
PAGE SEVEN France Will Boom Its Colonial Trade NULIFE SELF LACING CORSET JUST RECEIVED BOOTS and SHOES Each Possession To Send Envoy to Paris For Advice Young Men, Boys and Girls main here Dr. OGILVIE WILKINSON LONDON NEWS The Corset of the Century.
SOLD AT PANAMA BY La Luna Silk Store, Santa Ana Plaza; Key Hing, Central Avenue.
SOLD AT COLON BY Lam Hng Co. Wing Yuen Co. Sang Chong Long Co. Wing Lung Co. Ak Kal Co.
LEE CHONG Co. Sole Agents HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Colon, R, Panama, R, Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancun, chases of ready, to And can remember thought.
Eclipse Feeding Bottle for Infants The design of this Feeder prevents sour food, collecting, and permit of the bottle being thorougly cleansed, thus avoiding wind colic, etc. Real Hygienic Feeder Om plete 90c, silver Av. Lule Central Drug Store by know it was a Ser FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
Chorrillo Drug Store Paris, Feb. 11. In order to expedite FOR transactions between France and her colonies and help trade and economie development Albert Sarraut Minister for the Colonies, has just ordered that each of France possessions sed a represenMODERATE PRICES tative to Paris to study the economic situation, industrial work and trade de velopment.
Come and have a look at the assortment.
Each colonial representative, will rea year and wbile in Paris will have the title of assistant to the Engineer of Public Works. He will meet French business men who wish to estab.
EDUARDO VALENCIA lish branches in the colonies or who want to increase colonial trade. At the same Santa Ana Plaza Next Hotel Metropole time he will put himself in closest touch with the situation as relates to France and the colony which he represents.
Mr. Surraut order sonstitutes a distinet reform in the Colonial Ministry. It is beld were was that much time and trade has been lost to France through imperfect co operation between the hone IS NOW LOCATED AT CONTRACTOR BUILDER Government and the colonies and be THE FIRST HUNDRED, cause of official red tape. Also it is held 157 Central Avenue, corner First Class Workmanship that a considerable part of French purK Street.
Next month a dinner is being given in well!
goods in foreign markets might Plans and Specifications Free honor of the survivors of the first hundred be made in the colonies.
British pioneers in aviation. There are By means of the Sarraut plan France HOURS: to 11. 30 am 5th Street West House 90 72 of this gallant company alive, a rebopes to develop the colonial pomessions to 30 pm wbich she obtained under the terms of 30 to 30 Box 411, Panama, markable number considering the bloody the treaty of Versailles.
Sundays: to 11 a.
circumstances which have raised aviation In the face of the foregoing can there Dr. WILLIAMS to its present position of assurance. That be any foundation for the persistent Appointments can be arranged.
dinner will inevitably recall the sacrifices Te ephone 875 (M CH. EDIN. made for the cause, whether in experimen cestions of irresponsible statesmen, tal work or on the fields of Battle. In that the British and French West Indies PHYSICIAN SURGEON the old days the first hundred were a ete to be sold out to the United State Miss LAING But of course, is happy sporting body, always HAIR DRESSER Has removed temporarily to the help ench other, and Long Building 5045. Section A, No. 21, pooled their scanty resources of experseveral instances when rivals for a prize The Visit of our Prince Scalp treatment and Hair FOLKS RIVER ience, mechanics and material. The same exe spirit was manifested in Newfoundland Panama, April 2, 1920.
straightening a Speciality All cases fully Examined vent of aviation as a commercial conden.
prior to the Atlantic nigo Due To the Editor THE WORKMAN flight, but the adFor promoting the growth of the Dear Sir. The visit of our leaves little opportunity for such conduet.
the pioneers, the one most distinguished Prince of Wales to Panama and Hair and beautifying yourself Dr. JOHNSON in the war is Commander Bell Davis, the hearty welcome he has re visit SURGEON DENTIST C, who has returned to the ceived calls to my mind the visit The Parlors Navy. His modesty and charm of monel his dear uncle to our lovely Phone 1003 Address ner made him the most popular flyof Springs. Jamaica, in HOUSE NO. 11, AVENUE Corner 20th Street Ancon 852, ing man with the fleet and those air offic the year 1967, think am not ers who continue to work with the Navy quite sure of the date, but hope his great gifts will be made use of was after the rebellion of the senior Service for the benefit of nav. 1865, at which time slavistien, He won his decorations at geant Major in the Saint Mary the Dar Janelles by a series of remarkable Jamica Volunteer Rifle Co. On explouts, terminating in a landing on the visit of His Royal Highness, Turkish territory under fire to rescue a clear good old friend of mine a fellow air man who had been shot who has now passed away to the 46 STREET, PANAMA.
down. This he did, and both escaped. Great Beyond, wrote a poem of bis single seater machine. Exchange. welcome to him he was then the Prince of Wales of which Just received a full stock ofpoem can but remember the OF SPECIAL INTEREST. following lines, perhaps some of SILVER CHAIN GOODS your very many readers with better memories than mine. may IRELAND IS PROSPEROUS.
Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES supply the remaind for all can call to mind is the following: For every form of disease McClure, the famous American Haste to the Grove where the orange is Publisher, after a visit to Ireland, pro nounces it the most prosperous country The flowers of Linden, so fragrant and TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
in the world, and the most law abiding It is the papers that give an idea of trouble and unsettlement there, The And gn her sweet bloesems and roses Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Banks have more than 1, 000, 000, on perfuming Satisfaction Guaranteed. depurit. and eince 1913, the country. And strew o the path of the Prince that is dear exported much food to England as FLOWERS, Proprietor. Seither the United States or the Argetine Pride of En land! Royal Prince Alfred Ireland has 5, 000, 000 head of cattle, or Prince Alfred, Prince Alfred, Son of our Hope of England. Royal Prince Alfred Box 36, Panama City Telephone 519 half as many as in Cenda.
Qucen Oh welcome Prince Alfred, welcome to JAPAN PROTESTS our Isle!
Japon is not satisfied with the powers Our bills are resounding with joy at thy given her under the mandate for the coming STERLING Colonies in the acific, once German, and Oh welcome Prince Alfred. welcome to she has presented this view to the Su our Isle.
FEMALE ITONIC preme Council. The renewal of the Anglo Yours truly, Japanese Alliance, which expires in 1921, is advocated by Marquis Oquma, to Caintain Pence in the Far East and to Tonic and Alterative REUNIAN keep the interests of the two countries unchanged, Japan and the United Stntes (From the West Indian of 4th inst. are said to have reached an agreement Sterling Female Tonic contains in a palatable and about action in Siberia.
No! ha no eddication, acceptable form, the active principles of Witch Eazel Bark, But s epichas o de way Unicorn Root, Senna Leaves, Life Root, Vervain, Black Haw, THE JEWS BELIEVE IN BRITAIN Da me Par on roll de big wudde etc. and when taken according to directions, beneficial reIn e tex in Sabbat day; sults may be anticipated.
Seems to ine de trute is simple The belief that Great Britain will acBout de Laud an what e sed, The Sterling Laboratory, cept the mandate to govern Palestine is But de way de Parson gib it leading to enormous numbers of Jews ar Is quite nough to raise de dead.
ranging to go to that country to settle.
Los Angeles, Is las subjic was bout ebben This is not only from Russia, but from the United States and elsewhere. It is An de grent Reunian day, expected that the rush will be tremen An de jie to see each udder dous, and the Zionists Organisations en all tays is wipe away, have been summoned in London to deal Ow all king, all wi te an yellow, with it.
All black Mary, Joe an. Sam Will praise Gaud fol de Reunian; As de cbil ran o de Lam.
Your Dressmaking may be low priced, but that does not No! ha po cddication, mean it will eventually cost you less when compared with An mos wudds too strong fo me ours, where Style and Workmanship are guaranteed.
But t ink bout dis Reunian. An feel to disagree; Tailor and Outfitter kiu ink o some Reunian Wid de souls dat lubbed me well, Dealer in School Books, Nat wid dem dat keep in tryin Fo to mek me wurl a bek, and Stationery.
But ha no eddication An pups Parson ie correc. Nɔ. 11 Street, Panama Paps de meanin o Reunian No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama. chains from Central Ave.
Dis ol eud will nevah tek; Yo, de meanin is de meanin. don keah wlat it kia be, ANN THOMAS, Proprietress, Address: ALI knows dat dat Reunian RONNEBRARURE BORGERE BORE Box 895, Ancon, C, is nat good enough me blooming GOOD WILL business lives through its customers. And its greatest as set is their good will.
Our service has always measured up to this stand.
ard and brings forth volun tary expression of friend ship and confidence.
Come in and see our New Slip Grip Soft Collar Holders. Better than pins. FULLER JEWELER 122 CENTRAL AVENUE, Panama RP.
DID IT EVER STRIKE You DILDOCECCO Panama Furniture Company 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Next Door to Cecilia Theatre Headquarters for High Class Furniture All New Goods Sold at Reasonable Terms.
WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US when buying Furniture. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Don Confuse Price with Cost Wm. Lawrence The Woman Exchange Leacock Co.
Modern Cabinet Makers NO. 8, STREET PANAMA CIT PHONE 1060, BOX, ANCON, C, Dealers in all kinds of NativeWood DRESSMAKERS Latest Designs Cabinet making, etc.


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