
BUSINESS MEN EXCHANGE IS GOOD ADVERTISE appointed, interest nark or crown.
Demerara above the eventos fourt pants et le er Chule led and te marked at, President Win must have Ouly ten?
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1920 Inteersting News From the threatened by the neglect af Paris Rumors British Will some of its vital functions. St Vincent needs revigoration and Continued from pa je 2)
Get French lands stimulation by practical efforts We fear that the colony is tas West Indians of every hue to beco West Indies May Go to take an end of complexional dis laws, some of which are neither becoming overburdened will.
crmination in all its forms, and useful nor ornamental. Too much as Part Payment of Debt the just cliun of the Nexro for theoretical administration may quality of opportunity in all BY HENRY WALES spheres of labour cannot much be compared with the supera bundant kosel grinding in the dunger be denied market place which leaves the Paris. Feb. 10. France is considering in penitent hearers worse sinners he ording of French Guiana, Martini The following is taken fro for the experience. The people of que, Gudeloupe kord the Dominica Guardian of Feb St. Vincent hope that the Gov Freneb maland which eontrols the susa Coast fra the south end of the ruary 6thernor has come this time to do The Legislative Council met something that will remain as Rela Lo Great Britain, it is rumore yesterday at 11 am. for the des footprints when he departs from offieiteiveles, following Miller. and patch of the public business. His our shor:s for the seat of Gov watem at the Canber of Deputica Honour the Acting Administra ernment. It is highly desirable thist the Government is preparing to tor (Dr. Nicholls, that Government should assist in Get Alive to Your Interest make a certain political concessions to G) President. Among the mem the development of the ressurces iureign powers.
bers present were Messrs. Beau of the colony by participating in champ. Official) and Didier and the promotion of The industries Major Bucher (Unofficial) newls suc success of the Government Cot With the dollar hovering around teen who took the oath and on Ginnery should remove any franca 300 per cent lis and the their seats for the first time. doubt as as to the advisability of pound sterling how fifty franes double His Honour was received by a Government making further in.
the imal exchat ye is realised Police Guard of Honour as he ar vestments in connection with In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West mong bis French business rived at the Court House. Among schemes aiming at the colony taat something must be done.
those present were, besides a industrial advancement. This is Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
British loans are falling dun soon and few prominent ladies and gentle an open hint but it is within the The Spanish loan is due in a few week. men of the island, about 250 men province of the officer adminis These loans cannot be paid at present of the artisan and labouring tering the Governinent to take and France must stabilize the exchange classes, who attended, by way of some decisive action to lead the or the trade will go to the value of tue protest to one of the Bills which colony to a position prosperity.
igured on the Agenda Paper.
KEY TO CANAL Since the United States bought the The Treasurer Return of the Virgin Islands from Denmark it is Revenue and Expenditure for neved in our true ereies Wael the seven months of last year The circulation of The Workman is the largest of ington might like to cancel part of the ending October 31, shows a net French indebtedu in return for increase in the revenue, as. com Seditious Publicasion of the Freuch West Indies, which of any All English paper printed in the Republic of sre a key to the Pata ua Caual the preceeding year, of 779 11 tions Bill.
8; the main gains being in Cus: Panama.
FOURTEEN TO TEN toms which sielded 15, 280, or Governor of Demərara 2, 112 abor Tevenue of 1918: Licenses gave 1, 510 more: Post Whea President Wilsons fimm Promise.
FO Therefore THE WORKMAN2400, etc.
The total amount collected BILI. POSTPONED INDEFINITELY 49. 959, agams 25. 150, whilst is a paying Advertising Medium.
the total estimates for the whole fourteen Dints, who ih kovi God year was 18, 015. On the Ex The Selitions Publication Bill penditure side the total total amount was recently before the Demera Xeded was 369 against ra Court of Policy for its second last years 28. 982, showing a reading: Thé Right use of Millions.
decrease and an in The Governor said if they Mr. John Riefele, a Christ crease of 034, which gives the passed the second reading that mas present to mankind, he given niet decrease is compared with day he did not mind putting off other 1, 000N. Hul go to the previous war of 1, 012. Thus fine Comm ttee stage indetinatily silaries of College Professors and hali o our exc ss of Liabilitis bad been there was rather a misapprehen.
