p. 8


Mr. Algernon Aspinall PACIFIC THEATRE. The Passion Play The Lion Claws sexsexoxoxossos Pag dias The Lion Claws We recall with unboundeat part important The Woman Law Fund that the Isle of Springs Special highest a list Performance Counts laurels for un quota 11 He many ad80n GAS STOVE with a to you a ishly fled away (Continued fror Page 4)
Continued from Page 1)
Justice and Equity and the ex Hoping to receive your generdoing so point with pardonable emplification of the blessings of our support, pride to the fact that British Peace, proudly bearing aloft in TO NIGHT TO MORROW West Indian brawn has contribs of Honour, and the torch of LiWe remain, yours faithfully, the society of nations the beacon uted in no insignificant degree barty, has bound us to her by inSaturday, April 3rd, 1920 Sunday, April 4th, 1920 RUTHERFORD. to the success of this marvellous dissoluble ties.
The 4th Episode of feat of engineering skill.
All we ask in return for our TROTTER, In giving expression to our loyalty and love, is that we be pri (REPEATED BY SPECIAL REQUEST)
Deputy Chairman.
sense of gratification for this vileg. to enjov undisturbed the unique privilege granted to us freedom and justice which are the ALGERNON ASPINALL, we rejoice that it has been made heritage of each British subject, and and continuing the coming week Secretary.
possible by the magnificent vics and at no time will there be re.
lory given to our arms in the moved from us the protection of Florence Reed in the with One Episode of It is gratifying to know that of recent gigantic world Id conflict in the grand old the 20, 000 pounds required nearly wirich our glorious Empire was for so many centuries proudly which Reel Feature 15, 000, has been already sub called upon to undertake such borne the battle scribed by Worst Indians in Lonand the breeze.
don and the West Indian Islands.
an immensely In che voyage of Your Roya!
this address we pray Mr, Aspinali goes to Jamaica and a thrilling Reel feature each in the interest of the tude and pride the mighty deeds show night will of valour performed by her sons est blessing and enjoy.
respond largely he apeal.
in every part of the far flung He thinks that West Indians on battle fronts, and the security ment, and that from the expe, in which we dwelt behind the rience gained in the Isthmus of Panama should Highnesses extensive treal not be debarred from contributble shield of our te you Sir: ing to the noble cause, and we may obtain a thorough Navy. On land and insight into the needs and aspi sea and in the air the valiant rations of His Majesty. Colonial have therefore readily consisted warriors of Britain maintained about to open a at this office for untarnished the glorious tradi subjects. And we beg that on re receiving contributions to the turning to of the world greatest Em Your Royal Highness will convey tion Fund. All West Indians desirpire and earned fr sh for His Majesty the King our proous of contributing cin call at her bow the Here, it was our pri found gratitude for the lighest Worn tan Printers on vilege to see to see thousands of Central Avenue and leave their the sons of Britain rusning joyfully whereby the opportunity has appreciation of the arrangement fray. lle matched is Mr. Aspinal speaks in glowing returned anted His Majesty wounded, West Indian subjects here to terms of the islands of Barbados broken in body but proud in kret their future sovereign and Trinidad and of the reception Let us And conspirit, and were assured that For their Most Giacious trakiven him at both these islands. West Indian Exchange com otdoubtedly the God of battles jesties the King and Queen, for roud give us the victory over Your Royal Highness and the mentiug on the hearty response vince you Demonour relentless foes.
mada by the colonies says the other members of the Royal following: Thoug! there were prives Pumils, and for the lasting prus OF THE The appeal of West Indian Comring these four years of tierce perity and cwtimoed preserva.
mittee for contributions to enable struggles horror: carnage and tion of our great Empire we ever strate this them to secure more convenient Irighuulness which were brought and uticeasingly do pray, premises, and to develop the with anxiety ciety for loyal British There was also a delegation of work which they are doing besubje in vantages half of the West Indian colones, el consciousness of the justice six last Indians who presented is still meeting a kener of our cuse, we remained congan address on behalf of the East OF response, and it has been ex.
sent that tools Empire a palavras Cavinnu. Colony resident un lie cus would succeed Isthmus ingly gratifying according to the At the conclusion of this formCircular of the 19 February, ih.
