
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL, 3, 1920 PAGE FIVE Itlantic Side News PosSsSs tana! None Notes FELT HATS.
vice Rev.
service We carry a large assortment of these in all the newest styles and colors, including the Brown so much in demand at present.
Buy now while the assortment is fresh and all sizes are obtainable.
a OD American Bazaar Kashmir Beauty Parlor Plated Oures and here parte de hielone in every as All are invited GATUN Madame Patti Brown salls camstances rendered impossiThe Flu restrictions imposblo for this instructive sermon for New York.
ed by the Health Department has to be have been listened to by a been removed, and the church larger gathering.
bell loudly announced this fact on Madame Anita Patti Brown Rainy is a familiar Agure Wednesday, when the Catechist, along with her pianist, and Mr, in Wesleyan circle of Colon, har refrained from his usual ride to Lois Berman Duppe, her baritone ink rendered services on foruer the Windy City, and conducted assistant, were among the many occasions the usual mid week services.
passengers who sailed on the During the course of the car.
Colon for New Jork, via Haiti on Parker, pastor of This is Passion Week, and it the Thursday March 25th.
church, announced that there seems to us who are wont to reDespite the fact that due to would be service each evening of flect on things past and present, the influenza epidemic Mme the week up to Tirarsday even that like the Man of Sorrows; Patti did not spend as much time ing, being Holy Week, and the we the colored under dogs are as was anticipated, she neverthe Good Friday, as well as the cusregular service at 11 a. on travelling the Via Crucis.
less bad a successful tour of the Isthmus during her brief stay. toma y Love Feast on Friday One by one, the Old Guard Those who availed themselves of night, at 30 o clock.
of colored teachers is passing the opportunity of hearing her The entire away, Teacher Smellie is no was enjoy: Have expressed their entire satis. able and was like a draught of longer identified with the Gatun water to a thirsty traveller Colored School. This is faction.
a great pity, as he was our most publicspirited teacher, and identified Sussex Sends Chal Yarmouth sails To day.
himself largely with social, reli.
gious and benevolent enterprises connected with the local comThe Yarmouth of the munity Captain David Atherly of the Black Star Line arrived at Cris.
Sussex Cricket Club Colon, is is. tobal on Sunday the 28th of Honest John Neverson is no suing the following challenge to Marc at 25 m. carrying a longer a landmark. He too the Surrey Cricket Club, Pa goodly amount of passengers and has been removed, and his place in the communal life can hardly nama. The Sussex of Colon do Much to the disappointment of be supplied. It has, opened to him, however, a wider sphere a hereby challenge the Surrey many persons, the Yarmouth a of action, and we wish him unqual of Panamı to play a friendly was not placed at the disposal of ified and abundant success. In game of Cricket on any day the public for the inspection as suiton the previous occasion the words of Antony, over dead able to the Surrey and Brutus at Pharsalia we say This any folded ana his ment will have Saturday the 3rd, inst. for Bocas: in Panama. Hoping She is scheduled to leave on was a man!
the nerve to meet the champions del Toro, Costa Rica, after which The local branch of the of the Atlantic end, as the Sus. she will returnto Cristobal. It also A, will meet on Surday, for the purpose of outlining as Elcock, Lynton, Layne, Nurse ducem :nts be offered, the bort a program of activities. Notices and others the Panama Cham will take passengers for Cuba as will be posted so as to supply pions will be sure to get the lac well as Jamaica on the return furtber information.
ing of their life.
Come up Eddie and let us have The rumour is also current The Association plans the opena pod time.
that the Phyllis Wheatley will PANAMA COLON ing of classes in mathematics, Yours for Clean Sports, make a trip to these parts before shorthand, and music For inD. Atherly, going on her regular route in or.
formation and terms, see the Le Capt. Sussex der to relieve the congestion of cal Sucretary. Th se classes will those who are desirous of leaving start on or about the 12th April.
Colon, 20.
the Isthmus.
Enrol at once!