ad the work of fighting disa se. ll so materially decreased at that wion as to the purpose of the Bill.
in kes bis total publishe 150.
date as to enable the Acting of cur holest criticisin, ADVERTISE TO DAY 000. This work will not cwe the United States Aseasurer to place the tigures matter how fonlish it was, was at only 518 10 31 Three not not seditious. When it caine to months lave since elapsed, and discussion the public honour of Our RATES are Reasonable. observanceul the Public mny therefore hope Government officers as long as it die responsibility, increase wat to learn that our liabilities bave was honest it was priviledged al.
miserably small and altogether vanished though it might be foolish. That incompatible with the demaid was nos the kind of thing he was of the dignity and importance of The Bill the profession. But it was in in introduced some time ago did not crease and as such is gould go any further than the existing law. In fact it it had any result thing to be thankful for.
it was to limit the powers of the The second reading was thin Those who think that His Ex Government and that was why passed, after which the Bill was PLAGUE DANGERS.
City Bible Agency Compulsory Education cellency the Governor is having a they were not going on with postponed indefinitely by His ExResolutions formulating a res Apart from the economic point of view, quest for le estavilənment ou tine holiday se mistaken. In St.
Lucia and in St Vincent he had RELATIONS OF THE CENSORSHIT, cellency.
The City Bible Agency begs to the perils of the present congested state system of compulsory education to deal with an accumulation of But the censorship had reveal call the attention of Christian of London transport we obvious. The quotione, many which are med certain things previous to the Return of Demerara Race workers and Bible readers to the doctors have been gravely ta king of the Weermachers annual meeting of Association, and gent acute. In St. Lucia a war which he didn know anal Horses fact that we can supply them pobility of the influenza scourge re: on sa urday 31st, ult, and de pulation of school teachers ne considered that certain public with the form translations of turning. It was serious was serious enough Inst time. will be forward. the Governwaited on him, asking for incations should be regarded as Bibles compared and revised. From the detai avoilable from the area ment. All leaders of thought and POUR REPORTES LAMES Cresedar. That doe, adevery full powers. If he had seditious. During the war he ser prononcing editions and where it is now manifest Mad men of education in the Colony tation of returned soldiers coucordance vf the Bible Amorieat is likely to be still more are unanimously agreed upon the far treatment similar to that given fou found that those powers were 700 Offered for Sun Star Sunday School Teachers serious next. Ia Tokio there have been a cessi for the introduction in one day of such Grenada, Trinidad, and Demera. not sufticient to stop that sort of the The race horses Top Note and Bibles. Lodge Palpit, and family seventeen hundred of ex soldiers. We are glad to thing he would moon with he Dolomite (owned by Mr. Thomas broles. We handled Bibles of and over million people eating it. And this sing so, a affected. In America Press, real precaution being taken practically con and the Legislature thised with questions and much longer ignore verybody in Japan wears a mask no lar demands. The need for a the Court as to the nec popu.
Created some feeling of con might be able to convince mein cent races at Barbados, were morocco binding.
dence. In St Vincent he is uplessity for the Bill and induce Monday evening, 23rd uitimo, in of religious books in addition to specially mantioned as great means of cente eradicate presente wide Demerara on other the of publie. system which will to a against the same questions. The them to pass the measure.
mistake of prohibiting necessity for the Caraquet.
spreading infection. London in this res spread ignorance is felt. sysCourt Jester, Chatter, Quick Negro World into St. Vincent any action. Mr, Brassington, See us for prices and terms.
pero eso no ang hot developele de contre la tem which wohabliminate the pret Street, has done more harm than good. Hear hear. But he did not in March and Sun Star, are report authorities to take firmly. We House No. 32 (apstairs) believe Londoners as a whole would be employing child labour in only hope that enough of the tend to wait until sedition ocurred ed to have gone decidedly lame. Box 1019.
Governor will be left, because we in the colony before bring! ng the As far as Sun Star is concerned, only too glad to see Sir Eric Geddes try field, and discouraging juvenile Panama his hand at want him here to straighten out Bill. Mr. Brassington: It does 700 has been offered for him at speeding things up and im mendicancy. system which not exist, It is five months since and refused, the Syndicate that Augustus Farrier, provine our lamentable passenger services. will retard the development of the the Bill was read.
owns him being of opinion that But there will certainly be strong oppo battalion waifs and strays on His Excellency: shall take the he is worth considerably more.
