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VOL. No. 36.
West Indian Press alarmed over the great Exodus of West Indian Laborers. Warris Local Governments of threatened Depopulation of Colonies and urges that means be Adopted to Keep men at Home.
800 a place for white shall TOPPIN WINS IN UNITED STATES ANONYMOUS LETTER LEGISLATION FAITHFUL TO AID IN BUILDING AGAINST DEVASTATED COUNTRY Seditious Publications has Rejected Because They Started in West Indian Struck to Get a Living Islands.
Negro Deputy Nominated to ReWrites Member of Demerara During the past few months The men who materially helped ceive Applications from Millions plucky West Indian newspapers to build the world treatest Colonisation Deputation.
been commenting very waterway are now reject and It is with minglad feelings of relief and wounded strongls against the arbitrary Isoked upon by those in whuse in attita ne of certain West Indian terest they have Life is getting a mighty big thing now for us so faith pride that certain sections in the United States have Governments for attempting to fully as unskiiled laborers, writes a member of the British Guiana Colonisation law the what is known read the recent call from France for two million black pass into The work necessary for the Deputation which recently visited England, to a friend men from the United States, and as many more as dinance. Tulous Publication or construction of the Canal was at Grenada, and continued We are thinking in contiThe purpose of this Bill. found to be beyond the possibili possible, to aid in the reconstruction of France. we gather solely legislating of is Jaboras is against The editorial in LE PETIT PARISIEN is said to be main seperti in circulation of the in a book by Clarence Celeste ments. There is nothing domestic, everything is interthose. an agonising call for black men. But while some The latest atlete pe line this entitled Pranawa and the Canal recourse Dernerara expects the first batch of Agricultural Americans are glad to be relieved of many millions of connection is by the Trinidad ed labor in the shape of some families, over 3, 000 in June mostly from Barbados. We Government, which has called Chinese. These Celestials did not PARISIEN making it clear that the men are needed journal the Grenada West Indion when they fell victims to malaria from Grenada, 30, 005 from Jamaica 60, 000 from Africa perished in numbers. Europermanently in France to build up homes and in the following terms:Begging Hat in Hand for peau laborers were also brought, and a similar or larger figure from India.
but proved to be no better Trouble the chinese. It was at this junc. And we make no apology in mentioning for the To show that the matter is gone about in a frank and open way, the Editor of LE PETIT PARISIEN, fighting to make the colony safe brought to the country to catch there are about 17, 000 dissatisfied West Indian working The Trinidad Guvernment are ture that to Westcoundianso cwere information of the writer of the above letter that and Blaise Diagne, the celebrated black Deputy od touchblications ordinance others had failed to do thaus mak: men on the Isthmus of Panama who are willing and on and complete the work which for Senegal in the French Chamber of Deputies, are Seditious Publications Ordinance is before the Legislative Council ing the Isthmus of Panama a fit!
nominated as the French Officials to receive applica of that island.
the to live, ready to join their countrymen at Demerara, the only man But the gods of the Panama Canal drawback being, a means of transportation.
tions from millions of black Americans.
Experience, bitter, bitter es have turned the wheel against perieuce, teach these metal the West Nded men the foolishness and the that his te udian, and told him WRITTEN in them. They think they simply because he sought for SUPREME COURT TO LOCAL NEWSPAPER are trying to prevent trouble, were justice. He did not strike because he but in reality they are going bau wauted a stare in the Canal Ad. Claims that Knowledge of English Language was in hand begging for trouble.
Famous Legal Battle With Panama Railroad Company If the idea is to stamp out alled the gods for their unexpect ministration nor because he covet Cause why West Indians Declded in Favor of Barbadian West Indian people with their Indian made Paradise. He struck of WERE LARGELY EMPLOYED ON CANAL WORK LARGEST JUDGMENT GIVEN BY CANAL ZONE COURT Starties, then the we kubo listened to crease he his wegges in stiletto Editor of THE WORKMAN: moving brothers in the wanted great interest in awakening in us, What has been probably the the horse and threw Mr. Toppin it cannot meet with greater suc enable him to meet the high pri gr vatest legal battle fought in against a fire hydrant some thir: cess than dia theedorts of that cas which were continually sour produced from the Spanish see and devotion to our Cuts. do the Canal Zone Courts, has finai. lty feet distant, inflicting injuries ussy old Dame who threw down ing beyond the reach of the silver Lion of the Panama Starde der ing their utmost that each Sir:following letter. re above. punctualiihs been definitely won by Mr. which developed in tuberculosis the gauntlet to the energy of the employees. And because he dared ald should prove of interest to us should master our task even Jogiding in Colon, against. of the spine in Panama Railroad Company. The derwent several sendspital, un. the shape of her mop, and pal struggle and very orderly one at It bears out the remark publish though they entertain the imtime serious opera tens, and broom!
final result that for his rights he is rejected ed during the strike as uttered pression that we were not contions, and and was confined to his Men whose of hy drupon, the test the sea Charee boune for the outcidente en langs or discarded according to written Canal and ejected sommarily become montehe Big Bagse of the ears and server therican be cowork.