CAS miglt of horror. We believed anu are confident in, cur beliel ality the Prince came ashore and a number of contributions tve that the blood and treasure which drove over to Panawa where he been accompanied by gals tering expressions of were being so willingly ang lav reviewed over one hundred West tion of what has been complishpour out would not be Indian non commissioned officers vain sacritice. At last our faith and privates of the Panama coned by the City the wol Panama Gas Co. AT Colon Gas Co.
fare of that indies The and patience were bounteously tingent who had taken active part announts collected at that date arwarded. The day of victory Burupean war.
ictory on the firing, line in the late YOUR CATHEDRAL PLAZA 93 BOLIVAR ST.
are 10, 511.
brol Wie victor so is our the darkness These men were drawn up in mouths and the dau CABLE JOTTINGS (Aunts sons single tile at street opposite Tel. 364.
Tel. 798 SERVICE of the Lepre, who at the sound the National luistitute, under the of Liberiy tocsin bustend command of Sergt Major Iran.
London news states that a wirelfrom the ends of the earth to do co. They were each presented from MUSCOunces that having bier bidding, are resting on their to the Prince in turn who shook captured Nu Turk, the Bolsheviki well earned laurels. Some have the hands of each man to whom have deprived Decline of his last base.
returned to Homes and lov. he gave a word uw pleas. This, therefore, may be considerable portion of the resi honor of having Your Royal Fron Rheit is learnt that real ed ones. thers have gone to their ing smile; after the review the sidered the most appropriate dents of our two principal cities Highness as a guest.
Eeyptian medical studies on the way tetan wald They are sleep Prince entered the state car moment in which may ex is composed of British subjects May Heaven concede to Your Berlin wat hier lives in a train ureck mail this tiks dge of Presideal Livre, ac press to Your Royal Highn ss, who, under the protection of our Royal Highness many years of which the place 31 miestieto ing their last dreamless sleep becompanied by the Hon. Perey on beha, of this country, which insitutions and authorities, life for the good of the British Udine, on til Folia briga Nus frin London date Mre the buni siis diving slowly Dowl Street faith of others, our mos e fits arising from our exceptional Highness be afforded full s27th, the four tako.
Mesopotamin, some of the vast trong ut and Centra Avenue auidst geographic position, and who faccion with your visit to our supplied to be siun Feneto, utus gratitude.
West Indian live in the greatest harmony with country. Of this bravest of the brave, whose he school children and others sed on our shores, Your High. whose most cherished memories al worthiness and because you Dublin and the han dad, ale.
who Perhaps, when you first lane. the sons of Panama, among thy both because of your person.
ed Magistrate Beil ito a struct Grin roic deeds on eds ons have maintain. Imed both sides of the streets ed that of the ocean bowed Large.
which has always been our great bowed gracefully and saluted ness may have realized that a eon will be that of having had the have been chosen by destiny to Nation boast, now lie beneath looked on in silent admiration While continue the glorious traditions Washington news makes know that of the English nation, whose another Admiral of the Unit! So the wave. They have fought returned the salutation with blood also circulates through my Navy, Admiral Grant, testifying bir their list tight and have offered God Bless the Prince of Wales veins.
the Senate Committee investiging the supreme sacrifice, and fra which repeated Botto grant us the rose and evergreen most of the time. Passing Accompany me, ladies and th: Novy departaments conduct to the as the myrule their memories re through Central Avenue the gentlemen, in drinking the health war, complained that the United Sales main with fis. Or each of these Prince drove on to the National of His Majesty King George submarines were entirely inadeqn o to our heroes be it said, as it was Palace where he was received and of His Royal Highness, the meet the demands of the war being luo Prince of Wales.
by His Excellency President small. inadequately aimed and equipid of Sir Phillip Sydney, The prince, replying to Presi on having too small a radius of action.
with poor engines of 100 any res Lefevre and after paying bis re. Death, courage, honour, make thy soul spects returned by the same dent Lefevre said to live, route.
Thy soul in heaven, thy name in tongues Your Excellency am very development of both henis.