Agent, sition to any State bounty to enable the our our streets and reduce our crimisecond reading now and then Unfortunately, Sun Star went services aoncerned, which have an un nal statistics. Such a syste. the a is pay artificial dividends, or to meet bik education is the only means capaurgently carry out my object without the races, but from all accounts wili Dr. LOWE rivalled field of lucrative oprortunity, needed, and compulsory Bill then will withdraw it.
te in form again shortly.
L, Edin. ceneral commitments out of current reve. ble of achieving in large part the 4FAITH ALONE CANNOT The acting Attorney General evils enumerated. The GovernSAVE US, moved the second reading of the 139 CENTRAL AVENUE ment and Legislatore must bow Bill.
PANAMA CITY to the demands of time and cir.
Dr. CONNELL cuinstance, The St. Vincent Sentry of the Office Hours: 30 a. p.
oth inst, in welcoming the Goy Mr. Browne said the second SURGEON DENTIST To Increase Supply of ernor to that colony wrote a reading save the opportunity for Increase in Salary. p.
follows conto criticising a measure and he proVegetables Sir George Haddon Smith posed criticising the policy of the and be found at 175 Writing under the headline At the regular monthly mee. arrived here from st Bill. Nothing would be gained by Notes and Comments. the Box 798 Offiue 844 Lucia inis morning and bas as taking the second reading and he Barbados Weekly Herala says. Ancon, Picas: Residente 1002. Opposite Station prominent planters in the com Central Avenue ing of the Agricultural Society on Friday, 31st ultimo, several sumed the adwinistration of the would suggest it should be postGovernment. We welcome Ris pened as it was if the Bill was to At the meeting of the House of manity advocated seriously the Excellency and hope that his stay be brought again after the Assembly Tuesday the 3rd inst.
re insvitertion of th: Vexatible in this island will be sufficiently second reading be wight not be the application of members of the Produc: Aet by Wh chp intlong to. ford him an opportunits allone to critieise it. Police Force for an increase of BLACK STAR LINE STEAMSHIP CORP.
ing of a certain properti no the of improving his knowledge o His Excellency: If the second salary again receivel favourable Colony arable acreage in foodthe economic conditions in this reading is going to be actively consideration, a substantial war. HEAD OFFICE: 58 W, 135th STREET stuffs would be entorcel, Ithe portion of his government, and opposed then be a bite takiechte con may be re was ea thoughtful and being added their publie assured of a entinuous in right now and done.
New York City, and liberal supply of vegetables cal way his as a Governor Mr. Browne: Very well sir. considerate act on the part of at reasonable cost It was decid The people ple believe in His Excel Mr. Browne told bis Ex the Freight and paasenger service between American, and deserves comed to approach the Govern nent lency professions concerning cellency his suggestion was reaif the observance of mendation, West Indian, Canadian, Central and South and request that this be done his aims to promote their welfare: sonable.
daty necessitates it. At the same American ports.
The Government was approach and those who have a stake in th Mr. Woolford remarked that time that the Police received con ed and a Bill having for its object the desire so influential y exland place reliance on his pro Mr. Browne had perhaps not sideration last year, the House mise to administer the Govern beard that he would meet the salary of the Elementary School heard His Excellency when he ot Assembly also increased the For further particulars apply to the Agents pressed was given notice of ment or GRAHAM LAWRENCE, the House of Asembly at Tuefection or ill will.
But faith alone ſelective section and tell them his teachers. That increase could not Box 601, Ancin, Cor. 7th St. Bottle Alley, day meeting. he Agricultnr, cannot save us. This dogma reasons, if he proposed to bring be truthfully and sanely regardHuse N, 41, Calle de Nov.
Society were, however, not tie Paine Corp 271, not confined to the religious it back.
ed at the time as assistance to Panaina City, tirst to draw Government atteisphere; it is equally applicable to Mr. Dias. It is not going to meet the cost of abnormal living Colon, de tion to the urgent necessity for a commuuity whose existence is come back.
condition, but merely as a poor the adoption of such a measu e.
trying to get. The which was Grenada te hoid a standard derile and are are advo: Government and a a exChe was no immediate the zoany things.
of ie St Vincent Rue.
Barbados Altd ability as a House without fear


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