The officers of the Universal Sanitary Authorities Re Negro Improvement Associatiºn PARAISO and African Communities League move Ban grasping the Activities will be re umed at the Pars opportunity of the New life was added to the ac. iso Clubhuse immediately; Moving Piotivitex of Colon when on Sunday. ranged for the unveiling of the 00x30 0x500 tures and all other events will be conthe 28th ultimo, the Sanitary Charter on Monday night last ducted as usual. More than 200 books authorities modified the ban the 29th uit. at the Union Hall, have been added to our library: We shall which existed for the past Iwo Street. There were on the (3) King Alchohol. campaign and the many other magazines and be glad to see you read all of the books weeks, closing churches, schools, platform Miss Henrietta Vinton against this Monarch is contem.
theatres, and other public places Davis, International Organizer, assistant treas.
The Cohn Wesleyan Methodist Mr. Cyril Henry assis There will be a spacid Euer pro.
Church was expecially favoured urer, Capt Cokburn and Dr.
and parents too, slaves to alcohol. They must be gram on Sunday, at 5: 128 Bolivar St. between Bth and 9th, Colon by the presence in the pulpit of Et war dis Surgeon of the freed. 4) Rescue work. Our Rv, Rany, gent of the Yarmout is well as many Scalp and Facial Treatment. Manicuring Shampoviner. Hair Straightening British and Foreign Bible socie other persons.
daughters. The Women De partinents of the Nigro My Excelsior Lodge No. 2444 ty, who happened to be on his (It will be of interest to note. Brutoped with electrie vibrator, electre comb, electrie hair dryer, and other sionar Seciety will be entrnsted way England. As a result of that Dr. Edwards who is with this most responsible res Two Private Apartments. Best Results, Lowest Prices llie sanitary restrictions which well known to many persons on piesented the use of more than the Isthmus is a popular medico Mn taatel Brown, world famed prima donna cue work. Your bely and sym.
whom we treated to her entire satisfaction. pathy are needed.
Will hold its regular meeting ball of the seating capacity, the of Spanish Town Jamaica and the recommends us. soue the souls that perish, on Friday. 9th instant, at 7:38 congregation was not very large, father of Dr. Clarence Elwards Mine. ROBERTS, seek for the lost that stray: pap. All members are asked to but appreciative now practices in the city of al tiently guide their footsteps into attend, as matters of vital interThe Rev. gentleman took as the bis text Matt: 11. 28, Come unto Many inspiring and interesting norrow way; over then kind ent will be placed for consider.
ly bending, whisper the saviour sation.
me all ve that labour, etc. and addresses were delivered which call; tell them the feast is ready: ALLMAN, Matt: 16:24. Take up thy Cross were listened to with rapt atten teli then there room for all.
and follow me, and in the course tion Capt. Cockburn is the course of us sermon, developed the two of his address made reference PINNOCK.
THE CANAL JEWELRY STORE fuld call of our Lord; first the to the fact that he had succeeded BEAUTY HINT call to the world, and secondly, nanning he boat entirely with WORDS OF THANKS the call to his followers. This sons of the race, which statement.
Rab Nile Queen Cream discourse was handled to the in was very acceptably received.
Mr. Parker and wife Balun into the skin, then apply tire butinluction of all present, The meeting was brought to a the only ogiet being ibat circlose shortly after midnigtit.
Call and Inspect our Stock of Musical Albums, bek through the medium of this Nile Queen liquid face Powder.
journal, to thank the many Charming and Lasting Effe.
friends and Wrist Watches, Radiolite Watches, Tie Pins, for acquaintances their kind expression of sympa MANUFACTURED Watch Our Atlan OPPORTUNITY thy in connection with the seriBY KASHMIR Canal Stones, Birth Stones, etc. etc. ous accident which befell their tic Page Grow.
Opportunity at some time kneks nt son a fortnight ago, and which For Sale Everywhere.
the door of very one, and those who was reported by paper.
Send Your Nous To The neglvet iluir chunes are alwys most EXPERT REPAIRING DONE They wish it to be known that NOTICE loul in complaining of hard luck and the youngster is making steady WORKMAN. misfortune when they observe the ruc improvement in so far as the cess of others which they coull hive WEDDING AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS There will be a meeting of the Spaldwound here is and operation are concern.
Advertise in the Workman commanded had try not allowed their renson to believe ing Cup Committee to might at the ideal chance to slip by.