On Wednesday night His Roy.
much touched by the kind words pheres.
of tuen!
al Highness was the distinguish FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE in which you have proposed the The undying loyalty of His ed guest of the President of the was delighted to see so many health, and by your much too of the King West Indian subMajesty subjects in the West Republic at a dinner and recepgenerous reference to my very jects on my way to the Presiden Indian Islands has, we are sure, tion given at the Union Ciub.
modest services during always been known to Your Immediately after the dinner TRIDENT Highness, but this loyalty and preceding the dance the regreat world war in which the syrthis afternoon, and sh Il not will leave Cristobal SUNDAY, 4th APRIL for country which you represent, forget to tell His Majesty the ceived its fullest demonstrat ception took place when Presi.
was numbered amongst our al loyally they greeted me. His readiness wit with which dent Lefevre addressed His Roy Havre and London lies, Although the part which happiest memories of his Majesty preserves the the brave sons of these Western al jlighness as follows: myself was simply that visits to the West Indies, and Islands these outposts of the of a janior officer, had ample had a most warın welcome my Empire, responded to the clarion Following the dinner President SALVADOR opportunity in and out of the line self in Barbados last week.
call of Duty. Here in Central Lefevre addressed the Prince of appreciating the endurance is a satisfaction to me to know will leave CRISTOBAL, A ;will leave BALBOA, Noon, on America the call was also heard as follows: and valor of all the allied armies that this large colony of His alaand the response as eager. Al Sir. It affords me great pride THURSDAY, 8th APRIL 1920, for to whom our victory was due, though, with special reference to Puntarenas, Corinto Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Aca.
particularly those of our faithful jesty West Indian subjects the war, the conditions under ind pleasure, which blend into a feeling of. which we lived here were more allies the French Republic, and have foun scope for their labor jatia, San Juse de Guatemala and Champerico lavonrable than these which ob to present a most cordial wel the United States of America, in the construction and rantawhose representatives an nance of the e of the great cana: ta ned in the homelands, our come in my capacity as the repJove for, and allegiance to the an. tion of Latin America to Your our resentative of the youngest na to see States of America for he cient and historic Empire of Royal Highness, who is a VICTORIA appreciate in a very special Great Britain were not a wit less a will leave CRISTOBAL on THURSDAY, APRIL 15th, 1920, degree the terms in which Your great care and skill shown in than that of our brethren across ine representative of one of the Excellency has referred to the passing our very large battle the sea, and we recall with pride tions in history, and also a prince ea most powerful and brilliant na for LIVERPOOL part played by the British Em na uuder exceptional difficut es pire during the long struggle and for the great attention and the many stirring scenes witThe British Empire stands for kindness shown me.
was of the blood and a hero through nessed here when thousands CAUCA justice, freedom and peace. It from the cities of Panama, Colon Your Highness own efforts.
is therefore always keenly inte thank you again, Your cel and Bocas del Toro volunteered At the close of the tremen will leaveCRISTOBAL, A. ;will leave BALBOA, Noon, on for service with His Majesty dous conflict that has convulsed lency, for the very kind recep rested in the weltare armies in the field.
rity of the smaller nations. tion which you have given me WEDNESDAY, 7th APRIL 1920, for the universe, humanity realizes There are few here, and raise my glass to the nations in Now that the conflict has end that it has contracted an enorTumae. Esmeraldas, Bahia, Muntanti di the world who have been called health and prosperity of your ed and our triumph achieved, we mous debt of gratitude with the upon to play a more interesting and of the Republic beg to assure Your Royal High British nation one of the of Panama For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at role in world development than ness of our continued affection staunch supporters of Democthe The Union Club presented a for His Majesty the King, our racy as to its energy, its calmCRISTOBAL bave observed with particular picture, never so beautiful si ca loyalty to his throne and person, ness and its faith it is in a large gratification the excellent rela its opening, and the function was and our unswerving and abiding part due the almost miraculous devotion to and love for the great salvation of the principles on or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, tions existing between yourselves attended by the elite or Panama and the United States of Ameri and the Canal Zone.
nation with wbich. we have the which modern civilization is ca, to whom civilization owes this The Renown sailed away on bonor and privilege to be identi based. So with the firm estab.
PANAMA great engineering feat which has Thursday inorning at about 10 fied. Our Einpire. unrivalled on lishment of the political doctrine linked two oceans and which o clock bearing His Royal Highor W3371. 1811233011)1 n. ts. Agnats: TAE RIZAL VAIL SIENI PACKET Ca. Panana the Field of Glory, unexcelled in that proclaims the equality of all must of necessity exert an enor ness to New Zealand and Austhe practice of the principles of nations before right and justice, mous influence on commercial tralia.
their is of ud at was Royal Mail Steam Packet Pacific Steam Navigation Co: King how fion in the played It am very here to to night.
glad to United Stexpress thanks to the and secu.

    BolshevismWorld War

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