Canal er our Quartermaster morningwhen advance. He of Zone, love on the United States asu not yet, and probably never will, the same opinions stil. The eers There remains, therefore, but partment, that the Panamanians been struck working capabilities and the easy preme Court reached the United entirely recover from the effects same, frce, original opinions.
West Indians ans What States District Attorney and the of the injuries which he received, Again and again we feel bound do, and that is to return to his that He tooken die Americans witi account United States. everything announcing that the United Todd MacIntyre, filed a suit be his juste arenecessary to oppression, tierce discrimination dess On date of July 3, 1915, Messrs. to say that the free circulation native land where he is free from all their boasted keensighted difficulty which exists to prevent States Supreme Court. speaking for Mr. Toppin in the Cristobal the body pulitic as increase you and other like injustices.
and business tact fifteen as being given preference in years to find that out. What Canal Zone work is the difference through Mr. Justice Brandeis, Division of the United States Dis.
Chief Engineer Stevens in hour the in our language, circumstance had, on March 15th of this year, trict Court for the CanaleZone: lation of the blood to the body affirmed the judgment of the demanding the sum of 15, 000. 00 physical. great thinker tells Mosquitos Active Again. Quarters and Subsistence Da has used to discredit us in their which the West Indian element and Jackson Smith of tha Labor, whic UN: Ideas that do not circulate United States Circuit Court of partment say if they happened bosses that we were Der estimation, falsely informing our for Mr. Toppin ini The so greatest harm to any country. The complaint has frequently to be here now Axd what a re work for one or two months until only ma Railroad Co. vs. Joseph case was tried before an Ameriseeking flection Toppin.
It reached us mosquitos can jury of twelve Ex Governor Goeth Mr.
ries nearly six years ago, and Judge William Jackson pre sense into the thick heads of Toppin received his inju, lected from Cristobal and Gatun iunpact will be able to knock beeil en uch that evidence the change als, all of whom, after the sever we had earned enough ests a ever since that time his atto neys, sided at the trial. The Jury, those who are trying to prevent past few weeks in and around Indian was the only brawn which shoes, and that as soon as we had Messrs. Todd and Wm. after considering the case for trouble by begging for it. that section of Balbos Street and in conjunction with American our needs satisfied we wouldquit MacIntyre, have been strenuous less than one hour, returned a It is both good and useful ser. North Avenue, looking towards brain could spell because we were only afbunch of ly striving to obtain for him the unanimous verdict awarding vice for a government to make Javillo Fill, greatly to the annoy. 10 har as the Canal completion in the job till we felt the ned compensation which is his just Toppin the sum of 1520. 000, 00 Ports for the maintenance of ance of the residents there. It is which gave a pailfal of nice milk of the At that time that was the largest peace, but it is better for the desired that the authorities and then turned around and strike of the silver roll has was riding a racing stallion be case in a Court of the Canal Zone, cal conditions of peace among terk with the video of Labating contents. Aesop fable about us to pat us in the condition in On July 4, 1914, Mr. Toppini verdict ever given in a damage government to know the histori look seriously into the the pail us longing to Mr. A. Green, and the fact that an American thinking and free men. Mainten, the nuisance and also preventing the snake which certain man which we find ourselves to day, along Colon. At the jury awarded such a sum to a ance of law and order is one of a possible outbreak of malaria is found in the snow nearly dead and the Yanks are already con: crossing of Broadway Street, the house became on West Indian, entirely unknown the very best things any govern: the city, from cold and placed it in bis vinced that we were villanously bosom to revive it still has its caluminated. The Panamanian or across the railroad crossing. Mr. which is an arm of their own ity. But among the best things our disposal. The unending echo ter follows:manageable and started to bolt against an American corporation fruits of happiness and prosper parallel in these daye. The let Latin or Spanish laborer in gen!
eral can rest assured that he will be well received in all departments horseman prior to his injuries, for the justice and fairness of ernment can do is to observe great story, and that is: The There is actually a majority of of the Canal work and not only managed to stop the animal and the Courts of the Canal Zone the human law, which vio Maintenance of peace must mean Spanish workers in all branches will he always be allowed to hold was attempting to turn him and when cases are properly pre lated, turns ill regulated order the maintenance of Progress, of Canal Zone work. am one of his place but he will always be get him off the railroad tracks, sented before them.
into greater disorder. All the and the maintenance of law and them. The brass check people promoted as long as he fills the when a locomotive of the Panama Railroad Company coming ed from the judgmeny neprehedin twilight of the past, rightof of the Eternal Law of Freedom tions of Latin workers as. Iam and as he does not wilfully neglect The Railroad Company appeal. accumulated experlence from the order must mean maintenance are made up in growing propor position which calls for it, as long great speed, struck and killed (Continued on page 8)
to near Order Develop bosses are anees of our generation, is at ment.
treating us very well and taking (Continued on Page 8)
United bedian made.
one of to the has authoritatively tion our learned bosses bave enå for better workers than manner in which we give an exact of The. only would Appeals in he case of the Panagold from the Railroad Company will fester break out in sores, and injuries. on. to buy our: ain was concerned loafers and pleasures and eated recently Broadway, 9th


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