunping but from Brown, endeavour to secure continuity that should be been given Vincentiin repied to Grena la 22 of policy In made for an increase of wage to meet the ever increasing Teniently demer with ubat bis not think that the Govern with some playing on Samura, ferentity treatment of Wes Pro dian and Jam in markets of cost of the daily necessities of life with which to keep soul not a few cases they have er is aware of, neither would briliant. John the one handed demon, of United Kingdom and body together, was turned down and the underpaid, been given everything but he countenance such drastic Grenada gave Jobo captured wet may be electively carried out, it fine exhibition of fielding In order that this work and quite logically, the underfed laborer is forced to suffer leniency.
by no It was under measies which. much hardship ad great privations.
for 27 runs and Me. Ca rol is essential that assistance should stood that all those whose means encourage the men For the Vincentian James madr 35r. ina, be found for the Secretary, and But Cuba still beckons to the unemployed. Latest in services were considered sa to perform faithful service Samuele 15, Brown 14 and Dasomt 12 that more commodious and con.
formation from the great Republic state that work is abun. tisfactory before the strike nər help to improve the pre 12 tubo wiars. Bowen trok wickets for venient premises should be ac, dant the lowest wage offered for ordinary labor being 70 quired Oy. per day, and a much larger amount for skilled of the American troops now occupying Panamanian terri instead, in the afternoon there will be a years the membership of the There will be no no games tomorrow but During the last twenty labor as is borne out by a letter published in another part tory in the Province of Chiriqui and were convinced from swd game of football The Pacific Foot Committee has increased from of this paper. And while we krow there are many whose what they heard tnat the withdrawal will soon be accom sold the han desteklenen iñaugurated piletin 1, 820, and it is the longer long connction with the Isthmus must make it hard for plishe?
and first fine of the powers them to sever their connections with it, the thought of it on his late when the Standard Post tary adequately to carry out the that they are going to they can bill team will meet the Fox on the policy of the Executive, knowinniving wage shona be a balm sufficient to heal the Burning Need for the Rescuing of Our one stop is made up on these cancer in house fronte besides sandard Oval at 4:30 pm. StandWaterviewing visitors, compiling the fortnighuý cir rnt that may be caised by the separation.
tion of players, while the Fox is com Youthful Law Breakers.
11 of the Al wer of the Panamanian her age. nent of the affairs of the details of the min number whom Coo bali Panama Interest Discussed at Second In previous issues of this paper we called the attention is expected, and we believa a crowd will sistance. The need for securing the Institutá. good gave Committee, without further as Pan American Congress.
more of the local competent authorities to the growing evil of be there rooling for their fayourites. suitable ofices must be objuvenile criminality in this community, and at the same lle spulding League, begs to remind ths mittee Rooms.
Mr. Tiwmas, the Scey. Tre18. of vious to every visitor to the Com.
uime projected a possible means of meeting the oncoming competing Clubs to send their members In a letter addressed to the Editor of the Star and danger, by the establishment of a reformatory, where these names in at once; and sko not to forget been decided to raise a special In the circumstances it has Herald and published in its issue of March 29th, the Pa youthful law breakers could be housed, disciplined and the tax fixed at the last merting. fund of at least 20, 000 pounds to namanian delegates to the Second Pan American Financial cared for instead of being a menace to local society and a enable these objects to be carCongress, Messrs. Navarro and Alfaro, give a disgrace to themselves and to those with whom they may West Indian in Cuba Writes ried oniring the past twenty Very interesting account of the work of the Congress in so have family connections.
Encouraging Letter far as it concerned the Republic of Panama. These gentle In reverting to this burning subject to day we are years the West Indian Commit. tee has raised and actively sup.
men along with Mr. Arango were also delegated to prompted to do so from the fact that it has been brought Dəar Mr. Editor; portead of the West India Colomany funds for the direct present for the consideration of the Panama Committee in to our notice that although there has been no further devel. am asking you to pablish in nies, but has never appealed Washington a memorandum which dealt with several ir. oments in police cases among these youths there are still your paper the following so that for the and special contribution ople die lewe It United States concerning the Canal and the Panama Kail veniles operate to the annoyance and disgust of the com plosed, should not waste their with that cenier ou presponse, moet ama em. thi road. Among the subjects dealt with in said memorandum munity. The stone throwing danger is again prevalent, the time idling. There is plenty of that the West India Committee, is. there were the suspension of sales by the commissaries to ships odious and obscene expressions still grate the ear and work in Cuba, the least a man which is the oldest, but by no passing through the Canal, the payment of taxes by the shock the morals of decent society and to complete it all the can make is 70 a day. have means the least active, Colonial Panama Railroad on its property used for other than wretched state of the unseemly aitire is repulsive to the not been here three months, yet body in the United Kingdom, transportation purposes, the reduction of freight gaze of the eyes of our respectable young women and can balance tlte difference be may be placed on a more2016rates, the necessity for compensation for the use of the girls who are compelled to be out of doors at times, on working in Cuba as to tween a canal worker a man stantial and satisfactory footing.
telegraph lines of the Republic of Panama and the con business and going to and fromschool.
There is room for carpenters into any branch of the Colonial Contributions may be paid struction of roads. The delegates report having met with a certain measure of success as the Secretary of War, whom strongly urge on the local authorities the necessity for tak fact all kinds of skilled workmen ne on.
In the face of the foregoing truisms we cannot too painters, masons; plumbers, firemen, timber fallers, and in Bank or Royal Bank of Canada, they interviewed, expressed his fervent desire to remove or may be forwarded direct to manians and assured them of his entire good will, Head, and at the same time relieving the community of an evil Oh ye sturdy West Indians enter Lane, London, and it is all obstacles which are causes of complaint from the Pana ing prompt action in coming to the rescue of these youths, The door of opportunity is open India Committurers, the West 15 Seething in!
vised that the points at issue be taken up with the Gov: that is both dangerous and unsightly.
Respectfully yours, proposed to to publish the full list ornor of the Panama Canal to whom instructions and full The need presents itself so forcibly at the present time of subscribers in the West InN. VAUGHAN dis Committee Circular from authority to make definite arrangements would be issued. that there should be no hesitation in discussing ways and Central Violeta, The delegates also discussed (unofficially) the withdrawal means to meet the dangerous case, Cuba (Continued on Page 8)
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