Made To Order that he will IT PAYS.
will survive. The chief Schiol. 20 street Guschpuli. Th. Com To the people of the Republic of Po.
concern now is as to whether he neting Clubs are asked to send one re Sve cur Celon News erd Adyer name and the Canal Zone OPPORTUJAMES WILLIAMSON, Proprietor.
will ever wholly recover his nor presentative each to this meeting, as in tsing Rejr:sentative at the NITY is now knocking at their door BOX 752, CRISTOBAL, mal mental condition, consider. portant business is to be settled. Mseting to rid them of a life long si rrow and ing the spacetow in the skull. tarte at 7:46 Cz nal. ewelry Store, of this cren the doctors cannot premature Death, which are the conseJ. WILLIAMS, 167 EOLIVAR quences of long standing Kidney and speak with certainty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA S:REET Bladder troubles, which can always be GRAND RALLY on Monday, Wednesdays and traced by any of the following sy op In the United States District toms.
Court for the Canal Zone Thursdays, batween the Hours Lama back, burning sensaA cordial invitation is extended marvelous success in the treatinent of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. Re Division of CiIstobal of an 18r.
to the public to attend a grand tiun certain parts of the bɔdy, lieves the most obstinate case of Gunorrhoea in from to days.
rally at the Shepherds Lodge dizziness, headache, rheumaFOR SALE AT For Sale Hali, 20th Street. Central on the RITTER vs, RITTER: tism, swoHen feet and joints, THE NEW DRUGI STORE 11th April, commencing at 30 scanty and discolored urine Corner 5th and Streets, Colon.
Phone 276B NOTICE sharp, with Mr. Sam Good.
THE LIMIT DRUG STORE with sediments, inflamation of Van KWARTEL, Registered Pharmacist, Proprietor ing orchestra in attendance. To Ritter, the defendant.
An enjoyable time is voted. TAKE NOTICE: 80 Street, Chorillo, Panama. bladder, puffiness of flesh, etc. Well located. Established 1914. etc, CHURCH NOTICES That the plaintiff herein has filed in the above court her comMr. Watts of Er gland was Back to Africa Movement ing ground is right here on the FOR SALE 76 years old when this King of all Isthmus, and will consist of. 1)
plaint against you praying for medicines extracted stons from his Fitness Special lectures will be Wesleyan Methodist Church divorce against you Vincolo, bladder, and gave Surgeons and PhysiThe Negro Improvament So delivered weekly to these volun.
upon the At New Providence on Hardwick cians a big surprise at seeing DeWit ciety is contemplating extensive teer students in Panama by the plaint set Sounds in said comand veritied.
Sunday, April 4th Avenue, a house with two rooms. Pills do what they could not.
Now, therefore, you are order work in the cities of Panama and Rev. Evers, and in Colon by verandahs; Panama, 11 a. Rev. ed to appear in the said Court at front and back Colon. Many people are think the Rev. Witt. 2) Agressive Evers; 30 Rev. Evers. Cristobal, on the 28th day pörches, windows and doors Sold in two size at all first elar ing that their efforts ane mainly work Preaching tours wil be Colon, 11 and 30 of May 1920, at o clock of said Kitchen and bath Drug Stores, Beware of imitations to teach Africa and the Africans arranged, which will entail Rev. Parker.
room downstairs. Constructed some dealers aro handing out. Truly speaking, the objective is little hardship in outlying Dis: La Bocn, 11 a. Mr. Wright, to said complaint, otherwise the day and plead, answer or demor DeWitt wAfrica and 30 Mr.
oats of paint applied.
same will be taken against you For further particulars apply macy printed on wrappers. THE CITY raw recruits into the heart of the walk through mud and water, 30 Mr. York.
bottle with BLUE SEAL City Phar. agnin! Do you expect us to send The students must be trained to New Providence. 11 a. and by default.
PHARMACY. 130 Central Avenue battlefield. Our volunteer Mis and be prepared to get wet and By order of the Court DALE, exelusively spent on the Republic and sionaries must be trained before hungry and to accept the situs supplied.
Paraiso, 11 am. Mr. Airall, 30 GOOLSBY O, Box 968, Ancon, 2, the Canal Zone golng out to Africa. Their train. tion with joy and enthusiasm. Lirio, 72 Rev. Evers.
Clerk of Court Hair Growins. Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeing Facint Bemishes removed, Oorns cured.
modern appliancese се Beauty Specialist, Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, Electric Injection screened.


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